!!! this page obsolete. moving to a spreadsheet see big list update (2025.01.25)
rough format:
title() [dev/pub][system] [if i have it on disc/Bliz/GOG/Steam] {notes}
Pong [arcade] {missed, because I was 2, but i feel like i still saw a few of these in various arcades well into the 70s/early 80s; nobody was playing them}
Breakout [arcade] {another one i was too young for, but i think i saw them in some arcades, mostly pushed into the unplayed games corner}
Colossal Cave Adventure (aka Adventure) [PDP-10] {I never played anything on a PDP, just noting its place in history}
Zork [PDP-10]
MUD [PDP-10]
Space Invaders [arcade]
Asteroids [arcade]
Temple of Apshai [TRS-80]
Adventure [Atari 2600] {one of my earliest home game memories}
Battlezone [arcade] {i can still see where this machine stood in Gadgets/Gizmos}
Berzerk [arcade] {love the sounds, and the slowly increasing anxiety}
Centipede [arcade] {ok; sister played this more}
Defender [arcade] {ok game, but still some of the best audio ever in a game}
Dig Dug [arcade]
Galaxian [arcade] {i think i mostly played this at the roller rink}
Missile Command [arcade]
Mystery House [Apple II] {didn't have an Apple II until later, just noting}
Pac-Man [arcade]
Rally X [arcade]
Rogue [unix] {never played mainframe games until MUDs, just noting}
Targ [arcade]
Tempest [arcade]
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire [Infocom] {my first text only game; i played it on the C64}
Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore 64]
Cosmic Avenger [arcade]
Donkey Kong [arcade]
Frogger [arcade] {go to game Aladdin's Castle}
Galaga [arcade]
Gorf [arcade]
Missile Command [Atari 2600] {played this more than the arcade version}
Ms. Pac-Man [arcade]
Ultima {missed it when it came out; picked it up after playing Ultima 3}
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord [Sir-Tech][many systems]{never really got into this, don't know why; mostly just watched a friend play it on Apple II}
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz [Infocom]
BC's Quest for Tires [Commodore 64]
BurgerTime [arcade]
Deadline [Infocom] {chronological events!}
Donkey Kong [ColecoVision] {probably played this more at home than arcade}
Hack [unix]
Haunted House [Atari 2600] {so simple, but scary at the time}
Joust [arcade]
Kangaroo [arcade]
Mr. Do [arcade] {like it more than Dig Dug}
Pac-Man [Atari 2600]
Pitfall! [Atari 2600] {so many hours spent on this}
Pole Position [arcade] {never really got into first person driving games}
Popeye [arcade]
Q*bert [arcade] {the constant background of early day arcades, even if nobody was playing it, the attract mode really stood out against the background hum}
Raiders of the Lost Ark [Atari 2600] {so weird but i liked it}
River Raid [Commodore 64]
Robotron [arcade] {too fast for me}
Sinistar [arcade] {you could always hear this thing talking throughout the arcade}
Starcross [Infocom]
Tron [arcade] {loved this game; some of the later levels were just too twitch for me, even then}
Ultima 2 {also missed this when it came out, played it after playing Ultima 3}
Wizardry 2
Zaxxon [arcade]
Zork III: The Dungeon Master [Infocom]
Archon [Commodore 64] {countless hours on this, gaming every matchup}
Beach-Head [Commodore 64]
Blue Max [Commodore 64]
Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore 64]
Crossbow [arcade] {i remember seeing this unit by the door as you walked into Fun'n'Games. not often played}
Crystal Castles [arcade]
Dragon's Lair [arcade] {one of the first double-quarter games? i remember people still dropping money on this even years after it came out}
Elevator Action [arcade]
Enchanter [Infocom]
Infidel [Infocom]
Jumpman [Commodore 64] {good times, good times}
Planetfall [Infocom]
Spy Hunter [arcade] {spent a fair bit on this one; can still hear the background music in my head}
Star Wars [arcade] {is this the sit-down unit, i remember the attract voice with movie quotes could be heard constantly in the arcade}
Suspended: A Cryogenic Nightmare [Infocom]
Temple of Apshai [Commodore 64] {i think i spent a lot of time one this, but this one is hard to remember}
Ultima 3 {my first Ultima game, and what i would consider my first 'serious' RPG video game experience. look at the favicon}
Witness [Infocom]
Wizardry 3
Archon 2 [Commodore 64] {i remember loving this one too; but first one probably more fun}
Below the Root [Commodore 64] {weird but i liked it. kind of long, don't remember if i even finished it}
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore 64]
BurgerTime [arcade, ColecoVision]
Cutthroats [Infocom]
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [Infocom] {it was like playing the book}
Marble Madness [arcade] {too twitchy for me, but a wonder to behold}
Raid Over Moscow [Commodore 64] {such a weird game with all different kinds of games within}
Seastalker [Infocom]
Sorcerer [Infocom]
Suspect [Infocom]
Tetris {i never played this until much later on PC}
A Mind Forever Voyaging [Infocom]
Bard's Tale [C64] {fond memories}
Commando [arcade]
Gauntlet [arcade] {so many quarters lost to this, but i think it was more addictive than fun}
