Friday, January 1, 2016

Fallout New Vegas (2010)

My video card for this game is just about right, so I'm expecting no trouble on the video front.

Now I need to figure out what DLC to install, possibly in what order, and what to play in what order. Why bother? Because of the Point Lookout DLC for Fallout 3, which was so bad I wanted to throw my computer out the window. I would like to avoid that happening again, if I could, and I also want to avoid any known bugs.

A light search (careful to avoid spoilers) indicates that they should be played in the order of release. I couldn't avoid a minor spoiler that [NOTE: I'm spoiling anything and everything from this point on] the game just ends, there is no post game walkabout. At this point, I think I'm OK with that, and I'm OK with knowing about it.

I unchecked everything during install, and it seemingly did not install nine items, some of which are DLC and some of which I think are bonus packs given out as a purchase promotions.

DLC, chronological order / play order:
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road

Classic Pack (Vault 13 jumpsuit, 10mm pistol, ammo, canteen, stimpak)
Caravan Pack (leather armor, caravan shotgun, ammo, repair kit, binocs)
Mercenary Pack (metal armor, grenade rifle, ammo, stimpak, dr. bag)
Tribal Pack (tribal armor, machete, venom, spear)
Gun Runners' Arsenal (increases available weapons)
Courier's Stash (sum of Caravan, Classic, Mercenary, and Tribal)

I've seen recommendations that HH can be played early, DM you should have high unarmed, etc. Not worried about things like that, more worried about showstoppers like (for example) investing high levels into energy weapons, only to find out that all the good high level weapons are kinetic, and you can't even find energy weapon ammo after a while. It's the kind of thing that makes you want to start the game over, and in a 100+ hour game, it's a risk worth a little minor spoilage.

Preliminary searches for first time players don't reveal any gotchas, other than all those bonus packs can make you seem a little overpowered in the beginning, which is kind of obvious. I usually find these bonus packs only valuable for a short while anyway before you discard them, so I'll just install everything now and start my first game that way.

I'll take a quick look through the manual, why not. Gameplay controls, that's worth keeping handy until I've reacquainted myself with them (they look just like Fallout 3's).

Settings, Gameplay, Hard. Why not, especially since I'm starting with all this extra loot. I think I can turn it down if I need to.
Turn up Brightness two clicks. Turn up Mouse Sensitivity two clicks.
New game. Cut scenes. Receive bonus packs. Wake up to character creation.
Default name is... Courier. For lack of any better plan, I'll take it.
Choose Sex, Race, Face, Hair. I choose Female, Hispanic, Face Preset 6, Prim 'N Proper, Hair Color 24-20-20 (default). Why these settings? Why not.
Off to SPECIAL selection, I'll take Strength 5 Perception 6 Endurance 4 Charisma 6 Intelligence 6 Agility 6 Luck 7.
I don't usually go with high luck, but since the theme of this game seems to be gambling, it seems appropriate.
I like the quiz that determines your characteristics (like Ultima), but I don't exactly agree with the results. For skills I'll take Guns, Lockpick, and Science.
For traits I'll take Wild Wasteland, because it reminds me of the Bloody Mess trait, and Small Frame for the +1 to Agility.
The background music reminds me of something from Deus Ex 3 (the sad violin piece from Jensen's apartment).
The start of this game reminds me of Fallout 2 a bit, where you are not a vault dweller leaving a vault for the first time, but an above ground local. Though I'm still starting in a vault jumpsuit with a Vault 13 (!) canteen.

I didn't intend to skip out for a month, but I got a cold, we had a lot of snowfall, and I had to read a book.
Reading over my notes, I agree with everything about that character creation except choosing Science skill. My character didn't grow up in a vault, but rather above ground. My character is also the active type, being a courier, so probably didn't spend a lot of time sitting around reading. I always try to role-play as much as possible in an RPG, even if the game is not cooperating. Sometimes especially if the game is not cooperating. So my rough and tumble courier is not likely to be into Science, but probably more into Survival (shouldn't everyone above ground have to take this by default?), Barter, Sneak (probably very useful for the lone courier), Repair, Medicine.
I'll take a few more minutes online to see if there are any consensus recommendations on good or bad starting stats. It's worth the risk of a little spoilage to get a better experience, and not feel like I have to play this many hour game over again.
I think I'll stick the the old Fallout classic, Speech. It solves more problems in Fallout than anything, even combat.

It's been too long since I last played, and I barely got started, so starting over from scratch.
I set my desktop wallpaper to the Gameplay Controls (see above), so it will be on my second monitor as I play.
I thought I wasn't going to install DLC, but it happened anyway. Starting in Steam, Data Files only has FalloutNV checked, but in the game, they are all there. As best as I can gather, there's no point in not having all content loaded from the start, so why not check them all off now, and not have to think about it again.
Play. Delete all saves. New. Settings, leaving difficulty on Hard. Leave everything else where it is. Might need to increase mouse sensitivity later, it's usually too low. New.
Intro cut scene, NCR is trying to push east and hold the Hoover Dam, Caesar's legion wants to push them back. Las Vegas never got nuked (just like in Wasteland), currently run by Mr. House. You are trying to run a simple courier job to Las Vegas, but are caught and executed by somebody in a suit who doesn't really want to kill you, but feels he has to. His thugs are digging a grave, presumably yours.
Classic Pack, Tribal Pack, Caravan Pack, Mercenary Pack items added to inventory.
Time to go through doctor's exit review / character setup.
Name: I'll keep the default of Courier.
Doc Mitchell, Goodsprings.
Look in hand mirror. Female, Hispanic, Face Preset 6, Hair default.
Strength 5
Perception 6
Endurance 4
Charisma 4
Intelligence 7
Agility 7
Luck 7
Skills: Guns, Lockpick, Speech
Traits: Small Frame, Wild Wasteland.
Cool, I get a free pip-boy and vault suit from an ex vault dweller.
Metal fellow Victor pulled me out of my grave. That answers some questions, raises others.
Hardcore Mode? No.
I like the quest notification sound, which is only a few seconds long but has a richness and depth like a multi-minute orchestral piece indicating years of struggling through a dusty desert landscape complete with tumbleweeds and the twang of remembered sorrows.
Checking pipboy, I'm wearing a Vault Jumpsuit, my SPECIAL is 5 6 4 4 7 8 7.
I'm carrying 92 pounds out of a max of 200. My inventory is:
Weapons: 9mm Pistol, Binoculars, Broad Machete, Mercenary's Grenade Rifle, Sturdy Caravan Shotgun, Throwing Spear x10, Weathered 10mm Pistol
Armor: Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit, Lightweight Leather Armor, Lightweight Metal Armor, Tribal Raiding Armor, Vault 21 Jumpsuit.
Aid: Bleak Venom x5, Doctor's Bag x3, Stimpak x9, Super Stimpak x3, Weapon Repair Kit x4,
Misc: Bobby Pin x12, Vault 13 Canteen.
Ammo: 10mm Round x50, 20 Gauge Round x40, 40mm Grenade x20, 9mm Round x47.
control note: Press 2 while out of Pip Boy to cycle through ammo types.
I can listen to the Mojave Music Radio. Going to leave radio off for a while, while I figure out this world.

It is slightly sad that they had to shoehorn in Vault paraphernalia into the game. Obviously, you are not the Vault Dweller from the first game, related to him like in the second game, or a new Vault Dweller like the third game, but because of marketing, probably, you have to be anointed with vault gear and some kind of lineage to a vault dweller, provided by the doctor who healed you.

Also, in this resource scarce world, what kind of killer bothers to bury you in the desert, but doesn't help themselves to your 92 pounds of gear? I can understand mister suit being above this, but his thugs sure don't seem it. Of course it's just because of game considerations, but a little story nod wouldn't hurt, like having a throwaway line from the Doc wondering why you were found with all this gear.

Time to go outside for the first time! (that's another big vault dweller theme, going outside for the first time ever. except it doesn't apply here because this character was born a surface dweller).
[NEW SAVE] 1/1000 saves used.
QUICK Doc Mitchell's House
another flood of notifications: Radio Las Vegas detected, Old World Blues invitation at the Mojave Drive-In, level cap+5, The Reunion, Lonesome Road, level cap +5, Happy Trails Expedition, Honest Hearts, cap +5, Gun Runner's Arsenal loaded, Sierra Madre Grand Opening radio broadcast, Dead Money load, cap +5.
I go to my pip boy weapons list, hold down number keys, assign my weapons. I'll switch to wearing something with more armor. This is probably a safe town, but it is Fallout, bad things await you around every corner.
I go exploring. Walking speed gets boring fast, set to always run. I get myself stuck between the top of a truck and the roof. Reload.
Reset my quickdraw numbers - is binoculars permanently bonded to 2? It is, but at least it makes some sense, as it also serves as a way to switch ammo types, without accidentally switching your gun. I can learn to live with this.
1 machete, 2 doesn't seem to do anything - why don't they at least summon the binoculars, 3 pistol, 4 another pistol, 5 shotgun, 6 grenade rifle.

While doing all this typing instead of playing the game, it goes into screen saver mode, swirling the camera around my character and playing the sad music. I love it, I remember this being one of my favorite things in Fallout 3.

How to put my weapon away? Probably shouldn't walk around with weapon out. Doesn't seem to be a holster command, but if I switch to just hands/melee and press R it will put the hands down.

Cool, Doc's mailbox has a copy of Fixin' Things. Hope he didn't need that. +10 to Repair. Oh crap, it only lasts for a minute. Reload.

There's Victor, he's a Securitron model 2060-B. It's very nice of it to have helped me. I wonder what keeps him running. Fallout world has some powerful batteries and energy generators in small packages (atomic cars, laser rifles, etc.), but who keeps Victor maintained? He's got a fair bit of moving parts.

In true RPG fashion, I take everything that is not nailed down that won't generate a theft event.

I'm going to start keeping a to-do list at the end of this file, removing things as I go. First line item: Goodsprings Gas Station, need key.

I'm constantly mixing up ESC and TAB to dismiss the pipboy. Just have to get used to it. Vaguely remember this from Fallout 3.

I find a place where I can climb up the hill a bit. See movement in the distance, use binocs, it's some kind of big dog. The music has gotten eerier, without me noticing until now. I travel with my shotgun in hand. It's red/aggro, but it doesn't advance on me. I go around. I hear what sounds like weapons fire, way in the distance.

Popup, before I go on, one last chance to edit my character. "Finished - Travel Onward". The road ends with sign to keep out, Victor catches up to me.

Mojave Express dropbox, sends and receives items from any other such dropbox. What!? Why did they do this. Fallout series is silly enough without having to include magic.
Reloading bench, a nice bit of realism to add to this world, where bullets seem more plentiful than food. Workbench, nice. I can see a long grayed out list of things I can craft, long before I get the equipment to do so, let alone even learn about their existence. At least it makes a little sense that I know these things, since this character is a surface dweller. I'll just ignore it for now.

Why are there motorcycles outside the saloon? Could this area have any working vehicles? Inside, I meet Sunny Smiles.

I find some dead guys at the top of a hill, gnawed on by geckos. Get a pip boy indicator with words, just hypnotized eyes. Near the only intact corpse is a cigar, 4 aces, and some red balls. Is this part of the Wasteland Weirdness trait that I picked?

I got the weird vibe again from some dead guy in a refrigerator. Why would this be weird, this happens in Fallout all the time (finding dead bodies anywhere and everywhere). Suave Gambler Hat, Perception +1. I like it.

Snow Globe Goodsprings. Looks like a collectible. Go from the cemetery to the schoolhouse. Level up, get speech to 30, guns to 50. Reading up on perks and traits, I think I picked the wrong traits. At least Small Frame is still a good trait, but Wild Wasteland replaces the Gauss Rifle with the Alien Blaster!? Both good weapons, but it really depends on how much ammo the game has for each. It might have been better to take Trigger Discipline, which gives accuracy but costs rate of fire, or Kamikaze which gives Action Points but costs Damage Threshold.

Reading up on Wild Wasteland; it's looking more and more like I need to restart. A little bit of wackiness in Fallout 1 was OK, but it was really too much in Fallout 2, and it seems like in New Vegas it leans towards Fallout 2 wackiness, which I know I'm just going to complain about endlessly.

I should be more annoyed at starting over, but I'm not. I should have read up on character builds before starting. Sadly all this reading on character builds has given me a lot of spoilers, but nothing too bad. I don't think there's that much to spoil in a Fallout game; it's more the journey.
I think I want to play a sniper build, because I love critical hits from afar, and because it feels more Fallout.
Further reading indicates that Charisma is a dump stat, and can be worked around by just increasing Speech (and Barter) with skill points. You don't need a lot of Intelligence, as you'll gain enough xp over time. You need more Endurance than you might think, because you can only buy that many implants to boost stats.
From a roleplaying perspective, the fact that my character took a bullet to the face and lived could help explain why she has a Charisma of 1. Surviving that also means high Endurance. Should Luck be very low, because she got shot, or very high, because she survived it? There is a perk that gives you +5 luck when shooting, so I could just go with 5 luck, but what about the gambling?

S 5 (6 with implant)
P 5 (6 with implant)
E 7 (8 with implant, allows 6? more implants)
C 1
I 6 (7 with implant)
A 8 (9 with Small Frame, 10 with implant)
L 8 (9 with implant, 10 after LR)
Skills: Guns (37), Lockpick (31), Speech (23)
Traits: Small Frame, Kamikaze (for the AP)
Hardcore: No

This time I loot Doc's house of all takeable items. There's a lot, but the best thing is a Pre-War Hat that gives Perception +1. My SPECIAL is now 5 6 7 1 6 9 8.
I'm carrying 157 pounds of stuff. One of my first stops will be the General Store, to turn some of this crap into caps.

This is annoying. While checking out my Pipboy I find Challenges, which are heavy on the spoilers.

Wow, that Xander root was hard to find, but I really appreciate them working a lot more folk medicine into the game, instead of just recovered old world tech, like stimpaks.

Level 2, Speech to 25, as well as Repair. 25 seems to be a threshold in many skill challenges (as does 50 and 75).

For my first perk, I'm immediately drawn to Intense Training, which can raise a SPECIAL point. What's more, it looks like you can take 10 ranks in it - does that mean I can bump up my stats by 10? Apparently so. From what I'm reading, most people look down on it, mostly for it being unnecessary, and other perks being more valuable. I'm sure on my second playthrough I would have a better idea of what's more important, but I don't think I have enough time to do another run. I guess I'll try to stop boosting SPECIAL until some specific need comes up, and focus on utility perks. I'll go with Rapid Reload, especially since I have a sniper character.

Inevitably in RPGs, I keep thinking about the economy and the culture of whatever civilization I've been dropped into. The starting town of Goodsprings has a doctor, a general store, a bar, and a bunch of farmers, who are working crops and cows. I'm OK with this, but what do these people do for defense, other than Sunny keeping the geckos away from the wells? Are there raiders any more? It seemed in Fallout 3 that 90% of the population was raiders and super mutants. Also, what's the future of this town? There are no children.

I still can't figure out how to quick select binoculars. I have to keep relearning that holster is long hold on R to put it away. Other than that, weapon selection is straightforward, but I still can't figure out how to get binoculars in hand other than going into the pip boy and manually selecting it.

I like how crafting keeps on expanding as the Fallout series moves along. It makes sense that you can only scavenge so much old tech in this world, and people are just going to start coming up with new solutions (or very old ones) for problems. I check out the campfire recipes. Unfortunately, as with weapon/ammo crafting, it shows all the possibilities in the world, which is spoilerific, but I can see why they might want to cut that corner. I love the Party Time Mentats. I can see a day when I'll be all hopped up on those.

I like how the game doesn't take too long to remind you that most people are not your friends, and many would like to kill you and take your stuff. Many things and places are traps. Maybe I should have taken a higher Perception. And then sometimes you come across something strange, such as these Powder Gangers, who are walking around as a group, and armed, but are somehow OK with me walking amongst them, and will even talk to me like an acquaintance.

Talking to Sunny again clarifies some things. The New California Republic wants to take over this territory, and their patrolling the roads is making life safer in small towns. Talk to Trudy, learn some more interesting things. It makes sense that rail lines are being built, or were, and that explains who these Powder Gangers are.

Some time later, after I met the fugitive the Powder Gangers are looking for, I'm trying to organize a town militia to fight them off. So much for wondering who's running security here. It's pretty easy to organize, but I am just 1 barter point short of being able to enlist the town's storekeeper. There on the edge of town is the leader of the Gangers - couldn't I just take him out and end this?

I try it, not hard. I receive notice that I failed the quest. Trudy acknowledges this, but warns the gang is probably still coming, as you might expect. Talk to Sunny, who also indicates this doesn't change much. So reload, let's do this by the book. I don't have enough Explosive skill to get Easy Pete to give up some dynamite, but his house contains a free (yellow text, not red text) BB Gun. So I've got that going for me. That and this grenade rifle I've been saving up for a rainy day. Not that it rains here.

I use up 10 rounds of my scarce grenade ammo, we win, but not really since Trudy, the barkeep gets blown up. Reload. OK, this time everyone lives, but I don't get enough xp to level up, which I did last time. Also, this time Ringo took a while to run over to me after the fight. Strange.

Level 3. Barter to 15, Science to 25. And just like that, I think I'm done with the starter town. I've got my two levels out of it, all local quests are done, so it's time to move on. When I was researching character builds I got spoilered that a good thing to do is get to Vegas early, gamble to make lots of money, and buy the boosting implants. That might make sense if you're gaming the game, but I'm still in somewhat role-playing mode. Time to walk the roads, see what's near, get some more levels, get some better gear.

Taking the road north I get a warning from Victor, head north some more, get killed almost immediately by a Cazador. Reload, this time I kill it after using a whole bunch of shotgun ammo, then I die anyway a few minutes later from poison. That 50 XP sure is nice, one more try. Oh, it's a Young Cazador, not even the adult version. I get poisoned again, but either it wears off or a Stimpak fixed it. Back to the gas station to sleep and recover. I could probably do this a few more times, but I don't think I could stray far north from town without soon running out of resources.

Outside the gas station I meet Malcolm Holmes, and learn about Sunset Sasparilla Stars, blue star caps, a map to treasure, Festus, and to watch out for Allen Marks. I know it's a game, but that was just so awkwardly inserted. This is why I went to the trouble of getting rid of the Wild Wasteland trait, so I could get away from bullshit like this. I know you need a little humor and weirdness sometimes to temper the often very dark themes of a post-apocalyptic game, but you don't need to slather on the lightheartedness with a trowel. And even if you want more weirdness or silliness in your game, it doesn't have to be delivered by a drop-in Mr. Exposition, who just happened to be present to notice you picking up a rare collectible in this great big mostly empty and unpopulated wasteland. It is an even bigger contrivance than you starting the game by getting shot in the head, buried, dug up by a robot who just happened to by watching, and taken to the town doctor, who miraculously saves your life.

I finally found a good use for the Q key, Auto Move, to make it a little easier to jog down long stretches of road. It gives me a chance to take my hands off the keyboard long enough to take a sip of whatever I'm drinking at the time. At least once I map out to the next map marker, I can then fast travel, and not have to come this way again. But there's still a lot of walking to do.

Good movie music is supposed to blend in and become part of the whole experience, so that you hardly notice there's even music playing. I think that mostly applies to games too. You should be feeling the game, without consciously noticing why. I am noticing the music in New Vegas all the time. Even though it is of high quality, it is constantly interrupting the conscious flow. It also can't settle for long on one tone, or mood. I know it is supposed to be reactive to when you get in fight mode, but at times it rapid tone changes jerks me out of the story, which is the opposite of what background music should do.

Heading up the road I meet two of those Cazadors. I can't take two at once. I'll be going the other way. There's Powder Gangers to fight, but they don't seem to tough so far. Cool, now this I like, alternate formats of currency. It only makes sense that there are multiple types, though how money works in a place like this is somewhat problematic. I take some of their dynamite from a crate and lose Karma - that doesn't make sense, we're enemies now. I'm supposed to take their stuff.

It sure was nice of the NCR sentry not to shoot at me on sight, and even give me a warning of trouble ahead. How does he know who I'm working with? I could be with the escaped convicts, or with raiders. Well, I guess I don't look like either. But still, not the expected behavior. I go speak to Lieutenant Hayes. Again, awfully trusting of these soldiers to just let me go in to the CO's tent. The Lieutenant and Sergeant sure are cooperative with answering my questions, and being polite about it. They didn't even ask for help with their problem, which is what most NPCs are for in an RPG.

I head over to Primm, light enemy presence, not even a sniper in the obvious place to put one. For a supposedly enemy held town, they're not really putting any effort into it. I find the body of another courier, Daniel Wyand. This poor bastard was just trying to deliver fuzzy dice. At least I was trying to deliver a platinum poker chip. Oh well. There's another Mojave Express Dropbox inside. I'll test it, ship some items to Goodsprings. If I remember a spoiler correctly, this is a useful exploit to carry extra stuff. Use world map speedwalk to go back to Goodsprings, all my stuff is there, but you can't pick through it, you have to accept the whole lot at once. This is nice, but it feels like an outrageous exploit. This world is nearly empty, with hardly an economy, who's got all that time and labor to ship my crappy level 3 loot several miles up the road? And to do so securely, and at no cost to me. That's one heck of an employee benefit.

And suddenly things get sad again, as I find what happened to the sheriff of Primm, and his wife. At least I get a sheriff's hat and duster. Even though the townspeople are seemingly all dead, I can't take their stuff without generating negative karma. At least I found another Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Cap. What's a Wasteland Omelet? It has the word wasteland in it; got to take it.

There's a lot of things in this world that should be riddled with bullet holes, but aren't. All these neon signs are remarkably intact, especially after this town just got conquered.

Johnson Nash is a wealth of information about who I am, what I was doing, and what was going on before the story started.

It looks like you can open red containers without penalty. The actual karma hit for stealing comes from actually taking something from the container, just taking a look doesn't seem to cost you. Lock picking a red safe costs karma, but at least it doesn't seem to make the locals go aggro. Which is great, because I need even the small XP that gives.

Don't you just love leveling up in the middle of a fight. Level 4, take perk Comprehension (double magazine effect, +1 from skill books) or Educated (+2 skill per level)? The net has no definitive answer, they are both useful. The math favors Comprehension, as you only need to be within 20 points of a skill check, and use a magazine, which means you can reallocate a lot of points. I might get both, but for now Educated seems right for this run through.

Heading north, get to Sloan. Meet Jas Wilkins, tells story of great-aunt in Modoc, who had an encounter with the vault dweller from Fallout (1).

Wow, even a Young Deathclaw takes a lot of shotgun rounds to kill. If I want to go north to Vegas, I'll have to sneak around them, if that's even possible. Maybe if I follow the railroad tracks? No. How about east? Some small radscorpions, I'll try it. Find a map location called Hidden Valley. It's really annoying when you can't go in a direction because of an invisible wall, and then you fall between rocks and fence and have to reload.

I find Neal's Shack, level up to 5. More old Fallout references, I always wondered what became of Marcus, he was one my of favorite characters in the series.

I can't go any further west, because Deathclaws and Cazadors. Maybe south, then east. The game is steering me south though. Maybe I should just give in on my first run through. I read a bit on how to get to Vegas early, too many spoilers. But basically you Stealth Boy and Sneak your way past the Death Claws. I will go south. I will try to avoid gaining much more XP, until I can get to Vegas and buy at least the Intelligence implant.

Police station. Another Star cap. Lots of encounters on the road, meet a guy who has more Star caps, but I need a Speech of 50, I'm short 10, and don't have a magazine. I try reloading a lot and trying vendors, it doesn't change their inventory. I need a little over 100 XP to get to next level. Hit the NCR prison, that didn't take long, get Speech to 50, and for perk I'll take Comprehension.

Speedwalk back to Nipton, the set encounter with Tomas is still there, I get 7 Star caps. The body of Jacklyn has two more Star caps. Now that I have Comprehension I can consume these one-time skill books: Deans Electronics, Repair +4, Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, Barter +4, Wasteland Survival Guide, Survival +4, Duck and Cover, Explosives +4.

So these Legion crazies killed most of Nipton. If I was me, a low level courier, just trying to pass through, would I stop to talk to them? No. I try it and they let me go anyway, but I think I'll just stick with the original plan. Avoid. Keep heading for Vegas.

I witness a fight between merchants and legionaries. The merchants win but there are losses on both sides. I pick over the fallen after the merchants move on, but there's surprisingly little stuff. Most of it must be on the brahmin. Some NCR troops get killed by Nightstalkers, more loot.

I make it Novac. I meet Dr. Ada Straus. I keep going. Strangely, there are almost no more interruptions.

Vegas is huge. I walk around it, keep going without finding an entrance, seeing almost no one. On the north I enter a section called Freeside. Enter Atomic Wrangler, exchange caps for wrangler chips. Make $1000 with hardly any effort. Play a few more rounds. This is like a license to print money.


That was unsatisfying and underwhelming. I proved I could game the system, but it makes the game less enjoyable. I think it's pretty clear I need to rewind, and let the story unfold as it's supposed to. So what if this first run means a less than optimal character build. The first time out is about enjoying the story the way it was meant to be.

I am reminded how in Fallout 2 early in the game you can skip way ahead of the game, and get power armor and weapons quickly just by knowing where to go. But that's something for your third or later playthrough, when you're just doing things for the fun of it. I also regret all the spoilers I've seen researching, but it somewhat is offset by the fact that my character was born in this world, not some sheltered vault dweller. The character should already know more about Vegas than I, the player, know.

I was thinking of a compromise, where I would just get the Intelligence chip for the xp benefit, but there is no need especially since I took perks in Comprehension and Education.

I'll rewind to the point where I met Tomas, then go back up the trail to finish loose ends. Reloading "Play Time: 011.25.31". Yep, there's Tomas walking off into the desert, and I've got 15 Star caps, and a Speech of 50. This must be the place. Time to head back to that prison and bust out the new sheriff of Primm.

Taking out the prison is harder than I thought. I walk into a room full of enemies, and they have a lot of armor. After various tries, I had to use the grenade launcher in close quarters to clear out the admin building. Reading the warden's terminal, more evidence that NCR is disorganized. It makes it all the more interesting trying to decide who to get to be the new law in Primm: this tarnished sheriff, NCR, or their robot.

I try not to take red items anymore, because I'm making enough money and I don't need the karma hit, but skill books (not magazines) are always an exception. Another exception is opening red locks, right now 30 XP is worth the karma hit.

It's so nice to be able to insta-heal in any bed, even in the middle of a war zone. Not realistic at all, but there's nothing to be done about it. And it sure saves on stimpaks.

It seems like important things like skill books and schematics are always out, not in a container, so you have to look on and under everything.

Another thing that makes me not want to skip ahead is my sense of completing areas, searching everywhere, getting all the good stuff.

Sometimes you think you're making the best decision you can with what you know, and it all goes wrong anyway, which is one of the reasons I like this series so much. I'll take on Meyers as the sheriff of Primm.

Mojave Outpost, unification of the Rangers, nice tie-in to Wasteland, and it's not just some tacky reference, it feels historic. I'm warned not to bother the sniper on the roof, so I head right on up and meet Ranger Ghost (sounds like a Starcraft rank and title more than Fallout). She has a mission for me to go to Nipton to do some recon, and go inside the town hall, something I skipped on my previous speed run to Vegas. It makes more sense, storywise, that I would investigate, except for all those Legion soldiers I really don't want to meet.

Got the sheriff installed in Primm, that's some big XP. Level 7, get Guns to 50.

Finish job for the leader of Mojave Outpost, I get a Service Rifle. Hopefully better than my Varmint Rifle, which feels like a BB gun.

I really like the .357 revolver, I wish I had tried it sooner. It has a distinctive feel, and the reloading animation is fun, and really adds to the Western feel of the game. I'll almost certainly take the Cowboy perk when it comes up.

Heading into Nipton I hear the unmistakable theme song of the Necropolis from Fallout 1. While it's great to hear that theme again, I think it's a mistake to put it here. Maybe if they had used it in an actual Ghoul city, it might make sense as a callback, but probably not even then. They should have just made a new theme and lightly referenced it, so it's just barely there. Reusing it here just seems cheap.

Vulpes Inculta seems like the life of the party. I was hoping Legion would be more of a gray faction, somewhat more like NCR, but these guys are over-the-top evil. And when you play a do-gooder like I usually do in Fallout, there's no question I will side against them in the end. First, I need some better armor.

The mayor of Nipton was definitely a stupid and selfish asshole, and a lot of people in his town were of flexible morality, but the town didn't need to be purged like this. I go back and forth delivering the news, there's not much reward, but at least some XP. Back to looting Nipton, find a Star cap. What I really want are skill books.

What's with the crows? Are they following me? Why do they register on the map? All animals do, so I guess it shouldn't seem so strange.

Done with Nipton, until I can come back and lockpick the Mayor's storage room. One more thing on my ever growing to-do list.

Level 8, I'll get Lockpick to 50 so I can clear out this backlog of containers I need to revisit. For Perk Toughness would be nice, I often almost lose gunfights, but later when I have good armor it will lose value. It could be a while, and I need the defense now, so let's go with that.

I find Wolfhorn Ranch. The items within are in yellow text, indicating no owner, so I'm assuming this place is dead. I find a cleaver called Chopper - is it a unique item? Not my style, these melee weapons. Neat little observation post, with some command over the road. I like to see the agriculture, the garden boxes. Who were these people? What happened to them? The latter part is easier to guess. These sad lonely places are a big part of why Fallout resonates with me.

At the top of the next bridge, a set piece. You can see them up there waiting for you to approach before they start moving. It's a caravan, but I'd swear their merchandise is the same as the guy back at Mojave base. I think I'm going to travel with them, and I think I'm supposed to. Also, these traveling merchants tend to get wiped out easily by the game, maybe I can help them get to the next town.

Sure enough, they are soon attacked by another set piece, some Legionaries. Scavenging amongst the corpses, who's this Bright Follower? Just someone caught in the crossfire? One of the mercenaries seems to be gone, but I can't find his body. Can't linger, must keep up with the caravan. I'm more convinced we're supposed to help each other.

I visit the nearby quest point, rescuing captives from Nipton. I'm somewhat outnumbered, so go back to the caravans. A merchant gets killed, but of course his merchandise is not available, just his personal loot. I retry, and this time all humans are dead on both sides, only the Brahmin (and me) are still standing. Not very good loot at all. I guess my work is finished here. Speedwalk back to Mojave to rest.

Legion hates me now, so I don't have much to lose by taking a crack at their camp. Sniping doesn't work often, but when it does it's great. I clear out enough, and draw off enough, that I can get to the hostages and release them. Sadly, they are just Powder Gangers, and run off. Back to the road.

Ranger Station Charlie. While waiting for daylight, some Legion assassins show up and mop the floor with me. If I can't avoid this, I may have to go back a bit, and not antagonize Legion this early in the game.

I wrote a few paragraphs, lost in power outage. At least my saves are OK.
Anyway, what I said was I had already concluded not to pick sides too early in the story, so getting Legion mad at me this early doesn't make sense, especially since I have no good armor or weapons (yet). I go back to the set merchant encounter on the bridge, but this time I don't fight Legion to help them.

I follow them as far as Ranger Station Charlie, stop in to talk to Comm Officer Stepinac, who totally spills the beans on the local situation, like I'm some friend. I'm just some nobody who wandered in from the Wasteland, and he's telling me the local gossip, such as he was requisitioned too many medical supplies by NCR, and he's not sending it back. He also tells me about his CO, and the Rangers, their current strength, etc. How do they know I'm not some spy?

Down the road I catch up to the merchants. If this rail line ever gets built, that's the end of caravan business. Though I wonder how they'd ever keep the rail lines intact with all these crazy well armed people wandering the desert. That reminds me, I need to get well armed.

We are soon in the town of Novac, my next quest destination. I meet Dr. Ada Strauss. For a named character, she has no conversation paths. Time to explore. House to house search reveals little but a cattle mystery quest, and a Star cap. I don't care what Victor says, he's watching me. In the motel, another dropbox. I rent a room for 100 caps - how long is this good for?

Daisy Whitman, ex-Vertibird pilot, lost one near Klamath. It's been a long time since I've played FO2, but I think there's a crashed Vertibird in Klamath, but wasn't that generations ago, in this timeline? Then again, Fallout 3 was supposed to be set soon after Fallout 2, maybe they fixed it. Daisy was probably Enclave, not that she wants to admit it. Would most people even know what that is? The next guy I meet in the motel was a singer at the Shark Club in New Reno, and Mr. Bishop is after him - sounds even more like Fallout 2 references. There's an old poster on the wall for the Museum of Technology, back in Washington D.C. Either that's a mighty fine coincidence, or the makers of this game were just being lazy with not creating enough new digital assets to paint the background with.

I like my room, it has almost 10 containers. I don't have quite so much stuff as to need to sort it out yet, and I just keep dumping what's interesting in the dropboxes, but some day I think I'll need a space like this. At least there's a dropbox nearby, so if I'm overburdened I can crawl up here.

I'm very interested in That Gun in the gift shop. But it's almost $1000, and it requires 6 Strength, which I do not have.

Boone's a riot. At least I get this cool hat.

Back at the ranch at midnight, the cow killer turns out to be a Nightkin with a stealth boy and a minigun. Surprisingly, he's not that tough, but maybe it's just because he's insane.

Back to Charlie station, which is so close you can almost see it down the road from Novac. Of course there's trouble, but this looks like the bad kind. An audio log from Legion, saying they killed 'em and took one of the women alive. If the rangers are supposed to be so bad-ass (comparable to a platoon or even a deathclaw), what took out 5 of them? I notice they never seemed to have anyone in their towers, and the gate stands wide open. Was the lax security something intentional that you were supposed to observe, or just a careless bit of game writing?

I'm guessing Mrs. Boone left on her own, or thought she was and ending up getting abducted. And there in the the innkeepers' (motel keeper) safe is the evidence. This kind of crime just doesn't make any sense. She just doesn't seem the type to sell one of her fellow townspeople into slavery. Especially since there's only a dozen people in this town. Also, as a crime, it just doesn't make much sense, there's no obvious motivation for this level of greed, or some desperation like a sick relative who needs medicine. What makes this even dumber is that I can't confront Crawford, there's just no dialogue option for it. Same goes for Boone, no option, I can't just tell him the obvious, that the person who ruined your life is several doors down from you. Other than being a funny set piece, so you can walk anyone out to this field to get sniped, how is justice served by just shooting her anonymously and making her death a mystery?

The more I think about it the dumber it gets. Aren't small town dwellers notorious for knowing each other's business? Crawford getting rid of Boone's wife should at least be suspected by everyone. Boone offing Crawford, right where he works, should be obvious to everyone. Except now Boone seems like some unhinged killer. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just arrest Crawford, have a town meeting and some kind of trial, show everyone the evidence, and then dispense the frontier justice? There's dumb writing, and then there's dumb writing that makes you try and buy into its stupidity.

While that quest was awkward, and certainly morally questionable - though I did gain Karma - none of that matters now. I have the 1st Recon Beret, which not only gives +1 to Perception, but +5 to Crit. Chan. (critical chance?). This is a keeper.

Have I earned the right to go to Vegas yet? No, I think my character needs to keep following the trail of her would-be killers. Nothing is sending me to Vegas yet.

Just like that, a ranger runs up to me, in the middle of the empty highway, and hands me an NCR radio, with a promise of a get out of jail free card, as a reward for something. This makes no sense.

I meet The Lonesome Drifter. There's really not much to it. His name is the only interesting thing about him.

On to Boulder and the Great Khans. Finally some answers. My would-be killer's name is Benny, a Chairman of The Tops casino. Why he backstabbed the Khans is stupid, but it helps me get them on my side, or at least talking. I've been pumping up speech for occasions just like this, negotiating a peaceful ending. And getting the max XP out of any situation.

Well, following Benny to Vegas means I finally have the go ahead (storywise) to enter Vegas. And once I do, it's time to make money and get implants. No, not those kind of implants, SPECIAL implants.

Victor again, almost admitting now he's following me. Up the road, 188 Trading Post. Veronica wants to travel with me. She's kinda suspicious, wonder why she asked for my opinion on the Brotherhood of Steel. Are they even still operating on any level?

More merchants, more insight into how this world works. NCR is spreading itself too thin, Legion is biding its time.

