Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 4: workin' in north jersey


Always spoilers.

The Alderney assassin missions are fun and easy, then ramp up like crazy. I think this must be the last assassin mission, because its so tough. I didn't save anything for the return trip, and died quickly, trying to fight my way back down the building.

It looks like you could jump off this thing; I wish I had access to a parachute, like in San Andreas. I wonder if I went back down and grabbed a motorcycle (before the mission ends, and I get swarmed), rode it up here (I think the stairs could accommodate it), and drove off the side, I would survive the fall. It's been the case with all the GTA games I've played so far (since 3), that when you're in a vehicle, you are almost invulnerable until the car itself dies. But I've been surprised to find here in GTA 4 that cars offer little protection; I've offed a number of targets with a shot through the windshield (and vice versa).

OK, second time around, the cops on the return trip aren't a factor at all. So, was the first time around a glitch, or this time around?

Not only are there no dogs and cats in this game, there are no cart horses. Or children.

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