Ghosts n' Goblins [arcade] {so attractive, but not really a good game}
Spellbreaker [Infocom]
Ultima 4 [GOG]{first time i really felt like a was really playing a computer RPG with an actual story}
Wishbringer [Infocom]
Ballyhoo [Infocom]
Bard's Tale 2 {i don't think i played this, or wanted to}
Ikari Warriors [arcade] {lots of fun, weird sounds}
Hollywood Hijinx [Infocom] {one of the few i missed}
Jail Break [arcade, Konami] {played this a lot at that beach arcade under the mini golf}
Leather Goddesses of Phobos [Infocom] {it tried too hard to be weird, don't think i finished it}
Might and Magic {missed this series entirely}
Moonmist [Infocom]
Rampage [arcade] {almost pure fun}
Tass Times In Tonetown [Apple IIGS] {i like this game a lot at the time; but it doesn't age well}
Trinity [Infocom]
Victory Road (Ikari Warriors 2) [arcade] {i think i saw this, but didn't really play it}
2400 A.D. [Apple II, Origin] {weird dark atmosphere - did i ever finish it?}
Beyond Zork [Infocom] {when i lost interest in the series}
Border Zone [Infocom] {missed it}
Bureaucracy [Infocom] {missed it, or didn't finish?}
Contra [arcade] {a fun quarter stealer}
Double Dragon [arcade] {fun to beat, especially with elbow}
Leisure Suit Larry [DOS][GOG] {missed, on purpose, looked silly. may be worth checking for history}
Lurking Horror [Infocom] {one of the few good Lovecraftian adaptations ever. this is about where i stopped with Infocom}
Maniac Mansion [LucasArts][many] {missed it at the time somehow. try C64 or Apple II... or just watchthrough}
NetHack [unix]
Operation Wolf [arcade] {great shooter with an uzi joystick!}
Rolling Thunder [arcade] {one of my favorites at that beach arcade under the mini-golf}
Stationfall [Infocom]
Thexder [Apple IIGS] {never finished - it was more of a graphics demo to me}
Wings of Fury [Apple II] {tough learning curve, but i loved getting pinpoint accurate with rockets}
Wizardry 4
Xenophobe [arcade, Midway] {loved this game; simple and fun. played at school arcade}
Bad Dudes [arcade]
Bard's Tale 3
Double Dragon 2 [arcade]
Might and Magic 2
Ultima 5 {i think i skipped this, but i don't remember why}
Wasteland [Commodore 64. GOG] {so great at the time. probably need to replay this before trying II. i still have my C64 floppies somewhere...}
Wizardry 5
Zork Zero [Infocom]
Golden Axe [arcade] {best arcade fun since Double Dragon}
Indian Jones and the Last Crusade [LucasArts][Steam]
Mines of Titan [Westwood/Infocom] {i remember liking this game, but not why}
SimCity [Maxis] {missed it at the time; still haven't really tried it}
Loom [LucasArts][DOS][GOG, Steam] {missed. must try, or at least watchthrough}
Pigskin [arcade] {another beach favorite; fun clouds of chaos and violence}
Secret of Monkey Island [LucasArts]
Smash TV [arcade] {total carnage! played this a lot at school arcade}
Ultima 6
Wing Commander {missed}
Wizardry 6
Civilization [DOS] {the reason i bought a dos machine. i have to try it one last time for the nostalgia}
Eye of the Beholder [DOS, SSI / Westwood] {missed}
Might and Magic 3
Simpsons [arcade] {i was mostly done with arcades, but this was fun to play with others}
Strike Force [arcade, Midway] {looks like Defender. played this when not playing Smash TV}
Terminator 2 [arcade] {fun co-op at the boardwalk. another gun joystick game. i think to beat it we each brought a roll of quarters}
Alone in the Dark [Amiga, DOS] {missed it}
Dark Seed [DOS]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [LucasArts][Steam]
Might and Magic 4
Mortal Kombat [arcade]
Mystic Adventure [mud] {not sure when i started. some time in the mid 90s; check archives}
Ultima 7
Wizardry 7
Wolfenstein 3D [DOS]
[ from here on, the default is DOS/Win ]
Doom [DOS] {so good}
The Journeyman Project
Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle [LucasArts][many, remastered 2016]
Master of Magic [DOS][GOG] {missed. prob unplayable now, check for history}
Might and Magic 5
Myst {reason i got a CD-ROM? can't remember}
The 7th Guest [DOS] {there was that one puzzle we couldn't finish... but it was good up til then}
Ultima 7 Part 2
Doom 2 {double barrel shotgun still one of the best weapons ever}
Elder Scrolls: Arena {missed, want to play newer ones - how far back do i need to go?}
System Shock {missed, too archaic to play, watched playthrough}
System Shock: Enhanced Edition [GOG] {could this possibly be playable?}
UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka X-COM: UFO Defense) {missed, watched play through}
Ultima 8
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans {missed. played later, very rough}
Hexen {done}
Jagged Alliance [Sir-Tech]
Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition [Sir-Tech][Steam]
The Dig [LucasArts][Steam] {!}
Star Wars Dark Forces [DOS] {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
The 11th Hour {skipped, after the frustration from the first one}
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Civilization 2 {done, but replay again before continuing}
Duke Nukem 3D
Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
Quake {done. try remaster on Steam}
Resident Evil {missed/skipped}