Grub n Gulp Rest Stop. Talking to the locals, I get a map marker for Dr. Usanagi. Storywise, all the pieces are in place for me to legitimately get those implants. Not that I'm going to rush, I will still proceed as thoroughly as I have been so far.

Using the main map to get to the northern section of Vegas, where Freeside and Usanagi are, I follow an elevated road. It's very quiet, very empty. I run into a Gun Runner, he's got info. The Gun Runners actually make weapons from schematics, not just salvaging old tech. It makes sense that somebody would.

Companion Dismissal Terminal - is this what I think it is? I speak to Vendertron. Only the finest armaments since 2155. So much ammo, so much variety. They have the Anti-Material Rifle, looks amazing. The Bozar, I think that goes all the way back to Fallout 1. So much variety it's overwhelming. Shops are cool, but I'm not going to get too worked up about acquiring money so I can purchase here. Usually the best stuff, especially the unique weapons, tend to be out in the field, once you liberate them from their current owners.

I come to Freeside's East Gate. Not yet. Crimson Caravan Company, I look forward to possible escort missions, one of my favorite things from old Fallout. But not yet.

New Vegas Medical Clinic, I have arrived. Funded by Followers of the Apocalypse, another callback to old Fallout, and maybe even Wasteland. I used to know this stuff, obviously I need to replay those. Angel's Boneyard, the references just don't stop.

Intelligence implant costs $4,000. Time to head to Freeside and gamble.

Freeside's North Gate. The Kings gang runs protection just to walk the streets. I enter the Mormon Fort, meet Beatrix, finally the first ghoul NPC I've met. Talk to Julie Farkas. The Boneyard of Adytum. Cool, Snow Globe - Mormon Fort, I haven't seen one of these in while. I wonder how many I may have missed.

Who would have thought a place like this has a Mojave Express Dropbox.

Into the Atomic Wrangler. I have $3089, buy chips $1000. I double my money in a few minutes, break from the table to save. Why did I gain 100 XP? I'm close to leveling, I should go get my Int chip before going much further. I'll also risk a peak at spoilers on gambling, make sure I'm not wasting any opportunity - I heard there are limits at which casinos throw you out.
Yep, between the handful of casinos you can only win a few thousand at each before being barred from gambling, total is around $40k. Is this cheating? It is gaming the system, but I'm not even save scumming. I legitimately chose a high Luck.

Current SPECIAL is Str 5 Per 5 End 7 Cha 1 Int 6 Agi 9 Luc 8.

$4329 in caps. Intelligence for $4000. Int is now 7. Caps $329.

I want to boost my luck to 10, but implant only gets me to 9. I've seen the spoiler that there is an item to do it, and that's fine for gambling, but it would be nice if it was permanent. Maybe I can take a level of Intense Training.

I stop in at Mick & Ralph's in Freeside east. I love the back room with the special wares. And the Naughty Nightwear, Speech +10 Luck +1, is only $283. I now have only $46 to take on the casinos. Buy $40 chips. Not long to hit the jackpot limit of $5000.

Level 10, I'll take an Intense Training in Luck.

Back to the Vicki & Vance; its been taken over by NCR deserters. I like this note of disarray, but why hasn't the new sheriff noticed yet? Maybe it *just* happened. Anyway, they are easy enough to talk into leaving. How long before this casino comes online?

Time to clear some quest backlog. I go to the Mojave Drive-In. Something is projecting an eye on the screen. The object says "Activate Crashed Satellite" - ah, this is the starting point of Old World Blues. It recommends at least level 15.

Find Morning Star Cavern. It's a whole den of these Night Stalker dogs. Found a .44 revolver, looking forward to trying that out. I love all the glowing mushrooms in here.

Now what. The pressure is off to gamble and buy implants, as Intelligence was the only one that really needed to be done right away, to maximize skill points received. I will need Strength to 6 soon to use sniper rifles.

Ivanpah Race Track. Wasn't there some famous race?

I've always wondered what that big cross, visible from Goodsprings is about. Yangtze Memorial. What is this thing? Not even so much as a plaque. Maybe it refers to the last war, or something in the Fallout 3 DLC Operation Anchorage.

I find an abandoned shack, built out of what looks like a section of airplane. Cool, a bed to sleep on, to recover from damage from radscorpions. There's a trashcan fire burning in here, which makes even less sense than coming across a long abandoned place with a lit candle still burning. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Very strange. Fought some more radscorpions so I stopped in Sloan to rest. Spoke to a quarry worker, and he spoke one of his standard lines, and then I get a map marker added, check the map, and there's Great Khan Encampment nearby. WTF. Can't get there from here, these radscorpions are too thickly armored, and too numerous. I need some armor piercing ammo.

Got some 5.56 AP, and it's going a lot better. I leveled up, I know because I heard the sound, but it doesn't take me into ... oh, wait, there it is. That took a while. I'll put it all on Sneak.


New weapon lineup. Dropping the 9mm SMG, going with:
1 .357 revolver
2 binocs
3 .44 revolver
4 10mm SMG
5 Sturdy Caravan Shotgun
6 Cowboy Repeater
7 Service Rifle
8 Mercenary's Grenade Rifle

I plan to purchase implants in this order: Luck, Strength, Agility, Perception, Endurance, and if I have any slots remaining then the armor one.

I'll have to find more casinos than the Atomic Wrangler, since I hit their payout limit. I think storywise I should stay on the trail of Benny until I hit a wall.

Shopping, trying to score some more armor-piercing ammo. All the GRA items (from a DLC) are really cluttering up the lists. What does PipOS Error -26 [File Not Found] mean? Is it a program error, or an in-game error? It's annoying because I can't tell what class of weapon it even is without a picture.

I haven't done anything in the Wrangler but gamble, and I haven't been to Silver Rush yet, but I'll skip it and come back. On to The Strip North Gate. And finally, the The Strip itself. And look who's here, why if it isn't Victor. Mr. House wants to see me. Why me? I'm nobody in this world.

It makes sense that the Victor personality can jump between any of the Securitron Mark I bodies, but that seems pretty high tech for this world, even though we've seen some fairly well developed AI's and robots in the Fallout series (and Wasteland). More specifically we've seen a lot of advanced AI, but not much advanced communications.

I'm itchin' to fix Benny's wagon and get my cargo back, and my courier job if possible, but when the leader of the city-state wants to see you first, and might even help you with your revenge, respects must be paid.

Entering Lucky 38 casino, to the Penthouse. Is Mr. House an AI? Because the game has been telegraphing that pretty hard. I like how Mr. House did use me, a lowly courier, for transporting his valuable goods, precisely because I was beneath notice. And that he had mercenary teams running interference around me, even though I wasn't aware of it. He also mentions that the Brotherhood of Steel is still a concern, which I like, as it wouldn't be Fallout if you didn't include them.

Of course, the head of RobCo would have had some tricks up his sleeve to survive the coming apocalypse. I don't have enough Medicine skill to make the brain in the jar comment, but I wonder if he's fully uploaded, or just plugged in. Benny was going to be his protege, and I am to be the 'more than suitable replacement'?

Hand in 2 snow globes, get $4000. Nice. Supposedly there's one lost in here somewhere.

I've been comped the Presidential Suite. Time to explore. There's a bed I can sleep in - it says "E) Sleep My Bed". I sleep in it 8 hours, and like Fallout 3 I get the Well Rested effect, +10% XP. I find the snow globe holder, I have filled 2 out of 7 slots. It's a big sprawling place, but I would prefer less space and more containers to help organize my stuff. Still, one can't look a gift suite in the mouth.

There's a whole lot of nothing in the Cocktail Lounge floor. It seems like bunch of effort was expended to create a seemingly useless area, I wonder if some use will come of it. I explore the areas I have access to and find no snow globe. This place is sad and empty, but it could be opened again some day. Time to see Benny.

Its hard not to get an inflated sense of self-importance in this game. An NCR soldier runs up to me with an urgent message from Ambassador Crocker. I can see why I have Mr. House' attention, I'm a useful pawn in some game he's playing. But how does anyone else in this world know who I am, let alone want to meet me.

On to the next segment of the strip. I realize I'm walking by a lot of areas, a lot of NPCs, and presumably a lot of questing opportunities. But I think the story calls for me to make right on my unfinished courier mission before I get too far into anything else, especially now that I have spoken to Mr. House. So I'll try to resolve the Benny issue, then backtrack and go over what I missed with my usual thoroughness.

On to The Tops, and talk to Mr. Swank, who is very accommodating. He seems like a good guy, but a little too trusting. Maybe it's just my high Speech skill, because it sure ain't my lone point of Charisma.

Up to the 13th floor. Start picking locks on doors. Find Strip Letter 6. Enter Benny's suite, meet the Yes Man. I like him. "It's not my fault I can't say no". This is the point from which you can see the rest of the game. You will decide whether you will aid Mr. House with the chip, or use it to take over his operation. Could I really run New Vegas by myself? You can also see the various tribes, from the ones who already occupy Vegas, to the Khans, Boomers, and Brotherhood, and how you might get to recruit or extinguish them. I can already see various scenarios, where I may be able to recruit some or all of these tribes, and have their help in the upcoming war, and decide who wins. From here, I think I can see all the way to the end of the game. But there's a lot of work to do between here and there. Every faction will no doubt have a lot for me to do before I can win them over. And the further I go, I'll probably have to make either-or decisions between various factions.

Talk to Swank again, set up Benny, go get the chip. Benny looked me in the eye and spoke to me before he tried to kill me, the least I can do is return the favor. He can eat a surprising amount of lead for someone armored only in a cloth suit, but he goes down quick. Revenge? No, Benny helped make me the person I am today. And yet I feel nothing.

I thought I was done with 9mm, but this named pistol, Maria, is pretty cool. Wow, picking up the Platinum Chip grants 1000 XP. Level 12, I'll take another level in Toughness, for another +3 to Damage Threshold.

Time to head back to base, and report to the boss. Before that can happen, I am intercepted by Vulpes Inculta, who is here to personally offer me an invitation card to meet his boss. Great, now NCR and Legion both want to see me. I don't know how much longer I can remain neutral, and I don't even have power armor yet, let alone a sniper rifle.

Back to Mr. House. I'm sure there's a scenario where you don't give him his Platinum Chip, but I'm not playing that game in this run through. In this run, I'm a courier finally delivering the package.

Mr. House' voice actor sounds familiar. Rene Auberjonois? Speaking of voice actors, when I started this game I immediately recognized that The Doc was the guy who played Colonel Tigh in the Battlestar Galactica reboot (Michael Hogan). I'm pretty sure he's also the guy on Radio New Vegas, but I haven't listened to that much.

Crap, Mr. House gave me something, but it scrolled by before I could look at it. I hate that there's no logging, I can't scroll back these exchanges, or even dialogues. (checking back later, obviously it must have been The Platinum Chip, which he gave back to me so I can use it to infiltrate a location in Legion territory).

I see now that there are three factions, NCR, Legion, Vegas.

I didn't even occur to me that I'd end up working for neither NCR nor Legion, but for Mr. House. It feels right, so I'll go with it.

On the way out, yet another person intercepts me, Emily Ortal. Does everyone in this wasteland know who I am, and where I am? She wants me to bug Mr. House' network, just so the Followers of the Apocalypse can gain medical knowledge to help the poor. She's lucky I don't hand her over to the nearest Securitron.

Mr. House saved my life, and I owe him a debt. He's also the one that got me killed, but not intentionally, and he even went to efforts to protect me (well, the shipment, but still). No one else in this world has placed this much trust or responsibility in this lowly courier, so it makes sense to ally with Mr. House, and to keep Vegas free of outside influences. For now.

A whole bunch of paths now extend before me. I have many places to visit, many quests to acquire and discharge, lots of xp and money to gain, and many purchases of upgrades and equipment to select from. Where to start. I should probably finish all gambling, and buy all the implants I can, just to get it out of the way.

Looks like Vikki and Vance is finally back online. My caps = $10060. I gather 3619 chips before I'm banned. Caps now = $12679.

My To-Do list at the end of this document is getting really long, I need to clear out some of the lower ones while they're still relevant.

Just curious, I pick up my items at my dropbox. It is over 500 pounds of stuff. Reload.

Back at Victor's old shack is a Securitron, but it has a blank face, just static. It says it is Victor, but when you try to talk to it you get "It seems like the robot's artificial intelligence is offline".

Revisiting old places to clear out locks I couldn't pick, I randomly pick up an empty bottle - and there's a star cap under it! Usually Fallout is not this sneaky about hiding stuff. I will need to be even more careful when searching, who knows what I've missed. I must remember to turn on my Pipboy light more often, it really makes a difference.

Curiously, in Nipton the Mr. Gutsy house and the house with the radscorpions got their monsters reset - or I didn't save when I thought I did.

Sometimes I feel like wandering, and standing on the highest nearby mountain I can. And the game rewards exploration. I find Primm Pass, and another dead Bright Follower ghoul. Further up ahead is a Deathclaw. I give it a try, and even though it's blind, there's no chance. Reload.

I find Powder Ganger Camp East. Pathetic, how are there even any of these guys left now that I took out their base. I get to Hidden Valley, try the intercom, no answer. I guess this will come up later. I keep trying bunker doors, eventually I find one that gets me up close and personal with the Brotherhood of Steel, and Paladin Ramos, and Elder McNamara. Before you know it, I'm wearing an explosive collar, and working for them. And yet, I think I have this situation under control. I've been hoping to meet the Brotherhood for some time.

Off to their first mission, meet Dobson, talk him into leaving. Level 13, Science to 50. Back to base, collar removed. Finally, I have an in-road with the Brotherhood. Hopefully some good power armor is not far away.


I'm off to retrieve the lost laser pistol, fighting a bunch of scorpions. I only have a few armor-piercing rounds, and they're hardly more effective than the regular. I can't fight the bigger scorpions with anything other than my 40mm grenade launcher, and then hose 'em with the 10mm when they get close, and just hope I stay alive long enough to get a stimpak in me. Then it's on to the next giant scorpion.

I'm really starting to see, and believe, what I've been hearing about VATS getting nerfed. It was a bit overpowered in Fallout 3, but now it hardly does anything. It's sad, because what I like about VATS is that it's compatible with role-playing a fast twitch character, instead of having to actually be one.

I reach Scorpion Gulch. I find a dead body with a Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Cap in its inventory, first time I think I've seen special loot inside a container, and not out.

After returning the lost pistol, I head east to Black Mountain, the closest of the three lost patrol sites. I can't remember the last time I saw Centaurs - were they even in Fallout 3? Remnants of the Master's army from the first Fallout, I think their origin was explained, and it's not like the Super Mutants. How long has it been, how are any of these guys left. That reminds me, as much as everyone loves Harold, I hope they don't try to shoehorn him into yet another Fallout, either this one or the next.

Oh, how 'bout that, a Centaur named Moe. Is that a cow up there on the ridge? Am I supposed to go up there? I go down a pit, and there's a dead guy in power armor. Jackpot. Unfortunately, I am now overencumbered, and I can't even put on the power armor to get the strength bonus, because I'm not trained in its usage. Let's try this again, pretending I went to Primm first and dumped my excess baggage in the dropbox like I'm supposed to.

I can't believe the body of Daniel Wyand is still out in front the store. Doesn't anyone in this town have the decency to bury him? I guess I'll have to do it (i.e. drag him out of sight behind a building).

Inventory load lightened, back to Black Mountain. Time to pop some Rad-X. One pill gives +42 to Rad. Res., is that stackable? One pill gets my radiation resistance from 12% to 54%, a second pill does nothing. I've got 10 rads already. Oh, there's two Brotherhood down here, I gather all their stuff, get out. 120 rads. Barely a sunburn.

That cow that I thought was up on the mountain? He's not. He's just up in the air. Probably just a glitch. With this game, sometimes you just don't know. It doesn't seem to be moving, but it doesn't seem to be dead either. I don't think this is some stupid cow over the moon reference, it's just the position I took the screenshot from.

Further up the mountian I actually recieve the map marker for Black Mountain. There's Nightkin up here, or at least one with a flamethrower. This might be part of the quest to take out Tabitha, who has taken over the local super mutant village, I think. I can't do this now, I need to find out if I'm getting power armor.

Back at base, there's a patrol of Brotherhood outside, not exactly keeping a low profile. Would it be so wrong to follow them until they get into trouble, then take their stuff? Sadly, they don't seem to be leaving the valley. Watching them user their gatling lasers on vermin gets boring fast. No one is offering me any training in power armor yet. Time to move on.

First stop Primm, to shove all this currently useless power armor into the dropbox slot. Off to The Tops, with my $14968 in caps. Change equipment to max out luck, makes the games go really fast. Finish with 10,100 chips before ban. Caps = $25,068.

Off to Ultra Luxe. Fortunately there are no story elements in the way, I can just head off to the tables. It's a little weird to be amassing this much money so quickly, but hey, it's in the game. And I'm not even save scumming, I have a legit 10 luck. Storywise, if I had to explain what I'm doing, I'm cleaning out the gambling opportunities before the casinos exchange information, and ban me from even entering for either being suspiciously lucky, or working for Mr. House. Not that the game cares.

The most efficient strategy seems to be doubling down whenever possible, and staying sometimes. Finished holding 16,100 chips. Caps = $40,168.

Off to Gomorrah. Buy 1,000 chips. I love the hand-drawn look of Gomorrah's cards. Finish with 10,100 chips. Caps = $49,268. Of all the prizes, other than the cash, I like the Combat Armor even more than the suite keys.

There's only one casino left, Sierra Madre, but do I have to enter a DLC's space to get there? A quick peek at level recommendations, and it's a ways off for me. I'll just have to make do with this small truckload of caps. First, to the clinic.

I already purchased Intelligence (it is listed under Perks). Do I get 6 more?

I buy
#2 Agility, $4,000.
#3 Luck, $4000.
#4 Perception, 4000.

Various online recommendations are high for the armor implant, but very low for regen. Regen is too slow to matter, you're just going to take meds if you're in a hurry, or sleep if you're not.

#5 NEMEAN Sub-Dermal Armor, $8,000.
I now have a naked DT of 8 (up from 4). I'm already liking this.

I want to start wielding bigger guns, and the bigger strength bonuses might take a while longer.

#6 Strength, $4,000.

For number seven I can choose between endurance, charisma, or regen. Easy.

#7 Endurance, $4,000.

With all boosting equipment removed, my SPECIAL change:
S 5 6
P 5 6
E 7 8
C 1 1
I 7 7
A 9 10
L 9 10

And I still have $21,268 caps left to do a little shopping.

I head over to Gun Runners. The hunting rifle and sniper rifle, both in .308, look nice, but they're several thousand caps each. These seem like the kind of weapons I should be coming across soon, and can just pick up on the battlefield. I'll keep it in mind. I need to buy something. I'll go to Novac and buy That Gun. Nice to see that Cliff Briscoe is taking over the place now that Jeannie May is gone. Wow, I never noticied the Paciencia for sale before. It's a rifle in .308, and might improve on my Cowboy Repeater, but it costs $12k.

So I guess the The Dino Deelite room is still mine. Lots of containers, this would be a good place to organize loot. Storywise though, it makes no sense to store your stuff in such an unsecured location, especially now that I have access to a place like Lucky 38.

I was wondering why it was called That Gun. It's Deckard's pistol from Bladerunner, which appeared in the first Fallout game as a quest acquisition, and is easily one of the best guns in the game. Had a really distinctive sound, too. I think as the series moved on it became more common and less special.

Drop 10mm SMG from weapon lineup, add That Gun.

I would love to see a game like Fallout but with the scarce equipment of The Last of Us. This place is awash with guns and ammo to the point of sometimes being ridiculous. But I would still expect to see That Gun.

Unfinished business, back to Freeside.

Speak to Beatrix again, hear some things I may have missed. I kind of forgot or never learned how many lives Mr. House had to stomp on to make the strip what it is today. Maybe I'm siding with the wrong guy? Yet it seems right that the courier would be swayed by him before anyone else.
Meet Arcade Gannon, don't remember seeing him in the Mormon Fort before. Caesar used to be a Follower. It seems Arcade is recruitable.

I visit Max, and now that my Barter is high, I buy his toy ray gun for $20. In my inventory, it's Euclid's C-Finder, uses ARCHII Charge as ammo. It looks kinda like the Alien Blaster of old, or at least an energy weapon. I have no idea, but it weighs 15 pounds, so I'll have to just stash it until I figure it out. Max's associate, Stacy, was always running, but now she doesn't have much to say. Maybe in the daytime.

Time to drop in on The Kings. I'm a few speech points short of being granted audience, but I have all types of gear for skill modding now. The King has a cyber dog! Of course The King has the heaviest Elvis accent, but at least it's not too over the top. I'll do his starter mission. I come back, but the king is not where I left him. Time to explore this joint... and there's nothing.


I don't see why I don't get a chance to off Pacer; he's caused a lot of suffering in this town, and gotten a number of people killed.

Level 14, increase Repair to 50, Lockpick to 55. For perk, Sniper. I know VATS ain't what it used to be, but I will see for myself.

I want to help Rex, but I don't want a companion just yet, if ever. Don't know what King's favor is for, probably it's just another way into the strip, which I do not need.

Stop in at the Silver Rush. They have a weapon that looks very much like the old plasma rifle, and they have a named one called The Smitty Special. It's hard to recall, but I think there was someone in Fallout named Smitty who upgraded your plasma rifle to turbo.

Cool, a guard duty job. This is different. Choose laser or plasma. It's a shame I don't have any Energy Weapons skill (yet). Quick, I need 4 points of Speech. Hopefully the job doesn't mind a brief costume change. Good.

Crap, I can barely hear the conversation over all this music and sound effects. Turn down music 2 notches, turn up voice 2. That was a fun job, on to the next one.

On the way to the delivery job, meet some Fiends. Looks like some dumb tribal raiders found a laser gun, and they're desperately trying to zap me with it, with little success. I'll take that, it should fetch a few caps.

Deliver package to Strange Man. Sounds like a Legion guy, but maybe that's just because it seems like every voice actor has to play 15 parts.

This next part I do not like. I have to recruit Cass, get her to follow me to the Van Graffs, where she can be killed. I may yet do this quest, but only if I get to wipe the floor with the Van Graffs. Which reminds me, I still need to do Crimson Caravan first.

I don't want to be stuck halfway through this quest until I'm ready, so I will undo it. Reload... oh crap, I have to do guard duty again, but I don't mind, then deliver the package. Let's see what work is available across the way at the Wrangler. I speak to James Garret, it looks like he'll trade with the Followers, medical supplies for still operations. I ask Beatrix to work for the Garrets, give her a bottle of absinthe. Getting her to change careers was a little too easy.

Back to the Wrangler, James isn't there, but Francine Garret is. She doesn't handle James' work, but she's got some debt collection jobs. More exploring, off to Cerulean Robotics.

I may have mentioned this in Fallout 3, or other RPGs, but when I'm looting an area, I don't usually know what's the best stuff while exploring, so I gather what's interesting, or sometimes I just sweep an area if I think I can convert it for some money, and dump it in the container nearest the front door. If and when I come back, I don't have to explore again, it's just right there.

He, he he, he he he. Fisto.

I'll go see about Lady Jane's lost caravan. Probably a trap, but whatever. Head down to Wolfhorn farm, head east, reach Raided Farmstead. Nice trap, I enjoyed it.

Further east, come across a bunch of NCR fighting some Legion. Camp Searchlight. First Sergeant Astor tells me the town up ahead is irradiated. Dirty bomb from the Legion, nasty. Killed most, turned the rest into Ghouls. That's not the way ghoulification works, I don't think it's that fast. Nor does it make ghouls crazy or homicidal, not for many years later when they go feral. I'm not coming back this way until I get some good rad resistance gear.

Head north, find Broc Flower Cave. I love glowing mushrooms, especially as a light source. Why are their lit torches down here? This place would fill with smoke, then eventually the torch would go out. It wouldn't just be sitting there perpetually burning until I walk in. Stupid.

I find what I came for. I'll go deeper into the cave when I have some radiation protection. Back to the Atomic Wrangler. Wow, surprisingly good XP for not much work. Level 15, increase Sneak. Deal with Caleb McCaffery for the Garett twins, I get a permanent room, nice. More good XP. The Wrangler missions are some good low level work, I should have done them sooner.

Anything else left to do in here? Speak to Hadrian, one of the few named NPCs that doesn't have something that needs doing. I guess I'm done here.

I feel like visiting the Crimson Caravan. I visit the merchant there, Blake, and for $26 he has a set of books called "Stress and the Modern Refugee: A Primer", and another set called "Tiny, Tiny Babies: All You Need to Know About Pediatric Medicine". I was hoping they were stat boosting books, but they are in my Misc inventory and I can't do anything with them. I can't even drop them, as they are Quest items. I guess I'll see.

I run into Ringo, one of the first people I met, all the way back from Goodsprings. I speak to Alice, get a courier job to Camp McCarran. East of the Crimson Caravan is a manhole to the sewers. I have really been enjoying not having to spend countless hours in sewers in Metro tunnels this game, so I kind of don't want to go down there. Bunch of locals living down here, they feel safe in here at night, but they advise against going to lower levels. Sounds like Moria.

Climb Ladder to Westside Pawn Shop, discover map marker Miguel's Pawn Shop. Nothing that much for sale. I want a hunting rifle, but I should have found one by now, they should be far more common. I wonder what's upstairs, behind the barricade. You know, it's been way too long since I found a skill book.

Back outside, I meet Judah Kreger; there's not much to this town. I find Marco out front of Casa Madrid - is this apartments, brothel, or both? I meet Pretty Sarah, interesting scarring, won't talk about it. I meet Anderson, a Follower helping the locals grow crops. I meet the staff. What a grimy and depressing place. It doesn't help that someone painted the audio background everywhere with sex sounds, while there are no customers are present, nor are the staff occupied. I'm trying to soak in the grim and grimy desperation of this post-apocalyptic wasteland, but there's an orgy taking place in every vent.

Just standing there, typing this blog in another window when a Super Mutant just casually strolls by. I speak to Mean Sonofabitch. Ah, missing tongue. Would have been cool to get his story. Meet some ornery locals. Visit the co-op, get a little more New Reno news. Visit Klamath Bob's Liquor store, another Fallout 2 reference. Ha ha, tribal from Arroyo. Please stop, Fallout New Vegas, just stop. Can't you see you're just hurting yourself?

What a boring town. Almost one interesting character, but not really. No loot. No quests. Just honest people doing honest work and staying alive. On the way out I check the local map, notice I missed a Door to North Cistern. Boring inside.

Back to the sewers. Ladder to North Vegas Square. Looks like another town. Door to The Gray. Another dreary apartment building. I'm not going to even look in every container anymore, these places are pathetic. I will keep my light on though, in case there's something hidden over or under something. Finally, at least a star bottle cap.

I meet Jules. Cool, finally a skill check using Guns, and at 50 no less. And that leads to a Survival check of 60, for which I'm nowhere near close, even using a magazine boost. It looks like the option remains, so I can come back to this (added to to-do list). I meet Crandon, hear about some salvage at H&H, map marked. He's got a few chores for me. Back down to the sewers, I fall through a glitch on the floor, end up somewhere else on the map. Well, I guess no harm done.

I find the official map marking spot for North Vegas Square. Back and forth on quest to help Alice Hostetler. Speech check of 70, Int check of 7, another speech check of 75. I need to dig in to my inventory for help on this one, use up one of my precious few speech boosting mags. At least there was some decent XP, plus, I found a star cap.

Done with North Vegas, back to the sewer, what is this thorn they keep talking about? Enter Door to the Thorn. Oh, it's cockfighting, except with Deathclaws. And there's Red Lucy. Now that's a somewhat memorable character, good show, Fallout, more of that. Considering the expense of running a monster gladiatorial show such as this, the payouts seem really small. You spent all that effort to capture, raise, and/or train giant radscorpions, and all you want is my measly 20 cap bet? This should at least be in the 4 figures, with a substantial club or door fee.

Got a map marker to Vault 22. Nothing else to do here unless I want to fight monsters. Maybe later. Climb Ladder to Westside, up to surface, get map marker for The Thorn, and for Westside South Entrance. Wandering around, most of Vegas is so empty, I wonder what the population actually is. Level 16, Sneak to 70, Guns to 60, Perk Better Criticals.

Open Junk Door to Westside, keep checking Local Maps, oh yeah, I've been here already. I really don't like taking the pipes, but that's all the more reason to just get it over with. I enter Manhole to East Central Sewers. There's a water valve to drink from (irradiated), and a grate back up to the surface, exiting between Freeside east gate and the Hostetler home.

There's a ladder to NCR Sharecroppers, that can wait. Further down some rats, and Feral Ghoul Roamer, one of the few or first I think I've seen in this game.

Door to Central Sewers. More rats, and then just like that, some NCR Troopers, guarding a ladder up to Camp McCarran. Pass on that for now, goal is to clear sewer. Right around corner, another guard post, this one manned by the Fiends gang. Past them is a door to Sealed Sewers requiring a key, guess I'll know more about this when it's time.

Its a little depressing to slog through several radioactive rooms, your counter ticking away, knowing you are slowly being poisoned, only to reach a dead end with no loot. And yet this is probably what should happen most of the time. Not every hard to get to place should have a rainbow and pot of gold at the end. Anyway, the rad count is still low, and cheaply fixed back on the surface.

Manhole to North Sewers, been there, back. Find the body of "Blind" Luke, has a key called Luke's Find. Find a dead prospector. Meet some glowing one and friends. Find a Multiplas Rifle, and finally an Advance Radiation Suit (Rad. Res. +40). There's a terminal for House Industries Network, enter Central Sewer Control, gets Access Override - House Directive 449b.

Back to East Central Sewers, I think I've lost the mental yarn trail I've been stretching out behind me, I find Ladder to Aerotech Office Park, note that for later. I find the body of "Sweet" Jill, and another key to Luke's Find. I come across a duffle bag labeled Adventurer's Pack, just some typical low level loot. An exit to the surface, I emerge way off to the east of where I started. Am I done with the sewers yet? Almost.

Luke's key does open the door to Sealed Sewers. There's a Ghoul Reaver and about half dozen lesser ghouls in there, in a small area where my sniping is not so useful. I'm a little surprised at it, but I can take them. Especially after a few stimpaks, and retreating to rest. Let's see what they were guarding. I find a dead prospector, and a small club name The Humble Cudgel. In the duffle bag, reinforced combat armor and helmet, that is a nice prize.

Sadly my radiation suit was broken in the fight, with all the radiation around here I didn't even think to switch back to my combat armor, and I think the reaver broke it. I hope it doesn't cost a fortune to fix. Maybe I can find a low skill repair person, just enough so I can wear it. It shouldn't have to serve as armor against anything but radiation.

Head back to Mojave Outpost, it's only going to cost $200 for a 100% repair! Nice.


It would cost $3600 to fix my Combat Armor, $8000 to fix the one I found, unless I use the second one to repair the first one. I should up my Repair skill.

Time to clean up the to-do list. Now that I have a rad suit, time to hit that Broc cave, while that giant rat XP still has value to me. In the cool hidden area upstairs I find a rifle named Ratslayer that seems a little better than the service rifle, I'll replace it with that to try it. While I'm changing lineup, I'll put in the Sawed-Off 12 gauge as another shotgun, and remove the grenade rifle, for now.

You know, this little doctor's hideout would have been a really good place to give me a book on Medicine, or even Science. At least there were some magazines. I read more about Ratslayer, its actually in the Varmint Rifle class, but with some really good stats for sniping.

I go tell Primm Slim he's been hacked and he finds an audio file. A couple, Sam and Pauline, stole the pistol, and are heading back to Westside, and will hide it in a safe until they can move on. I just explored Westside, and I don't recall a safe, or anyone by that name.

Poking around Westside, I find Monte Carlo Suites. Some viper gang inside, and I get some nice stealth shots with the Rat rifle. I think its a keeper. No good loot here. Level 17, Repair to 65. The Ratslayer scope also serves as better binoculars than the binoculars. Another good thing, I can repair it with Varmint Rifle, which are easy to get.

I come across Westside West Entrance. A quick tour through Westside, I see no indication of where that lost pistol could be.

I'm going to ditch (in the dropbox) my machete, silenced pistol, and .357 and .44 revolvers. I don't hardly use 'em. I got the 9mm for weak monsters, That Gun for close up medium monsters, shotguns for heavy, the Cowboy Repeater for light distant enemies, the Ratslayer for heavy distant enemies, and the grenade rifle for when the shit is hitting the fan.

I'm really getting up there in levels, time to check to see if I should be doing any DLC, while avoiding spoilers. Most agree that story order and release order are the same, but Honest Hearts can be done first instead of Dead Money. Some say you can do it at level 5, some say wait til 20. I guess I'll wander the main wasteland for a little while longer.

In your motel room at Novac, the bed isn't marked My Bed, but if you sleep 8 hours you still get Well Rested.

I go west to check out the REPCONN Test Site. There's radiation right in the middle of the road up to it, time to put on the rad suit. There be ghouls here. Looks like Nightkin up ahead. Now a gap in the radiation, so full armor back on. Snipe two ghouls from a distance with Ratslayer, both times their heads just fly off without even having to go into VATS aiming. I like this gun.

I get the REPCONN Test Site map marker, and some achievement for finding 50 locations. That's too easy in this game, there's got to be a lot more than that. Find Hatch to REPCONN Basement, needs a key. I go around back, there's an unlocked door. Another dead ghoul in Bright Follower robes. I find a hunting revolver next to a safe.

Enter REPCONN Research Labs. I meet Jason Bright. Its a cult - the wasteland seems to be ideal ground for breeding them. So I guess these guys are the Bright Followers. So they are going on a journey together - this is probably not a suicide cult, not directly. Maybe there's a nuke in the basement and they're going to set it off, after I clear out the Nightkin. Hopefully they let me get to a safe distance first.

Fighting stealthed Super Mutants is more fun than it sounds. I meet Harland, another interesting character. Ghoulettes, indeed. I meet Captain Davison - now that is a classic Fallout character. Him and Antler. Do I really want to resupply a squad of insane Nightkin with a fresh crate of Stealthboys? Would that even be the positive Karma thing do? I insult Antler, things proceed naturally. Its surprisingly effective to shoot heavy weapons out of their hands, though it ruins resale value.

Poor Harland, I was really hoping to have good news about his little ghoulette. Deeper down the basement, I find the ladder that leads up to the hatch I found. Say, there's a lot of functioning computers down here and... are those rockets? With room for passengers? Should have seen that one coming.

I find a space suit, with helmet. Can I go too? Well what do you know, the space suit is no joke, it has as much rad resistance as the advanced rad suit, and better armor. At least now the name of this quest, Come Fly With Me, makes perfect sense, except that they probably won't invite me to come with. Though how cool an ending would that be if you did just go with them. Anyway, the rockets will probably just end up crashing in Vegas and taking out a casino.

I report back to Jason, and just like that, everyone is wearing space suits and running to the basement. At least taunting Chris with the truth gets me a map marker for Vault 34. To help the launch I need some parts, back to Novac for 4 more Rocket Souvenir.

Launch Music signal found, but I don't see it listed in my radio. I get 5 souvenirs, report back. At least those are out of my inventory. Now for the control modules, its directing me to Gibson Scrap Yard. Might as well.

Gibson Scrap Yard. I meet Old Lady Gibson. I like that her dogs have names. I find a star cap - when is that quest ever going to be activated. Back to base, and launch. Where oh where did those wacky kids fly off to. They do make ideal astronauts with their immunity to radiation, and it helps explain why regular humans are just not invited. Level 18, Science 60, Repair 70, perk Commando.

With this high a science and repair I should have no trouble fixing that robot back in Primm. Not sure what to make of ED-E. Don't really want a companion. But if it doesn't talk, maybe it could work out. Its already better than a dog. Now to fulfill its quest, and take it Gibson Scrapyard. The quest steers me to Old Lady Gibson, but nothing happens. Reading the wikia, he needs to hear certain words to play back his messages, then there's a waiting time of 5 days to get the next one. That doesn't make a lot of sense, and I wish I'd discovered it in-game instead of through spoilers, but I honestly thought the quest was just buggy. Oh well. Off to the first trigger.

Map marker for HELIOS One, a short walk away. This is the place the Brotherhood of Steel was trying to hold. Talking to the soldiers triggers the first playback. ED-E was a prototype Enclave eyebot. Another namedrop, Navarro outpost. Talking to ED-E shows Log 1 available, but that's it. To get the next one I need 5 days. It is now 11.30.81 12:24. There's a long sequence of things that need to happen to close this quest, that ultimately boil down to choosing an armor or weapon upgrade for ED-E.

