Monday, November 26, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 4: where's my car

One of my cars disappeared. I've been waiting for this to happen for some time. I use a lot of taxis, and often when they pull up they nudge one of my parked vehicles, sometimes even pushing it slightly out of the lines. That's not what happened here, though, as this is my Alderney apartment and the cabs always pull over on the far side of my place.

Disappearing cars was common enough in previous GTA games, especially if you were packing the garage. I thought this game was different somehow, more stable. Guess not.

Looks like I'm closing in on the end of the game; here come the


I like that your life quest comes down to a binary choice. Its not really a choice, though, is it. Your character has had this character kidnapped and brought to his feet. Your prisoner has confessed to stabbing his friends in the back for a little money to fuel his drug habit. This is not a fish you can just throw back in the sea.

I see no reason to go back to a previous save, and try it the other way, just to see what happens. In the context of this game, this is the "right" ending. Even if the other way has the moral high ground, you've got to keep in mind the rules of the sandbox you are playing in.

This is an even tougher choice than mercy or revenge. Mercy has little place in GTA, but money and revenge both do. The obvious choice here is money, then revenge.

Now that's what I call story telling. I didn't see this twist coming, and yet in retrospective it makes sense.

I'm almost at the end... then showstopper bug. There's a lengthy shootout, then a boat chase, then a scene where you climb up into a helicopter (tap spacebar repeatedly). Except you can't, because Rockstar calibrated this for a 30 FPS console, not a 60+ FPS computer. After some careful anti-spoiler searching, it seems the trick is to shut off all your CPU cores but one, climb up, then you can turn them back on.

But tomorrow. I've had enough of this for today.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...