Settlers 2
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Age of Empires {done. replayed the DE version in 2023}
Blade Runner {done, but do replay. enhanced version on GoG?}
Curse of Monkey Island [LucasArts]
Diablo {done. one of our favorite LAN games at school}
Diablo Hellfire {done}
Dungeon Keeper [GOG] {missed, definitely try!}
Fallout [cd, Steam]{done - but replay someday}
Grand Theft Auto (GTA1) [Steam] {missed, too old - skip}
Harvest Moon [Nintendo] {missed}
Hexen 2 {done}
Might and Magic 6
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Total Annihilation {missed}
Ultima Online {skipped}
Quake 2 {done, also did the two expansions}
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome {done}
Anno 1602 A.D. (German; US release in 2002)
Baldur's Gate {try again? try new enhanced version?}
Fallout 2 [cd, Steam] {done - but replay someday}
Final Fantasy 7 {missed/skipped}
Grim Fandango [LucasArts] {missed it. play 1998 original or 2015 remaster?}
Half-Life [Steam] {done. maybe replay a graphical upgrade mod. also play Black Mesa 2020}
Heretic 2 {didn't finish? done either way}
Settlers 3
Starcraft [Blizzard] {done. try the remaster}
Starcraft: Brood War {done. as above}
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Thief: The Dark Project {! play this one, or skip ahead to Gold version? what installs do I have, or can get?}
Unreal [Epic][GOG] {done. was there a remaster?}
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings {done. two more versions to play, HD and DE?}
Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA2) [Steam] {too old, skip}
Half-Life: Opposing Force [Steam] {done - might replay if graphic mod}
Homeworld {!! missed. play this (have on CD?) or Remastered 2015}
Might and Magic 7
Planescape: Torment [GOG]{done, but maybe try again some day with mods}
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition [][GOG]{how does this compare to just modding it yourself?}
System Shock 2 [GOG] {done, but maybe try mods}
Thief (Gold) [GOG]{! skip Dark Project and just use this one?}
Ultima 9
Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition
Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors {done}
Baldur's Gate 2
Counter-Strike [Steam] {group gaming fun not seen since Doom}
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition [cd?, Steam] {one of the best. must replay. no remaster, but there is a Revision on Steam}
Diablo 2 {done. try Resurrected on Battlenet? maybe not}
Final Fantasy 8
Hitman: Codename 47 [Steam] {skipped on purpose, didn't look interesting. maybe try it for historical purposes.}
Homeworld: Cataclysm
The Longest Journey [Steam] {!}
Might and Magic 8
Nox [Win][Westwood/EA][Origin] {?}
The Sims
Thief 2: The Metal Age {!}
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption [GOG]{! probably. need to play before Bloodlines?}
Arcanum [GOG, Steam]{! i think i have this in the original boxed cd as well. probably play Fallout 1,2 again first}
Civilization 3 {! have Complete on Steam}
Deathmatch Classic [Steam] {never really got into it. more into team games like TF, CS, etc.}
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel [Steam] {never finished - not sure if want}
Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Half-Life: Blue Shift [Steam] {done - might replay if graphic mod}
Max Payne {done}
Settlers 4
Wizardry 8
Age of Mythology {done. play Extended Edition on Steam}
Cossacks: Back to War [Steam] {!}
Divine Divinity [Steam]{! supposedly a better Diablo, try it}
Dungeon Siege {done}
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind {or maybe just skip and go to next in series}
Final Fantasy 11: Online
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin [Steam]
Mafia [Steam]
Might and Magic 9
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Syberia [GOG]
System Shock 2 {done}
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Anno 1503 A.D.
Call of Duty
Day of Defeat [Steam] {i missed this. multi only. anybody still there?}
Deus Ex: Invisible War [Steam] {much disappoint. maybe play again anyway.}
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna {done}
Homeworld 2
Max Payne 2 {done}
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic {!}
Unreal 2 {}
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Bard's Tale 2004
Cave Story {tried, too twitchy, skipped}
Counter-Strike: Source [Steam] {was mostly over CS by this time}
Doom 3 {! just for sake of completion}
Far Cry [cd?, Steam] {!!}
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Half-Life: Source [Steam]
Half-Life 2 [Steam] {done. definitely replay.}
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [Steam]
Hitman: Contracts [Steam]
The Sims 2
Thief 3: Deadly Shadows {!}
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines [GOG]{probably play Redemption first}
World of Warcraft
Age of Empires 3 {done}
Civilization 4 {! get the 2009 Complete edition; its not on Steam yet}
Dungeon Siege 2
F.E.A.R. [disc? Steam] {!}
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast [Steam]
Settlers 5
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 {!}
Anno 1701 A.D.