Into Helios. Dreary place, searching, finally find a skill book, Med +4. I can easily see one of those big decision story changers right here, as its up to me who will get Helios' power generation, and who gets the Archimedes weapon. I'm sure it will be at least a line item in the final story run down. This is not something I want to flip the commit switch on too early. Enter the Solar Collection Tower, defended by room of turrets, go back. I don't think there's anything left to do here, until its time to start committing to sides.

ED-E should be ready for another trigger after 12.05 12:24. I can wander for a while until bored, then sleep to make time pass quicker. There doesn't seem to be any hint of time penalty in this game.

I find Gibson's Shack. There's booze and drugs everywhere - and a very old corpse. Someone had themselves quite an exit party. There's also a wood chipper in here, weighs 50 pounds, so it can just stay here. Strangely there is a terminal in here, Comm Station Terminal, requires a key. Mysterious, and noted in the to-do list.

Into the gaps in the mountain, find a dead prospector. Interesting, up on a ledge (with a ramp) a cross and grave. Hit some familiar ground, but from another direction. Rest. I give that blind deathclaw another shot, nope, though I do last a few more seconds because it stops to destroy ED-E.

East and south of Novac, I come to Clark Field. There are some extra options for finishing the Bright Followers quest here, but not much more.

I find Highway 95 Viper's Encampment. Good sniper practice, as they move around a lot.

Further down the road, I reach Camp Searchlight.


Into Searchlight with sniper rifle at the ready, rad suit on. I already said its kind of stretching the Fallout universe rules to have these NCR soldiers all turn ghoul and feral and glowing overnight, but at least they don't also have control of these NCR turrets, that would be too stupid.

While circling the small town, I find Coyote Mines. Nothing in the house but a star cap, a BB gun, misc loot. In to the mine. More glowing mushrooms. Someone runs down a corridor. I know its some kind of set piece because ED-E doesn't detect it at all. Was it a ghost? Nope, just a prospector, running around the place, with nothing to say but the usual gossip neutral NPCs have to say. You'd think we'd have more to say to each other, meeting in a place such as this. Lots of dynamite here, but not much else.

Back to Searchlight. In a cellar I meet Logan and some prospectors, looking to loot the place, for the Crimson Caravan company? Doesn't seem to make sense. They need some rad suits. Not until I've looted the place first. Lots of small ammo, and a Welding Gun I can't pick up. I pick the safe then hack the computer, in that order, to maximize XP gain.

ED-E is a good detector, but he's really cramping my style, initiating combat while I'm trying to sneak in for a sniping shot.

South southwest of Searchlight are a bunch of bots hanging around, don't want to deal with it right now, add to to-do list.

Nearing center of town, radiation levels increase, I need to take a break, go to Novac, and get rid of it then come back. With suit my rad resist is 54%, with a Rad-X its 85%. Activate more turrets, down to church basement, some geckos. Excellent, Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual, Sneak +4. I really really don't like how ED-E runs ahead of me every time to engage the enemy. I can't find any obvious setting to make him stop. He's got to go.

So far this has been a fairly easy area, but then here's a turret control computer that requires a Science of 100. That's quite a leap from these other easy terminals. Fire station needs a key, so does police. I can't go ahead unless I work with that jerk Logan. I really hope they try and backstab me.

Didn't think I'd ever have to go back to Nipton for any reason, let alone speak to its only surviving resident. I find Hidden Supply Cave, get the Radiation Suit Package. Nearby I find Coyote Den. Nothing much in here but a dead Bright Follower. Some more exploring, find some Jackal Gang outside The Prospector's Den.

Find dead prospector. Go inside. Another dead prospector, and another. This looked like it used to be a cool salvagers club, one I would have liked to hang out in, but these Jackals really did a number on the place. It's not much of a gang, nor was it much of a club, but the prospectors didn't deserve this. I find a star cap, and a copy of Tumblers Today, Lockpick +4.

I find Jackrabbit Springs, radioactive. Doesn't seem to be anything much here but barrels and some Centaur. I want to find if there's any more of those Jackal Gang, and finish them off. I find some Evolved Centaur, and a Super Mutant. Actually its a Super Mutant Master. Hey, I get a Super Sledge.

Time to sell off loot. I just went back to the Primm outpost and told ED-E to wait. It doesn't seem like he's been dismissed, but he is staying put.

Enough exploring, back to questing, back to Searchlight. Back to Logan, give rad suits, we head to police station. Find quest items with NCR in the name. Off to firehouse. Radscorpion Queen, shit. Well, Logan doesn't survive that. I tried it several times, he seems to die almost immediately. I was really curious to see where things would go after this, but whatever. Level 19, Guns to 65, Science 65, rest distribute.

I check the Wheel of Fortune quest, and while it is closed, the the last item in the list, Go with Logan to search the Fire Station, is unchecked.

I go back to save #229, and leave the police station again. This time the two helper prospectors come with, don't know what happened to them last time, and their boss is in much better health. I go into the fire station with That Gun loaded with AP. Kill all radscorpions with no losses, level up like last time. Let's save this outcome. I find a dead Recruit Legionary, with orders to sabotage the stored nuclear waste here. A terminal says one of the trucks went on to Cottonwood Cove. Find more NCR stuff, and a star cap. Hand it over to Logan, sudden but inevitable betrayal ensues.

Because I was waiting for this, I've got That Gun handy (loaded with regular rounds now), and I'm in VATS before he even has his gun fully out. This is such a more satisfying ending. I wonder what job he was doing for Crimson Caravan, and if I can take it over.

I've got too much stuff, it needs sorting. The motel room in Novac is not really a good story solution, but its easy to get to, and its got a dropbox nearby. The longer I put it off, the worse its going to get. I will add a break down of what goes where in the notes at the bottom. Some containers are obvious, like one for weapons and ammo, or drugs and stat modifiers, others are for convenience, like one for the current loadout so I can have an empty inventory to move and sell stuff.

Once I sort all my current stuff out, I go to Goodsprings and empty my dropbox. Ouch, 974 pounds. Then ship it all to Novac. Then go pick it up and crawl upstairs to my motel room to sort it out.

Done. Virtual OCD satisfied. Now maybe I can find stuff when I need it, and be able to sell the rest.

It's past ED-E's waiting period. Off to Brotherhood, triggering second audio file is easy. T=12.06.81 2:08PM, I need to wait 2 days until T=12.08.81 2:08 PM before next event.

Wandering. South of Searchlight, some trailers in a fenced in area, irradiated. South of that, an airfield. Marker is Searchlight Airport. I run around the place, I run inside the place - and that's it. You can't go in, you can't go past. Just lots of radscorpions, and a surprisingly large amount of caps in some suitcases. Is this really supposed to be the southern end of this world? In a game where I am already carrying some mini-nuke ammo (and own tons of just plain old dynamite), is a chain link fence really supposed to stop me from going any further? Though really, what were they supposed to use, an infinitely irradiated plain might have been more annoying.


Large barriers of mountain and water, now that's a good map border.

Killing a little more time, then upgrade ED-E, then goodbye ED-E.

Cottonwood Overlook. Everything's boarded up, doesn't seem to be anything to do here. Off in the distance, a Fire Gecko.

Smith Mesa Prospector Camp. Hey, its those snakefish people from Fallout 3, this one's a Lakelurk.

Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals. More Lakelurks. What the heck, let's swim across, it looks like there's a little bit of walkable land over there. More Lakelurks, a lot more. They may not be good eatin', but they're good XP. I burn through most of my 5.56, but it was easy XP. I find a small cave, body of a dead Mercenary. In a bag, some Combat Armor, Reinforced. It would be worth coming over here for the XP alone, but that's a nice little prize. I'm a little disappointed there isn't a map marker here.

It's good to save often here, and not just quick save, but a regular old numbered save. There are glitchy spots in the rocks where you just get stuck and have to reload.

There's a surprising amount of walkable beach here, I'll just keep going north as far as I can. Hopefully I can speedwalk out of here, but otherwise the swim over is not so bad. At least the water's not irradiated.

There sure are a lot of Pinto Beans growing here. I wonder if these plants grow back, and can be harvested again later.

I lost ED-E, but the map shows he's back there somewhere. I still have his Enhanced Sensors perk, and can see a whole bunch of red (enemies) up ahead. There's a gap in the mountain, and I can go up. Maybe just as well he's not here, and I can sneak up. Oh shit, its Deathclaws. No map markers, but the spot is about straight east of Clark Field. Added to my to-do list, if I ever think I can take a dozen Deathclaws by myself.

Keep moving north, finally, there is it is, the Hoover Dam. More red up ahead. Lakelurks, good. Another little cave, some Explosives Crate, nice mix of explosives inside. I find some Lakelurk Eggs, wonder if Red Lucy might want these.

There's fencing in the water and on land, can't get to Hoover Dam from here. Its just a dead end. Can't get up from here, going across and back. There's a gap in the mountain, I go up, reach Abandoned BOS Bunker.

Its time, ED-E talks to me, actually its just Lorenzo with the Brotherhood of Steel, who wants to study the robot. Then someone from the Followers of the Apocalypse breaks in with their own request to study it. Its kind of a stretch for the Brotherhood to contact me via the robot, but at least it makes some sense in that its an Enclave bot, and the two factions are related, and have lots of old tech, etc. I never even took ED-E near the Followers, and how did they even get his frequency, let alone have the means to contact it? Its just dumb.

Off to the Brotherhood in Hidden Valley. Give ED-E to Lorenzo. Down in the Brotherhood gift shop, they have Combat Armor, Reinforced Mark 2 for only $4291. Not sure if its worth it. Need to restock my 5.56, my favorite store right now is Primm, as I get a discount and prices are usually almost 1:1.

I visit the Novac shop and see the Paciencia for sale, I've been wondering, might as well look it up. Supposedly the best sniper rifle in the game is the anti-material rifle, and the Paciencia is equal to or better in some ways. What is money for, if not to make you happy.

This fucking sucks. The artwork seems to be missing, so I'm surrounded by a giant exclamation mark on a red background. This is some crazy bug. Researching, this is a problem of modders, but my install as stock as can be. Data files in the wrong place? Mods loading in the wrong order? Everything needs to be in the data folder.

I'll try the easiest thing first, validate files in Steam. Its doing something - what is it synchronizing? My screen caps? Nothing should have changed. Verify Integrity of Game Cache. This is slow, but if it works its worth it. This is promising: "3 files failed to validate and will be reacquired." Launch, load, it works! Sometimes life is easy.

I hope this also cleared up the PipOS errors in GRA items inventory pics. I have a screen shot of the Li'l Devil (GRA) in Mitch & Ralph's shop. I go there to see it, and its also fixed! I can clearly see the inventory pic of it, and know that its a pistol. Good news all around, wish I'd checked into it sooner.

As long as we're here, time to look up the Li'l Devil. Seems like a really good pistol, but I can't afford it right now anyway, unless I hock all my stash, and this doesn't seem to justify it. I'm just glad I can see it.

Time to change the weapon lineup. I just don't use the Cowboy Repeater or Mercenary's Grenade Rifle anymore. I rarely use Maria, or the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun, and sometimes the Sawed-Off Shotgun. All of these are going in the weapons cabinet, except the sawed-off. I'm also going to try out the lever-action shotgun, but that's just for fun.

New lineup:
1 That Gun (5.56mm)
3 Sawed-Off Shotgun (12ga)
4 Lever-Action Shotgun (20ga)
5 Paciencia (.308)
6 Ratslayer (5.56mm)

There is a simplicity and elegance in having less stuff. I'm not playing hardcore, but I really respect the realism of not having more than you can realistically carry and still function. I liked seeing the backpacks in The Last of Us, whereas in Fallout everything is in Hammerspace.

If I really wanted to be realistic right now, I'd stick with That Gun and Ratslayer as my best, and also they share the same ammo type, so even less to carry.

My combat armor needs repair, but Mojave Outpost wants $6000 to do it, and $3000 for the lever-action shotgun. I have to spend more skill points in Repair, I'll need 90 if I want the Jury Rigging perk, so I can repair anything I want with mere rust and twigs.

Back to that abandoned Brotherhood bunker. Graffiti: Gone To Sierra Madre. Isn't that the casino in one of the DLC's? A nearby corpse has a Jar of Cloud Residue, and a Sierra Madre Martini. Oh, duh, this is the entrance to Dead Money. File this away for later, restore last save.

I go to REPCONN Headquarters. There are bots patrolling outside, but they are not aggro. Go inside, get the tour. Reading the plaques will have to wait, its closing time. Hacking most terminals is doable, but I soon find one that requires 100. I have 65 Science, so even with a mag that's only 85.

Second floor, need to find a badge soon. A copy of Nikola Tesla and You, Energy Weapons +4. Door to REPCONN Office Main Floor, I can't open, not sure if I need to spend a lockpick magazine on it.

Level 20, Speech and Science to 70, perk Grim Reaper's Sprint.

Up to third floor, Door to REPCONN Office Top Floor. Ha, nice Luck check. Oh, just like that, right there on the floor, dead Paladins. Can't carry all this power armor, I'll stash it in the vending machine.

Also on the floor is Piers Isley's Briefcase, containing the third floor security card. You often find star caps near bottle of sarsaparilla, but this place has more than usual. Another 100 level terminal. Door to REPCONN Office 2nd Floor, I think this goes to that door I skipped - no actually, its much better than that - it leads to the Q-35 Matter Modulator. Nice, another book of Nikola, Energy Weapons +4. Strange that the safe it was sitting on was not locked. The nearby door leads right back to the beginning area.

In the gift shop, another hard to pick lock. I knew there had to be a security keycard lying around, but I missed it early, it was right off the solar exhibit. Now I can read the plaques before I go. A little heavy handed on the anti-corporate humor, but whatever, its the typos that bothered me more.

I'm two thirds done with the Brotherhood quest, might as well visit the third location. Speedwalk to the clinic, walk the rest of the way. Find a house with a mine trap, and door I can't pick. A trap that needs more explosive skill than I have. Noted, move on.

Nearing Nellis AFB. These guys have artillery, need to be wary. Start working my way around, meet George, who warns me about Boomer territory, and wants to sell me info. I buy the Nellis Artillery Timing Details.

I work my way around some more, come to Fields' Shack. Inside I find Abilene Kid LE BB Gun. I remember something like a limited edition Red Ryder BB gun, that was a crit machine, especially on eyes. Was that in Fallout, referencing Wasteland? I can't recall my history.

I don't feel like dodging rockets. I'll see if I can find the tunnel. I find another shack, Carlyle St. Clair's House. I was hoping there would be someone inside to meet, not another depressing empty shack.

I keep trying to climb the rock, and though there are places that seem like you can go up, there are invisible walls. Eventually I get as far as Northern Passage. I don't think its this way.

Going east, I get to Raul's Shack. Sad to find another empty shack, happy to find a copy of Guns and Bullets, +4 to Guns.

Further east, suddenly Deathclaws. I can see why no one comes back from here. Go to door near train tracks, Door to Train Tunnel, need lockpick of 100! Even if it wasn't for the Deathclaws, I still can't get in.

With some lucky sniping, I cripple a Deathclaw's leg, and chip away at it as it keeps slowly coming at me. I remember this being a very useful technique in Fallout. It seems the reward should be a lot more than 50 XP. This works again on the next deathclaw, this time the Pacencia works better than the shotgun for followup.

Further east, Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse. Need a key to enter.

Bloodborne Cave. Locked part, can't get in. I've been waiting to see who's cave this is and... Nightstalkers. Can deal with that. It takes several tries, they are led by a Legendary. Deeper into the cave, one of those little stories that litter this world. Looks like a family lived here once. Item placement lets you know who was who.

Curious, a key. Various bodies down here, including a recent Legionary, and NCR. I find a 12.7mm Pistol, but its in really bad shape.

The key opens the locked area from before, but there are grenade booby traps. Wow, a 12.7mm Submachine Gun. Even more wow, a whole lot of money in a trunk. I can't remember every seeing this much money in one place in any Fallout ever.

I'm way off script, and way to the northeast. I see an NCR camp, and I find a cave labelled Great Khan Supply Cave, though there is no map marker. I was hoping for Khans, I'm neutral with them, but I get more Nightstalkers. Once past the monsters, the gate to the supply room has surprisingly easy lock.

There's a briefcase called Great Khan Supply Cache. Shit, its a quest item, and it weighs 10 pounds and I can't drop it. Time to reload and just take note of it, who knows how long I might have to carry that around.

Northeast of Bitter Springs, some Super Mutants. They are hostile. Time to get back to the quest.

Back to Nellis. I do not understand what I'm supposed to do. I follow the note, trying to work my way northwest to the gate, while sheltering in the northeast corner of buildings. I get further than I did without, but I'm still getting shredded. I read some low spoilage advice, just work your way along the left wall til you get to the fence. Yes, that works.

Nellis Air Force Base. I meet Raquel, the Master-At-Arms. I like her view on personal armament. They bring me to the Eldest, Pearl. She's wearing an obvious vault suit.

Basically, its just another town, with just another set of problems that need solving. That's what I do.

In the museum, a Nellis AFB Snow Globe! These people are from Vault 34. Their artillery alone makes them a formidable faction in this area, but they might actually be able to field one last bomber from this base. This could really cramp Legion's style.

Talking to Pete about history is the longest gauntlet of skill checks so far in this game. I consume a Lad's Life (Survival +20) and a Patriot's Cookbook (Explosives +20). I pass all the checks, get a bunch of XP, my local rep goes to Accepted.


Sometimes, your insular post-apocalyptic cult-like authoritarian closed society needs an outside consultant - like me!

Sweep the area, clear the fog from the map. This place is huge, how have they not only kept everyone out, but any knowledge of this place from getting out. Into the medical building, I need 60 Medicine to help everyone, need to use up Today's Physician magazine. My local fame meter increases to Liked.

I come to Nellis Hangars, go in both buildings, get ant nest quest. Keep moving, this place just keeps getting bigger the more I look. It's like they fenced in the northeastern corner of the map. How can they keep up this much fenceline? There isn't even anyone in the sniping towers.

I reach Nellis Array. Finally, a manned sniper tower. He doesn't like me being up there. Enter Nellis Array Generators. Neat, a grenade rifle named Thump-Thump. Uses 40mm grenades, just my size. Sadly, more dead boomers, but check this out, a Marksman Carbine. How do people this well armed get owned by a few big ants. Oh, now a dropped Assault Carbine. I've accumulated a lot of new weapons recently, I barely have a chance to try them on.

I have so many new weapons, and explosives that have have weight (unlike ammo), that I can't move. I consume a Brahmin Steak so I have enough strength to get outside, teleport (speedwalk) to Novac, neatly file away my extras, and teleport back. Ain't video game physics grand.

I have to decide what to do with this lever action shotgun. I want to give it some field testing, but its nearly broken. What do weapon repair kits do? Are they rare, should I be hoarding them? Or will all that be moot when I get the Jury Rigging Perk? Reading... I should have looked into this sooner. Its like stimpaks for weapon health, they're fairly easy to get or craft, and it is even more effective with my repair skill. This is so much cheaper than the repair shop.

Way off in the corner of the base is a graveyard. This is the kind of detail I really appreciate.

There's no one manning the artillery pieces. Do people quickly run to them if an intruder is spotted? How do spotters send coordinates to gunners? Do they have radios? Are the guns just automated? They sure don't look it.

I walked the whole base and I still can't find that lost teddy bear.

Now Raquel wants missiles, or missile parts. I'm glad they acknowledged their supply is not infinite, or that they can't make more.

Wait a second. Jack wants me to help him build a relationship with a girl - in Crimson Caravan! Everyone in this town goes on and on about how they never interact with outsiders, and I'm the first and only since they isolated themselves here. Did an intern write this part of the story? Or more likely, sometime after current quests are done, trade will be opened between Boomers and Crimson, and that's when Jack will see the girl he wants to communicate with. So maybe its more of a programming error than a writing error, but its stupid either way.

I report in to Pearl, and she tells me about their dream to raise a sunken bomber, and fly it. I'm the one they've chosen to go put the ballast under it and float it up - because no one has left the base in 50 years. Did you hear that Jack, who is standing 10 feet away - how do you know someone in Crimson Caravan? At least I get a rebreather.

Repair solar array. Level 21, Repair 75, Science 75, Speech 75, Guns 70. Oh yeah, I forgot about why I even came here, to find a lost Brotherhood mission. With the Boomers not shooting at me, I can look around. There's the last lost Paladin, with a note of irony.

Walking around some more, find a Door To Train Tunnel, I would need 100 to unlock. Back to George to collect on my bet. I love that Speech 60 option.

Next stop Primm, to finish the ED-E My Love quest. Not taking on ED-E again as a companion.

Now to report in to the Brotherhood, and hopefully get my power armor training. Its not that simple though, as I have to choose between supporting the current elder, McNamara, or the usurper, Hardin. I'm not sure I understand which side wants what for the future of this chapter. It seems right to simply report to the boss. He's the one who allowed me in, he's the one with the info on the next quest I need to do.

Now I have to go find three more recon observers, hopefully these guys are all alive. I meet the first scout, who was watching the NCRCF, and he wonders why the escaped prisoners are holding it, and the NCR is not taking it back. He's not a very good observer if he thinks there's any prisoners still alive in there, I emptied that place a while ago.

Second observer notes an unwillingness or inability of NCR to defend itself. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been wondering about this. The third observer sees both sides in stalemate, with neither side sure it would win if it advanced. He thought the NCR should be superior with its technology advantage, but that does not seem to be the case. This is another thing I've been wondering, even if Legion has better soldiers, NCR's industrial output should simply overwhelm them. I'm very glad to see the game addressing these issues so directly.

Back to McNamara, now the immediate crisis is their air system. This feels like a sudden shift in topic, but short term survival beats long term strategy. I'm to search nearby vaults for parts to repair the air system. I get markers for Vaults 11, 22, and something unnamed.

I go to Vault 11. No matter how many times you find a vault, its still cool every time. Except for the part that every vault has some wacky conceit that makes it different. There's a dead NCR Trooper down here. These guys love littering the wasteland with their corpses. Nothing alive down here so far but large mantis and rat. Giving the shotguns a workout.

Enter Door to Vault 11 Living Quarters. Door to Vault 11 Lower Level. Overseer's Terminal requires key. Underwater area. It seems I have to choose between using my radiation suit or the rebreather - I can always fix the radiation later. Well, that was annoying, the hard to reach dangerous area had no quest value and little loot.

Off to the cafeteria. Now what would a Wasteland Omelet be doing here, let alone in the oven, let alone still edible.

OK, finally some light on what was going on here. The vault computer required a sacrifice every year, and the position of vault overseer and sacrifice became one. That's why everyone is electioneering so hard not to be elected. Now its actually making a little sense, and I'm starting to feel bad for them.

Finally a section of underwater that justifies the expense, I find the Differential Pressure Controller. Back to the Overseer's computer, where I can Open Sacrificial Chamber. I watch the movie, get executed. Reload, try again, do better, do much better with AP ammo, and then its done. I guess they weren't expecting too much resistance. I check in with the mainframe, and learn the terrible truth of the sacrifices.

I used up a bunch of resources to get through, but nothing I can't afford. I'll keep this outcome, plus the 500 XP is really nice. Finish searching areas I missed, find a Pugilism Illustrated (unarmed +4), I was starting to think this area might not have any skill books.

Go home to Novac, distribute loot, so glad I finally started sorting it.

Speedwalk to Vegas, head west to Vault 22. On the way, some Cazadors. They're still tough, but nowhere near as tough when I first started. A few hits with Ratslayer gets their attention, then finish 'em off with Paciencia. Good XP too, but if these guys are 55, Deathclaws should be 100.

I reach Vault 22. Its curiously leafy green here. Maybe their GECK exploded. I find a sign warning that the plants kill. So yeah, maybe something like that. Fix the elevator, but use stairs instead (elevators are a deathtrap). Door to Vault 22 Oxygen Recycling. Lots of glowing plants, but that's about it. Down, Door to Vault 22 - Food Production.

Oh shit what is that. Its a stealthed tree person, a Spore Carrier. My goal is to not end up as one of those. I'm following a breadcrumb trail of log entries from the previous researcher who came this way. His log seems to indicate he is a ghoul. I have a bad feeling about this, that they're going to squeeze in some Harold reference (ghoul + tree in head). NCR was doing research here?

A door that requires a key from Bailey. More spore people. I find Food Additive. Sure enough, its now an undroppable quest item. At least it doesn't weigh anything. Next level down, Door to Vault 22 - Common Areas. Where the overseer would sit is choked with plants, I get it, I get it. More logs, it seems the researcher works for NCR.

I find a flamethrower, maybe a hint of what's to come. More logs indicate myconid zombiefication (but not quite like The Last Of Us). Up ahead, its Seymour! Except he spits something nasty. Its a spore plant - like the ones in Fallout 2?

Stairs blocked, need to take elevator to Fifth Level - Pest Control. I find a Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor book (barter +4). Door to Vault 22 - Food Production, its caves. An unopenable door. Door to Vault 22 - Oxygen Recycling. More cave. Get to room I saw at beginning of area, find HEP 20 Cartridge Filter.

I download some research data, but can't find it in my logs or inventory.

Level 22, Guns 75, Lockpick 70. Perk Action Girl.

Further down, a big cave. Looks like a good place to meet an end of area boss. But no, just more bugs and plants. Kind of a let down, time to go home.

Then back out again to south of Vegas. I find Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. That can wait. Some Fiends by the side of the road offer up some target practice. They have a strange footlocker: "Steal Disassembled Weapons Shipment". I have no idea what this could be. Might be a quest item. I'll just note it and move on. If its important, it should still be here later.

Past some more Fiends, now somebody called Cook-Cook is lobbing fireballs at me. Is that a flamethrower, or something else? Wow, he was worth 138 XP. Now I think maybe Deathclaws should be 200 XP. Grisly trophy, I can take Cook-Cook's head. Well, the game wants me to, it has no weight.

From the ruin he emerged from, I find Recipes - Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew. It appears to be an improved brahmin steak, Strength +1, but no radiation. That was kind of cool. I like mid to low level named bosses, with unique, if low power, loot.

I find South Vegas Ruins West Entrance. This is Fiend territory. Luckily, so far they can be mostly one-shotted with Ratslayer. I find an entrance to Vault 3, to the Recreation Area. The door doesn't open from here. I enter Zapp's Neon Signs. Another minor named boss. I find Bumper Sword, which looks downright medieval.

Go through door east, South Vegas Ruins East Entrance. Need to find a way into Vault 3. There's an NCR camp up ahead, avoid it, for now. Avoid everything, until I wrap up the Brotherhood quest, and find out if I get power armor or not.

I come to New Vegas Steel. Bunch of crazed Mr. Handys. Find a terminal, automation test in progress, 204 years. There is only one choice, Lucky 38 Executive Override. I'll leave it alone, for now.

Moving back into Fiend territory, someone named Driver Nephi. Another head collected, I feel a quest coming on. Driver, as in he has a hero golf club. How do I know to collect heads from these guys, if I haven' been assigned the quest yet? Why am I suddenly and inexplicably collecting gruesome trophies?

I've made a fairly big circuit, and still no sign of a vault entrance. I'll go back to the door and check the message again. Oh crap, I made a stupid mistake. I clicked on the door, it said activated elsewhere, so I just left, thinking I need to find an alternate entrance. I didn't even notice the control panel right next to the door. I hate missing the obvious.

I can' believe these Fiend shitheads have control of a vault, its just insulting. I'm going to fix that. Interesting, I can pretend to just be making a delivery. I've been mopping the floor with these guys, so let's just go with that. Its working so far. Door I can't pick. And the Door to Vault 3 - Maintenance Wing is also unpickable. I want to keep things moving, so I'll consume a magazine to get both these doors.

I finally meet the king of this craphole, Motor-Runner, and end his reign. And get a quest failed message. Now I'm conflicted - what did I miss? I read up on this guy, and he's part of a long multi-stage quest, that fails if I killed him. I do an experiment, go back a few saves, talk my way in and out of the place, and I can still take the parts for the Brotherhood. I deliver the parts, and get no offer of training, but I can ask to join the Brotherhood, but I have to do more work.

I've made a mistake, on several fronts. I will have to rewind a bit. None of this makes much sense, storywise, but that's what the game has to offer, take it or leave it.


I've gone out of order, and the game is punishing me for it. I should not be this far north or west until I've taken care of more things to the south and east, as best as I can gather without actually reading quest pages right out of the wikia. I think I need to go back to just after finishing the green cave of Vault 22, then get back to much earlier quests, like running the Crimson Caravan quest to Camp McCarran, so I am introduced to southern Las Vegas in the proper order. The Brotherhood can wait, especially if I'm losing quests and not even getting the cool armor.

Reload "Play Time: 092.00.40" "#305 Motel Room".
South Vegas is now once again undiscovered.

I'm going to try a wary search for 'new vegas no spoiler order' or something like that to see if I can get any broad general pointers, without spoiling anything. I've already regrettably spoiled so much. The very first thing I read is you can't get it right first time, just make mistakes. Something about that sounds right. And maybe I should have just kept my most recent misadventure, but something about my character suddenly collecting heads as trophies just really rubs me the wrong way. If something that wrong is going to start happening, it should have been explained. I'll try not to skip ahead anymore, and see if I can find a more natural flow to this game. But I don't think I'm going to restart much anymore, this will just have to be my imperfect first run through, even if its my last.

Head to Camp McCarran, doing some road walking to get back in character. I meet the Forecaster again, this time I can easily afford his prognostications. I speak to Alexander under the 188 crossroads, he's the real arms dealer at this rest stop. He's got nails as ammo, only $1 each. Haven't seen that weapon yet.

I come across Aerotech Office Park, I remember that from my sewer adventures. Later.

I reach Camp McCarran. Enter Terminal Building. I meet Capt. Ronald Curtis. There's a letter called Sniper Nest Location on the desk, but its red, so I'll leave it for now. Can always steal it later. I meet Col. James Hsu. Like a lot of people in this game, he's very forthcoming to someone he just met. And I have only a 1 Charisma, and wasn't even challenged for a Speech check. You could at least pretend to make me work for this instant level of trust. Sometimes this game forgets its a game.

The Colonoel lost a ranger, Bryce Adams, on a mission to Vault 3, I'll see if I can find him. There's also a rare Legion prisoner to interrogate. And someone is leaking NCR intelligence.

Some of these posters are just nuts. I wonder if anyone sells full size versions on Etsy.

I meet Cpl. Walter Hornsby, says Boyd's inside with the prisoner. I speak to Lt. Carrie Boyd, she lets me at the prisoner. I speak to Silus, I'm expecting a lot of speech checks. Interesting that I'm given several Speech options, but I'm not told which is harder, there's no numbers at all. I'm not sure if I got the best result, but it seems satisfactory. I get a few caps, but the 325 XP is of more useful to me. It also tells me I should have come this way sooner.

Back to exploring. In the jail I find a footlocker, MP Confiscated Goods Trunk. Its red, I leave it alone. Unless it comes up in a quest it doesn't matter.

I enter Door to Camp McCarran Concourse. What are all these train sounds constantly going. I speak to Pvt. Christina Morales, who wants a loved one's body retrieved from enemy territory.

Why are some of the slot machines working? You can't put money in them, but they're lit up and spinning. Even worse, sometimes you hear the payout sound of it dispensing coins. What is a a nice background sound in the casinos, is abject game maker laziness here.

I speak to the chef, Cpl. William Farber - I can offer to poison the troops with spore pod extract? WTF. Maybe that option is for siding with Legion. I can repair their food processing machine with 80 Repair, maybe on next level, it only needs 5 more points.

I find a locker specifically named for Cpl. White. No other lockers are named, which makes this really stand out. Maybe evidence of treachery inside? Nobody is looking... ah, a journal, practically a letter of confession. Except its about... unauthorized pumping of water to Westside?

Door to Camp McCarran Supply Shack, I meet Sgt. Daniel Contreras. He's a merchant. This is bizarre, he has a star cap for sale. That's unique.

There's a computer, NCR Supply Database. It's red, but there's a traitor to ferret out, so leave no stone unturned. There's weapons missing? And Contreras wants to buy more from Gun Runners to cover the shortfall - but who's taking them? If he was skimming them, then why pay to replace them?

Door leads outside - now I'm in the giant enclosure I saw before with the air traffic control tower. This place just keeps getting bigger.

I meet Pvt. Davey Crenshaw, who's got an obvious chip on his shoulder, a prime candidate.

There are a lot of old airplanes in here, that seem mostly intact. If NCR can't fix them up, maybe the Boomers could make something of all these parts?

A garage door leads back to terminal - I missed a corner of the map! I speak to Angela Williams, a researcher working on optimizing power from the Hoover Dam. At long last, I've found Thomas Hildern. I feel like I got this simple delivery quest a month ago, and kind of forgot about it. He thinks I'm here about Vault 22. He goes into a long speech about the virtues of fast growing agriculture that I guess they were working on there, meanwhile I'm thinking I've already cleaned the place out. I definitely should have come here sooner. Yep, he gives me a quest to go down to the Vault 22 mainframe and download its research data. Strangely, he wants to pay me with OSI funds, not NCR - that's suspicious.

Since I already have the data, the conversation option is there, and I hand it over. I get 1200 caps. I try to warn him about dangerous plants, he tells me trust me, we're from the government. Sometimes this game lays it on thick. But who cares - I just got 1000 XP! I like to wander the wastes and explore, and you'd think the game would want me to, but it seems like every named place is linked to some quest, and I shouldn't mess with it until I've been told I can. I'm glad this one worked out no matter when I started it.

Delivering the Crimson Caravan invoice gives a whopping 25 XP. To be getting to this quest so late in the game is a little embarrassing.

AH, Office of Science and Industry. This is what I though the Brotherhood would become, the science and technology arm of the NCR. They predict mass starvation in a decade or so, no wonder they are willing to risk wacky old world science. He's not happy about the boneheads who are trying to get Helios One back online, but there's no offer for me to do anything about it. They do a pretty good job of painting him with the arrogant jerk brush, but there's a hint of humanity in there anyway. Could be a memorable character.

Back to exploring this place. I find a terminal, get Control Tower Access Log. It doesn't mean much to me, and no quest event is generated. Its next to a door that requires a key. On the central building is a door that is not barred, but neither gives an inaccessible message if you try to open it. Only time I think I've seen that.

Exploring courtyard tents. Speak to Sergeant Bitter-Root, he's got an interesting back story. I speak to Little Buster, a lazy merc. I meet Major Dhatri, he's got three Fiends he wants taken out: Violet, Driver Nephi, and Cook-Cook. Feeling ever more justified about backtracking. So, its the Khans who hold Red Rock, and they supply chems to the Fiends. Its a bit savage of a supposedly civilized nation like NCR to be paying bounties for intact heads, but these circumstances seem pretty bad.

I must commend the game for painting a much more nuanced picture of the NCR. This is what I was always hoping for. They're the good guys, mostly, but not always. And not because they don't want to be, but because their desire to be good sometimes exceeds their abilities. But they are also authoritarians, and want to tell everyone their business. What could be more Californian?

After speaking to Dhatri, I speak to Little Buster again. Cook-Cook has a pet Brahmin, Queenie, that I could kill to make the cook go crazy and be a less effective fighter. Its nice that he has one redeeming virtue (maybe), but I just can't do that. I need the bounty's head intact, but as a headshot specialist that's the one thing I can't do, so I'll have to just aim for the limbs, and hope.

I speak to Lieutenant Gorobets, another First Recon soldier, he's got a few soldiers with problems. I speak to Corporal Sterling, he's seen some suspicious lights in the control tower. Its always there at 1 AM. I meet 10 of Spades, a sniper. I meet Corporal Betsy, tell her to get treatment, says she will look up Dr. Usanagi.

I find some pots, cooking over some trashcan fires. Another one of those little details I like to see in a game. I liked meeting all the named troopers, adds a lot of detail, a lot of humanization.

I go the tower and wait for 1 AM. Nothing. Reload. I go speak to Capt. Curtis about the intel leaks, then speak to Boyd. I get a key so I can wait inside the tower. The first night I try it nothing happens. I try it a few more times, I look it up online, the key is to wait outside, then go in. Silly me.

