Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 4: workin' in north jersey


Always spoilers.

The Alderney assassin missions are fun and easy, then ramp up like crazy. I think this must be the last assassin mission, because its so tough. I didn't save anything for the return trip, and died quickly, trying to fight my way back down the building.

It looks like you could jump off this thing; I wish I had access to a parachute, like in San Andreas. I wonder if I went back down and grabbed a motorcycle (before the mission ends, and I get swarmed), rode it up here (I think the stairs could accommodate it), and drove off the side, I would survive the fall. It's been the case with all the GTA games I've played so far (since 3), that when you're in a vehicle, you are almost invulnerable until the car itself dies. But I've been surprised to find here in GTA 4 that cars offer little protection; I've offed a number of targets with a shot through the windshield (and vice versa).

OK, second time around, the cops on the return trip aren't a factor at all. So, was the first time around a glitch, or this time around?

Not only are there no dogs and cats in this game, there are no cart horses. Or children.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...