Age of Empires 3: The WarChiefs {done}
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion [Steam] {! maybe start the series here, and skip 3?}
Half-Life 2: Episode One [Steam] {done}
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source [Steam] {not into deathmatch, but i've always wanted the gravity gun hurled toilet knocking someone over tshirt}
Hitman: Blood Money [Steam]
Saints Row {missed. supposedly #2 better. can't find #1 on Steam or GOG anyway}
Settlers 2 - 10th Anniversary
Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties {done}
Bioshock [Steam] {done. maybe tried 2016 remaster}
Call of Juarez [Steam] {!}
Crysis [Steam] {!}
Half-Life 2: Episode Two [Steam]{done}
Mass Effect [EA/BioWare][Steam] {done. play again using remaster; wait until better system to max it out}
Portal {done}
Settlers: Rise of an Empire
The Witcher (Enhanced Edition Director's Cut) {! reviews good, Steam}
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Assassin's Creed [Steam] {!}
Bully: Scholarship Edition [Steam] {!!}
Dead Space [Steam] {!}
Defense Grid: The Awakening [Steam] {!}
Fallout 3 [Steam] {done, including all add-ons. no hurry to replay, though maybe to try mods. prob just play NV again.}
Far Cry 2
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA4) [Steam] {done}
Left 4 Dead [Valve][Steam] {done}
Mount & Blade [Steam] {!}
Settlers: Rise of Cultures (German only)
AI War: Fleet Command [Steam]{! complex space RTS}
Annon 1404
Borderlands Game of the Year [Steam] {!! then later try Enhance 2019}
Braid [Steam] {tried it, too much twitchy platforming. love the soundtrack}
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Ghostbusters: The Video Game [Steam, no longer in store but may still install] {!}
Left 4 Dead 2 [Valve][Steam] {done}
Machinarium [Steam] {!}
Mirror's Edge [Steam] {!}
Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition [Steam] {done, but this could be fun to run through again at any time.}
Saints Row 2 [GOG] {missed. supposedly best in series.}
The Sims 3
Amnesia [Steam] {! first person survival}
Assassin's Creed 2 {from here on I'm not even buying any more AC until I've played the first one, just noting them on the list.}
Batman: Arkham Asylum [Steam] {!}
Bioshock 2 [Steam] {done. maybe try remaster 2016}
Civilization 5 {!}
Fallout: New Vegas [Steam] {done, but will almost certainly play again, with or without mods}
Final Fantasy 14: Online
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light [Steam] {!}
Mass Effect 2 [EA/BioWare][Steam] {done. like 1, want to replay, maybe wait for remaster, maybe just go with mods.}
Metro 2033 [Steam]
Mount & Blade: Warband [Steam] {!}
Red Dead Redemption [PS3] {console only - i don't think so. maybe watch a playthrough.}
Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty {done}
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Age of Empires Online {sounds too social - probably not}
Anno 2070
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Bastion [Steam] {!}
Binding of Isaac [Steam] {!}
Dead Island [Steam, store page broken now but it might still install] {start here? or start with Definitive 2016?}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution [Steam] {see also Director's Cut 2013}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link [Steam, store page broken but it may still install] {probably just play Director's Cut 2013 to play this}
Dungeon Siege 3
Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim {! play 4 and/or 3 first, then get this, and/or wait for GOTYE}
F.E.A.R. 3
L.A. Noire [Rockstar][Steam] {!!}
LIMBO [Steam]
Orcs Must Die! [Steam] {!}
Portal 2 {done}
Alan Wake [Steam]{! looks like X-Files}
Blackwell Legacy [Steam] {!}
Borderlands 2 {Steam} {!}
Cat Lady [Steam] {!}
Dear Esther [Steam] {! play this or Landmark Edition 2017}
Diablo 3 {reviews are bad, maybe get if ever cheap}
Dishonored [Steam] {!}
Far Cry 3
FTL: Faster Than Light [Steam] {!}
Hitman: Absolution [Steam]
Hitman: Sniper Challenge [Steam]
Hotline Miami [Steam] {!!}
I Am Alive [Steam]
Journey [PS3,PS4?] {looks interesting, doubt i'll ever have a PS}
Mass Effect 3 [Bioware/EA][Origin]{done. like 1,2: remaster or mods?}
Max Payne 3 {maybe replay 1 and 2, if getting this at all}
Settlers Online
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Age of Empires 2 HD [Steam] {! best AOE now in HD! there are 3 new DLC, new civs, new campaigns! saving this for a rainy day}
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag
Bioshock Infinite [Steam] {done}
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons [Steam] {!}
Dead Island: Riptide [Steam, store page broken now but it might still install] {start here? or start with Definitive 2016}
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut [Steam] {}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut [Steam] {adds in Missing Link DLC}
Don't Starve [Steam] {!}
Dust: An Elysian Tail [Steam] {!}
Gone Home [Steam] {!}
Gunpoint [Steam] {!}
Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm [Blizzard] {done}
The Last of Us [PS3] {was console only - forget that. watched playthrough. get pc version when new system}
Assassin's Creed Liberation
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