Why does this base have a functioning monorail? The Colonel is complaining that he doesn't have enough resources to fulfill his mission, and they're just barely hanging on, but they have time to run a monorail, just so the troops can have R&R in Vegas, without having to walk for 10 minutes?

I am rewarded with a key to the NCR safehouse. I've been putting off visiting Legion territory. How close can I get with NCR before that is no longer an option? I really don't want to go, but I think the story says I have to.

Back to Crimson, back to Alice. Next job: get Cass to sell her caravan business to Crimson Caravan. Not hard, but I somewhat accidentally pick a conversation option that leads to Cass joining my party. There's a lot of interesting conversation options, so I just keep on talking, and realize there's a lot of story here that I missed out on. Its very clear that I was supposed to do the Crimson Caravan quests a long time ago, and have the option of recruiting Cass much earlier. Its like there's this whole other parallel game that I'm not playing by not using companions. It makes me wonder what it would be like to roam the wasteland with friends and backup, but I know I would likely get frustrated by the game mechanics of it. Particularly, I'd probably have to spend half my time just keeping them alive. Maybe if I do another playthrough. This time, I'm doing the lone wanderer thing.

Still, Cass is a fountain of truth about the whole Mojave situation, and NCR and Legion's places in it, and very early in the game too. I go with Cass to the site of her destroyed caravan, and its like pulling a thread that keeps on unraveling a garment. I really want to see where this goes, even though it violates my whole lone wanderer vibe. I may have to make an exception long enough to get to the bottom of this caravan mystery.

I wonder if I'm supposed to visit Caesar sooner or later, or if its even too late.


I find Jane, the one Jack over at the Boomer camp has his eye on. And that's literally their whole interaction, they've been watching each other through binoculars. So, there is some info leakage from Nellis AFB, at least, people can watch them from a distance.

So where is Henry Jamison, I can't find him here at the Caravan's camp. In the quests section of the Pip-Boy you can click show location, and it shows him being somewhere in Vegas. There's Henry, in the Wrangler, at a slot machine. I offer to settle his account with the Omertas if he quits in exchange - but then that part of the quest status goes right to being finished, with no further tasks.

I go visit Gomorrah anyway, I still have some small quest to talk to the receptionist there. There is an option about an outstanding balance, I go speak to some low level thug, see if I can find some evidence on his activities. You can get lost in this place, its not that huge, but its a labyrinth. I speak to Joana, a sad case, a lost love. More depravity. Back in the courtyard, I meet Dazzle, who was purchased from Westside. I'm surprised there isn't more slavery around here. Or maybe there is.

I need 3 more barter points to sell Cachino's journal back to him, time to put on Benny's suit. The Omerta bosses are planning something, and they are gathering weapons. I speak to Troike, who is very forthcoming, and Clanden, who is not. I meet Zoara Bouncer, whatever that is. I keep exploring, opening more doors that were previously locked to me. This place just keeps getting bigger. I find a Guns and Bullets (+4 Guns), and Big Sal's Terminal.

Finally, we get to the bottom of it, Caesar was going to use the Omerta's to take out the other Families, as part of his overall divide and conquer scheme (like using the Fiends). You've got to give credit where its due, and Caesar is really doing a good job sawing out the legs from under the Mojave factions before the shooting even starts.

Back to the matter at hand, before you know it, its a three way shoot out between me, Nero, Big Sal, and Cachino. I couldn't save Cachino, not that I tried too hard. I wonder what happens now, with all the leadership of Gomorrah dead. Strange that the staff didn't all immediately try and kill me - how are they supposed to know what happened, other than the obvious?

Level 23, Lockpick 75, Barter 60, Guns 80, Explosives 30.

So what happened to Joana? Guess she just took off. I would reload to do her request, but I just want to get out of Gomorrah. Its really annoying that nobody thought to script what would happen if all the leaders of the Omertas were taken out. Everyone's acting like nothing is different.

There are a few places I haven't visited in Vegas yet. I enter Las Vegas Boulevard Station. A new dropbox! I haven't been using these since I set up shop in Novac. Well, at least a Securitron says the situation at Gomorrah has been resolved, feel free to patronize it. Can't be sure what incident he's referring to. I can walk right out to the monorail. Might as well try it out. That is very disappointing. How hard would it have been to have a scripted event that shows the monorail zooming down a track. Its no different than speedwalking.

I speak to Walter Phebus (again?) this time he tells me about Heck Gunderson stealing ranching land. I speak to his wife Ethel, she wants me to talk him out of revenge. Not while there's a quest on.

I enter Gate to New Vegas Strip. I meet a Traveler, who mentions Gomorrah is under new management. I meet NCR Military Police, ah yes this is the NCR Embassy, where I'm supposed to meet someone named Ambassador Crocker. This came up so long ago I've forgotten.

I enter NCR Embassy. I meet Liz O'Malley. I meet Captain Marie Pappas. I see another Strip Letter, this one number 11. Its red, I have to steal it. Its from Lt. Ashville to Private Erwin, an apparent troublemaker. Another Strip Letter, #9. I meet Private Jake Erwin. I find Ambassador Phillip Granger's Final Report, and Ambassador Susanna Edith's Final Report.

I speak to Ambassador Dennis Crocker, he wants me to get the Boomers on NCR's side. His history of NCR is very thorough and illuminating. The Treaty of Vegas really explains how things work here, and why. I don't really like NCR, but the alternatives seem worse. If Vegas can remain a free city-state, I think that would be best for everyone.

I go in Military Police HQ. I read Strip Letter 10. There's two people in prison, but I can't reach them to talk to them.

I enter Michael Angelo's Workshop. I speak to Kate, not so much to his Assistant, then to Michael Angelo. I need to use up a magazine to boost my Med to 55, so I can help him with his agoraphobia. He wants me to photograph some famous local landmarks. I can do that. I receive a Codac R9000, with 24 ammo (its in the weapons category). This feels vaguely like a GTA mission. I find Schematics - Billboard (why?).

Back to the strip, to visit Vault 21 Gift Shop, and speak to Sarah. She needs more stuff to sell at the gift shop. With a Barter check of 65, I can mention Boomer suits as an option. I still don't understand why Mr. House felt the need to fill Vault 21 with concrete.

Down into what remains of Vault 21. There's a terminal, Vault 21 Control, overridden by House Mainframe. In the main room there seems to be a bit of a crowd, and some gambling, but nothing I can participate in. I find a Vault 21 Guest Terminal. This place is a maze. I find Strip Letter 1, boring. I find Sarah's room, access her private terminal because that's what one does in RPGs. Wasn't there a Biff in Fallout 2? In a dresser she has Vault 3, 21, and 22 suits. At the southern end of the vault is a door marked Inaccessible. I think I've done as much as I'm going to in this place. This place is a cramped warren, can't wait to hit the open desert.

There are lots of small and medium quests I could go on now, but its time to make a social call I've been putting off. I go to Cottonwood Overlook, and then to Cottonwood Cove, around the third nuclear waste truck. I am immediately challenged, good thing I have the mark. I speak to Aurelius of Phoenix, I need to go to Cursor Lucullus, who will then take me by water to Fortification Hill. Exploring a bit first, I find a Grognak the Barbarian, (Melee +4). I meet a Prime Legionary, Canyon Runner, nothing much to say.

At a small fenced in prison, I speak to Mrs. Weathers, oops its a quest. Don't these people know I'm on a mission. She was being abused by Frank. There's also Kenny Weathers. I meet Decanus Severus, there are conversation options to help them out. Not doing that this run, but its nice to see an evil run is possible. I find a star cap. Last chance to go back, I walk down the dock.

Well, OK, first I check in the Cove Mess Hall for any good loot, then I go speak to Cursor Lucullus. And just like that, we are in a new area. Not surprisingly they take my weapons, but strangely they know about the Platinum Chip too. Mr. House told me to take it to Fortification Hill for some mission of his, but I think I could also use it to supplant him.

At least now I know where this place is on the World Map. I wonder if this is a one-time visit, or if I can come back here by other means. I meet Dale Barton, a trader. Interesting how traders like working with Legion, because they are fair traders and keep the roads safe. I meet a Slave, several more. I meet some junior legionaries, an unexpected but nice detail.

I somewhat dread this meeting with this Caesar not because I'm afraid for my character - the game is only half over, I can't die - but so far this game has been growing on me, and this is a pivotal make or break character moment for the whole game. If Caesar isn't a convincing character, the whole game will suffer.

Open Fort Drawbridge. I meet a Legion Vexillarius, Veteran Decanus, Veteran Legionary, etc. I don't know what all these titles and ranks are, and I wonder how these probably illiterate tribals organized themselves thusly. It reminds me of The Postman, where a mild-mannered copy repairman rose up after the apocalypse to forge a conquering organization under harsh rules. There's a sharpening stone being used by a blacksmith, nice touch. These people make a big show of wielding melee weapons, but I see some of them are also carrying 12.7mm SMG.

I meet Siri, a slave healer. There's an option to help her efforts, but that would help Legion. I'm going to refrain from that, for now. I ask about the Burned Man, a local legend.

I open Tent Flap to Caesar's Tent. A short march to Caesar. Unfortunately, he already knows about my rooting out the mole at Camp McCarran, and knocking out the Omerta plot. I like his attitude, he knows I'm probably an enemy but he still has use for me anyway. And he really likes people who get results. I wonder what would have happened if I had visited sooner, before working with the NCR.

Caesar wants Mr. House taken out, and thinks the Platinum Chip, and for some reason me, is the key. The chip is no doubt the key to the hatch, but why send me in? Why not just kill me, and send one of his guys? I'm not going to argue, hopefully I think of something on the way back. But I also need to decide, once through the hatch, whether to help or hurt Mr. House. Or to replace him?


Its not just procrastination that kept me from starting this game, its also the box art. Something about a guy in a long coat and gasmask with a revolver just didn't really say Fallout to me. The game has convinced me otherwise. The other big thing is I kept hearing the big bad of this game was Caesar and his Legion. That sounded like poor writing. Its like when in Star Trek TOS a first encounter team accidentally left a copy of a gangster encyclopedia behind, and then the next team comes years later, and its Gangster Planet. Much like you can't just cram democracy onto another country and suddenly its a real functioning democracy, I don't think you can put some guys in skirts and have them say a few Latin phrases to each other and then suddenly the organizational prowess and military might of Rome (at its height) is yours.

Back to the place I'm at in the game, I think I fucked up. I'm playing my mostly Lawful Good lone wanderer as cautious, and it makes no sense that she would entirely place herself in the maw of the dragon just to see what happens (especially since she's the gender Legion treats like cows). Yeah, there's the platinum chip quest for Mr. House - but that at least seems like maybe I could sneak in to do this, with a lot of Stealth Boys and lots of save/reloads. To just walk in the front door like this seems like a chance my character would never ever take. It seems like the game and story are structured so that basically you have to. I might be wrong, but I can't know until I get through this at least once.

If I was going to visit Caesar, it should have been much sooner, before I made any sort of name in the wasteland. Now he knows I'm actively working against him. Maybe the pre-scripted events has Caesar let me go no matter what, but at this point he really shouldn't. And if I do go late in the game, I could show up in full power armor with the best weapons, and maybe take down this camp from within. At that point, would the game even let me?

Knowing what little I know now, I would say go back, and do not visit Caesar ever, until the game gives me no choice. But now I'm in the middle of it, and I'm too curious to go back. And I really doubt there's any game stopping action that will take place here, it seems like I'm only half way through.

The Legion have recovered a howitzer, but it doesn't work, but I could get it working with help from the Boomers. I'm starting to wonder what this game would look like if I help the Legion instead. I head down the hill, open the door to Weather Monitoring Station. Use chip, enter Elevator Door to Securitron Vault. I know Mr. House wanted me to come here, but its been so long I don't remember why. My quest list is no help.

Cool, Mr. House is here, or at least his telepresence is. Even better, all the questions I have are right there in the list. Going with what I've been doing so far, I will continue to work for Mr. House. How cool would that be if the Securitron army boiled out of this facility and took out Caesar's army from within. Not that I think that is going to happen.

I see where the chips are falling, even if I help Mr. House upgrade and expand his robot army, I think it will still be possible to betray him later. But if I disobey Caesar, how am I getting out of here alive? I hope Mr. House has a plan. I install the upgrade, Mr. House just says nice job, return to base. How? Am I actually supposed to report back to Caesar?

Yes I am, and what's more, Caesar interprets all that shaking as the destruction of the facility. Now he wants Mr. House dead, and leaves it up to me how to get it done. You can ask him a bunch of questions, and he is quite forthcoming about who he was, how he formed the Legion, and why. This goes a long way towards making the story a lot more solid and believable. It even explains reasonably why they chose the ancient Roman model. It also goes a long way towards making Caesar into a believable character in an incredible but still believable situation.

I guess its a good thing the robots aren't emerging yet, as I have plausible deniability to get out of here before anything is discovered. But more than that, I have license by Caesar to get Mr. House killed any way I see fit, so I could probably stretch this out for some time before making any permanent commitment. I may even be able to come and go from Legion territory as I please for some time.

I now have no regrets, this was a very important part of the story. Next time (if I ever get to play again) I would come here even sooner.

Before leaving, I examine the Mk III Auto-Doc, I am given no option to fix it or sabotage it (wouldn't that make for a short game if I could make it fricassee Caesar next time he uses it). I speak to Lucius, he has a quest to repair the howitzer, and an unarmed technique to teach, if I had Melee skill level 50.

I speak to Vulpes Inculta, another interesting character. I like how he hints at doubt about my sincerity, whereas someone like Caesar never expresses it. He tells me about Marina Groesback, an informer he wants checked up on. I'll say I'll do it, if for no other reason than maybe I can turn her in, later.

I speak to Otho, who's in charge of the arena. That might be fun. Since I'm playing a female character, she's not allowed in the arena. Its not like I've spent that many skill points on Melee anyway. I speak to Antony, master of the hounds. The city of Denver is overrun with dogs, good to know. Almost everyone I meet I can ask about Legate Lanius or the Burned Man, so they must be in the story later.

I speak to Melody, who wants her teddy bear back. Not too likely, in this place. I could speedwalk out of here (now), but I think the right way to leave is the way I came in, on Cursor Lucullus' boat. And just like that, I'm free.

On the way up the hill, I discover Searchlight East Goldmine. Nice big cave, unfortunately held by Viper Gang. That should be easy to fix. Its kept interesting by some more coming in as I'm searching.

Southwest of Searchlight, there's more ghouls wandering around, and those bots I spotted awhile ago. They're still too tough for me.

I'm just enjoying that the middle of the game went successfully, and I'm celebrating by doing my favorite thing, walking the wasteland and seeing what's out there.

I discover Old Nuclear Test Site, no wonder there's so many ghouls. I need the radsuit and rad-x to visit the first shack on the periphery. Inside I find a corpse in leather armor named Trash, containing Entry Three in the Die-ary of Trash. Sounds like she was trying to become a ghoul, but just ended up dead. I find a Hunting Shotgun, I've been meaning to try one of those. More diary entries. A star cap. There's an invisible wall above the fence keeping you from going further into the area. As in, you can jump down (from the hill) to the top of the fence, but an invisible wall keeps you from jumping down the other side. Lame, but I appreciate that it must be difficult to justify fencing in a tiny area of the desert just for game purposes.

I discover Caesar's Legion Safehouse. You need a key to enter, and its one I haven't earned. Nor intend to.

Speedwalk to Novac to unload loot and unradiate myself. I add the hunting shotgun to my weapon list. Maybe three shotguns is too many.

Finishing up minor quests. Level 24, Lockpick, Science, and Speech to 80 - now I can effectively reach 100 with magazine use, if needed. For perk, I'll take another rank in Action Girl.

I deliver the Mantis eggs to Red Lucy, now she wants Radscorpion eggs. This can only end in Deathclaw eggs.

Off to see Cook-Cook. There's a few Fiends on the way, by a campfire. They have a footlocker labelled Disassembled Weapons Shipment, which again in this playthrough I'll just leave alone until it comes up.

Finish Cook-Cook. Discover El Rey Motel, I go inside, its full of scorpions. I read Threatening Note. This place is depressing, and there's not much to it. Back to Novac to unload. Can't shut radio off. Exit game and restart, now I can.

Do I need to go to Red Rocks before I kill off the three Fiend mini-bosses? I hope not because that's what I'm doing.

I discover Brewer's Beer Bootlegging. I open Cellar Door to Brewer's Bootlegging. I find a Big Book of Science (+4 Science). Up in the hills, a bunch of Cazador. In a duffle bag, Combat Armor, Reinforced, Mark 2. Its about time.

Unload, come back. Don't know how I missed this, but outside the shack is a corpse named Gourd.

When I come back, it seem like some of the Cazador have respawned. Their venom really hurts, sometimes I have to use up an antivenom or I will die. There are too many. They are not so tough, but if they get to me, I'll get hit, and that costs an antivenom for sure, and I just don't have that much, and I don't think I can craft much more. They'll have to wait.

I go back the other way, reach Poseidon Gas Station. I like Violet's little RV camp, but as she's part of a quest, she's got to go. I also retrieve Violetta's Brain from, presumably, her top dog. That's weird. Makes me think of the dog Rex, who is little more than a dog brain and mostly robot body.

I reach Red Rock Canyon. This is a Great Khan town. I meet Jessup, I think he was at that hostage situation at Boulder. I meet Jerry the Punk. I reach Red Rock Drug Lab, meet Jack and Diane - what the fuck is wrong with you, Fallout NV writers, that's not even remotely amusing. If its not some terrible coincidence, this is almost as awkward a cultural reference as the time someone said 'wretched hive of scum and villainy' in Fallout 2.

Diane wants me to look for Anders, somewhere to the southeast. That's vague. Good thing the Pip-boy knows everything in time and space. Retrieve Anders. Make a delivery to Hostetler over at Crimson. Now deliver a package to Motor-Runner. This is the quest I lost out on before, now I get to try again.

Finish Driver Nephi. Level 25, Repair 80, Sneak 80, Medicine 45. Report back to Dhatri, all done. 1st Recon is sent to Camp Forlorn Hope. There's bunch of NCR bases I haven't even been to yet.

Off to Vault 3, that quest seems to be still on, even though I cleared the above-ground Fiends.

I put on the Khan armor, might as well stay in character. Its kind of fun to loot a place before I take it over. I find a Sneak +4 book.

I find the jail. Search Carter's Corpse, nothing. Talk to Rick Lancer, a caravanner held for ransom.

I find a trapped area, and find Bryce Anders, and send him packing. The underwater areas contain nothing worth the effort. Give package to Motor, return to Diane.

Something has changed, various people are now talking about veteran Legion troops coming from the east, and veteran NCR troops coming from the west. Back in Camp McCarran, I encounter a NCR Heavy Trooper, who is wearing power armor!


I know how the game just needs to scale up all the monsters and NPCs, to keep up with my rising levels, but I like how they integrate it into the story, and make it part of the increasing tension.

I think the right thing to do now, thematically, is go on the first DLC, Honest Hearts, which I think is a caravan trip going north. It seems right that a character might be feeling a little overwhelmed being at the center of this maelstrom, and might want to just cash their chips and get out.

Just being thorough, I check with Jack and Diane (puke) and they have nothing else for me to do. I clean up the area above Vault 3, and Zapp's Neon Signs. Explore around the area, take care of any more Fiends above ground.

I have too many shotguns, I really only use the sawed-off when things get up close and personal, but the hunting shotgun is really proving itself. The lever-action is mostly forgotten. Time to look up shotguns, that shouldn't be much of a spoiler. Actually, there were lots of spoilers. Annoying. But it seems the 12 gauge is better than the 20. Maybe. According to some. I'll keep the sawed-off and hunting in 12 gauge, drop the lever-action. I'll also ditch the grenade rifle, I never use it, and my explosives is low.

I come around to New Vegas Steel, redo that small area. I discover West Pump Station. Oh good, its held by Fiends, I can fix this. I find Pump Station Terminal, I can fix this too, but I shouldn't. It's probably the point of some quest, so I want to get full credit for it. Better to note it and leave it for later.

Off to Honest Hearts, head up to Northern Passage. I speak to Jed Masterson, the one who left the radio message. Caravan to Zion, find New Canaan. $25/day. Doesn't sound like much, but it could be a lot of days. I am advised not to say the name Joshua Graham or the Burned Man to the locals. I need to carry less than 75 pounds to go on this ride. I use up two weapon repair kits to make the limit.

I speak to Stella, hear some New Reno references. I speak to Happy Trails Caravan Guard, holding a grenade launcher, and another one holding a rifle. I speak to Ricky, wearing a Vault 22 suit, who's a phony. Its not hard to convince him to just leave.

This is a pocket universe. One way trip for a while. I wasn't expecting my entire caravan to die immediately. I keep reloading, but its almost like my teammates have 1 hp each. It seems like I'm supposed to be the only one left standing.

Something about a quest fails? Reload. I meet Follows-Chalk, and it seems I'm stuck with him.


Does Tonto have to follow the Lone Ranger? Because it seems like this tribal dude has to follow this lone wanderer.

At least we aren't doing the cliche where I get knocked unconscious (in a cut scene), and wake up in a tent, rescued by a friendly tribe, but without any of my stuff.

On one of the dead tribals, a Riot Shotgun. Now this is something I want to test.

Talking more to Follows-Chalk, he tells New Canaan was wiped out. They came down from Great Salt Lake. His tribe is Dead Horse, and their leader is Joshua Graham, who used to be the general of Caesar's Legion. Ah, Joshua Graham is the Burned Man. I came north to get away from all that, and here I am in the thick of it again.

I don't want to go back to the Mojave, but I check to see what happens if I try. "Without a map or guide, you have no hope of finding your way back to the Mojave Wasteland." One, its not that far. Two, its not like my character isn't an experienced traveler and explorer. Three, its not like she wouldn't have been mapping along the way, especially with a Pip-boy. Having said all that, I meant to come here, you don't need to try and convince me of anything.

We meet a Yao Guai in a set encounter. Good to know these are roaming about, they're almost as bad as Deathclaws - or were they worse?

Strange, its raining. I don't think I ever once saw rain in the Mojave, but this place seems like an even harsher desert. It makes me wonder about the ecology of deserts. Follows-Chalk remarks about the green men and the spitter plants - sounds like the critters back at that overgrown vault. Is this what its like to have a companion that speaks? Follows-Chalk says something every couple of minutes.

Looks like there's a detour here to something called Ranger Substation Peregrine. Let's take a look. My new tribal friend is overly chatty, but I like his ability, when we reach a high summit like this, I get to note all the unvisited map marker locations nearby.

There are some containers. I find a pistol I've never seen before, .45 Auto Pistol. The park ranger hat is cute, but how long has it been sitting out here in the open, just waiting for me to pick it up? I think I'll stash some of my loot here, now that I have a speedwalkable point on the map.

I find an ancient car, with a two skeletons in embrace? Or did they die fighting? There's a knife and money nearby.

Level 26, Repair 90, Medicine 50, perk Jury Rigging.

We come to Zion Valley Welcome Booth.

Where did Follows-Chalk get this accent from? Does he actually speak a Native American language as his native, and then somehow learned English? As soon as we get to this guy's village, I'm ditching him.

We come to East Virgin. A fish! We come to Fallen Rock Cave. Cool fungus inside, I'll come back to this later. The fungus is a natural radiation detoxer, not by much, but there's a lot of them.

We arrive at Dead Horses Camp. Gruesome name. We go to Angel Cave, and meet Joshua. I was expecting someone who looks like a burnt match, but its actually much more reasonable that he's covered with bandages. He seems to have all the evil burnt out of him, and he's quite reasonable. His explanation of the situation makes a lot clear. Caesar is recruiting the White Legs tribe, and his first test for them was to destroy New Canaan, probably as a way of getting back at Joshua (do they suspect he's alive, or would they do this either way?). The Dead Horse people, the Sorrows people, and the survivors of New Canaan are unfortunately too busy trying to survive to help me get home right now. So of course, what else can I do but make their fight mine.

I like how Joshua knows that Caesar knows that he's alive, because he keeps sending assassins, and he's iced them all. And that Caesar can never admit in public that Joshua is alive, because that would be admitting that he made a mistake. I like the comment about Caesar living for his lies, and dying by his lies, very prophetic sounding.

I like how some small pocket of the old religion still survives, how could it not. Even if all its followers were wiped out, someone would stumble upon the old material, or just start up a new one claiming to be based on an old foundation. I think its a human thing.

There's four tribes: Dead Horses, Sorrows, White Legs, New Canaanites. Joshua and Daniel are among the last of, if not the last, of the Canaanites. I'm glad to hear some backstory on the languages. It seems they are speaking some old Native language, mixed with English.

Joshua has a store, he's got lots of .45 stuff, including .45 SMG, powder charge, primer box. OK, off to see Daniel. Up on a ledge, a long gone skeleton of some desperado, but the cigarette in its mouth is still fresh.

I want to ditch Follows, but I think I'm supposed to bring him along for a little while longer. I guess as long as he doesn't get himself killed. Its a testimonial to the writing of this DLC that they do a good job making you feel like you need a guide in this strange land. I would normally resent the cliche of having you start from scratch to make a new area challenging, but in this case I think they missed a trick. It would have been a nice way to introduce you to the new weapons of this area. I remember that Fallout 3 expansion, The Pitt, where it kind of worked. But this area is even more exotic and alien. So far I like this expansion, and it ties to the main story nicely.

I find a Recharger Pistol. There's a terminal, from Zion National Park Network. A poignant tale from a survivor in the past. May also explain that dead couple up the road. Neat journal entries, too bad it seems to stop so quickly. Strange that these are added as notes to my log, as if they were not just world-building, but will also be part of some later task.

I find Compliance Regulator, a unique named weapon, looks like a 10mm but no, it takes E Cell ammo. It does Critical Strike Paralysis (10s), never seen that effect before. But it does not seem to be a non-lethal weapon, as it does some small damage. Might still come in handy.

I need to stop picking up all this cave fungus, it actually has substantial weight, unlike most medicines and folk remedies. I guess I could only practically carry so much of this around. Back to Peregrine station to unload loot.

OK, Follows-Chalk's repetition of the same few lines is getting to me. Back to camp, buddy.

I reach Old Rockville Bridge. Not sure what I need to do here, oh, the bus I'm looking for is not here. Sound of gunfire up ahead, I discover Ant Burrow. I reach East Fork Bridge.

I reach Crashed Scout Bus. This is grim, even for Fallout, even for any post-apocalyptic story. As amply telegraphed, the crashed scout bus wasn't full of soldier scouts, but boy scouts.

I travel via the water, and reach Two Skies Cave. Another trapped but abandoned hidden home. Finally, a bed I can sleep in, why waste stimpaks. Very pleased to find more journal entries from the park ranger survivor. Good stuff, amazing you can wring some tension out of a story that took place so long ago.

Now here's something dumb. A live generator, powering an electrified door. And does it require high Repair or Science check? No, Melee or Unarmed of 50. In a world of high explosives and plentiful firearms (kinetic and energy), I can't just destroy it. I drop some dynamite on it anyway. It works! Whatever, let's get in there.

There's a terminal inside the door, It says nothing. Maybe I shouldn't have blown up the generator? Oh, OK it was just to protect the land entrance, I entered via water and didn't notice it before.

I come to Virgin Fork Campground. There's a White Leg with a shishkebab, haven't seen that weapon all game.

I reach Zion Fishing Lodge, guarded by several tribals. Not much loot. I reach Wind Wall Docks. I find Burial Mounds. Clear Water Docks. Sorrows Fork Campground. Backtrack, finish find the lost calf quest, that was a lot of XP for little work.

Level 27, Medicine 65.

A second crash while I'm walking about. I think I've only had two app crashes while playing FNV, and they've both been in this DLC. I save often, so its a minor annoyance.

These tribals are good XP, this whole area is very generous with XP. Continuing the tribals with strange weapons trend, here's one with a 12.7mm SMG.

These damn geckos are constantly sneaking up on me. North Fork Campground.

I reach The Aerie, cool name. Curious how this landscape feels alien to me, and I miss the Mojave.

The Riot Shotgun is starting to become my new go-to when I can't snipe, and I want whatever's getting close to me to just get the fuck away.

I get to North Fork Bridge. I reach General Store. Cool, another snow globe. Strangely, it got added to the collection at the Lucky 38, and I got paid $2000 on the spot. That's just lazy writing.

Zion Ranger Station. Past that, an area with spore plants and spore carrier people.

I reach where Daniel lives, and am met by Waking Cloud. I soon reach Sorrows Camp. I find Sweet Flower Cave. I reach White Bird's Cave. I don't know if I want to go on a spirit quest just yet, first to speak to Daniel.

I find Crossroad Cavern, find Daniel. He's another old world religion guy, in a world that seems to have almost universally rejected it. He acknowledges he may be among the last of his kind. I get a pamphlet, Scripture. Right or wrong, I can not help but feel that someone is trying to proselytize to me via a video game. Daniel has a big handful of strange little quests for me.

I find Half Mouse Cave, this seems to be their food storage area. Time to break.


On my way out of the Sorrows, I am met by Joshua, who quotes me some scripture (I think that's what it is). He really believes strongly that the White Legs are defiling this natural temple. I like Joshua, as a character and as a person, more and more. I don't agree with everything he has to say but I like the way he says it. I wish there were more strong characters like this back in the main part of the game.

I keep asking Joshua about his personal life, I want to leave no conversation fork untraveled, and eventually you learn Caesar's true name, and the story of his origin. I've already met Edward Sallow, I wonder if I'll ever get to meet Bill Calhoun.

I reach Vault 22 Dweller's Guard Camp, this must be the story connection back to the Mojave. I reach Ghost Den.


Back to White Bird, to get his Sacred Datura Root, so I can go on my vision quest, or something. Bunch of named caves around here, enter Crossroads Cavern. There's a bunch of White Legs hiding in here, right in the midst of the Sorrows camps! These people's heads must be in the clouds not to notice enemy living right here in their local caves. I go talk to Daniel, but I can't even bring it up in the conversation. You'd think this would be important.

Go up to Glass Chime Cave, this one actually has a map marker. More enemies camping inside. I know its a game, but how do the Sorrows not notice White Legs living only steps from where they walk every day. These are not the forbidden handprint marked caves, every other cave is occupied by Sorrows.

To Stone Bones Cave, another map marker. This one has traps, I hope there are more entries from the park ranger. Who knows, maybe the Sorrows are the remnant of the refugees he was spying on. Really neat cavern, some barrels that look like stills. Alright, now this is some serious loot, a unique named item, sitting prominently out. I was meant to have this. I hope its good, and I hope that terminal in the back has some more entries. The helmet doesn't seem to have any bonuses. Oh, there's also Desert Ranger Combat Armor, this has slightly higher stats than the Mark 2 Combat Armor I'm wearing. It wants to look like really cool armor, but the way it flares out it makes your holstered weapon look clipped, so that's a fail.

On the terminal, Year 2096, parts I and II. Either I missed a lot of this guy's hiding places, or it was just a big time skip. Oh shit, the refugees got attacked by the people from Vault 22. Wow, he was really pissed about this, and went on the warpath. But the vault dwellers are clearly already dying from the infection that killed their vault. Maybe that's why they left? Or perhaps it makes them crazy wandering cannibals as they die. Our ranger's last note is that he's heading for a cave south of here. This is a really cool story connection between the past and present, and really adds meaning to all the spore areas, and all the dead bodies near them. I feel bad that the ranger lost the tribe he was trying to help, it seemed he had finally found something to live for.

I loot a duffle bag labeled Survival Cache, an achievement message flashes by that I've gotten 3/6 of the Survivalist's Cache. I don't know why they went with the name survivalist. Its not wrong, but he deserves a more fitting title, like The Ranger, or even the The First Ranger, especially he if goes on to help found the rangers from the Wasteland game. His ranger gear seems to hint at this. I don't even care, I'm just so curious to see where this goes. Maybe I should go grab Follows-Chalk and have him do his scan from high places, make sure I didn't miss anything.

There's a Broken Laser Rifle that I can't pick up. Usually the game doesn't do background decoration this way.

Off to what I think might be the last cave in this valley. There's some neutral Geckos here in a pond. Pets? Livestock? I reach Sweet Flower Cave, I've already been in here. Game crash. Might as well call it a day.


I'm increasingly enjoying Honest Hearts and how it keeps informing the main story in the Mojave, when it occurs to me that this is a DLC, and came out after the main game's conclusion was already written and done. I was starting to think that maybe what we do here might actually change some of the main storyline, but that can't be, to maintain the continuity that's already been established. It would be cool if this area's storyline could somehow impact the main, but that may be too many combinations to manage. Even if nothing we do here matters in the Mojave, its still a cool area.

I visit White Bird, drink the tea, get wacko vision, need to retrieve paw from Ghost of She. I check my status, whatever this effect is, it is not listed. Even though I went through and cleared that area already, there are now Yaoi and Gecko in it.

Level 28, Medicine 80, perk Living Anatomy, because I'm curious to see enemy health and armor levels.

Ghost of She hits pretty hard. Sometimes when she spawns I stay hidden, sometimes I'm immediately detected. If detected, I can't really get in a Sneak Critical, and I think I really need one here. No wonder I can't back up, there is now a convenient forcefield behind me, locking me in. Oh well, keep reloading. She's got 550 hp and zero DT, that might be useful to know. I kill her but - there's more than one? Illusions? Or there were actually 3-4 of her? Riot shotgun combined with her low DT saves my bacon. I am rewarded with the paw melee weapon, drug wears off.

Unload loot. Walk around, see if I can get to the ledge above East Virgin. Crash, reload. I can get somewhat close, but maybe its just not possible. At least its not a named location. There seems to be a cave there, but it doesn't show up on the minimap. Wait, what's this at the back of Angel Cave, another exit? It goes right to that ledge. Well, at least that's solved, though considering how much effort I put into sweeping new areas, I'm kind of embarrassed to say I missed it. Maybe that was at the end of the evening, and I was falling asleep. Don't game while sleepy.

Up here is another Survival Cache, that's 4/6 of the Survivalist's Bounty. A little disappointed that there's no info up here, that'd be worth more to me than some misc ammo.

Go get Follows-Chalk - oh no, I can't. Oh well, no big loss, but it would have been nice to use his scanning perk again. I'll just have to do this myself.

Encounter random tribal - he's carrying an anti-material rifle, supposedly one of the most powerful sniper rifles in the game. And then crash. Did I save? I was too busy typing. Maybe my system is not as stable as it could be, time to restart the machine.

Back to that same spot, the locals seem to be a lot less well armed, but their armor level is crazy. This White Legs is practically wearing a loin cloth, but he's got a DT of 9, and can shrug off the riot shotgun? Bullshit. They coat their melee weapons with Dark Datura Poison - that's actually quite smart, and a good use of resources, I'm actually happy to see that in the game.

No wonder there were so many White Legs here, this crowd of them was part of a quest. And there's the Anti-Material Rifle guy again, so that must have been part of this set piece. These guys were actually a bit tough, as a group. I had to break out a Datura anti-venom, and one of my auto-stimpaks went off.

There's only a few rounds for the new rifle, which takes .50MG. I'll get more. Oh, wait. This requires a strength of 8 to use, and I only have 6. Guess I'll be stowing this one away for a while, I'm confident there ways to add a few points to strength later. Maybe I'll put the brush gun into the mix instead.

I find Yao Guai Cave. Switching to hollow point, see if that makes a difference. They seem to have no armor. Finally I get a one headshot, one kill, on these bears, something that just didn't happen with the regular ammo. Several more times, no doubt about it now, the hollow point is making a big difference. Sometimes I wonder what some of these observations about efficient killing sound like, if you took it out of context.

So I guess I have to blow up the cave, I can't just kill its occupants to finish the quest. Maybe I missed some Yao Guai? Three more down the road, so easy with the hollow point now. I really need to stock more of this stuff. That's the end of that quest, 1000 XP!

Further down the road I come to Pine Creek Tunnel. Nothing to do here, guess it figures in later.

Level 29, not sure what to spend it on, I guess Energy Weapons to 55.

I find Sun Sentinels. Nothing up here but some Yao Guai, and a great view. The Aerie is a great place to teleport to and sleep.

I reach Morning Glory Cave - oh yeah, that crashed plane I saw a while ago. How long have I been in Zion? I can't seem to reach the main body of the plane. Maybe I'm not supposed to. In to the cave, its inhabited by spore life. I find the key to the local cache, but I don't take it, I want the lockpicking XP. At the back of the cave, a Survival Cache, 5/6, and a terminal.

On the terminal, years 2108, 2113, 2123. How did he live so long, did he become a ghoul? Please tell me his name isn't Harold. Looks like another group of refugees for our survivalist to care about, some kids who escaped The School, which was run by some kind of scary Principal. Probably another vault. OK, he doesn't seem to be a ghoul, just very old now. His story must be almost over.

I find Patriarch's Campground. I find Ranger Substation Eagle. There's a gun case that requires 100 Lockpick. I sacrifice a magazine, and inside, its just a hunting rifle. I could reload, but it was a fair bet; I use the rifle to repair Ratslayer.

I find Court Fork Overlook. I reach The Bend Bridge. I work my way around the back to Bighorn Bluff. The advance scouts are taken out, so I'm supposed to return to Daniel. First, there are few empty triangles on the map I want to check out. I reach Red Rapids Docks. We're almost out of world map, I've made a big counter-clockwise circle, and I'm almost back to where I started. It'll be over soon.

I climb up to The Red Gate. I reach Dagger's Point. I swim into The Virgin River. There's still a triangle up there, I circle around it try to find it. Crash.

Some threshold has been passed. I'm now meeting pairs of giant Cazadors, and its not funny. Reload, and this time its just Geckos. There's a White Leg up there, but how to get up to there. Keep working around, I look up to see a bridge - its the bridge I first crossed when I got here!

I make it to the top, its called The Spine. More view, more Yao Guai.

Back to Daniel, get a giant No Going Back! popup. I have to choose between fight or flee, and this will decide the fate of the Sorrows tribe. Usually the game is not so heavy handed. The game does't telegraph which solution is right, but my character has always been a fighter. There was never really anything to decide.

Wow, almost 2000 XP. This DLC is generous to a fault.

I shouldn't have to care what the Sorrows choose to do, I myself choose to fight. Now I am placed in the awkward position of having to argue to Daniel why the Sorrows should fight. Well, maybe they should, nobody's getting out of this unscathed. If the White Legs win, if Caesar wins, they're all gong to be enslaved or killed. You can't run far enough from this problem, its time to stand up.

Level 30. I don't know what to put points in anymore, maybe I should just throw the points at whatever the lowest skill is. Guns 90, Energy Weapons 60. Perk Nerves of Steel. I can't just waste the points, at least I know I'd like to test out the energy weapons in this game, even if I don't decide to carry any.

Immediately off to Joshua, we're here to exterminate, and take out Salt-On-Wounds. We start from The Narrows. A map marker I didn't find, Caterpillar Mound. Another place I didn't find Cueva Guarache. Might as well check it.

Its the last Survival Cache! Well, last to me, I think I missed this one. The log entries are 2097, 2100, 2101. He captured a vaulter, Sylvie. Uh oh. Next entry, he's 47 and a father to be. Hiking to Toquerville for medical supplies. Sadly, his family didn't make it. I really hope there's more to this story down the line.

In a gun case, a Multiplas Rifle, whatever that is. There's a cave with spore critters. Finish and back outside.

It looks like speedwalk is disabled. On the march, it becomes clear why, we are to run a gauntlet of enemy units before we can get to the enemy base. Fighting our way through the river canyon, the way is suddenly and artificially blocked, which somehow forces the story to split us up. I can only go up to Three Mary's Cavern. Which way did Joshua go, if not this way? If so, why did we split up?

I finally catch up to him, and he's got the last survivors imprisoned. There are options to let the enemy chief go, let him fight, or just execute him on the spot. We've come this far, why hesitate at the last moment?Wow, that's a lot of XP.

Level 31, Energy Weapons 75.

And then the slideshow starts. I've seen this often enough in the Fallout series, its an end of game wrap up of what happens to everybody and everyplace as a result of your actions in the game.

My results:
White Legs die out
Sorrows fight and became warlike, Daniel was kicked out
Dead Horses competitive with other tribes
Happy Trails started trading again
Joshua's legend grew, though he seems to be getting crazier
Daniel went home
Courier went back to Mojave

That was a little anti-climactic. I'm trying to decide if Joshua at the end was getting crazier, or if he was still in character. He likes to go on and on about his religion, but at the end of this story there's no forgiveness or mercy, just killing. The wrap up seems to be scolding me a little, as if to say look at what you did you turned these happy savages into hardened killers, drove off the only nice guy in the wasteland, and pushed their already kooky leader over the edge. Even if all that is true, its not such a bad outcome for the Zion area.

I wonder what would happen if I asked for a fair fight for the enemy chief, or asked Joshua to be merciful? I could just look it up, but this seems momentous enough that I should just do it and see for myself. Before I do that, I should visit whoever I can in this path. So when I finished this area for the first time, taking the execute Salt option, I'm placed back at the start with a footlocker, containing every main hero and villain's signature weapon and armor. That's a little weird, that sounds like something you'd see in a crappy amateur cheat mod.

The least they could have done is remove the body of Jed Masterson from the starting area. Haven't I been in this area for days or weeks now, shouldn't at least carrion eaters have taken him by now? Speaking of Jed, I found it jarring and a bit cringe worthy that in the end-game slideshow each character narrates their own conclusion, and from a third person perspective. Hearing Jed tell what becomes of the caravan is stupid, as in the story he bites it almost immediately. Is his ghost telling the story?

I speedwalk around the map to all the known inhabited places, and its deserted except for a few tribals who repeat the same few phrases like robots. So all the hero units have just been swept from the map? That does kind of solve a lot of problems, but it makes the place seem like a sound stage after everyone has gone home for the day. I guess I'm just supposed to leave and not look back.

Part of my last walkaround was to see if anything about the survivalist was there for me to find. I find it harder to accept that his story is over than anything else about this place. I'll risk a peek in the wiki to see if I can get a clue to whatever I maybe have missed. There's a seventh cache at Red Gate! Let's go! Oh. There he is, I meet him at last. He was behind these trees. I walked right by this spot. I get the Survivalist's Rifle, and read his last message, Year: 2124

That's actually quite a sweet ending for his story. Its all the more poignant that he was able to see some innocence left in the world, and its pretty clear that this was the tribe now known as the Sorrows. It immediately takes me back to the choice you have to make with Daniel, whether to encourage the Sorrows to leave and stay as they are, or get violent and join the fight. Its as if the game is saying honor the last wish of the survivalist (I'm so glad he has a real name). So I guess I have to go back at least that far in my save games. It also makes me a little madder that religious thugs like Joshua and Daniel attempt to exploit that innocence by stapling their religious views over top of what they already have.

I reload #0437 The Narrows, time 130.00.47, just before I'm about to speak to Daniel and set the final events in motion, and delete all saves after that. First, to address a quest that got lost in the last run, asking Joshua about Follows-Chalk's desire to see the world. Now its my problem, I have to advise him. What would the lone wanderer say... I'll go with "go see it for yourself". That was an easy 350 XP.

Level 30 again, I'll go with what I chose last time, Energy Weapons 70, perk Nerves of Steel.

Time to start getting ready for departure. I move all my stuff to the three duffle bags at the start of the map, so I can travel light for the end. It just occurs to me, this is a better cache spot anyway because its safe, and the ranger outpost I've been using always has random monsters outside. The three bags, left to right: guns+ammo, wearables, everything else.


Finish sorting loot. Visit Caterpillar's Mound, Cueva Guarache, and the final resting place of Randall Dean Clark.

I wonder if there's any point in pre-clearing any of the final area, or would they just respawn?

Off to see Daniel, this time to see how he will take care of the Sorrows, still not sure what to do about Joshua. Wait, do I get to decide if everyone flees or fights, or can the Sorrows flee, and Joshua and me still go fight? I guess its just all flee. First, free prisoners from Osprey.

Level 31, Explosives 40.

Side quests done, get to the main event. Nice, we get to fight Salt-On-Wounds, and there's no ambiguity about it. Joshua, Daniel, and company flee, I am to blow up the tunnel so that the White Legs can't follow. +2900 XP. Slideshow, White Legs denied by Legion, White Legs disintegrate, Sorrows live in Staircase, Dead Horse flourish and revere Joshua, but not his religion, Happy Trails trade in New Reno with New Canaanites, Follows Chalk explores and returns, but then goes west, Daniel evangelizes but misses Zion, Courier leaves for Mojave forever.

Level 32, Melee 50, perk Concentrated Fire.

So there it is, the Footlocker with hero loot, and the exit to the Mojave. I'm glad I consolidated all my loot here, now I can just pick through it and leave. No need to see sad empty Zion again. Let's see what I can carry. I grab the most important weapons and armor, all the ammo (weighs nothing), most of the local flora (weighs very little), and with the little space left, at least one sample of everything unique to this area. I don't think I need to come back, but if i did, there's enough extra loot here to generate some caps.

The game date is Friday, 02.09.82, 8:58 AM. I enter Journey to Northern Passage Cave. Date is now Friday, 02.23.82, 9:18 AM. So I've been gone a few weeks. The way the game is structured, nothing has changed, though it would be kind of cool if it did. Time to go home to Novac, and unload all this stuff.

Should I wear Combat Armor, Reinforced, Mark 2 or the Desert Ranger combat armor. The ranger armor gives 22 DT versus 20 for the combat, but it weighs 5 more pounds, I'll go with the lighter. That and the horrible weapon clipping issue on the ranger armor in third person view.

Time to clear some light quests, ease back into the Mojave. I'll start with the photos for the sign maker. Part of the reason I wanted to get this quest over with was to get this stupid camera out of my inventory. Even though the quest is now over, I can't drop it. I don't mind if it stays in Misc items, where there are a ton of ghost items, but I don't want to see it every time I check weapons, which is often. Look up console command, run it, and its gone. Not sure if it affects achievements, but Exit Game just to be safe, and restart.

I ask the Followers if they'll take in Jerry, who's currently with the Great Khans. Yes, go tell him. There's a line to tell Followers leader that the Garrets will be sending supplies. That reminds me, wasn't I supposed to set up something between the Crimson Caravan and Camp McCarran? I go back to Cpl. William Farber, and there's a line that Crimson is willing to trade meat and spices for vegetables and water. Considering how generous this game is with rewarding you every time you tie your shoelaces, I'm really surprised to find that no XP or cash is generated by this event at all. Just a thanks.

I repair the kitchen's food processor. I don't have the parts, but I can jury rig it. Speak to Farber again, again no reward or XP. I'm almost shocked.

What was I supposed to do for Sgt. Daniel Contreras? Something to do with Gun Runners? Isn't he skimming weapons? This guy has insane levels of ammo for sale. I'm supposed to see Isaac. Also, I buy NCR Mantle Armor, which is Medium weight, for $79. This is a dirt cheap method of repairing my expensive combat armor. He also has a sniper rifle (in .308) for a few thousand, I'll take it, fix it up with some other cheap rifle, and test it out.

Off to Gun Runners, see Isaac. The Gun Runners store has several uniques, I'm interested in Medicine Stick, a unique brush gun (.45-70G). Looking for Isaac's house. Find someone else's house, note in to-do list, no point in going in until it comes up.

I find NCR Sharecropper Farms.I check out the greenhouses, and the barracks. I find an owned copy of a skill book, gotta have it, everyone's asleep. Sneak +4. A star cap, haven't seen one of those in a while. For farmers, these guys sure do sleep late. I speak to Trent Bascom, learn about the Thaler Act, and they're not getting enough water. I speak to Morgan Blake, who also complains about the water, asks me to check out pump station.

I meet Private Ortega, basic info. I meet Lieutenant Romanowski, in charge of this group guarding the fields. I know this area is going to be boring and empty, but I dutifully run through all the greenhouses anyway.

I find Isaac's house (right next to the Hostetlers). I wait a day, no one shows. Go back to Gun Runners, he's standing outside! I tell him Contreras sent me, McCarran needs a lot more guns and ammo. Speech 80, refurbish old weapons to meet the demand. As a test, I report Contreras to Boyd, and receive This Machine, a unique .308 rifle. This changes everything. I didn't want to do Contreras' shady deals anyway, plus he's too far of a walk to use as a merchant, so who needs him. And now I've got this neat rifle.

I need to repair my sniper rifle. It looks like service rifles are the cheapest thing to use. My repair is at 90, put on the Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit to bump it up by 5. I use Paciencia for all sort of medium range problems, but I'll give This Machine a chance in that slot.

Next stop, water pump problem. Its not a named spot on the map, but it should have been, I've been to a lot smaller places that get a map marker. Enter East Pump Station, repair terminal, there is a radiation leak in here somewhere. I enter East Cistern, nothing much in here. I'll just go where the blinking map marker tells me to.

It takes me to Vault 34. Time to break out the radiation suit and the Rad-X. Past the geckos are some ghouls that are named Vault Dweller. Disturbing. There's a terminal that needs science 100, it starts the pumps, but the quest is not over. I think more areas are accessible now.

I find a book of +4 to Guns. Another 100 terminal, another use of Programmer's Digest. Ghoul overseer, there's a first. Seal the vents and save the farms, or rescue trapped vault dwellers? They're probably long since dead, or ghouls. Unlock armory, but can't find it, this place is like a maze. Look up where it is, I kept missing that hallway. Nice, All-American 5.56 rifle. Wow, there is a lot of stuff down here, a missile launcher, a sniper rifle! Guess I shouldn't have just bought one.

There's a gun case that needs Lock 100, that's what magazines are for. Something called Pulse Gun, does EMP damage. That might come in handy. More weapons. Some carbines, something called Marksman Carbine. I have way too many long guns to try out. There's even a minigun down here.

Well that was fun and stressful, the way vaults usually are. I'm going to have to read up on these rifles, but This Machine definitely proved itself at medium and close range, so I think I can reluctantly hang up Paciencia.


So many new weapons, I need to re-order my lineup. I've been using slot 1 for whatever interesting pistol I've found recently, and mostly use it for cleaning up garbage monsters (scorpions, geckos, etc.). I've been adding to my melee, and I think I'm going to try out a melee in slot 1, for now, the Fire Axe. Slot 2 is reserved, slot 3 is for That Gun, slot 4 is for the best shotgun I can find, currently Riot Shotgun. Those 3 slots are my up close and personal set, for either monsters that aren't too tough, or if sniping is no longer an option.

Slot 5 is for a long gun for monsters that aren't too tough but might be numerous, I can engage at most distances, and uses cheap ammo. I was trying Survivalist Rifle, but its not really working for me, maybe its the bent sight. I'll go with the All-American.

From here I should just add a sniper rifle and be done, but I'm going to add a second medium range rifle, and two sniper rifles, light and heavy. Slot 6 for This Machine, because I'm still enjoying testing it out. Slot 7 is still Ratslayer, which I think I'll be done with soon, because it barely has hitting power any more, and slot 8 for Sniper Rifle to start testing it out.

1 Fire Axe
2 reserved
3 That Gun (5.56)
4 Riot Shotgun (12ga)
5 All-American (5.56)
6 This Machine (.308)
7 Ratslayer (5.56)
8 Sniper Rifle (.308)

If I was going for any kind of realism, I wouldn't be carrying half this stuff. In this run I want to test out everything for myself. I haven't even begun to touch energy weapons yet, and I'll see how melee works out.

Now to repair everything. Put on Vault 3 Jumpsuit for 5 more points, gets Repair to 95. I can repair most things most of the way, and top off at Mojave Outpost (their repair goes to 100). Most of my equipment can get that last 5% for at most a few hundred caps each, which at this point is not a problem.

I'm carrying 4 10mm SMG to sell, worth about $10k. Now that I can Jury Rig expensive guns with cheap ones, I can make money fast.

The to-do list is growing. Lots of Lock 75 that I should be able to clear now. Not that I need the small change that they would provide, I'm just a completionist.

Level 33, Energy Weapons 80, Melee 55.

I might as well check in with Mr. House, now that I'm back in the Mojave. He wants me to enlist or neutralize the Boomers at Nellis AFB. Back to to-do list, then clean up small quests.

In Tops, behind Benny's suite, a door to vault 21 that requires a key; nothing to do here. In the Presidential Suite, a copy of Pugilism Illustrated, Unarmed +4. Another copy of True Police Stories. I visit the restaurant and theater, which I had skipped. I speak to Tommy Torini, I get a quest to find more talent for the show. I get 4 cards, the quest is to find 4 entertainers. I can think of two, the guy by the billboard, and some singer in Novac. The pipboy makes finding the others easy, but looking back, I've met these guys and should have remembered them. An easy 600 XP.

Next up, the rancher land dispute quest. I go into Ultra-Luxe, and speak to Heck Gunderson. He's lost his son Ted. I meet Chauncey. I speak to Mortimer. I visit the Bathhouse, what a contrast to the dry desert. Very peaceful, and unexpected. I visit The Gourmand, speak to Marjorie. She makes a big point about how they're not cannibals anymore. This mus be an old Fallout reference but I can't think of it - maybe that supposed gecko meat stand that actually sold human meat? Hmm, a runaway bride that may have been a disappearance, reminds me of what happened to Boone in Novac. I speak to Gourmand Food Supplier. Marjorie told me to speak to an investigator, so I speak to Mortimer to get his location, he should still be in his room.

I head up to the hotel rooms, find the investigator, Jay Barnes, already dead and I am soon attacked by two White Gloves. Since my weapons were taken at the door, I am now really wishing I had spent more points on unarmed. I grab a matchbook from the corpse and run. The matchbook says steam room, 4pm. I run out of the hotel, with them chasing me through the lobby. They don't follow me out.

I go speak to Walter Phebus, not that I have any idea what to tell him, since I don't know what's going on. Nothing much to say. Let's see if I can get back in to the Ultra-Luxe. This is just ridiculous. The two thugs are in the lobby waiting for me, and are chasing me and beating me while the casino patrons run around in terror, but the staff of the hotel don't even react. I guess if I want to play along properly with the story, I need to have brought with me a holdout weapon, and then fight them in the inspector's room. So, I'll get a holdout weapon, and go back to the inspector's room.

I go speak to Mister Holdout. He won't deal with me anymore, I'm too respected. Back to my room in Novac to grab my silenced .22. Come back, and of course the thugs are now gone. Off to the steam room, wait til 4, Chauncey shows up. Chauncey knows what happened to the girl. Mortimer wants to return to the old cannibal ways. Chauncey propose some convoluted plot on how to reveal Mortimer, I'd just as soon go shoot the bastard. End conversation, and an assassin ends Chauncey with a silenced .22, I return the favor.

I speak to Marjorie, get sponsored to the White Glove Society. I head down to the kitchen, meet Philippe, find Ted. Ah crap, I did the quest in the wrong order, I can't free Ted before making the fake meal. How to disable the chef without killing him? A bunch of skill checks later, I've cooked the fake human meat, freed Ted, and snuck up behind Mortimer while he's giving his speech extolling the virtues of cannibalism. I expose him, speak to Marjorie, take Ted back to Heck, point the finger at Mortimer. That doesn't work, he blames the whole Strip and cuts off food supplies. Redo, instead I ask him not to encourage more cannibalism, and this time I get mostly the same reward, but also fame points from The Strip. I guess that's the right outcome. I also fail the Pheeble Will quest. I go outside, they are gone. Not sure what to make of this, I exposed the cannibals, but I didn't foil the greedy rancher. Maybe that was never even an option. This is a long dodgy quest with meager rewards (at this point in my career), so who cares. It doesn't even really change anything geopolitically. Its actually kind of frustrating how much time I spent on this. I just want to walk into the desert and shoot something.

On to Red Lucy's next egg quest. I head to Goodsprings, its night time so I can't say hi to anyone, not that they would have anything new to say. How hard would it have been to throw in a few extra lines? It would really enhance revisiting NPCs. I head north on the road. Cazadors are just an annoyance now, where once the were almost instant death for me. I still can't take them lightly though, and I should probably whip up some more antivenom.

I find Makeshift Great Khan Camp. There's a Deathclaw in the way, 6 rounds from the sniper rifle and its down. It got pretty close to me though, I'd hate to meet more than one at a time. Can't find a way up this hill. Backtrack. Into radscorpion territory. I'm really liking the All-American against these, even without armor piercing ammo its quite effective.

I find the radscorpion eggs. I'm also right near a supposed Khan camp, but where is it? Off to Red Lucy. I get meager XP and loot, apparently this was a quest I should have done a while ago. Next up: Fire Gecko eggs.

I find Bootjack Cavern. Easy. Back to Lucy. Next: Night Stalker eggs.

Level 34, Guns 90, Melee 65. Perk Math Wrath.


The next set of eggs are Cazador eggs. This is not going to be fun, but it will probably be easier than Deathclaw eggs. While passing through Red Rock Canyon, I notice an area of the Khan camp I must have missed. Somehow I missed the Great Khan Longhouse. I speak to the leader, Papa Khan (can't help but think Papa Smurf). He tells of how the Great Khans ruled the wastes until the NCR drove them out, then the Families of the Strip drove them out, then the NCR pushed them some more. There was the incident at Bitter Springs, where civilian Khans got killed.

I speak to Regis, who thinks Papa's hatred of the NCR for the incident at Bitter Springs is poisoning his mind. Regis doesn't like NCR much either, but he still thinks they're better than having Caesar in charge. I think we know where this is going. I speak to Karl, who can't stop saying 'true to Caesar', so you know who he's playing for. He's a frumentarii, a scout ambassador, i.e. intelligence and counter-intelligence.

From a nearby footlocker, I steal Karl's Journal. It's got all the dirt I need to get this alliance broken. How convenient, but there's no dialogue option to tell Papa. I hate not knowing if this is a buggy quest or I missed something. My faith in the game is quickly restored when I step outside, and Regis wants to talk to me. He wants me to convince 4 influential Khans: him, Jack, Diane, Melissa.

In Caesar's tent, I find a Legion Slave Ledger. Funny how I can just walk in, take this, and walk out. This should be one of the last acts I can commit against the Legion, and they still let me have the run of the place. Maybe I shouldn't finalize this one just yet, keep things neutral. For this quest, I also need to get to Great Khan Encampment.

I use up a Boxing Times so I can get Lucius to teach me the Praetorian unarmed technique; who knows I may want it later and not get the chance.

Back to that Khan encampment I can't get to. Sniping Deathclaws at extreme range with Sniper Rifle is great, they can't seem to tell what direction its even coming from for a little while. I speak to the quarry workers again, Chomps Lewis tells me I need to kill two key Deathclaws, and the rest should leave.

They have a DT of 15, I'll give .308 AP a try. I make the circuit of repairs and ammo purchases. At Gun Runners, they have a Sniper Rifle Suppressor for only $2200! I need that, especially around Deathclaws, who seem to have a Perception of 10.

What if Red Lucy sends me after Deathclaw eggs, specifically from the quarry, and I've already driven them off? Maybe I should get back to that.

While trying to find the passage west to Cazadors, I see Great Khan Armory, I don't think I ever checked that out. I speak to Great Khan Armorer. She's got a shop, with lots of ammo.

I find my passage, lots of Cazador. Long distance sniping is even more effective now with the suppressor. A Cazador gets trapped in the wall, you see this bug from time to time. I finish it off with the fire axe. Bug resolved. I'm high up on the rocks around the Khan camp, I hope this let's me get through these mountains. It does! At first it seems too steep, but I keep trying different angles, and eventually get through.

I get rushed by a group, they can really close in fast. Got 'em, first time I had to use antivenom, so I'm not doing too bad. Approaching the eggs, I find the body of a Super Mutant Master. He's got a Fat Man, but no ammo. Not that I need to nuke anything right now. I find the eggs, time to go.

As much as I use the sniper rifle, the All-American is really doing a lot of heavy lifting, especially when you get rushed and you want that combo of punch and high rate of fire.

I've never been this far west. Neat terrain, more alpine than desert. I come to a big valley, start working west around the perimeter. There's Cazador all over the place, so being up on the lip of this bowl might be good for sniping. The Lucky 38 tower is small and dim on the horizon.

I find ways to keep getting higher. Is this snow? It sure would be nice to get a map marker already. Some large structure ahead. Guarding the gate, super mutants. I wonder if they're friendly. You don't know unless you ask. On approach, they seem neutral. The sign says Jacobstown - it's Marcus! Now that's a character from the past I'm very happy to see, and it even makes sense in the story (he's got the longevity, he was in this area). He always was my favorite mutant. Was Jacob the name of his friend from Brotherhood of Steel? I think he was already deceased even when you met Marcus in Fallout 2. I wonder if that's Michael Dorn voicing him now, as he did back then. It's a little hard to tell yet, maybe he's underplaying it, or maybe they couldn't get him, or maybe his voice changed a little over the decades.

Yes, it was Jacob, and he did name the town after him. Marcus wants trade. I'm glad you can ask him about the past, and I'm glad they keep it canon, and brief. I like his observation that Caesar's followers are following him, not his ideals, and that his little empire won't survive for very long after he's gone. Also insightful about how NCR operates, I love that he's seen it grow from Shady Sands. He's trying to cure Nightkin Stealth-boy induced schizophrenia. I can tell Marcus that Neil told me about this town. Its been so long I kind of forgot that conversation, but I think Neil was the one who wanted my help taking Tabitha out of Black Mountain. I like their radio station, so I haven't done it yet.

I get the map marker for Jacobstown. Marcus said he wanted trade, and I want to help, but the option didn't come up. Maybe later. I speak to Lily. There are bungalows. I enter the lodge. I speak to Keene, a nightkin. Wow, just like that, right on the hotel's front desk, is a snow globe. I speak to Doctor Henry, who's trying to cure the Nightkin ailment. Ah, he was an Enclave scientist. I meet Calamity, his assistant.

I'm dropping everything to work on this town, for now. I dutifully search every hotel room, find nothing to justify the effort. I search the bungalows, at least I get a star cap. Ah finally, Marcus has a quest for me. NCR are harassing the town. Or are they NCR? I head out of town, there's three of them. I think I could take 'em. I speak to their leader, Norton. They're mercenaries, but they are working for NCR. A high speech check and they're gone.

I reach Charleston Cave. Crap, I hate radioactive water, that means I have to mostly go without armor. There's a a dead Nightkin here, next to a unique supersledge named Oh, Baby! The corpse has a Chewed Stealth Boy. Taking it back to Dr. Henry, this eliminates Nightstalker research, leaving live trial as the only other option. Lily has volunteered. I hope I'm not the one who has to put her down if this goes wrong. It goes OK, pass a high science check, and then the quest is suddenly over. Now what? I look it up on the wikia, it appears that's the end of this part of the story. Oh well, at least the situation has been stabilized.

It looks like Dr. Henry participates in some other quest, oh yeah, the cyberdog belonging to the Elvis impersonators. I go get him. I like traveling with Rex. It seems right to wander the wasteland with a dog at your side. Especially a cyber-dog.

Head Elvis said Rex will drop everything to catch rats, but when we go to Freeside, and there's that rat running around, he does nothing. Off to Jacobstown. Wait a sec, if I get Rex a new brain, he's not going to be Rex anymore. Why not just replace the gel?
I don't think we want to put the Fiend dog Violetta's brain in there. Let's go see old lady Gibson at the scrapyard. That was gruesome. I just got another dog brain. You'd think we would at least take the live dog to Doctor Henry, and do the procedure there.

The operation costs nothing. Back to Freeside. I'm pretty sure this will end with the option of me taking the dog. Perhaps because its not Rex in there anymore? No, head Elvis even knows its another dog's brain, but still calls him Rex, and Rex seems to act like he knows him. Whatever, stay here Rex.

Back to Red Lucy. Of course, the final get is Deathclaw eggs. The quarry I've been working is an option, but I also get a marker for a place called Dead Wind Cavern. I think I'd rather snipe from a distance than enter a closed space with Deathclaws in it. I'm not ready for that yet.

Ammo and repair run, Gun Runners has a Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts, decreases weight -5. Weight goes from 8 to 3, that helps with loot carrying.

In Freeside I run into that kid chasing that other kid, and buy Euclid's C-Finder off him. I thought I did this already.

It's really hard to find medium armor, for some reason. Trying to hit all the merchants. At Crimson they have some low condition Recon Armor for only $500. Much cheaper than trying to repair my armor for $2000.

Back on the path, I find a town called Bonnie Springs, full of Viper gang. Sniper rifle takes care of most of it. I get a unique spiked knuckles, Love and Hate. Search area, was that two star caps? Back to Deathclaws.

Level 35, Sneak 90, Science 85, Melee 70, Survival 40.

Further up the hill I find Great Khan encampment, Melissa, and a few more Khans. That's it? All this time and effort to reach a few people camping on a hill. Melissa thinks their new Legion allies will allow her to become a speculatore, whatever that is. It takes no effort to convince her otherwise. Melissa is waiting for delivery of some chemicals. Not sure if she should get them, but a quest is a quest, and XP is XP.

I try sniping the Deathclaws from a distance, and I am doing well with sniper rifle and AP, but I notice sometimes on their way to me they pass by those Khans. I go back to check, and Melissa is dead. Reload. Reposition.

I kill the two lead Deathclaws. I find a Light Machine Gun. I discover Quarry Junction (officially). I return to Lucy. 500 XP, $2500. She calls me... My Hunter.

Back to the Sloan camp, I tell Chomps Lewis that the Deathclaws here are done. I get some fame points.


Speak to Melissa, I think I dropped her quest on that reload. Head to Sloan, briefcase is empty, speak to Chomps, speak to Tyrone, back to Melissa, done. This is a very low level quest, with very low rewards, how would a low level character ever be able to get up here without getting killed by Deathclaws. Maybe I missed some sneaky route.

Home to Novac, unload - wait, what - why is the Dinner Bell in my inventory. I've been reading about this unique shotgun when researching weapons, while avoiding spoilers of where it comes from. Now I have to look it up. Oh, Red Lucy gave it to me, that actually makes sense.

In my last two major fights, versus Cazador and Deathclaw, it was Sniper Rifle until they got close, then All-American carbine to finish. Throw in a melee weapon so I don't have to waste ammo on low level opponents, and I'm probably ready for anything in the wasteland with just those three things. More testing required, but I think I can hang up Ratslayer, and maybe try Survivalist's Rifle again. I can't remember the last time I used That Gun, I've only been holding it for sentimental reasons.

The weapons cabinet list is too long, I'll move money from the safe to the nearby desk, and store ammo (including cases, hulls, drained energy weapon ammo, flamer fuel) and explosives (grenades, mines, C-4, dynamite) in the safe. Also camera film, powder, primer, etc.

For most of the game I've been avoiding the radio, but lately I have it on more and more. I've listening to Black Mountain Radio until it loops, now I'm trying out Mojave Music Radio.

It will be time for the next DLC soon, what else do I want to do before leaving Mojave? I want to walk north of Sloane, I've been waiting to do that all game. I know the Deathclaws are supposed to clear out of the quarry a few days after killing the parents, but for now it seems like there's more than ever. I really need more .308 AP.

I reach Junction 15 Railway Station. Nothing much, sadly, but a star cap. And a few more Deathclaws to snipe. I think I'm actually getting bored of it.

I reach Hunter's Farm. There are a few Fire Geckos out front, and it is sad that they yield the same XP as Deathclaws. There are also the bodies of several Powder Gangers outside. I enter Hunter's Farmhouse, but there's no one inside.

Further north some inconsiderate person left a landmine right in the middle of the road. Soon I'm back to the area of Camp McCarran, and the Fiends.

I really like to walk the roads as it really helps establish a sense of place that speedwalk mostly ruins. On the other hand, I don't have all day to walk down a stretch of highway. Maybe speedwalk didn't have to be so easy, and maybe there could be something in between.

Can I get up to that section of elevated road? It seems like I should but I think there are the usual invisible walls.

I find South Cistern. There's some NCR Military Police inside, but they're just wandering. There's a water tower valve inside, but as I have no idea what its for, I'll leave it alone.

I reach Sunset Sarsparilla Headquarters. Its not that big a building yet it has 3 doors. I'll go in through the front. I'll stash stuff in the container nearest the door. I have quite a trove of sarsparilla bottles, empty and full, just from the exterior of the building.

I speak to Festus, some kind of theme park style greeting robot. I can redeem my blue star caps here for a prize. I play the lucky horseshoes card game, win small prizes. I'm guessing if I have the patience to keep playing, I might win something of interest. Wait a sec - why does this machine award bottle caps? How would today's currency be considered a prize in pre-war times?

It looks like there's a bot I can activate. I'll finish my search first. There's a door with a lock of 100, I waste a magazine on it, but there's nothing much inside. There's another door of lock 100, but its already open, and is blocked with rubble. There's a door that requires a key. I've checked what I can, time to activate the robot. He collects something; puts it in a bin. A bunch of caps, but no key.

I've searched the place fairly well, so I think the only stone unturned is what happens when I turn in my blue star caps, and what happens if I keep playing Lucky Horseshoes. I'm going to save cheat by turning in my stars and restoring if I don't like what happens. I give Festus my 53 stars, he takes 50, and tells me the Legend of the Star. I get a quest failed. Then I'm told to go through the double doors for my prize, which is now a new quest. Even though I walked away Festus keeps repeating the message to go to the prize vault. The inaccessible door is now open.

In the vault are some caps, some deputy badges, and a body. In the corner is Allen Marks, next to a holotape and a unique energy weapon called Pew Pew. Allen's body is wearing what looks like one of the many deputy stars littering this place. I pick up the tape, get 1500 XP. I'll take his Sunset Sarsaparilla Deputy Badge as a reminder of... something. Was this the evil star cap hunter I was warned about at the beginning of the game? I've been keeping him in mind, peripherally, all game, as some looming threat I will one day encounter, and it finally comes down to this sad discovery. Nicely done, game.

I'm not going to restore, this was a satisfactory end to the whole blue star cap thing, especially if I don't have to collect them anymore. I'll put the laser pistol in slot 3, maybe I'll try it out on the next group of raiders that don't cross the street when they see me coming.

Walking south, a lot of those Fiends I got rid of for NCR's head collecting quest have respawned. They're easy to take out cheaply with the 5.56 carbine, and before you know it I have all the loot I can carry. The problem is not affording stuff, but finding the right stuff, especially a good supply of AP ammo, especially for the sniper rifle. I also need a good supply of service rifles, because the sniper rifle deteriorates quickly, and that rifle is one of the few affordable things that can repair it. I can't make money fast enough to keep up with just letting Mojave Outpost repair do everything.

Taking a road south, I reach Samson Rock Crushing Plant. Crash, reload.

I find a place called Sulfur Cave. Its some NightStalkers. I see now, we're in part of a vault. There's an Elevator to Vault 19 - Overseer's Office. It's a pickable lock. There's people in here, and they're not automatically hostile. I speak to Philip Lem. They seem to be escapees from the NCR prison, and they want to leave or even surrender, but their leader Cooke won't let them. I find what looks like the proper vault door; it opens right up. I go up a ladder, and get map marker for Vault 19. Curiously, its just a shack in a parking lot. I can see Deathclaws nearby.

I speak to Samuel Cooke. He wants to stay independent, or maybe join the Khans. He also wants the sulfur at the bottom of the vault, but there are Fire Geckos in the way. I get a red key card.

If every vault has an induced affliction this one's is paranoia. In the clinic, I find some patient files.

Elevator to Living Quarters. Fire Geckos have this level. There's a Tunnel to The Sulfur Caves. I'm back to where I first came in.

Level 36, Melee 80, Survival 45. It's getting harder and hard to pick perks. I'll go with Grunt to add damage with the All-American.

In the lower levels, something called Microcline Rock, and I can Activate it. Leaving it alone.

Not sure I want to help these Powder Gangers anymore, not unless they want to turn themselves in.

Back on the surface, heading south I reach Whittaker Farmstead. Lots of red on my radar. I enter the house, find a note from a ranger, pretty sure it refers to an incident in the first war between the Legion and NCR, where they blew up that town to fend off Legion. Anyway, bunch of Powder Gangers, not too interesting. The All-American just eats 'em up.

I see several Deathclaws in the hills.


I've been playing this game for a month.

While picking the most recent perk, I read that shotguns aren't as useful until you take the Shotgun Surgeon perk, so until I do, I'm hanging them up. So for now its Fire Axe, Pew Pew (testing; not fond of the name), All-American, Survivalist's Rifle (testing), Sniper Rifle.