Assassin's Creed Unity
Bloons TD 5 [Steam] {!}
Far Cry 4
Goat Simulator [Steam] {!}
Hatoful Boyfriend [Steam] {!}
LISA: The Painful [Steam] {!}
The Sims 4
The Talos Principle
Thief [2014 remake] {still have to do 1-3 original}
Wasteland 2 [GOG] {replay 1 first. on C64 if possible.}
Age of Decadence [Steam]{!}
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Crypt of the NecroDancer [Steam] {!!}
Dex [Steam] {!}
Distraint: Deluxe Edition [Steam] {!}
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered [Steam] {!}
Fallout 4 [] {maybe... probably.}
Fran Bow [Steam] {!}
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5) [Steam] {playing this for years}
Grim Fandango Remastered [Steam] {play 1998 original or 2015 remaster?}
Her Story [Steam] {!}
Homeworld Remastered Collection [Steam] {start here or with original 1999?}
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number [Steam]
Life is Strange [Steam] {!}
Pillars of Eternity {maybe - 'classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment'}
Torment: Tides of Numenara {2015? probably try - its by Brian Fargo}
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Bioshock Remastered [Steam] {maybe}
Bioshock 2 Remastered [Steam] {maybe}
Corinne Cross's Dead & Breakfast [Steam] {!}
Day of the Tentacle Remastered [GOG] {try older first}
Dead Island Definitive Edition [] {start here? or original 2011?}
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided [Steam] {!}
Dungeon Rats [Steam] {!}
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Kathy Rain [Steam] {!}
Layers of Fear [Steam] {!}
Assassin's Creed Origins
Dear Esther [Steam] {! play this or original 2012?}
Fallout 76 [] {multiplayer? no thanks. maybe try solo part.}
Life is Strange: Before the Storm [Steam] {!}
Mass Effect: Andromeda [BioWare/EA][] {will almost certainly try, especially at a discount. someday.}
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Clue/Cluedo: The Classic Mystery Game [Steam] {good for an occasional group game}
Distraint 2 [Steam] {!}
Far Cry 5
Life is Strange 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced [Steam] {try regular from 2009 first]
update the list, of course
note which games I have in Steam/GOG/or physical form
Trinity [Infocom]
Victory Road (Ikari Warriors 2) [arcade] {i think i saw this, but didn't really play it}
2400 A.D. [Apple II, Origin] {weird dark atmosphere - did i ever finish it?}
Beyond Zork [Infocom] {when i lost interest in the series}
Border Zone [Infocom] {missed it}
Bureaucracy [Infocom] {missed it, or didn't finish?}
Contra [arcade] {a fun quarter stealer}
Double Dragon [arcade] {fun to beat, especially with elbow}
Leisure Suit Larry [DOS][GOG] {missed, on purpose, looked silly. may be worth checking for history}
Lurking Horror [Infocom] {one of the few good Lovecraftian adaptations ever. this is about where i stopped with Infocom}
Maniac Mansion [LucasArts][many] {missed it at the time somehow. try C64 or Apple II... or just watchthrough}
NetHack [unix]
Operation Wolf [arcade] {great shooter with an uzi joystick!}
Rolling Thunder [arcade] {one of my favorites at that beach arcade under the mini-golf}
Stationfall [Infocom]
Thexder [Apple IIGS] {never finished - it was more of a graphics demo to me}
Wings of Fury [Apple II] {tough learning curve, but i loved getting pinpoint accurate with rockets}
Wizardry 4
Xenophobe [arcade, Midway] {loved this game; simple and fun. played at school arcade}
Bad Dudes [arcade]
Bard's Tale 3
Double Dragon 2 [arcade]
Might and Magic 2
Ultima 5 {i think i skipped this, but i don't remember why}
Wasteland [Commodore 64. GOG] {so great at the time. probably need to replay this before trying II. i still have my C64 floppies somewhere...}
Wizardry 5
Zork Zero [Infocom]
Golden Axe [arcade] {best arcade fun since Double Dragon}
Indian Jones and the Last Crusade [LucasArts][Steam]
Mines of Titan [Westwood/Infocom] {i remember liking this game, but not why}
SimCity [Maxis] {missed it at the time; still haven't really tried it}
Loom [LucasArts][DOS][GOG, Steam] {missed. must try, or at least watchthrough}
Pigskin [arcade] {another beach favorite; fun clouds of chaos and violence}
Secret of Monkey Island [LucasArts]
Smash TV [arcade] {total carnage! played this a lot at school arcade}
Ultima 6
Wing Commander {missed}
Wizardry 6
Civilization [DOS] {the reason i bought a dos machine. i have to try it one last time for the nostalgia}
Eye of the Beholder [DOS, SSI / Westwood] {missed}
Might and Magic 3
Simpsons [arcade] {i was mostly done with arcades, but this was fun to play with others}
Strike Force [arcade, Midway] {looks like Defender. played this when not playing Smash TV}
Terminator 2 [arcade] {fun co-op at the boardwalk. another gun joystick game. i think to beat it we each brought a roll of quarters}
Alone in the Dark [Amiga, DOS] {missed it}
Dark Seed [DOS]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [LucasArts][Steam]
Might and Magic 4
Mortal Kombat [arcade]
Mystic Adventure [mud] {not sure when i started. some time in the mid 90s; check archives}
Ultima 7
Wizardry 7
Wolfenstein 3D [DOS]
[ from here on, the default is DOS/Win ]
Doom [DOS] {so good}
The Journeyman Project
Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle [LucasArts][many, remastered 2016]