I want to get Loyal's Detonator out of my inventory, I'm sick of looking at it. Off to Nellis. I'll walk until I get bored. I wonder what's in that dry lake. Its El Dorado Dry Lake. There are ants, big ants. There's some jalapenos to pick. That's it. Back on the road, I see something about Big Horn Saloon to the east. Oh, yeah, Boulder City. Been there. Might as well stop in.

Now this is exactly what I like to see in a game, actions have consequences. They heard somebody cleared out the Deathclaws in the quarry and concrete production is starting again, so workers are returning to town. Interesting that the railroad is not working yet - will it? Considering I don't even get to ride a dinky monorail, I doubt it. But I'm very glad to see changes in one area affect another. It doesn't even have to be a great reward, just a few new lines of voiced dialogue can go a long way.

Can I get to the west side of the dam from here? Going east, the rocks aren't that high, I should be able to climb them, but there's an invisible wall. I can almost understand an invisible wall around the perimeter of the map, but not this far into the interior. Well, at least its a short walk down this road, and I step on the map marker for Hoover Dam. They have an artillery piece, I wonder if it works.

I can see the hill where the Legion fort is, that I've already visited a few times now, but I've never been to this side. Now that I'm here, I guess I might as well look around. Snow Globe - Hoover Dam. There are more of those NCR Heavy Troopers in what appears to be light power armor.

On the second floor is a door with Lock 100. There's a door to the outside. There's a console to control the AA gun, I guess that comes up again later. I can take a ladder to the roof. Interesting that this game doesn't show you climbing the ladder - maybe it was too difficult and this was the accepted workaround.

I go through Door to Hover Dam Power Plant 01. There's a switch on the wall, Activate West Power Plant Control Box, that I know better than to mess with. Enter Door to Hoover Dam Offices. In an office I find Colonel Cassandra Moore. Awful nice of the NCR to just let me wander around like this in what must be one their highest security areas. Moore has nothing to say to me. In her desk, a Hoover Dam Saferoom Key, that I'll just leave there (for now).

I find a terminal. Something about somebody found some shiny pre-war clothes, that were then soon lost. I find a big computer room, seems nearly every desk has a saferoom key. Some doors that require a key. I meet Quartermaster Bardon, who says its against regulations to trade with me, but with a Speech check of 50, I can. He's got lots of ammo. I'll use up a Salesman Weekly so I can stock up on ammo. With a barter of 90, I'm only overpaying a little bit. I buy all the .308 and 5.56 he has, in regular, AP, and HP. It costs thousands, but I still have almost 20k left, and this will save time running around to every small-time ammo vendor. Sadly, he's got no medium armor or service rifles to sell.

In the main generator room, I meet Mike Lawson. He tells me he didn't see the first battle of the dam, but he heard Hanlon saved the day. One of the turbines needs a grate cleared, but I am not offered the job.

I enter Door to Hoover Dam Lower Level. his place is huge and oppressive, but its open enough that its not as easy to get lost in. It looks like there are four power plant rooms, but they all share the same lower level. There's an exit to the outside lower part of the dam, I go swim around, nothing to see, and the river is blocked with a fence. Back into power plant 4, there's a door to Oliver's Compound, that requires a key. I'm not exploring the power plant rooms in depth anymore, there's just too much and there's nothing here. It'll come up later, if it has to.

Back out on the dam, and up a tower. There's a radio, that only has static right now. I'm sure that will be part of the end battle too. And so will this incessant action music that's playing - its so loud I can't think. And then suddenly, who's up here on the tower with me, but Alice Hostetler, I think she was some rebellious teen that left home, or something. Was this just a random encounter?

I enter Hoover Dam Tower. Nothing much. I enter Door to Hoover Dam Intake Tower 01. There's more intakes, more towers, all empty. Then there's this bunker on the middle of the dam that is currently inaccessible. There wasn't much point in coming here, but at least now I've seen the place. Glad to leave this music behind, its like being locked in a tiny room while parade music blares from all sides.

I go south, hugging the shore. I reach Ranger Station Delta. I meet NCR Veteran Ranger, not much to say. I met Ranger Pason, nothing much to say. I meet Comm Officer Scheffer, same. Nothing in the cellar of the ruined house.

I reach Camp Forlorn Hope. I meet Quartermaster Mayes. He didn't expect someone as famous as me here, interesting - is that because of factional fame, or just in general? He wants me to collect any dogtags from fallen NCR troops. The camp is in desperate need of supplies, so even though he can trade with me, he's got almost nothing but caps. I sell him all my gecko meat (guess I forgot to offload it last time). Why is NCR so poorly supplied? They should be good at logistics.

The storage shed has a lock of 100, is someone hoarding? I enter Mess Hall. It's 10 of Spades, from Camp McCarran. I'm glad to see a sniper in the tower, with a sniper rifle, and he's too busy to talk to me. As it should be.

In a duffle bag, Forlorn Hope Letter 3. Going to hold off reading it til I'm done exploring. I enter the jail, no prisoners. There's a small cemetery, with bloatflies. I enter the medical tent, speak to Dr. Richards. The medical supplies are in even worse shape, and they might have a thief. The guard changes at 0200. I enter Command Center. I speak to Lieutenant Gorobets, nothing different to say from his Camp McCarran dialogue. Same with Corporal Sterling. I speak to Tech Sergeant Reyes. She thinks their radio system has been compromised, and wants my help upgrading the codes at each station. I really like that there's a line to ask why isn't the NCR more concerned about this, and for that matter, a line about why are you even trusting me., I receive a bunch of map markers I didn't know about. This is the kind of FedEx quest I kind of like, especially if there's some variety and discovery to it.

There's a Big Book of Science on a desk, I get away with taking it.

I speak to Major Polatli, who immediately says he hopes I'm here to help. He tells me to talk to the officers for details.

I meet Private Stone, who is obviously the drug thief, get him to turn himself in. There doesn't seem to be any way to help the doctor's patients yet, if ever. I only found Forlorn Hope Letters 2, 3, 5, and 6. Might as well read them now. They're the letters soldiers write to send home in case they don't survive. They seem inspired by real life letters that I've seen, and add much needed humanization.

I march due west to Helios One and speak to Lt. Haggerty about the lost supply run. She says I can track their GPS with my Pipboy. This is the first time I think I've ever heard GPS mentioned in all the Fallout series ever. It seems like too recent an invention to belong in the Fallout universe, even though they have all kinds of energy weapons and small powerful batteries, any mention of space technology is usually primitive, like 1950s level. Also, even if they had GPS pre-war, how would it have survived the war? And if it did, who would have maintained the satellites over the last 200 years. I know, I should really just relax, but this is obvious shit to get wrong.

Past three Fire Geckos I find three NCR troops, dead. I find more Forlorn Hope Letters, and dogtags. I open Camp Forlorn Hope Supply Crate, and take Camp Forlorn Hope Supply Shipment, which luckily weighs nothing. I am immediately attacked by Recruit Legionary. Hey, don't these guys know I'm wearing the mark of Caesar?

I report in to the quartermaster and the major, it seems now I can help the injured. I speak to the doctor, heal the patients (80 Medicine is enough), back to the major. Now he wants my help retaking a nearby town. I don't want to commit to action against the Legion until I have to, and this can wait. I can probably go explore the place myself first, with the mark, and have free run of the place. Staying neutral lets me explore freely until near the end, when I guess I will run out of things to do and its finale time.

I reach Nelson. As I suspected, these Legion are neutral to me. I am challenged, tell 'em I have the mark, and am taken to the local Decanus, Dead Sea. There is a generator that could be activated, no idea what it leads to. I could probably take this town myself, especially with the suppressed sniper rifle. Time to move on.

Moving further south, there are legionaries on patrol. Further on, some fire geckos. I reach a point where I can see down to Cottonwood Cove. Trying to get some height, I see a radio tower up there. I can't quite get up there, have to keep doubling back to get around. I find Lucky Jim Mine. Inside, a copy of Lying, Congressional Style, Speech +4. I see something called Bootjack Cavern, can't get to it. Keep circling, lots of invisible walls keeping me from going up where I should be able to.

I find a roadblock, led by Ranger Milo, who warns me that this road is blocked due to Nelson being held by the Legion. This is the first time I've ever seen the game allow me to introduce myself by name.

On the other side of the mountain, I find the entrance to Bootjack Cavern. Nothin' much in here but some Fire Geckos and dead prospectors.

I reach Ranger Station Echo. The whole front of the small fort is irradiated. I speak to Ranger Erasmus, who mistakes me for a new transfer. I speak to Comm Officer Green - is every comm officer in the NCR ornery? It must be a position requirement, like good aim is for snipers. I think I'll hold off on delivering new radio frequencies until endgame.

I find Sniper's Nest. I read some spoiler that something like this was up here. I use up a lockpick magazine to open the gun case, find Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle. I cold have had this rifle a long time ago, what a shame. Reading the stats, this appears to do more damage than my stock sniper rifle, but it can't take a suppressor. I must try it out.

I reach Searchlight North Gold Mine. Some ghouls, and a dead prospector with a Searchlight North Mine Key.

On my world map, what is this location Ranger Morales' Corpse? Searching my notes reveals the person who wants a body found. Finally, all these notes have paid off. Yep, the body is there, and there's Fiend gang all over the roofs. The Gobi does well. The corpse is wearing NCR Ranger Patrol Armor, which is medium weight and will work well to repair my combat armor. I don't see any way up to the rooftops to loot the Fiends, but their loot is usually poor anyway. Off to Camp McCarran.

I meet Bryce Anders, who seems familiar. Oh yeah, he's the ranger I rescued from the Fiend vault. He's got all the same conversation options as if he was still locked up in Vault 3, and not here in camp McCarran. What a waste of time. Into the concourse, I find Pvt. Christina Morales and she doesn't think I found him. Oh, I'm not just supposed to find him, but literally drag him through the wasteland to a nearby NCR checkpoint. OK.

So anyway, I was headed to Nellis AFB. I wonder where that lock 100 door next to Raul's Shack goes. I sacrifice one of my few remaining locksmith mags. Inside, a Glowing One, and more ghouls. Lots of mines down here - Boomer mines? Tunnel ends with another lock 100. As I suspected, it just leads to Nellis AFB. There's no way I'm losing a second locksmith magazine to this. Reload, back out the other end of the tunnel.

Further east, been here before, not sure where I'm going. Visit again to Bloodborne, outside and inside cave. Lots of Nightstalkers, easy to kill, would be annoying except they're 50 XP a pop, and they add up. This would be a good place to farm XP, if one were so inclined.

I find another another entrance to Great Khan Supply Cave. I meet Oscar Velasco, there's not a lot of conversation options. I don't think he was here the last time I was here. This feels like a muffed quest. Haven't I been here before? I see Great Khan Supply Cache, weighs 10#, not taking it. I think I'll just leave.

I find another entrance to Great Khan Supply Cave, but this one's overrun with ants. This one has a Radioactive Supply Cache. I'm out of here. I go into the third Great Khan Supply Cache cave, this one has Nightstalkers.

Level 37, Survival 60.

This cave also has a Great Khan Supply Cache, weighing 10#.

According to my to-do list, I've been to Bitter Springs, but according to my map I haven't. Maybe I had to reload, and that visit got lost in the shuffle.

I arrive at Bitter Springs. There are Refugees. There are Great Khan yurts mixed in with generic wasteland structures. I talk to Lieutenant Markland, another stranger who seems to have heard of me. I speak to Captain Gilles, she also seems to think I'm famous. All this recognition could really start to go to my head.

This is another NCR camp that's in sorry ass shape. Lack of soldiers, lack of supplies, and they're being sniped at by a Khan straggler. Since I already met him, I'll see what happens if I take him out myself. I convince him to give up on revenge, and go join the other Khans at Red Rock.

The camp doctor, Markland, wants books on dealing with psychological trauma and pediatrics. I picked those books up somewhere, long ago, can't remember where. Also three doctor bags, done.


I'm torn between choosing my suppressed sniper rifle, and the one that does more damage and looks a heck of a lot cooler. The obvious answer is to carry both, but I'm trying to slightly roleplay and not carry a whole gun shop around with me. Let's read online... nothing really. It all comes down to suppressor or nor suppressor, and if you're playing a stealthy sniper, there was never really a choice. It would have been nice if I had discovered the Gobi early, but now its just too late.

Bitter springs needs supplies, Pip-Boy seems to be indicating the nearby Khan caves. The two clean caches get the job done, no need to even consider the irradiated one.

I reach Ranger Station Bravo. Guess who's annoying in this camp? That's right, the comm officer, Comm Officer Tilden. He says Camp Guardian, south of here, has gone silent because of radio trouble. I meet Ranger Ericsen.

I keep moving north, I guess I'll just keep doing map perimeter. I find a campfire, still lit, and an empty small cave. Another small cave. And a big pit of centaurs. After sniping, I go in, learn its called The Devil's Throat (who's telling me this, BTW). There's a dead Super Mutant. In a truck is a dead prospector in a party hat surrounded by jet. I guess that's a better way to go than getting eaten by Centaurs. I also find the CZ57 Avenger, a unique minigun. Not my style, but I'll take it.

Climb back up, resume map perimeter. I stumble into a group of Feral Ghoul Reavers. More ghouls, more of small dead end caves. I snipe a ghoul at such distance you can barely see him, still get a one-kill headshot. Up ahead, some structures on a hill, down below, a pack of Nightstalkers. That must be Camp Guardian. I go down into the valley. There's some radscorpions and giant rats I can shoot them down from the ledge, but I can't get up there. Keep working my way around.

Well here's something new, Camp Guardian Radio signal found. Let's listen. Yep, a distress signal from someone named Private Halford, Guardian is down. This place appears overrun with critters. Oh, those weren't Nightstalkers, just coyotes.

Because I can, I teleport to my motel room to unload. Something always bothered me about the character I am playing and the Fire Axe, it just doesn't seem to match. I'll go with the more dignified Combat Knife. The current lineup is: Combat Knife, Pew Pew, All-American, and Sniper Rifle+. I should probably go with light armor for better movement and sneaking, but I like the increased safety of medium armor. Maybe later. I've got my carry weight down to 58. Unfortunately my sniper rifle is deteriorating quickly, so I need to bring an extra Service Rifle along if I want to repair it in the field.

I make the rounds looking for service rifles, and .45 SMG would work too, if its cheap enough. Unfortunately the All-American is in the same repair category, two-handed automatic guns, but at least its sturdier. Finally, the idiot under the bridge at 188 has one. I hate to keep re-checking here, but whatever it takes to keep my equipment at 100%. And its easy to get to, unlike some vendors where you have to walk a maze even after you teleport there. Gun Runners has a really beat Recon Armor, which qualifies for medium level repair, and another service rifle.

Teleport back to Camp Guardian. How does a military camp protected by height and bridges get overrun by animals. I find Camp Guard Log Page 7. I reach Guardian Peak. I find page 3, page 18. The sheer incompetence of NCR leadership is astonishing. No wonder someone like Caesar can be so successful. As of this moment, within the game world, their entire northern flank is much more exposed than it should be. And the cost to hold this hill should be minimal. Still no explanation on how animals took over, but I'm betting Camp Guardian Caves has something to do with it. They didn't think to block this up?

There's a bunch of C-4 in here, maybe they were going to collapse the cave. There's a dead Lakelurk down here, which makes no sense - and a survivor! I meet Private Halford. Ahh, Lakelurks were the problem. That's a more credible threat. I fix his leg, he leaves, I get his service rifle. Instead of going up to safety, he runs down into trouble. Reload. Better to just leave him here until I clear the place. Plus, I can get my own service rifles.

I find the whole platoon, all dead, and they're all wearing medium armor, it seems. Its going to take a couple trips to loot this place, especially since I want to keep items useful for repair separate, and not consolidate them with Repair. I get Halford's Note about NCR incompetence, which I agree with, and the schematics for a Dog Tag Fist, which is just dumb. Instead of walking to safety, Halford tries to swim out, but is perpetually stuck. For all I know, he's still there, because I got my loot and got out. There wasn't as much NCR armor as I hoped, but I've got a few.

Wow, you can really move fast when you're not wearing any armor. I should really consider just wearing light armor.

Into the water, I discover Crashed B-29. I wonder if I can speedwalk to here, will I just appear in the water? Having a rebreather is really nice, I hope I don't have to give it back. I attach the ballast, go to shore, hit the detonator, and as stupid as this idea is, its pretty cool when the plane surfaces. This place is crawling with Cazador, maybe I should clear them out.

I come ashore to Callville Bay. I enter Captain Dean Boat Rentals, nothing. Some hangar with boats. Nothing much here. Kill more Cazador, a few Lakelurks. Even before Honest Hearts I was trying to climb peaks to get the lay of the land, but since my time in Zion I have an almost compulsive need to be on top of the highest ground I can see.

I follow the railroad track. I'll walk back to Nellis, and clear the path for the bomber (I know technically I don't have to). I discover Gypsum Train Yard. Its well stocked with Blind Deathclaw. Their visual impairment doesn't seem to make them any different. At medium range the All-American is a great sniper rifle. If I could only ever have one gun, this would be it. I reach Train Tunnel. It looks like that tunnel of ghouls I cleared out, but I thought I left the far end locked. Oh, this was the open end, other end was far end.

I return to Loyal, finally that detonator is removed from my weapons list. He says he's sending robots to break the plane down, pack it up, and bring it home. I have an Intelligence check to ask if he's using diversionary tactics. That's nice - but against who? They will shell an empty spot as a diversion, against whom he still won't say. Legion? Still, its a welcome detail.

I speak to Pearl, first about Jack and the girl he likes at Crimson Caravan. There's an option to say Janet would not be a threat to the tribe, but I'm not so sure about that. Especially right before a war is about to break out. Maybe the days of opening up the camp can wait until after, when we see who's left ruling this state. Its probably a totally innocent quest, as most quests don't screw you over. But it would be really neat if she was a spy for one faction or the other, and disabled the Boomer's contribution to the war.

I tell Pearl that the bomber is on its way, and she offers me any assistance they can provide. I can now ask for her help in the upcoming battle. I'll hold off, for now, so I can save the game, and make sure this doesn't trigger anything.

Level 38, Guns 100 (I'm sick of waiting to find skill books), Repair 95. Light Touch sounds like a great perk, +5% crit, -25% enemy crit, but I'll have to wear light armor. I think I'm ready to try it, especially since I rarely let anything come close to me to hitting me anymore.

I can ask for Pearl's help in the upcoming battle, without having to pick a side. I have the option of telling Crocker, House, or Yes Man the news, but I won't, not yet.

For self-imposed roleplaying purposes, I've been playing it wrong from the start. I went with the Small Frame trait, and high agility. This character should have always and only been in light armor. Maybe it should have even been a requirement for Small Frame. Time to hang up the combat armor. Now, whatever shall I wear.

Leather Armor, Reinforced has a DT of 10, weighs 15#, and has a bit of Mad Max look. Not bad. Vault 34 Security Armor has a DT of 16, also 15#, and looks like like police gear, which it is (vault police). The radio looks stupid, but for an extra 6 armor, I'll take it until something better comes along.

Another bonus, light armor is easy to repair with Jury Rigging. I am now carrying only 46 pounds of gear, which sounds possible. If I were going to replay this run, or maybe even other runs, I think I'd go with the light armor path from the beginning.

Back to Ranger Station Bravo, to see if I can tell them what happened at Guardian. Somebody has to do something about this. Nope, this is crazy, can't even tell them. I don't know why I even help the NCR. I should just move in to the Lucky 38 right now and watch the fireworks from up top.

Moving south I find Coyote Tail Ridge, doesn't seem to be anything here. I find Bitter Springs Recreation Area. I enter the office, find rats, a Tumblers Today, not much more.

I find Cap Counterfeiting Shack. Nothing in here, down to cellar. No one here. I find a Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor. I see a bunch of Counterfeit Bottle Cap, don't want nothing to do with 'em.

I reach Fisherman's Pride Shack. There's a Pugilism Illustrated, and a BB gun.

I hug the shore, bypassing a few obvious stops. I find Boulder Beach Campground. I get to about Boulder City, no more shore, start working back.

I reach Ranger Station Alpha. I speak to Comm Officer Castillo. He's almost normal, for a comm officer. I speak to Ranger Lineholm. Back to the road.

I reach the map marker for Lake Las Vegas. I stay on the road, unless I see an open map marker, then I have to at least discover it and note it for exploration later. I find Deserted Shack. I reach Mountain Shadows Campground. Nothing here, just some really old bones, and a few magazines.

I find Follower's Outpost. Wow, its actually crowded in this elevated shack. I meet Doctor Alvarez, and some other guards and doctors, but they really have nothing to say other than the same scripted phrases of random people in the Followers main camp or any random Vegas resident. The train cars are a neat touch though, reminds me of Wasteland.

I reach the marker for Camp Golf.


Mostly NCR Troopers in the camp section.
I speak to Mags. I like her observation that this is a dumping ground for soldiers that are not wanted elsewhere. Maybe its just her, though. I speak to Razz, a different kind of loser. I enter Misfits' Tent, Camp Golf Tent, another Camp Golf Tent, etc. I open a lot of footlockers and duffle bags.
I speak to O'Hanrahan, a farm boy. Another Jesus reference outside of Zion.
I speak to Poindexter, who's riding the mediocrity gradient.
I speak to Sgt. McCredie, get a quest to help increase morale.
I speak to Doc Sawbones, who has nothing to say other than the usual healing services.

Moving on to the large building that used to be a resort, I start meeting NCR Veteran Ranger. Over the door is House Resort - as in, Mr. House? Inside, a big lobby. I hope this isn't a giant structure of empty rooms to explore. I find Squad Readiness Reports Terminal. Its got Squad CG554-2 "Misfits", and Ranger Detachment Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. The Misfits get poor results in rifles and grenades. The rest of the results are not available from this system. Another terminal, with something that says Lucky 38 Executive Override. Sounds like a quest thing, leaving it alone. Just checking, I try it and reload, all its says is "Starting...".

Another Squad terminal, same as the other. There's a painting of what looks like Mr. House, standing in front of a very large robot (like the one in Fallout 3). Lots more bunk beds, footlockers, duffle bags. I'm just not looking any more. If there's some vital clue that needs finding, it can come to me in a quest. Thankfully the inside is nowhere near as large as the outside. The room layout and contents are very much like the old resort in Jacobstown.

I speak to Chief Hanlon. He tells me to wait until he's on the balcony. So dramatic. He seems to be the head of the rangers, but he says its mostly just administrative, though he is coordinating field intel and getting it back out where needed.
He says Baja veteran rangers are on the way, their helmets are pre-war, and have low light optics for night sharpshooting. Are these the rangers that I've already been seeing in various places? I guess I was supposed to have come here sooner. The heavy troops are wearing power armor they salvaged from fighting the Brotherhood. The servos were stripped out so you don't need training to use it (but you now have to carry the weight).
He also has interesting things to say about Caesar and his veterans, centurions, praetorians.
There's also a lot of desert ranger history, before and after the merger with NCR.
I get him to tell me a story from California. He also tells of the first battle of Hoover Dam, with some really good details.

This is one of the best characters in the game, and his stories add layers of depth and richness that really help make this game special. It helps a lot that his voice work is excellent. He more than exceeds whatever I hoped to find when meeting the top ranger.

I wish he had more stories, but there's no further conversation options right now. I hope that changes.

Back to the camp to help the Misfits. Interesting skill checks of the Guns and Explosives skills. I've been to every NCR base and ranger station but Foxtrot, so going there. I speedwalk to a shed near my destination, land right in the middle of Cazadors. With no chance to sneak, they get in some hits, which costs me an anti-venom. I can see the ranger comm tower from here, but how do I get up there. I think I already checked this stretch of hill a ways up.

I find Followers Safehouse. Key required, of course, like all the other safehouses. I find Ruby Hill Mine. What are Lakelurks doing this far away from water? There's water at the bottom of the mine. But still, what does it connect do. A big cave, lots more lurks. Go around look for a sniping spot. Yep, they never see it coming. I find the body of Jackal Gang Member. Have I encountered this gang yet? She's got a unique power Fist called Pushy, and a Worn Key. Lots of explosives in crates. Its kind of cool to see tables and chairs at the bottom of the submerged cave. I find the body of a Super Mutant Brute, he has an Assault Carbine (how do they get their giant fingers in that tiny trigger loop). I don't see anything that the key would be for, but there's nothing left to do in this cave, might as well take it.

I reach Ranger Station Foxtrot, speak to Ranger Kudlow, who says they're here to keep an eye on the Khans. I meet Comm Officer Lenk, who apparently has some money troubles with the Omertas. Apparently there's nothing to be done about it. This valley is a dead end, and there's no way to get high enough to see down, so how are they watching the Khans, or anything? They're in a mountainous dead end.

Eventually I reach the area where I was looking for Cazador eggs. Guess I'm done with the northwest area of the map. What about the northwest corner? The northwest corner of the world just ends with a pit of water, some cars, and radiation.

I reach Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch. There's a dead wastelander. On a whim I walk through the empty field, and a Nightkin decloaks and asks if I want to buy Wind-Brahmin. That would be really cute, if it wasn't made all serious by the dead guy over there. Luckily I have the laser pistol selected (a pistol seems to be the right thing to be wearing while running), and it draws as quick as thinking of it. I've been wondering what to carry as my pistol, I wonder if every handgun draws this fast. I leave the Nightkin as a small ashy speed bump for the Wind-Brahmin.

Inside, I sweep the seemingly empty farm, trying to walk everywhere to bump into anyone invisible, but no more Nightkin. I find a Speech +4 book, that alone was worth the trip.

On the northern perimeter, a bunch of mercenaries, and they let loose with a scattershot of laser weapons. I think I'll go with the carbine for this one. I take out the closest one in two shots, get some cover behind some rock, and look for biggest threat to focus on first. The guy who's crouching is probably the right bet - holy shit, he's carrying a YCS/186, is that what it looks like?

It is a Gauss gun, classified as an energy weapon, that uses Microfusion cell. Who knows where the solid projectile comes from. Its got interesting stats, and online some people favorably compare it against the Anti-Material Rifle. Whereas I don't even have the strength to wield an AMR, I can use the YCS now, so I look forward to trying it out. I finally got a realistic carry plan worked out, and now I'm carrying the weapon store again.

I find Horowitz Farmstead. I walk up to the highest level a of a barn, and a Viper Gunslinger runs in to ambush me. Its hardly threatening, but its just the sort of thing to keep you at a high alert level.

I find Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan. Nothing much to see here but some ash piles.

There are some more Viper Gang in the next barn. Then a small power station. Another structure with some Fiends. The structure they are in appears to be nothing special, but I don't think I've ever seen its kind before. Its the indoor area of a house, except its in the outdoors map - so far all houses have loaded their own small map. I'm surprised this doesn't come up more often. Sure, there are ruins everywhere, but I don't think I've ever seen a house this intact open to the elements.

Eventually the perimeter gets back to areas I have already been to, like Northern Passage. Done with the northwest. Just wandering now, looking for any new map markers, or places I haven't been. I find a place with a refrigerator outside. The door is locked. Inside, lots of maize, and moonshine. Well, that was different.

In the next field, I get chased by a Brahmin. Usually they are never aggro, strange. I reach that campfire where I saw two Chem Addicts. They yell 'watch out' then take off in opposite directions. One of them comes back. He only says typical Vegas citizen sayings. Doesn't ask for drugs or money, can't offer him Fixer. The other guy came back too.

I go to North Vegas to visit Jules, now that my Survival is high enough to pass. Cool, I get schematics for .44 Hand Load ammo. I wish there were more conversations like this one.

I enter H&H Tools Factory. This place has an assortment of robot defenders, including turrets and Robobrains. There's some crazy paranoia going on in the terminals. "You don't cross the House" - I hope that wasn't our Mr. House. Or if it was, I hope he's gotten over it. Reminds me of Howard Hughes' descent into madness.

In the head office, there on the desk, a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard. The computer says Anthony House's Terminal. Not sure what Mr. House's first name is, and this H&H seems to be a family business. The crazy note on the terminal is from Alexander House. Still not sure who's who yet, or how this will factor into the larger story. There's an entry for Lucky 38 Executive Override, something I've seen at several terminals around the wasteland, but I won't press it until I know what it does. I try it and reload, and it just says "Starting...". I hope the Mr. House I've been working for turns out to be the sane one.


I wasn't planning on doing perimeters, but its inevitable that you want to know the boundaries of your universe. I start at Mojave Outpost, and work my way towards the southeast corner. Set radio to Mojave Music.

I find Crescent Canyon West. Lots of radioactive barrels and Golden Geckos down here. There is a Radiation Suit Case, that contains an Advanced Radiation Suit. An Armor Case with Combat Armor and Helmet. Looks like a rail bridge collapsed overhead, spilling trains cars (and these radioactive barrels?) down here. I reach the other end, Crescent Canyon East. That was very low yield, but I needed to know what was there.

I find a train tunnel, but there's no entry, and no map marker. Curiously, there's a Lottery Ticket on the ground (probably from the Nipton massacre). A new map marker up ahead. There's some Jackal Gang. It's Bradley's Shack.

Inventory full, a quick trip home to unload. Also, I want a different pistol, I don't feel like getting into energy weapons so much right now (except the Gauss gun, which doesn't count). I'll try Maria or A Light Shining in the Darkness again.

There's a motorcycle outside that looks like its ready to go. Nothing much in the shack but a BB gun. I think I'm done with the southwest of the map.

I go back to Searchlight, get a quest from First Sergeant Astor to get some intel on the Cottonwood Legion camp. He also has another quest for me, to collect dog tags from soldiers who have turned into ghouls. I have 8 Irradiated NCR Dogtags, not enough to redeem for a promised reward of a rifle. How did I miss all this quest last time I was here.

I don't think I can finish this quest. I've long since cleared the town, and I don't think any more of the ghouls who drop the irradiated tags exist anymore, even their bodies have been cleared from the map. I would have looted any I found, so maybe they are out there. The quest map indicator points to an empty spot in town, nobody there.

There are actually are some dead ghoul troopers left, and I find one with a dog tag. I remember now, some of these guys must have been killed by turrets I activated, and I never went back to loot them.

I find a home I don't think I entered before. Inside I find a ghoulified trooper - and he's alive and not feral. I speak to Private Edwards. There's a conversation option about his dog tag, I guess its no coincidence that I only found 9 outside. I try to see if I can convince him to leave, but he doesn't want to deal with more radiation, or the radscorpions outside. I offer to get rid of them. I wonder what radscorpions he's talking about, the nearest ones are a distance off at the airport. It generates no quest, so I guess I just leave him here.

I go out the back door, and what do you know, Giant Radscorpions. Apparently, you have to bring them up in conversation to get them to appear. Then when you go back to Edwards, you can tell him they are positively gone. Now Edwards needs somewhere to go. I can offer to ask his Sergeant if he can come back to work. Back to Astor, trade in the tags, get a little money, XP, and a Service Rifle. Astor can't be convinced to take Edwards back, or even accept him as a sentient being. I can convince Edwards to go exploring,

While back at the motel, I notice my Misc inventory doesn't contain a Lucky 38 VIP Card. Did I forget to pick it up, or does it just not show? I go back to H&H to check, but its not there. Reload.

Checking to-do list, there's that Blind Deathclaw in Primm Pass. This shouldn't take long. He had 500 HP and a DT of 15, are Blind Deathclaw usually that tough?

Level 39, Sneak 100, Repair 100. Now I can ditch my repair boosting clothes and magazines, and my stealth magazines. Still need the Stealth Boy, though. Even 100 can't make you invisible.

I reach Harper's Shack. Nothing much, lots of repair stuff. Up on the hill, Deathclaws, bunch of 'em. I start switching over to AP rounds, but I can't. Not with the 2 button, nor doing it in the Pip-Boy. This happens sometimes. Reload save, still stuck. Reload game, still stuck. Is this a bug or a feature? Is it because I dropped the binoculars? I don't see anything obvious. I'll try dropping the ammo. Before I can do that, the problem goes away. Not sure what happened, but at this low frequency of occurrence I can ignore it.

Back to those Deathclaws. Fortunately I can snipe from a long way away. I reach Dead Wind Cavern. Its very thick with Deathclaws in here, young and adult, but I slowly chip my way further in. I find a duffle bag with some useful stuff, but nothing memorable.

I've been thinking of the relative strengths of NCR and Legion, and if NCR was as competent and powerful as it should be, Legion could have been steamrollered by now. NCR has to be a basket case for Caesar's threat to mean anything. Otherwise he'd be just another large gang to take out.

I find the Deathclaw Mother. One 5 round mag of .308 AP from the sniper rifle gets it done. I reach the alpha's section, and I am surprised how big it is up close. No wonder, this is a Legendary Deathclaw, with 1000 HP, but thankfully still only 15 DT. First try, two of my rounds go in the wall, as often happens when you try to shoot from cover. Second try all 5 rounds hit, but I needed one more. As he closes I switch to the carbine, he gets in one swipe which knocks me down to near death, as I get off a round at such close range I can't miss, which is a good thing as I can't aim under these conditions. I didn't notice the XP reward, but I don't think it was a lot. I don't think I could have pulled this off without all the perks and skills and equipment I've accumulated.

Just as I was wondering if the heaviest of armor would have protected me enough to take two swipes, look who's here, a dead Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, in T-45d power armor. Nearby is Mercy, a unique 40mm grenade launcher. That looks like it will be fun to try when I get my Explosives up a bit more.

That was good. I liked that area, I wasn't sure I could clear it.

I reach Walking Box Cavern, just some Nightstalkers.

I find a train tunnel, no entrance, some Vipers.

I find Legion Raid Camp. I come across NCR and Legion fighting, which is a good source of service rifles. Time to shop, I need ammo, especially AP, I used up a lot on Deathclaws.

I enter Aerotech Office Park. Its a courtyard. Enter Aerotech Tent. Looks like NCR soldiers, and refugees. I speak to Captain Parker. He's got some errands for me, a missing people problem and a swindler problem. I speak to Frank Weathers, who seems familiar. Check notes, his wife and child are imprisoned in Cottonwood Cove. I meet Bert Gunnarsson, who says something about Nephi's death. I should have stopped here much sooner.

I enter Aerotech Suite 300. Look who's here, Alice Hostetler again. Nothing else here. I enter Aerotech Suite 200. There's a bunch of Junkies, and Keith. I get him to spill, and sell me some Jet and I find his Marked Cards. I speak to Captain Parker, he just wants to talk about the missing refugees. I go to Westside, speak to Saint James. I remember this guy, and his partner Dermot, as being assholes. And now I have the evidence that they're slavers, selling to Motor-runner (Fiends). Reading Dermot's ledger is one of the sicker things I've seen in any Fallout.

I turn them in to Captain Parker, sadly I'm not part of the group that's going to go pick them up. I give the evidence on Keith, and this party I'm invited to. Now I'm even more disappointed that I wasn't there to pick up the other scum. Some frontier justice is dispensed, kind of. This is definitely a very low level area.

Pick a random direction and go. I find Cassidy Caravans Wreckage. Maybe I should go tell her. I've learned that every companion has their own quest. Even if I want to walk the wastes by myself, I'm still all about completing quests.

Cass wants to pay her respects to her lost caravan. I listen to Rose's back story... something about this seems familiar. Her dad ran a bar... was this a companion in Fallout 2? I think he tended a bar outside Vault City when the main character found him.

She was a wanderer, and sort of fell into caravanning. She's not happy that NCR doesn't take care of road patrol, making it very dangerous, while Legion takes good care of its caravans. She has good insight into the nature of NCR and its problems, how they have good intentions but are too overly ambitious to deliver.

We go to Cassidy Caravans Wreckage. Reach some conclusions about an energy weapon attack. We go check out Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan. Looks like whoever did this left a map behind, with enough detail to lead us to the next marker, Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan.

We head over to Crimson Caravan, speak to Alice McLafferty. I tell her I'm not going to do her corporate espionage job, which finishes a quest, and I get 500 XP. She has a new quest for me, to disable a bottle cap press, so the currency system is not destabilized. In the nearby safe I find (and am allowed to remove) Crimson Caravan - Van Graff Agreement. Wow, these people are evil. I always thought Crimson Caravan were heavy handed, but actually colluding with the Van Graffs to kill the other caravans, that's messed up.

Not sure where this is going to go. I better finish Alice's quest while she is still amongst the living. Since I already cleared where the press is located, its easy to finish. Now on to find evidence at the Van Graffs. Maybe its my 100 Sneak, but I just waltz in and get in the safe and find Letter to Gloria. We now have the evidence, but no clear path other than taking the law into our own hands. I tell Cass we'll try NCR justice first, see how it goes.

We speak to Jackson at Mojave Outpost, and he says he'll take it to Congress, and they can persecute the parent companies back home. This seems satisfactory to Cass, and she gets a perk reward out of it.


Is that all there is to do with Cass? I start reading her page on the wiki, and it seems that's the majority of it. I start reading Boone's page, see how to start his quest, but its thick with spoilers. I have to complete 5 history points with him the first of which is 1 point for killing Vulpes Inculta, then there's something about after killing Caesar - I don't want to know any of this . Maybe if its not obvious in game, I don't get to know. I ditch Cass a little reluctantly; it might have been fun.

What happens if I talk to Crimson Caravan now, particularly the boss, Alice. She's the same, guess the news hasn't traveled yet. How about the Van Graffs. Just walking up the street, the Silver Rush Crier is already aggro, and shooting at me with a plasma pistol. Its no surprise when I walk up to the Silver Rush, doorman Simon is also aggro. I was thinking of just taking him out and leaving, but three thugs from inside the Silver Rush immediately come out. I can hide behind this street light for just long enough to switch the carbine to AP, because these guys are all wearing 15 DT armor.

One of the thugs is holding Van Graff Key. I now have a lot more plasma rifles then I will ever need. I can see why some people say they held off on this quest, because you lose the best (only?) energy weapons store. I will make a quick check online, to see what I lost by doing this. Shit, another spoiler, that the Brotherhood might ask you take them out. Why do I keep doing this to myself. I just searched for 'new vegas worth killing van graffs' and the simple answer is yes, its ok, you've got nothing to lose in terms of equipment or quests. But now that I know what I know, I'll wait to see the Brotherhood first. I'm still really annoyed that the Brotherhood and NCR are fighting. I really thought early Fallouts were setting them up to become NCR's intel and R&D departments.

Why did I leave the Brotherhood quest unfinished. I know I get distracted a lot, but I thought that, at the time, I really wanted power armor. Reading through my notes, I was bringing their air system parts back, I should see what happens. The most recent task is to return to Senior Knight Lorenzo with the components.

I do that, and report to Elder McNamara. He has been thinking and realizes NCR is not as much of a threat as he thought, and that he should stop leading from such a fear position, and lift the lockdown on the base. I also get a key to the Brotherhood safehouse. My fame level goes from neutral to liked. I get +1100 XP, almost at level 40! Now what. This outcome seems OK so far.

I speak to McNamara again, and he's now trying to restrain Hardin (the one that wanted my help getting McNamara's job) from leading an attack to take back Helios One. What a stupid idea to try and take on the NCR again, especially with the Legion closing in. I'm glad I didn't help Hardin. I can ask to join the Brotherhood. He wants me to get into Black Mountain and install a remote transmitter. I can do this, I was planning on hitting the place soon anyway.

Its finally time to visit best friend Tabitha. First stop, to check in with Neil. Last time I tested this, talking to him about taking out Tabitha resulted in him rushing up the mountain without me. Not sure I want that.

OK, I didn't remember this entirely. You can do a speech check to tell Neil you want to help, then he'll meet you at the village up top. He can apparently just walk in, I have to sneak or fight my way in. I'll just leave Neil here, and go by myself.

So far, no resistance. That's weird, a bunch of rocks fall down a hill, like a small avalanche. There's a bunch of bear traps, did the rocks trip them all? Is that what I'm supposed to see here? OK, that was fun, big round rock, like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. I guess that's the way up if you're taking the sneak route. I plan on just walking straight in and taking out everything in my path. Way out on the horizon I can see that cross memorial, and that water tower where I was buried, the first time I (almost) died.

They're not going to make this easy, and I like it. There'a  patrol of three large mutants, well armed and armored. Using VATS, I see that they are Super Mutant Master, HP 320 DT 15. Switching all ammo to AP. Now the gauss gun... oh crap. I must have offloaded all my Microfusion Cell. Time to go home. And back to Neils. Its broad daylight, I just run in, and a Nightkin uncloaks behind me. Did I sneak past it last time? I got back to Neils shack to heal up a few points, turn around, and now there are Super Mutant Masters guarding the gate. These are different, same hitpoints, but no armor. I get a one shot kill with regular ammo. Which is good, because the ammo type is stuck bug is back. And then a minute later its gone.

Up ahead is more Super Mutant Master, the ones with armor.

Level 40, Energy Weapons 90, Melee 85. Perk Tunnel Runner (what are the warrens of The Divide?)

Good loot but its heavy. There's a fence with a gate. I've been here before, when I was on the other side, clearing out Centaurs for some other Brotherhood quest. I can't keep up with this loot, stashing it in a box at a checkpoint. There are radios everywhere, they missed an obvious trick here. Every radio should be playing Black Mountain Radio. I like all the rocks trickling down the mountain side though, after that giant boulder, you're definitely on edge for another avalanche.

Now there's radiation. Better to use countermeasures early, no idea how long I'll be exposed. This is cool, a satellite dish fell onto its open side, and there's a living space under like its a dome. Finally, a radio, and its playing the local channel. Just as a I was wondering where all the cloaked Nightkin are, I meet a Nightkin Master. The Nightkin Sniper was carrying Annabelle, a unique missile launcher. On the platform he was standing on are 4 Radio Transmitter Control Panels, that I can activate. As a test I throw their switches, and some of the functioning dishes move to a new position. Neat, reminds me of the time in Fallout 3, where you help boost the signal of the Brotherhood's propaganda station. Must be part of some quest later, reload.

I hear a segment on Black Mountain Radio I haven't heard before, something about how they can see everything from up here, even the two-headed bear people on battle cattle. Obviously referring to NCR, but on what? Trains? Tanks? I wonder if one faction or another will produce some armored vehicles. All the tools to do so are just lying around.

I enter Prison Building. There's some notes from Raul, the captive ghoul who has been doing repairs for Tabitha. He mentions fixing a toaster, a clear and direct reference to Wasteland.

I unlock the door and meet Raul. He just wants to go free, but apparently he can also be a companion. Long term, or just this area? Probably long term, because I get the Regular Maintenance perk. I like his nonstop sarcasm. And I like his knowledge and take on Mr. House. If I let him join, then dismiss him, he disappears to his lonely shack, but where is that? He's not here. Reload, I think I won't let him join, not until I'm done here.

I enter Door to Storage Building. I find Rhonda, a broken Mr. Handy. I don't want to switch it on just yet.

I enter Door to Broadcast Building, 1st Floor. Cool, there's a log from Marcus, when he took over the place. Did Neil tell me about this? It's been so long since that first time I talked to him. Interesting, Marcus got Tabitha started on the tech of this place to distract her from the loss of Rhonda. I wonder if I have to kill Tabitha, or I can just fix Rhonda for her, and find a more peaceful solution. I'm going to try all variations.

First, I get Tabitha's Room Key from where she said to find it. I go up to Door to Broadcast Building, 2nd Floor. Its too easy to take her out. Let's try again, but this time with Rhonda in tow. Its been 6 years since they spoke. Oh this is so much more the right answer. Rhonda leads Tabitha away to some destination. Tabitha doesn't remember where they are going, but she's just happy to follow. I better go talk to Neil. Good, he seems to know the issue is resolved. Neil will stay here, and if any more mutants show up responding to Tabitha's signal, he will direct them to Jacobstown. Overall a good outcome, except for all those mutants I iced getting up there. Maybe I should have used more Sneak, less Guns. Oh well.

Back to the mountain top. There's a Super Mutant Master up here, but he's neither aggro, nor can he be spoken to.

I speak to Raul. You have to let him join before you can talk about everything. I'll probably regret this, but I wonder what his quest is. Its really complicated, I need to speak to 3 different NPCs, and there's lots of variables that could ruin the quest. I think I've already done too many quests and ruined the pre-conditions, and the wikia says the rewards are bugged, anyway.

I guess it can't hurt to try. And I like Raul, I want to hear whatever I can of his story. We speak to Ranger Andy in Novac, Raul tells of how most of his family were killed by refugees after the war. I like how it offers the option to criticize him for not setting a watch over night, which is the right answer of course, but its just too mean to say. Despite all the warnings of the bugginess of this quest, it is successful anyway. I choose the faster guns perk for Raul. There's no other reward, but that's OK because this quest already gave the best kind of reward - a good story. Raul seems to start out as a bit of a simple comic relief, but he has a dark and tragic back story, and it is delivered well.

This is why I risk spoilers, so as not to miss these bits of story. And yet the spoilers can also destroy story. I would have never encountered this story if not for the online guides. There are so many possible scenarios where I would have never come to Black Mountain early enough to get Raul, and still visited all the other people I needed to visit to make this quest successful. I'm willing to bet most people wouldn't do this in the right order naturally.

I need to go back to being the lone wanderer, but where do I find Raul again? Of course, at Raul's Shack, I've already long since discovered it.

Now to finish the Brotherhood quest. Back to the broadcast station. I find a Sheet Music Book, file that away, just in case. I can Activate Radar Console, where I can install the remote signal transmitter. Back to Hidden Valley.

A scribe runs up to me to tell me they're going to leave me energy weapon ammo and reloadables in a box in the entry hall, as thanks for my service.

I report to McNamara, and I am made a Paladin of the Brotherhood, I get an old suit of power armor (T-45d), and training in the use of any power armor, and I can come and go as I please. I am given no duties, only asked to keep the Brotherhood in mind in all future dealings.

This armor is of such poor condition I might as well be wearing aluminum foil. Not that I plan on wearing heavy armor, but its nice to have the choice. I put in on and walk around. Sadly, so far no one acknowledges my change in status. Very disappointing.

The only thing different is there are some new items in the company store: Gauss Rifle, Gatling Laser, and maybe some other things, like the T-51b Power Armor.

All in all, a lot of good things resolved. Now I want to play with my toys. I speedwalk into Fiend territory, while wearing the power armor, with my Gauss rifle out. The Fiends run towards me. If someone wearing power armor and wielding a Gauss rifle is coming straight at you, you might consider running away. No one runs away in this game.

I don't think the power armor counts as a factional uniform. It doesn't say it the way it does if you put factional wear.

I stop by NCR Ranger Safehouse. I have a key? Oh yeah, Col. Hsu gave it to me. Its a fairly austere little place, with a few neat things free to take, such as Assault Carbine, Trail Carbine, Hunting Revolver, NCR Salvaged Power Armor, NCR Ranger Patrol Armor, and NCR Ranger Combat Armor. How much cooler would it have been if there were the occasional NCR ranger hiding out here for whatever reason. Feels like an opportunity lost.

I find Black Rock Cave. Occupied by Nightkin. I find a dead prospector with Paladin Toaster, a power fist that does extra damage to robots and power armor.

Sometimes I hear thunder, but it never rains.

I report in to Mr. House to see what happens next - I do not like where this is going. I've tried to stay neutral as long as possible, but it seems that I will soon have to make choices. Unpleasant choices. For the moment, I will pretend I didn't see that.

Now that I'm in the Brotherhood, it only makes sense that I go check out the Abandoned BoS Bunker. Which is actually DLC Dead Money, but my character doesn't know that. I head off with my standard loadout. After all, its just another area to explore.

Inside, a corpse with a Jar of Cloud Residue, a Sierra Madre Martini, and some other stuff.

Up comes the disclaimer; this is a one-way trip until it is done.

There's a terminal down here, that is crackable. Inside a small mixed use room, part office, part residence, part lab. There is something called Elijah's Chemistry Set. Elijah, the name sounds familiar. Was he a recent elder of the Hidden Valley chapter? Time to break.


I can collect a sample from the chemistry set. Why not. I get another Jar of Cloud Residue. There is a Brotherhood Footlocker, which requires a key. I forgot to mention, at the very start of the level there is a footlocker, Equipment Storage, that is just sitting there unlocked and empty. On the way in to this lab is Dropbox, also unlocked and empty, but I don't think it has anything to do with the the Courier dropbox system (so why did they use the same name?).

There is a Vending Machine, that looks like a tabletop stargate. It appears to be a crafting station that makes various junk food items you see all over the wasteland. Why would anyone need to make those. It uses something called Sierra Madre Chip.

There is a terminal, but it requires a key. Next to that , a T-45d Power Helmet. Down the hall is an old time radio. Let's begin. I get gassed and audibly fall to the ground. The slideshow intro is very reminiscent of Bioshock, something unnecessary and unwelcome.

I am now in thrall to someone named Father Elijah, I get a holorifle and a slave collar. He wants me to break into the Sierra Madre, with a few helpers, as he found he couldn't do it alone. There's a convenient red cloud serving as a dome to wall of this area off from the rest of the world.

I go looking for my three new companions. I meet something called a Ghost Harvester. Never thought I'd be wielding a leap pipe as a weapon, but its fairly effective. Not sure how to do sneak crits with it. I find a Police Pistol, not bad. I also find Sierra Madre Armor and Helmet, which are Light, so I'm glad to make use of them. Before I can dwell too long on the ham handed way this DLC restricts you from your old equipment and makes you start over, I have light armor, two pistols with some ammo, and a few explosives.

There's an Electric Hot Plate that can be used for crafting. I guess I'll mix up a Ghost Sight, to check it out. Seems like Cateye. I find a Cosmic Knife.

I do not like this world one bit. I do not like this story. I do not like these characters. But neither do I hate it. I just want to get this shit done and get out of here.

No sooner do I say that than I meet Dog/God. Him, I like.

In the medical area, I find an Assassin Suit. Sneak +10 is nice, but I'm already at 100, so it would do nothing for me. Christine is another interesting character. Communicating with a mute is something different. She needs a functioning Auto-Doc to get her voice back, and for the first time in this DLC I am invested. She was a Brotherhood of Steel Scribe!  She was looking for Elijah. It is so lame that I can't tell her I'm in the Brotherhood (the game doesn't even have the excuse of needing to record any additional dialogue!) I love the occasional conversation options I can (but don't) choose, like 'I'm tired of this charades shit', or 'love is transitory - or ended in gunfire'.

This DLC area has a lot of skill checks, glad I've been spreading the points around. She had some sort of electro shock therapy or surgery, and lost the ability to write, but can still do math. She isn't going to leave, she wants to hunt here? I'm two perception points shy of being able to ask. Is there any aid that boosts perception?

Level 41, Speech 100.

Just like that, I find an Automatic Rifle. Looks impressive, but I have almost no ammo.

I leave God at the fountain. He's still in my party, but I can wander the area now without him getting in my way, or repeating himself ad nauseam. This might make companions at least somewhat palatable.

Oh, that's what these red blobs I see on the walls are. I start accumulating Jar of Cloud Residue.

I get to Dean Domino. I like his chair trick. I also like how the companions don't automatically assume I'm the good guy. As far as they know, I'm imprisoning them until I convince them otherwise.

Get all 3 to the fountain, listen to next task. We have to do 4 things simultaneously, hence the team.

Get God situated. Get Christina situated. Talk to Dean Domino, learn how to make Sierra Madre Martini, get him situated.

Level 42, Lockpick 100. Perk Silent Running.

Its better, but these ghost people still seem to be as perceptive as Deathclaws. Some text blurb in the story even mentions how restrictive these suits are to the senses.


On to the bell tower.

I've been doing more and more melee and sneaking, and I think the combination of skills, perks, and equipment are paying off. I've pulled off some questionable sneak attempts, gotten behind enemies, and gotten fatal sneak criticals. The silence, and lack of ammo cost, is very appealing. I may have to try more melee.

I find a bunch of Embalming Fluid. Oh, its a morgue. Finally, I ring the stupid bell.

I appreciate the crash course in Melee, but I really hate this map. Enemies have a DT of 0, yet they seem like they are wearing power armor. All my weapons are like twigs against them, unless I get in a good sneak attack. And I can't even top off health anywhere, I have to rely on stimpaks, and I'm always holding back because I don't want to run out. Thankfully most enemies use only Melee themselves, except spear throwers, who are unusually accurate.

I'm tired of fighting these guys. I'm just going to run to the exit. Once back in the Villa, I run to the courtyard hologram, then to the gate. The gate actually says this might be a one way trip - as if I would I ever want to come back here. I do hope all companions have gone on ahead. Better do a hard save, not just a quick save.

Once inside, I see my 3 new acquaintances on the floor, then there's a popping exploding sound, then I collapse. What am I to conclude, other than that we are betrayed, and our captor has triggered our collars. Nope, just a cheap jump scare, everyone is fine, just spread out throughout the hotel now. I can't wait to get out of this wacky DLC.

I'm inside the casino, and there are more parallels with Bioshock. Fallout is based on 50's culture, not this (30s?) art deco culture. First suitcase to the left of the door, I'm going to start dumping excess stuff.

The only door that doesn't require a key is to the casino. So I'll start there.


There are interlocking webs of holo security and radio signals to avoid. This is much preferable to dealing with the ghosts.

Dog/God is having an existential crisis. I am able to re-integrate his personalities, at the cost of not having his help later. Its a risk I have to take.

Level 43, Science 100, Melee 90.

In the suites, Christine has her voice back, no thanks to me, and guides me over intercom. At long last, I find a a bed to sleep in and can recover max HP for free.

And finally, at least a somewhat decent gun, a lever-action shotgun.

And then we meet Christina. She ended up in the suite of the starlet, and because Vera Keye's personal auto-doc is there, ended up getting her voice. That was actually well telegraphed, and I forgot about it, I should have seen that coming. Especially when you add in Christina's mysterious vocal cord manipulation, it makes sense that we need the starlet's voice to say a certain sequence for a voice unlock.


At the Receptionist Terminal in the lobby, Access Music Controls, retrieve all 3 tracks. I think now I have the parts I need to access the Sierra Madre Vault. Take Suites Elevator to Executive Suites. Talk to Christine, tell her I've got the key phrase. Christine has the very legitimate concern that once we unlock the vault Elijah will have no more use for us, and just kill us outright. Christine wants to wait for him to go down to the vault, then follow him in and kill him. I ask her to trust me, and let go of this. I guess it becomes my job then, if it comes to it. Yep, I promise to make it my problem. Begin again, but know when to let go.

Christine gets a door open. In a safe I find Vera's Outfit, Barter +5 Speech +5 CHR +1. I notice Christine has a sawed-off, wish I could trade her for it. I can now Take Elevator to The Vault.

There's a big open space, looks like a factory. Lots of arcing electricity. There are blue force fields blocking the doors. On a terminal, a note that if Vault security is disabled and if the Vault terminal is breached, the elevator returns to the Suites and locks in place. Just in case you missed this Chekov's Gun, the game hangs some Christmas lights on it, as you soon find a note that reiterates this. In no uncertain terms, somebody's taking a one-way trip out of here.

A skeleton named Founder's Remains, and next to it, Sinclair's Bag. Just the bag would be enough, I don't think Fallout ever felt the need to name a skeleton before. And why make the skeleton a container if you're not going to put anything in it? At least his bag contains at Nikola Tesla and You book which, to my ever skill hungry character, is the greatest treasure.

Into the vault. These gold bricks are kind of incredible. Yeah, they're 35 pounds, but they're work $10k each. Which works out to around $300 per pound, which is actually quite awful in terms of value to carry weight. Nothing beats drugs and ammo for high value, low carry, but how would that barter economy work? It still might make more sense than bottle caps.

Activate Vault Control Terminal. Select Vera, read note To Vera. Sinclair forgives Vera's transgression, and wants to undo his revenge plan, but it is too late. Vera never lived long enough to come down here; she never knew his apology, nor did Sinclair get his revenge.

Before you know it, you're talking to Father Elijah. So much conversation. I like how he calls the Pip-Boy a crutch, that it dulls your brain, tells you what to do. An apt breaking the fourth wall criticism. He speaks of the Big Empty, a place I do not know.

Elijah is reluctant to come down. So much more conversation. I finally get him to come down to the cellar. I reprogram the turrets to welcome him. Christine is yelling something over the intercom, I can't hear anything over the sound of all these turrets firing, and Elijah shooting back at them. He's so busy, I can just walk up to him and unload the entire shotgun at his head. Run for the exit before my collar explodes. I'm back in the courtyard where I started.

Level 44. Energy Weapons 100, Melee 100. Perk Finesse. I misunderstood this perk, I thought it gave you a virtual +5 to Luck for fighting purposes, and since I already have 10 Luck, I'm already maxed out and can't make use of it. Further reading indicates it gives you +5 to critical chance to hit, in which case it has value.

I go back into the Sierra Madre, but Christine is not there, nor is Dog. What becomes of them?

I return to the Mojave. Its a one way trip. Good.

Oh wait, haven't finished gambling in this casino. I don't really need the money, but its a completionist thing. Do I get paid in Sierra Madre money or Mojave money?


Lots of info dump to sort through there at the end. Lots of little notices go by, that you've advanced the plot in some way, or learned some history, or gotten hints of what's to come. I guess a lot of these terms, like The Divide and The Big Empty are references to the two additional DLC coming up. Christine also speaks of a courier (not me) with Old World flag on his back who rescued her from the Big Empty. That courier is looking for another courier, who in this small universe is probably me.

First, to finish the casino. I get the slots and roulette achievements, because I missed getting them before getting kicked out of Vegas gambling. To break the bank I play Blackjack, which seems to make best use of high luck, and I actually enjoy a little. I max out quickly, but before I cash out, let's see what I need to do with the vending machines first.

A little reading, and it seems the Holorifle has its uses, but I need to get 3 upgrades that I never found. First I find the Automatic Rifle upgrade and apply it. Then the 3 holo upgrades. I really hated going back through this maze. Playing with the holorifle some more I'm really growing to appreciate it. Not sure what I was doing wrong, but now it cuts through ghosts like an energy weapon should. Maybe its the cumulative effect of skill increases and mods.

Checking for any more vending machine unlocks, I can't believe I missed both ammo codes at the police station. That would have been handy in the early game.

I never crafted a hot knife out of the cosmic knife. There are also variants called clean knife and clean knife spear that I missed. No matter, I'll take all the cosmic knives I have, I can craft when I get home.

Now the last question is whether or not to convert my chips, to what, and when. I think I'll go with convert to pre-war money. A small amount of chips are auto-generated later, if I need more.

I'm done with this place. Back to the Mojave. Roll slideshow. Back in the bunker, the radio is playing a short speech on a loop. Its Vera's voice, but is it Christine speaking? Probably. Her words seem a little over the top dramatic, much like the story wrapup of the DLC. Its like this DLC was thinking it was creating this big story of greed and love and regret, but it doesn't quite reach that height. Its more like a grade school play. I didn't hate this DLC, but I didn't like it, and it could have been left out. I'm also getting increasingly weary of these pocket universes, within the pocket universe of the Mojave Wasteland. By that I mean its a small disposable world that has little to no impact on the greater world.

Now that I'm actually back in the abandoned bunker, what's in the Dropbox? A Complimentary Voucher, and 100 Sierra Madre Chips. I'll remove it and see if it restocks. In the vending machine, 1000 Free Chips costs a Complimentary Voucher. I cash both of them in, and have 2100 Sierra Madre Chips. That would buy a good amount of Weapon Repair Kits.

In the Brotherhood Footlocker, another Father Elijah's Robes, guess I didn't need to bring one, but mine comes straight from the source. The chemistry set gives up another jar of cloud residue, I guess that restocks. On the terminal, Elijah's early notes from when he first started studying the red cloud over Sierra Madre. There's an automated note (to Elijah) that chips will be sent every three days.

There is also a holomessage you can take with you, addressed to Veronica. I'm fairly certain I recall that Veronica is a Brotherhood Scribe, who's hanging out at the 188 rest stop, and can be recruited as a companion, and I think she outright said her father was Elijah, or at least hinted it. I've been wondering how they would tie these stories together. It's a small rush to see this, as I love when stories call back and cross reference over spans of time and distance. Trying not to get my hopes too high, but at least its a token gesture from the story.

What would have happened if I tried to take a companion with me to Sierra, or on any DLC? I'm guessing it would not be allowed, for whatever reason.

I go upstairs and don't even reach the Equipment Storage footlocker and suddenly all my old equipment is being added to me, one by one. I'm going to off load most stuff here, and go for a walk. Maybe first to Veronica, to give her whatever news I can.

It's been so long, I've forgotten what my usual loadout was. From a story perspective, especially a roleplaying perspective, this little bunker makes an ideal hideout. It is mostly hidden and remote. Its got a computer terminal to lock the door. Its got a lot of boxes, and a bed. Because its not a My Bed, it doesn't provide Well Rested, but that's a small negative. It makes a lot more sense than the motel in Novac. But I don't feel like moving house right now, and probably never. If I did a replay, and I came here sooner, it might work.

Going on my walk, I soon stumble right into a batch of Cazador. This is a realistic welcome back to the wasteland. I discover Cazador Nest, and clean it out. Off in the distance, I see someone running. I chase. After a while she gets stuck, and sure enough its Alice Hostetler again. its probably just something buggy in the game, but how cool would it be if she was some kind of spy, who keeps turning up in odd places.

I meet Veronica, the only conversation option open is to travel with. Veronica has good insight into the situation the Brotherhood is in, that they're stuck in the old ways, and are not adapting to new realities. I've missed a good portion of this game by skipping companions. If only they could learn to hold back and let me do the shooting, I'd be happy to bring more of them along.

Talking to Veronica, we can repeat a previous discussion of Father Elijah, and the confusion was mine, they are not related, but there was a mentoring relationship. Finally, an option to say I found Elijah. I could say I had to kill him, but I choose to just say he's dead. And then I can pass along the note. Veronica gets a really nice Melee perk as a bonus.

I want to find out how to start whatever quests she has with minimal spoilers. Fortunately, I can just scroll a little bit down the wikia page to get the hint that there are trigger places around the world. This makes sense, since she said she wants to see how the rest of the world is doing, and how it can help the Brotherhood.

There are nine triggers, some of which are probably expired, but there are 3 that always work, and I've been to each of them, so that makes it easy to revisit. I go to Camp McNamara and the ramp of Vault 3, and in only two conversations it triggers the quest. Might as well go to one more site, just in case. Cottonwood Cove, nothing. Nelson, nothing. I guess its OK to proceed. Off to Hidden Valley.

Now we need to find something that will prove the Brotherhood is on the wrong track. Veronica knows of some research Father Elijah had a on a terminal. We go to Gibson's Shack, near Helios. There are three tech leads to pursue. A pulse gun that defeats power armor (sounds like a Gauss gun) which maybe hidden at Nellis, something that improves agriculture, and a rangefinder that has something to do with Helios. I have to chose which one we pursue, and it will probably mean the loss of the other ones. Personally, I want the pulse gun, but storywise, the rangefinder makes more sense.

Going for the pulse gun. I go to Mother Pearl for permission to rummage through her old filing cabinets, but it isn't an option, so I have to steal it. In a filing cabinet, Col. Blackwell's Key, and Inventory Transfer Order. Now we're off to Vault 34. I've said it before, but its like there's this whole other layer to the game that you wouldn't even see if you didn't make use of companions. This also helps fill the enormous story hole of why the Brotherhood won't get its collective head out of its collective ass. The game writers had addressed it to their satisfaction, I just wasn't looking in the right place. Which is totally unfair if you are a lone wasteland wanderer.

I already recovered the pulse gun, and its in my motel room. I think I'll reload and go for the rangefinder. Back in Gibson's shack, choose rangefinder, head to motel in Novac to unload. While we're there, I give Veronica a dress. She seems somewhat satisfied with it.

We visit the pawn shop in Westside. He doesn't have it. Go to Vault 21 gift shop, she sold it to a guy who was clearly wearing a slave collar. Find him in Freeside, head blown off. I remember seeing this headless corpse here a long long time ago and wondering about it. Things like this make me feel I've done this whole game out of order. Speak to nearby vagrant, he points to those kids running around playing. I've already bought this gun off this kid twice now, and never figured out what is for.

I take Euclid's C-Finder to HELIOS One. I enter Door to Solar Collection Tower. Its guarded by bots, leave Veronica outside. Deactivate turrets. This place is pretty big, more bots. I find Poseidon Energy Employee ID Card. I take Elevator to HELIOS One Observation Level. Turn on generator, use mainframe.

This feels too big, storywise. If I start turning this thing on, this might lead to the end game. Time to save. I can select where I send the power: parts of Vegas, the full region, ARCHIMEDES II, or full region emergency output level. I read the text files, if I get this right, Archimedes can blast at a target, if I point the rangefinder at it. That ought to come in handy. I arm the laser, it sure sounds like its getting ready. In the room above, a tactical map with one marker in red.

There's a Mister Handy called PYTHON, seems to repair things, but nothings is broken right now. There's some kind of brain tentacle robot, but I can't do anything with it. Step outside to observation area, its a really nice view. There's a Reflector Control Console that is unresponsive, with a bunch of things that need doing. I have to fix the two ground level terminals first.

I'm going to reload to before I touch the mainframe, and see if I can close this quest with out firing up Helios. Nope, can't. Let's try the terminals. I go to one and there are aggro NCR Guard Dogs. Something about this doesn't feel right. I reset both terminals, now I can use HELIOS One to "send power to a destination of your choosing". I also have the option of arming ARCHIMEDES to "wipe out all nearby NCR soldiers".

I try full region, and I am supposed to talk to Veronica now, but nothing happens. I am not liking how this is going at all. Its not time to be decide what this power plant does yet. I wonder if I can still exercise one of the other three options.

I've made a big confusing mess of this. I delete all the way back to Gibson's Shack. Before I do anything, motel room first to unload. I'll just quickly dump everything into the suitcase, but I'll still give Veronica a dress. I wonder if I can just bring the pulse gun with me, to the shack. Yes, good, we get notice to report to the Elder.

I like the conversation between Veronica and the Elder. She wants to open up the Brotherhood to new recruits, and new ideas and ways, but the Elder is sticking to the Codex. When she says this will be the end of the Brotherhood, he admits that he knows, in a sort of weary and trapped way. It is sad, as if he's tried but can not steer this chapter in any other direction.

I convince Veronica to leave, and she mostly convinces herself that the Followers would be a better fit. We leave the bunker, and there are three Knights and a Paladin waiting for us. There's a Speech check of 95, the highest I think I've seen yet in this game.

Veronica admits if she stayed she'd probably just stir up more trouble, so her leaving is best for everyone. Off to the Followers outpost, I speak to Doctor Alvarez, and introduce her to Veronica, formerly of the Brotherhood of Steel. The doctor welcomes this, but wants her to speak with Dr. Schiller tomorrow. This is a weird quest.

I didn't see this coming. When we come back the next day, everyone in the outpost is dead. There's an ash pile, indicating energy weapons were used. And look who we caught in the act, 4 people in power armor.

I can barely survive this encounter, without having to Pip-Boy spam a lot of stimpaks, and let Veronica keep hammering. Even though I can survive the fight every time, I want to know what's the right weapon for this. The Gauss rifle is too slow, trying holo.

That worked much better. Good rate of fire and damage. Looks like holo for medium range to close fighting, and YCS for long.

I could try and keep reshuffling the deck, but this outcome feels natural. Some in the Brotherhood are too paranoid, and are feeling the desperation of their situation, and one of their own possibly leaving and risking what little they have left was the tipping point to murder. My opinion of the Brotherhood hasn't flipped, but its in a very different direction now. I used to think they were basically good guys, just down on their luck. When they start murdering civilians, especially peace and charity loving civilians, there's not much lower they can go. I know its not the whole Brotherhood that's bad, but they are the one who insist on keeping a united front. I'm seriously reconsidering Mr House's order to just wiped them out, especially if this is not the end of it.

What happens if I go back to the Brotherhood now, with or without Veronica? I give Veronica power armor, she immediately puts it on. Veronica won't come into the bunker with me, for reasons unspecified. That works. I can still come and go from the bunker like nothing ever happened. My faction status is still Liked.

Any more Veronica quests? That one was a little grueling and erratic, but I liked it. Now to dismiss her, where will she live? Back at 188.

When did this happen - I have a new radio channel, 743.00Hz ULF.


West of Cassidy Caravans wreckage I find Allied Technologies Offices. Its occupied by Giant Ants. Nothing much in here but a few magazines. Nearby is Abandoned Warehouse, though it doesn't have a map marker. Surprisingly its clean and well lit in here. There are several pack Brahmin standing around, but no people. Lots of Sunset Sarsaparilla crates. The crates make a maze like some kind of obvious trap, or a place where you'll have a big shootout, but there's nothing there. Upstairs there's an ominous looking door with a red light over it, but its just a decoration, you can't interact with it. What a strange place, feels like its waiting for some quest to activate.

Nearby, map marker Ant Mound. There's a rather large Fire Ant Soldier standing over the entrance to Ant Mound. Up ahead, Giant Ant Queen. No good loot. Curiously on the map the entrance is labeled South Vegas Ant Mound. Are there more?

I find The Basincreek Building. More big ants, some magazines.

Level 45. I'm really running out of XP options soon. With only 90 more skill points to assign, it would take about 215 to max out the rest of my skills. I have to make some choices. Everything essential is covered, except maybe Explosives, but I've never really had any interest in it. For story purposes, I should max out Medicine, at least that's one less magazine to carry. Also for story purposes I could max out Survival, which really should have played a bigger role in a game like this. And then just for convenience, and also story, Barter. Barring some unforeseen skill check I might regret, it doesn't really matter anymore. Barter 80, Survival 65.

Maybe I can clear a few more minor things off the to-do list before the next DLC. Southwest of Searchlight, I can't find those angry bots I found long ago, but I do find a crashed Vertibird! What do you know, the map marker is called Crashed Vertibird. Some skeletons, and Tesla-Beaton Prototype. This thing is as big as I am.

Straight southwest of Searchlight I find Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm. The place is burnt down and there are skeletons, but the animals are still here. I find Torn Diary Page 2, something to do with mom and dad turning into feral ghouls. There are two graves nearby. I find page 3, the kid killed the ghoulified parents, wonders if the animals can become ghouls. Upstairs in one of the ruined barns, another copy of The Wasteland Survival Guide (Survival +4).

I found the bots due west of the airport. There are a lot of them, presumably they were survivors of the down Vertibird, and were guarding it. How did all these bots fit into a medium size helicopter.

I revisit The Prospector's Den, and its nice to see there are prospectors here again, inside and out. I speak to Prospector Merchant. There's a bunch of NCR Prospector inside. I kill nearby mutants, get irradiated. Visit Doc Mitchell to remove rads. I very much like to see that you have something new to say to him. You learn a little more about his past.

I revisit the area east of Clark Field across the water where I saw a lot of Deathclaws, but they are not there. Maybe they failed to spawn, as can happen with the bots near the crashed Vertibird? I find two Deathclaw eggs. Can't say I'm that disappointed. For 50 XP a pop, and a lot off ammo expended, Deathclaws are not worth fighting. If I wanted cheap XP, I'd go to the southeast corner of the map and snipe Sahuagin, I mean Lakelurks, with the carbine for the same XP and little risk.

Northeast of the clinic, I find Mole Rat Ranch, under attack by a mad cow. In an abandoned building I disarm a grenade bouquet trap (that I noted to come back to), and there's a door that needs some lockpicking (that I didn't note). Inside, a nice bit of low level loot, including a Sniper Rifle.

Further working down the to-do list, I separate it out based on what's DLC, what's unsolvable, what's waiting for the end game, and what I can do now. I head off to REPCONN to see to a few missed terminals and locks. Do I need the XP or loot? No. But its on my list, so I go.

I go speak to Jack at the Khans, boosting my Survival to 75 with a mag, teach him how to make Hydra. I am taught New Unarmed Technique: Khan Trick, and it gets 300 XP.

When can I clean the Fiends out of Vault 3? I was hoping it would be a quest, like with the three local Fiend bosses. At this point, I could wipe out Vault 3 armed with a butter knife, but I want to get the credit, if any.

Finish Vault 19, get Powder Gangers to turn themselves in.

There's nothing I can think of to do now that doesn't advance the plot, so its DLC time.

The fact that I have two more DLC makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning after they already unwrapped the gift they most wanted, and there's still two substantial looking presents under the tree. For all my complaints, I have been mostly loving Fallout New Vegas, and I'm a little sad that its almost over.

On the west edge of the map, I discover Mesquite Mountains Crater. Radiation, ghouls. I enter Door to Hell's Motel. I am immediately attacked by a Crazed Mister Handy, who is easily killed. I find a dead ghoul named Doctor Rotson. I find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine (Medicine +4). Sadly I find no further information here. This little area feels a little too well developed to just be a throwaway.