Master of Magic [DOS][GOG] {missed. prob unplayable now, check for history}
Might and Magic 5
Myst {reason i got a CD-ROM? can't remember}
The 7th Guest [DOS] {there was that one puzzle we couldn't finish... but it was good up til then}
Ultima 7 Part 2
Doom 2 {double barrel shotgun still one of the best weapons ever}
Elder Scrolls: Arena {missed, want to play newer ones - how far back do i need to go?}
System Shock {missed, too archaic to play, watched playthrough}
System Shock: Enhanced Edition [GOG] {could this possibly be playable?}
UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka X-COM: UFO Defense) {missed, watched play through}
Ultima 8
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans {missed. played later, very rough}
Hexen {done}
Jagged Alliance [Sir-Tech]
Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition [Sir-Tech][Steam]
The Dig [LucasArts][Steam] {!}
Star Wars Dark Forces [DOS] {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
The 11th Hour {skipped, after the frustration from the first one}
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Civilization 2 {done, but replay again before continuing}
Duke Nukem 3D
Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
Quake {done. try remaster on Steam}
Resident Evil {missed/skipped}
Settlers 2
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Age of Empires {done. replayed the DE version in 2023}
Blade Runner {done, but do replay. enhanced version on GoG?}
Curse of Monkey Island [LucasArts]
Diablo {done. one of our favorite LAN games at school}
Diablo Hellfire {done}
Dungeon Keeper [GOG] {missed, definitely try!}
Fallout [cd, Steam]{done - but replay someday}
Grand Theft Auto (GTA1) [Steam] {missed, too old - skip}
Harvest Moon [Nintendo] {missed}
Hexen 2 {done}
Might and Magic 6
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Total Annihilation {missed}
Ultima Online {skipped}
Quake 2 {done, also did the two expansions}
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome {done}
Anno 1602 A.D. (German; US release in 2002)
Baldur's Gate {try again? try new enhanced version?}
Fallout 2 [cd, Steam] {done - but replay someday}
Final Fantasy 7 {missed/skipped}
Grim Fandango [LucasArts] {missed it. play 1998 original or 2015 remaster?}
Half-Life [Steam] {done. maybe replay a graphical upgrade mod. also play Black Mesa 2020}
Heretic 2 {didn't finish? done either way}
Settlers 3
Starcraft [Blizzard] {done. try the remaster}
Starcraft: Brood War {done. as above}
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Thief: The Dark Project {! play this one, or skip ahead to Gold version? what installs do I have, or can get?}
Unreal [Epic][GOG] {done. was there a remaster?}
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings {done. two more versions to play, HD and DE?}
Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA2) [Steam] {too old, skip}
Half-Life: Opposing Force [Steam] {done - might replay if graphic mod}
Homeworld {!! missed. play this (have on CD?) or Remastered 2015}
Might and Magic 7
Planescape: Torment [GOG]{done, but maybe try again some day with mods}
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition [][GOG]{how does this compare to just modding it yourself?}
System Shock 2 [GOG] {done, but maybe try mods}
Thief (Gold) [GOG]{! skip Dark Project and just use this one?}
Ultima 9
Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition
Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors {done}
Baldur's Gate 2
Counter-Strike [Steam] {group gaming fun not seen since Doom}
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition [cd?, Steam] {one of the best. must replay. no remaster, but there is a Revision on Steam}
Diablo 2 {done. try Resurrected on Battlenet? maybe not}
Final Fantasy 8
Hitman: Codename 47 [Steam] {skipped on purpose, didn't look interesting. maybe try it for historical purposes.}
Homeworld: Cataclysm
The Longest Journey [Steam] {!}
Might and Magic 8
Nox [Win][Westwood/EA][Origin] {?}
The Sims
Thief 2: The Metal Age {!}
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption [GOG]{! probably. need to play before Bloodlines?}
Arcanum [GOG, Steam]{! i think i have this in the original boxed cd as well. probably play Fallout 1,2 again first}
Civilization 3 {! have Complete on Steam}
Deathmatch Classic [Steam] {never really got into it. more into team games like TF, CS, etc.}
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel [Steam] {never finished - not sure if want}
Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Half-Life: Blue Shift [Steam] {done - might replay if graphic mod}
Max Payne {done}
Settlers 4
Wizardry 8
Age of Mythology {done. play Extended Edition on Steam}
Cossacks: Back to War [Steam] {!}
Divine Divinity [Steam]{! supposedly a better Diablo, try it}
Dungeon Siege {done}
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind {or maybe just skip and go to next in series}
Final Fantasy 11: Online
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin [Steam]
Mafia [Steam]
Might and Magic 9
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Syberia [GOG]
System Shock 2 {done}
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Anno 1503 A.D.
Call of Duty
Day of Defeat [Steam] {i missed this. multi only. anybody still there?}
Deus Ex: Invisible War [Steam] {much disappoint. maybe play again anyway.}
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna {done}
Homeworld 2
Max Payne 2 {done}
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy {missed - watch/read playthrough?}
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic {!}
Unreal 2 {}
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Bard's Tale 2004
Cave Story {tried, too twitchy, skipped}
Counter-Strike: Source [Steam] {was mostly over CS by this time}
Doom 3 {! just for sake of completion}
Far Cry [cd?, Steam] {!!}
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas (GTA3) [Steam] {done}
Half-Life: Source [Steam]
Half-Life 2 [Steam] {done. definitely replay.}
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [Steam]
Hitman: Contracts [Steam]
The Sims 2
Thief 3: Deadly Shadows {!}
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines [GOG]{probably play Redemption first}
World of Warcraft
Age of Empires 3 {done}
Civilization 4 {! get the 2009 Complete edition; its not on Steam yet}
Dungeon Siege 2
F.E.A.R. [disc? Steam] {!}
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast [Steam]
Settlers 5
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 {!}
Anno 1701 A.D.
Age of Empires 3: The WarChiefs {done}
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion [Steam] {! maybe start the series here, and skip 3?}
Half-Life 2: Episode One [Steam] {done}
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source [Steam] {not into deathmatch, but i've always wanted the gravity gun hurled toilet knocking someone over tshirt}
Hitman: Blood Money [Steam]
Saints Row {missed. supposedly #2 better. can't find #1 on Steam or GOG anyway}
Settlers 2 - 10th Anniversary
Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties {done}
Bioshock [Steam] {done. maybe tried 2016 remaster}
Call of Juarez [Steam] {!}
Crysis [Steam] {!}
Half-Life 2: Episode Two [Steam]{done}
Mass Effect [EA/BioWare][Steam] {done. play again using remaster; wait until better system to max it out}
Portal {done}
Settlers: Rise of an Empire
The Witcher (Enhanced Edition Director's Cut) {! reviews good, Steam}
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Assassin's Creed [Steam] {!}
Bully: Scholarship Edition [Steam] {!!}
Dead Space [Steam] {!}
Defense Grid: The Awakening [Steam] {!}
Fallout 3 [Steam] {done, including all add-ons. no hurry to replay, though maybe to try mods. prob just play NV again.}
Far Cry 2
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA4) [Steam] {done}
Left 4 Dead [Valve][Steam] {done}
Mount & Blade [Steam] {!}
Settlers: Rise of Cultures (German only)
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
2009AI War: Fleet Command [Steam]{! complex space RTS}
Annon 1404
Borderlands Game of the Year [Steam] {!! then later try Enhance 2019}
Braid [Steam] {tried it, too much twitchy platforming. love the soundtrack}
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Ghostbusters: The Video Game [Steam, no longer in store but may still install] {!}
Left 4 Dead 2 [Valve][Steam] {done}
Machinarium [Steam] {!}
Mirror's Edge [Steam] {!}
Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition [Steam] {done, but this could be fun to run through again at any time.}
Saints Row 2 [GOG] {missed. supposedly best in series.}
The Sims 3
Amnesia [Steam] {! first person survival}
Assassin's Creed 2 {from here on I'm not even buying any more AC until I've played the first one, just noting them on the list.}
Batman: Arkham Asylum [Steam] {!}
Bioshock 2 [Steam] {done. maybe try remaster 2016}
Civilization 5 {!}
Fallout: New Vegas [Steam] {done, but will almost certainly play again, with or without mods}
Final Fantasy 14: Online
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light [Steam] {!}
Mass Effect 2 [EA/BioWare][Steam] {done. like 1, want to replay, maybe wait for remaster, maybe just go with mods.}
Metro 2033 [Steam]
Mount & Blade: Warband [Steam] {!}
Red Dead Redemption [PS3] {console only - i don't think so. maybe watch a playthrough.}
Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty {done}
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Age of Empires Online {sounds too social - probably not}
Anno 2070
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Bastion [Steam] {!}
Binding of Isaac [Steam] {!}
Dead Island [Steam, store page broken now but it might still install] {start here? or start with Definitive 2016?}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution [Steam] {see also Director's Cut 2013}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link [Steam, store page broken but it may still install] {probably just play Director's Cut 2013 to play this}
Dungeon Siege 3
Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim {! play 4 and/or 3 first, then get this, and/or wait for GOTYE}
F.E.A.R. 3
L.A. Noire [Rockstar][Steam] {!!}
LIMBO [Steam]
Orcs Must Die! [Steam] {!}
Portal 2 {done}
Alan Wake [Steam]{! looks like X-Files}
Blackwell Legacy [Steam] {!}
Borderlands 2 {Steam} {!}
Cat Lady [Steam] {!}
Dear Esther [Steam] {! play this or Landmark Edition 2017}
Diablo 3 {reviews are bad, maybe get if ever cheap}
Dishonored [Steam] {!}
Far Cry 3
FTL: Faster Than Light [Steam] {!}
Hitman: Absolution [Steam]
Hitman: Sniper Challenge [Steam]
Hotline Miami [Steam] {!!}
I Am Alive [Steam]
Journey [PS3,PS4?] {looks interesting, doubt i'll ever have a PS}
Mass Effect 3 [Bioware/EA][Origin]{done. like 1,2: remaster or mods?}
Max Payne 3 {maybe replay 1 and 2, if getting this at all}
Settlers Online
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Age of Empires 2 HD [Steam] {! best AOE now in HD! there are 3 new DLC, new civs, new campaigns! saving this for a rainy day}
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag
Bioshock Infinite [Steam] {done}
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons [Steam] {!}
Dead Island: Riptide [Steam, store page broken now but it might still install] {start here? or start with Definitive 2016}
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut [Steam] {}
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut [Steam] {adds in Missing Link DLC}
Don't Starve [Steam] {!}
Dust: An Elysian Tail [Steam] {!}
Gone Home [Steam] {!}
Gunpoint [Steam] {!}
Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm [Blizzard] {done}
The Last of Us [PS3] {was console only - forget that. watched playthrough. get pc version when new system}
Assassin's Creed Liberation
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
Assassin's Creed Unity
Bloons TD 5 [Steam] {!}
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Deus Ex: The Fall [Steam] {mobile game port, prob try}Far Cry 4
Goat Simulator [Steam] {!}
Hatoful Boyfriend [Steam] {!}
LISA: The Painful [Steam] {!}
The Sims 4
The Talos Principle
Thief [2014 remake] {still have to do 1-3 original}
Wasteland 2 [GOG] {replay 1 first. on C64 if possible.}
Age of Decadence [Steam]{!}
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Crypt of the NecroDancer [Steam] {!!}
Dex [Steam] {!}
Distraint: Deluxe Edition [Steam] {!}
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered [Steam] {!}
Fallout 4 [] {maybe... probably.}
Fran Bow [Steam] {!}
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5) [Steam] {playing this for years}
Grim Fandango Remastered [Steam] {play 1998 original or 2015 remaster?}
Her Story [Steam] {!}
Homeworld Remastered Collection [Steam] {start here or with original 1999?}
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number [Steam]
Life is Strange [Steam] {!}
Pillars of Eternity {maybe - 'classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment'}
Torment: Tides of Numenara {2015? probably try - its by Brian Fargo}
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Bioshock Remastered [Steam] {maybe}
Bioshock 2 Remastered [Steam] {maybe}
Corinne Cross's Dead & Breakfast [Steam] {!}
Day of the Tentacle Remastered [GOG] {try older first}
Dead Island Definitive Edition [] {start here? or original 2011?}
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided [Steam] {!}
Dungeon Rats [Steam] {!}
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Kathy Rain [Steam] {!}
Layers of Fear [Steam] {!}
Assassin's Creed Origins
Dear Esther [Steam] {! play this or original 2012?}
Fallout 76 [] {multiplayer? no thanks. maybe try solo part.}
Life is Strange: Before the Storm [Steam] {!}
Mass Effect: Andromeda [BioWare/EA][] {will almost certainly try, especially at a discount. someday.}
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Clue/Cluedo: The Classic Mystery Game [Steam] {good for an occasional group game}
Distraint 2 [Steam] {!}
Far Cry 5
Life is Strange 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced [Steam] {try regular from 2009 first]
update the list, of course
note which games I have in Steam/GOG/or physical form
new format: [GoG, Steam] indicates have it there