On the way home, I continue to explore that little bit of southwest corner of the map I missed at the start of the game.
I find Mesquite Mountains Camp Site. Lots of giant scorpions, and they eat into my AP ammo, but the XP adds up. Cool, another Wasteland Survival Guide. Up the hill, I find three graves with boards, but no writing.

Reach Novac, unload and strip down inventory for next trip. For weapons: Cosmic Knife Clean, All-American, Sniper Rifle, YCS/186, Holorifle. For armor: Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced and 1st Recon Beret. Ammo: all the .308, 5.56, and Microfusion cell I have. For aid, all the drugs that have no weight, as well as a few Stealth Boys and Weapon Repair Kits, and a few odds and ends for minor stat boosts. Total weight: 67 pounds.

Off to the Mojave Drive-in, and Old World Blues. Activate Crashed Satellite. Oh, I have to wait for midnight. There's an eye being projected on the drive-in screen. I hear about Big Empty, Big Mountain, the Dome.
How did this voice work get accepted into the final product. Oh great, more unwelcome surgery. This better not be like Point Lookout. I check my Status Effects page, and I have Spineless Strength STR+1.
I'm wearing a Patient Gown, but I still have all my stuff. There's a good view from up here, I can see the dome that was mentioned in the intro off in the distance. It looks like there are people walking around way below.
I open Door to The Sink. This door I came through is labelled Observation Area. In the middle of the room, a tactical holo table, just like the one at the top of Helios One. Its labelled Sink Central Intelligence Unit. It needs personality files restored, with a holotape. Something called a Book Chute, with the same problem. Same thing with the Sink Auto-Doc.
There is Elevator to Big MT, needs a key, Elevator to Think Tank, that doesn't. There's a hot plate, and a refrigerator that looks clean and new.
In another room, there's a toaster on the table, and there's an option to Talk Toaster. It has the same problem as other equipment here. There's an Eat'o'tronic 3000 that doesn't require money to open.
There's a Disabled Jukebox that also needs a backup holotape - so where is the music coming from? My Pip-Boy radio is set to Mysterious Broadcast. I think I'll shut that off now. An unlabeled door requires a key.
In the bedroom, in the corner is a tiny little securitron robot with a smiling coffee mug face. I try Talk Muggy, what do you know, it needs a holotape too. There's an empty safe, and empty trunk, some footlockers. On a shelf, some Mad Scientist Scrubs, that give Science +5, INT +1.
Even the light switch needs a backup holotape. Anyway, its a neat little hideout here, I wonder if it will be mine.
Nothing left to do but take Elevator to Think Tank. Now I am under some pacification effect.

I meet Doctor Klein, obviously a brain in a bot. I was wondering why the intro spent so much time introducing those long gone pre-war scientists. In this sub-universe of extreme technology, it only makes sense that they would find a way to preserve themselves. They do seem a bit addled, though.

Doctor Mobius in the Forbidden Zone cuts into the conversation with some threats. The interplay between Doctor Klein and Doctor Mobius can't help but remind me of Dr. Kleiner and Dr. Magnus in Half-Life 2.

Then they tell me that my brain has been removed and replaced with "advanced technologies", and I get a perk and some stats with that. The floating brain robots were one thing, but this is getting really ridiculous fast. Let's just see where this goes. My brain is now... somewhere, and my head is filled with Tesla coils that communicate with it, and there's something about an aggression inhibitor. Well, this is different. I don't know if I wanted quite this much different. I already miss the desert.

Oh great, more organs were removed and replaced with enhanced versions. I get the Heartless perk, and I already noticed the Spineless perk. They misplaced the brain, it was probably flushed through pipes to Mobius' territory. Also Mobius is threatening them with attack, so I am to be their instrument in some tasks that need doing, and hopefully get my brain back.

I receive a weapon, some kind of sonic gun. That starting area is going to be my new home, and there's some kind of shop in it, and it takes bottle caps. The scientists (really the game makers) go to all this trouble to create a high-tech new world, and they still have to come up with some silly excuse to shoe-horn a store with bottle caps into it? At least Sierra Madre had holo technology everywhere, and their own monetary system.

Whatever my complaints, I like these five scientist characters, as they're fairly well-established and voiced, and they're quite funny, especially when they don't mean to be.

Level 46, Medicine 90, Barter 90. Perks are getting really hard to choose, I've gotten all the good ones, as far as I know. I should have probably taken an Intense Training or two in INT at the beginning. I search for overlooked and unappreciated perks.

I can't really decide, so I will go for perks that allow me to do more things in the game. For now, I'll take Hand Loader, and experiment with different ammo when I can.

I speak to Doctor Klein. There's a lot more hand-waving and magic than I feared, with selective scrubbing of my ability to speak to anyone about Big MT outside of Big MT, as well as selective anti-aggression. This is just dopey. Anyway, in the story they do this because the last group of visitors (Elijah, I think) were so ill-behaved.

I speak to Doctor O, learn about a giant robot scorpion. I speak to Doctor Dala, who really misses being human. She has more to say about the other courier, who asked a question that the scientists decided to purge from their memory. She says some more about the three visitors, one of whom was traumatized (Christine, obviously).

Most visitors are lobotomized and put to work, I'm the first one who can still speak and act on their own, presumably because of the Tesla coils in my brain, and probably present because of something Dr. Mobius did. My brain is somehow still in communication with this body, but the game is careful not to bring up how it works. And the pacification field works on me because I don't have a brain, even though this body is in constant real-time communication with the organic brain, which is somewhere in this crater. The tech level to take the massive amount of data that a brain sends to and from its body, and then transmit that wirelessly and flawlessly in real-time at a good distance is order of tech magnitude higher than anything we've seen in Fallout, or even in the Mothership Zeta DLC. This little universe collapses into obvious contradictions. Who writes this shit, this is not even a good parody of atomic age sci-fi. Or maybe it is, but it doesn't fit in with Fallout's flavor of parody and tribute of 50s culture.

I speak to Doctor 8, and its like pantomiming with Christine in that its a different way to try and communicate, but I'm not really getting much information. Am I supposed to be? Is this non-communication supposed to be funny? I get a map marker to his house, where I am to pick up some codes for the jukebox and the opera. OK.

I speak to Doctor Borous, the idiot responsible for Cazadors and Nightstalkers. Exhausting to talk to. This whole place needs to be blown up, if only because of him.

There are some store rooms, nothing much. I go back up to the Sink. I talk to the Sink Central Intelligence Unit, it says Sonic Emitter - Revelation now available in the vendor interface. This is an electronic valet and butler, that comes with an accent suitably goofy for this place. It says it is a personality module, not an artificial intelligence, and that there are other systems here that could have their personalities restored.

This is the interface for shopping, and repairs. The previously closed door is now open. There are three tanks, containing my heart and spine, presumably, with one empty.

I go out to the balcony, and this time its daylight, and I can get a much better look around. I spend some time trying to get familiar with the layout of this place. It looks like there's a lot to cover.

I take Elevator to Big MT, and just like that I'm outside. Now there's music again, Mysterious Broadcast is back on the radio. Its rude for this area to keep switching my radio on, and it makes no sense.

I meet my first Lobotomite. Why are they aggro? Why wouldn't the Think Tank scientists give some direction on what to do with these people? Is it OK to just take them all out? Aren't they maintaining this place? If not, why are they here? This area is dumb and stupid, I want to go home.

For lack of a better plan, I head for X-8. I get attacked by a Lobotomite zombie with a Proton Axe, nice (but cheap) callback to Wasteland, did they ever reference this weapon in the Fallout series before?

There are way too many boxes in this DLC, and they contain boring stuff. Based on how most good loot I've ever found is out in the open,  I'm not going to check boxes, crates desks, lockers, etc. anymore.

Level 47, Medicine 100, Barter 95.

This K9000 Cyberdog Gun is silly, but what the heck, its the local flavor, might as well try it. Its a heavy gun, and it can put some lead down range fast. Not really my style, but maybe fun to try.

When I first started this DLC, I thought OK, I got kidnapped and surgerized against my will, but as long as I'm put back together, and sent packing, maybe even with a few nice consolation prizes, I'd be willing to let the matter go. But all these lobotomized people, and they're aggressive state, makes me think the scientists of the Think Tank might be more evil than neutral.

I'm supposed to find out where Borous' cyber dog Gabe has buried a recording of a frequency we need to upgrade the sonic gun, and when I do, Mobius' cyber scorpions show up to kill us both. Even though these are small cyber scorpions, they are rather tough. It takes a few tries to get out before Gabe's core blows up soon after he dies. In the process I also get LAER, a weapon, and Valence Radii-Accentuator, a helmet. The Valence gives HP regen, nice. Its a little slow, but it might come in handy. The LAER seems to be a medium power, medium range weapon, but I'm more interested in trying it than that dumb dog gun.

I just realized the Valence counts not as a hat, but as glasses. Considering I have no useful glasses, it makes a nice permanent addition.

Aren't there cyber scorpions in Wasteland? I think they called them robo scorpions? Was there a Mark III? Yet another callback.

Back in the Sink, there are too many containers. For now I'll just stick with one, the toolbox near the light table. I don't want to get too comfortable here, I'm not staying long.

I hit Y-17 Medical Facility, to get some Sink upgrades. Next to a Stealth Boy I find Christine's COS Recon Armor. Is it the Christine from Dead Money? It seems awfully specific. Didn't she say she was tracking Elijah, and that he came through here? It is type medium armor, so not for me.

More direct reference, on a terminal someone is talking about Sinclair and the Sierra Madre, and toxins. I find Sterilizer Glove. In one of the cells, a Brotherhood of Steel emblem, and a log file from Christine Reyes? If its Dead Money Christine, I'm hearing her original voice for the first and last time. If this is actually a cross DLC reference, I really appreciate that depth of storytelling.

I find a place called Elijah's Watch. I'm so glad he's gone from this earth. I read Elijah's Watch Journal. I find Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon. Is there any way to control the turrets? I don't see a terminal.

The Holorifle does a great job on robot scorpions from a distance.

In the botanical area I find Seed Package, I'll leave it alone.

I enter Mysterious Cave. Of all the hazards in this place, and there are many, this cave is populated by the humble bloatfly. Which becomes unfunny when you meet Legendary Bloatfly, HP 2000 DT 20. This might be the single most formidable enemy I've ever met, or it might be part of the joke. Let's see what the holorifle thinks of this. Not much. All that ammo, and only 50 XP? I guess this was a joke. Its body contains a sick amount of Psycho and empty syringes. Back to wandering.

Level 48, Barter 100, Survival 84. This is actually the last perk I can choose, since the last perk really must be spent on the level 50 perk. For lack of anything better, I'll take a round of Intense Training in Endurance, and buy another implant when I get back to Vegas.


I was trying to just plow through the quests, but when I realized there's not much here that can hurt me, especially if I am using the Holorifle, I started to wander around. I need to stop wasting time and get back in focus, and get out of here.

Higgs Village looks just like that village in Fallout 3, when you meet the creep who created the vaults. Why are there bottle caps in the fountain? The scientists already said that my monetary system is unknown here, and this is a Pre-War facility; what wastelanders would have ever lived here to throw bottle caps in a dry fountain?

This place is eery in its quietness and emptiness. I would rather get ambushed in the fountain and have to fight house to house than have to endure this tense silence. I find Bouros' cellar. I find Dr. Klein's Scrubs, wow Science +10 INT +2. Dr. Klein's Glove is a weapon, does a Critical Hit Weaken, also unusual.

Outside, I find Ulysses' Point. Enter cave, looks like a small hideout. Find some audio logs, a conversation between Christine and someone who must be Ulysses. He sounds a little driven, a little crazy, but most telling, kind of boring. He wears the USA flag on his back, because he believes something nutty about it. Ulysses is speaking almost directly to me, to come west to The Divide and meet him, and have an "ending to things". This really ties the three DLC together. Honest Hearts stands alone, but it was more plugged into the main story.

Earlier in this area, when they described the Trauma Override Harness as being intelligent enough to bring soldiers back from the front lines when wounded, even if they were unconscious, it already sounded a little disturbing. The logical conclusion is even creepier, the harnesses are walking around armed, being used as fighting bots - with the dead humans still inside. It is quite an uncanny effect, being attacked by what seems to be undead skeletons with energy weapons. Well done.

In the Cuckoo's Nest Cave I find the Toaster holotape, on a shrine to toasters, complete with human skulls. Oh those wacky Lobotomites, what part of their humanity will they recover next. I see a Lobotomite named Test Subject 1. He has a Protonic Inversal Axe, or rather had, its mine now.

I find an area with some artillery, more walking skeletons, and a RY-589 Ultimo Bot.

Got all the parts for the Sink, go back and install. I like that everything in the room has its own personality. I think the Toaster is my favorite so far. The jukebox as Wolfman Jack is pretty funny, and so is Muggy. I will never look at the humble coffee cup the same way again. It took me a while to realize that the last intelligence in the The Sink was the sink. Coincidence? I like all of them. This place would make a great hideout, I wish I could take it with me. The light switch just asked 'wanna push my buttons?' and the auto-doc is snoring.

My Valence gear is at zero repair, I need to find some eyeglasses to repair it with. I go searching through the rooms of Big MT, find Dr. Mobius' Glasses, Explosives +10, INT +2. I think I missed it because I thought it was just regular eyeglasses, and didn't even scan it. Careless. Excellent, I can repair the Valence with a common Pre-War Hat.

Getting the Prototype X-13 stealth suit parts. Found some Thin Red Paste.

Level 49, Survival 100.

In X-13, something near the Deluxe Chemistry Set spoke, sounded like the light switch back at the Sink. Bug? Or is it the Stealth suit talking? Yep, its the suit.

Finish the corporate espionage test, receive an obscene amount of XP (2900?). Stealth suit upgraded to Sneak +25, but does it matter when your sneak is already 100? Roboscorpions were sent at me, switching back to regular armor.

Done with Basic Infiltration Test, starting Advanced Infiltration Test. Easy, small XP reward, suit upgraded with PER +1, no robo-scorpions sent this time. There's an Expert Infiltration Test option. That was a little harder. Now suit has +1 AGL, in addition. That's getting to be a nice piece of kit. There's another test: Robot Compliance Test. Now the suit has +20% Sneak Speed. Done with X-13 tests.

Back home to unload, heal, and repair. I'm starting to get really attached to The Sink, and all its personalities. This is the best home I've ever had in a Fallout game.


Gathering old books for the book chute, to make skill books.

Level 50, Explosives 60. Perk Thought You Died. My Karma is Neutral, HP 526/525, XP MAX. Under Effects, it lists the perk and HP +100. I reload from Level 49, and my HP was 520/520. Back to level 50, if I take the halo off, and use Stimpaks, my health gets to 625/525. I guess the extra 100 is not part of me, its an effect.

I clear out the fake high school at X-8, give all books to the Book Chute, get 161 blank books. The only way to advance my last two skills that aren't 100, Unarmed and Explosives, will be through books. Not that it matters for much longer.

I find Elijah's Advanced LAER. Those boys (and gal) sure knew how to party when they were here. I read the wiki articles on his version and the regular LAER, its a little confusing which is better. Forum posts are not much more definitive, but it seems the thing to do is upgrade the standard version to take advantage of 3 beams separate crits. I'll try it.

I find the Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator. I guess it heals at three times the rate? Unfortunately it looks like a stupid head cage, whereas the single radii looked like an elegant cyber halo.

The LAER+ is disappointing against Nightstalkers, but chews right through Trauma Override Harness skeletons.

Some more fun log entries from Elijah, how he got the bomb collar technology, and his growing thoughts about Sierra Madre. It seems clear that he hasn't quite lost his mind yet. And he's starting to figure out someone is following him.

I take Gabe's bowl back to Doctor Borous. He almost has a human moment, but rejects it.

I report in to Doctor Klein, its time to move against Mobius. And just like that, X-42 Giant Robo-Scorpion, with 3500 HP and a DT of 30. Time to load the Holorifle with the Max Charge Microfusion Cell. Lucky me, there's a terminal nearby to release target drones for the giant to play with while I situate myself. I wonder how many XP that would have yielded. In the corpse, a Valence Radii-Accentuator, and assorted robot debris.

Doctor Mobius seems less mean and more addled than anything else. Its come up before that a lot of the messages I'm hearing are pre-recorded. Maybe a younger and meaner Mobius sent all the threats and roboscorpions, this one doesn't seem up to that focused a task.

I still don't understand why he took and kept my brain, and then wirelessly linked my body to it so I could still function normally. Because he could, and it worked? I fix one of his monitors. I can ask him why he doesn't seem aggressive. Oh, it was the Psycho talking.

Mobius reprogrammed the other scientists (and himself?) to keep them busy, to keep them stuck here. So they wouldn't take over or destroy the world? Apparently. Mobius is the master lobotomizer, even lobotomized his friends and colleagues to forget the outside world.

Interesting, the thing that makes my case different, in the usual local lobotomy procedure, is that bullet that went through my brain at the start of the story. The Auto-Doc treated my brain differently when it removed it, and so I wasn't destroyed like all the other victims of this place. This has the unfortunate side problem, for Mobius, that the 5 scientists now have evidence that their brains could be put back in hosts, and they could leave.

I don't like how Mobius keeps saying he talks to my brain, as if it were somehow separated from me, other then spatially. Or... am I an exact copy of my brain at the time it was removed? If so, what happens to these Tesla Coils when they are removed from my skull and my original me replaced? Are there two of me?

Now I'm supposed to go ask my brain if it wants to be re-installed, so we, or I can leave.

I find Dr. Mobius' Scrubs, CHR +1 Science +15 INT +2. I could have really used something like that earlier. This place is wasted on high level characters.

I talk to my brain for a while. I think the writing here is finally so over the top, I'm not even angry any more. Once something gets surreal enough, it ceases to be based on our reality, and it has to be evaluated in its own context, its own universe. In this corner of the Fallout universe, your brain and the rest of your body can be separated, and have a conversation. This is so beyond stupid, not to mention the complete lack of explanation of how I am doing all the same thinking I used to do before, but now without a brain. What last little bit of science-fiction this universe could claim has completely crossed over into fantasy. I might as well be playing an Elder Scrolls game.

Like I've said before, can we just wrap this up and get out of here already? Clearly one of the writers of this game (and part of Fallout 3) has a lobotomization fetish, and I just want to get out of their world already.

Still angry, I go with the kill 'em all option, and its not difficult at all. Nor is it satisfying, other than when you return to The Sink, all the appliances cheer you - that's the best part of this whole DLC. I can't go with this outcome, I'm playing the same old cliche of the Lawful Good lone sniper diplomat, so I have to find a way so everyone lives and is happy. In this playthrough, I can't be the vengeful toaster.

I pursue the more peaceful option, while still trying to contain the madness of Big MT in its crater. I ask Doctor Mobius for help with a non-violent method.

Finished all side quests, time to talk to Klein. Oh this is rich - impersonate Mobius' brain being in my body - this is why I always go for high speech skill. Wow, and a science 100 check, nice. This seems to work, but after the quest succeeded message, I talk to each scientist, and they seem to think I'm the me, not Mobius. I exit to The Sink, roll end story for this DLC. It says I will manage this facility for years to come for the benefit of the mankind. Guess I'm going to survive the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.

Oops, forgot to put my brain back in my body before the ending. But I can do it now. I didn't before because I thought it might play into the resolution with the scientists, but whatever. I reject that any of that brain discussion even happened, much the way I reject the Point Lookout lobotomization nonsense of Fallout 3. It doesn't even make sense to consider that I could leave this place without my original brain - how far do these Tesla coils transmit wirelessly? I haven't even mentioned the worst fucking thing - teleportation. I have a hand held teleportation device so I can now come and go from this place at will. Just in case you were getting over this DLC's horrible abuse of the Fallout story, that's a final fuck you from the land of lazy writing, that you have to carry with you until the end of days (its an undroppable quest item). Time to grab my gear and go home. I'll miss you, Sink personalities.

I'll restore my original spine and heart, on principal, if nothing else. At least I get STR +2 out of the deal, some resistance to poison, and healing chems work better. I should consider whatever implants the Auto-Doc has to offer. Only the one that increases speed while crouched sounds interesting. Now that I'm done here, I can read the wiki page on this place, see if I missed anything.

It seems the most fun setting to leave the Sonic Emitter on is tarantula. I sell some stuff, get the implant M-5: Increased speed while crouched. I missed the skill book recipe for explosives, back at the artillery area.

Even though I can come back, I'm acting as if I can't, and carefully packing for a one-way trip.

Teleport, and I'm back in the Mojave. To help wash that whole experience off, I walk back to Novac, no speedwalking.

Time to unpack. I don't care if it is twice as effective, the triple halo device is ugly. I'll stick with the single halo Valence. I'll carry some regular eyeglasses for repairs. I'll also keep Dr. Mobius' gear, even though it is 6 pounds, in case I need a few points of INT. That's decreasingly likely, but just in case.

You can't have too many Weapon Repair Kits. In the Abandoned Brotherhood bunker, in the dropbox, are 3 vouchers and 300 chips, equivalent to 100 WRK. I'll buy 50, take at least half to the next DLC. Who knows how hard they may be to come by.

I purchase the Monocyte Breeder (regen) implant, because at this point it just sounds more interesting.

I load up on ammo. The NCR store in Hoover Dam has lots in stock.

I go to Canyon Wreckage on the World Map. The graffiti is a little... on the nose? Why would someone write Lonesome Road as graffiti. Its like in Star Trek when someone says star trek, and you can't stop cringing. Same with the non-stop courier references. Hopefully there's no teleportation in this one.

Walk the Lonesome Road.

Big empty scarred land, wreckage, wind and dust blowing endlessly. We're off to a promising start. This is more like the post-apocalypse I signed up for.

I enter Hopeville Missile Silo. More Lonesome Road graffiti. Feels like a bunker, as expected. There's a panel that can Activate Silo Blast Door Controls. I'll hold off on that. Use Maintenance Access Level Three terminal, unlock door. A panel, Activate Commissary Terminal, leaving it alone. I see an Arc Welder and Breathing Mask.

The Ralphie poster on the wall, the same one you saw in OWB, and maybe in Fallout 3, says you can Examine it. Oh, its for an achievement, found 1/20. There's an eyebot in a booth. Use Maintenance Bot Control, I can unlock it. I'll wait. I try the commissary terminal, it can only be unlocked by an eyebot. I see where this is going.

I like how this whole area is slightly tilted, as if it almost slid down the mountain, and might yet.

Reactor door requires key. Trying the Silo Blast Door Controls - I can't hack it, need to find something that can.

Nothing left to do but unlock the eyebot. It plays something from that Ralphie movie. I can ask it what's ED-E doing here. It remote scanned him and built copies. What!? Also, once again a conversation with an NPC that the player can't understand, but your character can. Wasn't the original ED-E called that because he had part of a license plate stuck to his head? This recording from Pre-War development says they were calling him ED-E back then. So which is it? Or is it the third option, more lazy writing?

ED-E unlocks the commissary panel. Somewhat improbably, it is a store, and one of the logs said that all commissary panels access a central storage. This is like discovering a shopping mall in your closet. I buy a Breathing Mask. Lots of ammo types, but not in any great quantity. There are Flash Bang grenades, that do fatigue damage, and can Frenzy Tunnelers. What are tunnelers?

As if the mall on the wall wasn't enough, it can also do repairs, up to skill 100. The log file also telegraphed that these commissary units can be spoofed with bottle caps. How convenient. Time to call it a night.


More eyebots, and a missile. Probably nuclear, and one that wasn't launched.

A nailgun. It counts as a silent weapon, can't wait to try it. Find some bodies, a dead Marked Man and a dead Marked Man Ravager. They look like red ghouls. One of them has a Bowie Knife. On the wall, schematics for a Red Glare Rocket Launcher. I noticed there were upgrade parts for that in the commissary. More dead Sentry Bot, more dead Marked Men, wielding Arc Welders.

Find Hopeville Silo Mainframe Controls. I find the body of General Martin Retslaf, a ghoul in uniform. He's wearing US Army General Outfit. I find some MRE, and US Army Combat Armor. I exit through Door to Hopeville.

I meet Ulysses, sort of, he speaks to me through ED-E. He's more than a bit of a windbag, who thinks he knows history. Speaks constantly in fatalistic terms, not really living in the present. Doesn't seem to like NCR or Caesar. Can't tell if he wants me dead or what. He says there are many nukes underground like the one I saw, and they helped make this place look the way it is. He says there are new inhabitants, ex NCR and Legion, all ghoulified.

Ulysses thinks using the underground nukes will accomplish something, open up the Divide again? I am to find a detonator, if I want to get out of here, or something.

I'm free to wander. I find an armory with a locked door, this would make a good base of operations, but I don't much care for the dead body inside. At least I can store excess baggage in here, for now. I find Riot Gear, which is just some medium armor, and Riot Gear Helmet, which has Sneak Sight, something I haven't seen before. Wearing it, I look like the person on the box art for the game.

If I go into Sneak mode (crouch), my visual changes, it has a more sepia tone. The wiki page has almost nothing to say about this, other than describing the obvious. Forum posts don't have much more to say, other than it doesn't work. Fine by me, I don't need it.

Finally, its nice to see the enemy using height and cover. Snipers and rocketers up high and in windows. Finally, my first Anti-Material Rifle, not purchased, but taken from the field. And I only recently got the strength upgrade, so now I can actually use it. I find a Red Glare rocket launcher.

Get the detonator, get ambushed, find a Flare Gun. I learn the ways of the Laser Detonator. I enter a tunnel, Deathclaw ahead. I hate fighting in enclosed spaces, can't take advantage of much distance or sneak.

I find dead NCR, and Bravo Team Mission Orders.

So that's a tunneler. Looks like small humanoid lizards, like Sleestaks. I enter The High Road. Have to listen to Ulysses bullshit some more. NCR needed this route open as a supply line? What about the Mojave Outpost station, I thought that was the road home for NCR.

He describes the Tunnelers as threat to the whole Mojave, tougher even than Deathclaws.

He thinks I used to be a courier on this route to the west, before it became the waste it is now. And that by my travels I built the area up, causing it to become more settled, more civilized, more hopeful. Thank goodness he finally shuts up.

As annoying as Ulysses is, at least its the real kind of annoying, that other people do to you. Not magical fantasy land areas like the last two DLC. At least this place feels real, like a proper wasteland sparsely populated with violent crazy people.

More Marked Men, I find a Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun that uses 10mm.

I find Ulysses Log: Y-17.16. His take on Big MT.

The Sonic Emitter Tarantula continues to be fun. It drops a lot of things in a few hits, but I was really surprised when using it on a Deathclaw that on the third hit he just exploded.

Ulysses Log Y-17.22. He used to work for Caesar? He was the one that got the White Legs to destroy New Canaan. And now he regrets it? I really hope I get to use the Sonic Emitter on him.

I launch a nuclear missile because the game makes you; there is no other way to continue. It is beyond irresponsible to light off such a thing without even knowing where it is going, and I resent having to do it. Thankfully it blows up soon after launch. ED-E chooses this moment to play back an old recording of when his old master told him to escape dismantlement by going to their base in Navarro. For whatever reason, ED-E never made it there. Or made it there and left. Not sure.

Now I get a message the the nuke hit somewhere near Hopeville. Hopefully I didn't just blow up my stash. I thought it blew up in the air. I've uncovered something call Path to the Courier's Mile. I find an old warhead from the beginning that I didn't blow up yet. I think it was covering the woman's barracks. Of course we get ambushed - but I'm totally OK with that. I just set off a tac nuke in the middle of town and went into a building that's been heretofore blocked up. I am not surprised this gets some local attention at all.

I find Ulysses Log: Y-17.15 in a Toolbox back at Hopeville Missile Base Loading Station, which is annoying because it means I can't ignore every container, as much as I don't need small loot anymore.

Up the road, I enter Courier's Mile. This is an expensive area to operate in, lots of Deathclaws, lots of radiation. Lots of Irradiated Deathclaws, that seem meaner than the regular kind.

After blowing up a warhead, I find Lead-Lined Metal Box, but the only loot inside is a Breathing Mask, Rad-X, and RadAway. Not special, unless you've come this far and are out of radiation mitigation.

Another Lead-Lined Metal Box, with more of the same. A big cache of weapons and ammo, nothing unique, though there is a Fat Man, and some weapon upgrades. I'm downing the Rad-X like Tic Tacs.

Big shootout with lots of marked men. Another big ammo cache, this one with lots of Auto-Inject Stimpak and Super Stimpak. Also a T-51b Power Armor and Helmet, which I'll just leave behind.

Next bunker, long ride down a funicular. Cool, an Auto-Doc. Down the silo, I Open Door to Sunstone Tower.

Once again, I like how askew the buildings are.

Sometimes it seems if I don't get in that initial critical hit, my weapons are barely effective.

Another installment of crazy talk from Ulysses, who thinks I brought this ruination on The Divide. He thinks I brought and used the detonator that set off most of the underground nukes in this area, and killed its inhabitants. He says he saw me do it. Suppressed memories? I sure hope this doesn't get that dumb. I'll settle for Ulysses just being crazy.

Oh good, that crazy missile launching incident comes up again. If I did deliver a package and didn't know the detonator was in it, that's not my fault. Ulysses saw a thriving community here, that could bridge (or conquer?) both NCR and Legion, that he wanted to be part of, but then supposedly I blew it up.

Now we're getting to it, Ulysses wants to bring The Divide to West and East, and begin again. This is definitely a mad dog that needs to be put down.

I can ask more questions. Caesar gave an order a while ago not to kill any couriers, that some or all may be Legion. Ulysses thought I might be Legion, because I destroyed this NCR held

There's more, but Ulysses is a bore.

I find Ulysses Log: Y-17.23. More about his memories of the Twisted Hair tribe, and how the White Legs tribe tried to imitate them and how insulting that was. I really hope this DLC doesn't pull a fast one like the last one, and and trap me into letting the bad guys live.

I find Pvt. Foster's Personal Journal. In a building I find a dead NCR Riot Control, wearing Elite Riot Gear. The armor gives crit. chance +5, too bad it only comes in medium. Not my size. I understand the helmet gives Sneak Sight and PER +2, but why in heck does it give Speech +5? It looks like you'd be trying to speak through a garden hose. It should give Speech -5.

A very cool but improbable cave area made of partially collapsed buildings leaning on each other. I find Sunflower Summers' Diary, a dumb hippy. More Tunnelers, including a Tunneler Queen. Another Auto-Doc.

Back out into daylight, and Ulysses reveals what he was after: ED-E, who is the key that unlocks the nuclear weapons of the Divide. It actually makes sense, might have seen that coming, didn't know Ulysses needed help getting it to his location. It is counter-productive for a DLC to tell you you're a fool for even playing this area, you should have just stayed in the original game. Maybe it is right about that. This is not really adding anything of value to the core Fallout New Vegas experience, its just a distraction.

I find NCR Radio Distress Beacon. I meet a Deathclaw named Rawr (how could I ever know that), with HP 900 and DT 15. Well, he's no Alpha, but it takes 5 shots with the Holorifle.

I find NCR Ranger Action Report Addendum, and NCR Ranger Action Report. I find Jackie's Computer.

I wonder if Ulysses is a ghoul. That would explain why it sounds like he's been gargling with gravel and broken glass. I'm guessing all these ghouls work for him.

Seems to be nothing to do in Wastewater Treatment Plant, but at least there's a book of Unarmed +4.

I rescue ED-E. There's an Auto-Doc right before the elevator, must be time for a boss fight.

I take the elevator, and way up ahead I see Ulysses (you know its him because of his stupid flag coat) standing in front of a nuke. I get a closer look with the sniper rifle scope and... why not, I take the shot. The ensuing fight is somewhat intense, but not that bad. Pretty soon only ED-E and I remain. It was really refreshing not to hear that boring narcissistic turd say one more word. I'm probably going to reload though. I'm sure this is not the outcome the game meant. But damn, that felt good.

Can't stop the missile, unless you sacrifice ED-E. Well, I'm going to restore anyway. Roll credits. Back in the Mojave, next to a container with DLC specific loot. I listen to Ulysses' last message. Meh. Reload.

Trying the talking option. Just in case anyone missed it, Ulysses reiterates that he was ready to leave the Legion behind to make a home in the Divide, but a package I delivered allowed some unnamed nutjob to set off enough nukes to mostly destroy the place, so now Ulysses will take revenge by launching the remaining missiles at the NCR. What if I was going to side with Legion, would he be nuking them instead?

Time for some speech checks, I wonder if there is a non-violent solution. Well, not entirely. It doesn't seem too hard to convince Ulysses that just as I built the Divide into a nation, I might be cooking up yet another nation, and that seems good enough for him. But his contingency plan was to flood this place with Marked Men in case he died (not that it worked in the previous run), and now we have to fight them, together. Well, this is a little more interesting.

That fight was disappointing. There aren't enough pauses in the action to regroup and talk, so there's no buildup of tension, or addition to the story. Once again, there's really no way to stop nuclear hellfire without a sacrifice. Goodbye ED-E of The Divide. Roll a mostly similar end credits. Ulysses stays in the Divide, like a living ghost. I wonder if I can find him and visit. He's still nutty, but at least he's neutralized.

I get a SPECIAL point. Doesn't really matter now, but I'll put it Perception, so with my recon hat, I'll have an even number (8). I'm standing between the two graves I spotted here, long ago, and an Enclave type footlocker. It contains Courier Duster, Old Glory, Red Glare, and Ulysses' Duster, Final Message, and Mask.

Its the same message in both endings. I go back Lonesome Road to get my stuff. And there's Ulysses, just sitting on a rock, watching The Divide, just like in the end of DLC slideshow. I like that there seems to be bunch of questions you can still ask him.

I noticed in the first run that Bitter Drink recipe was in the footlocker, but not this time. This time Ulysses teaches it to me directly. I kind of like this. He also has the option to do campfire crafting, that's a little odd. Why would they add the campfire feature to a defunct NPC in a DLC area that is over.

Interesting that he points out that if Caesar is dead, Legate Lanius will still come for Hoover Dam. I was wondering what happens if you kill Caesar and somehow escape the camp, would The Legion just collapse? Apparently there is so much inertia built up that the war will happen no matter what. And that explains why Legate Lanius was not in the camp, that way you can't kill him in the game, and can't end the story. Ulysses has some insight on how to stop Lanius, to break his myth, by showing him he might have his first defeat.

I go back to the temple, detonate the remaining tactical warheads. Only found 28/30, guess I missed two. I don't mind fighting a few more Marked Men on the way, but the Deathclaws are just obnoxious.

Something odd happens, and for once I am sure I am not imagining this. I take 8 shots at a Marked Man with the Holorifle, and nothing hits, even at point blank range. Does this bug affect other weapons?

Pack goods with little enthusiasm. Return home. Set radio to Mojave Music. Unpack.

Do I switch to Ulysses' Duster? Is that "Crit. Chan. +5" worth losing 5 DT? Because storywise it doesn't feel right, and I don't like the sleeveless look. At this point, who cares, fashion wins. I prefer the Sierra Madre armor.

I better try out the Anti-Material Rifle before its too late. A little research shows you want the GRA version, so you can add mods. Done.

Now it is time to make choices and collapse possibilities.

First, an appetizer, cleaning out Vault 3. I speak to Colonel Hsu. I don't see the conversation option about Motor-runner, so hopefully I triggered it (this is an unmarked quest). After its done, I bring the helmet to Hsu, and he acknowledges it, so that's done.

I briefly check follower Arcade Gannon, but you can't recruit him until final story decisions are made, and that's exactly what I don't want to read about now that I'm doing it.

Switch to Radio New Vegas, so I can get news updates as they happen. I've been listening to the same old news for the whole game now, so I stopped listening to this channel, as much as I like the host. Already, some news that Fiend activity is way down.

I haven't decided who to support, but I have decided I am 100% against Legion. My initial fears of Legion assassins is replaced by a desire to meet them, with all the toys I have gathered from the Wasteland.

Quest Eye for an Eye, do some intel work near Cottonwood. Reporting back to Astor, I am then tasked with taking out all Legion in Cottonwood Cove.

Before I do that, there's some kind of spy in Vegas that Vulpes wanted info on. Turns out she's working for NCR, or says so. I'm not going back to Legion territory to find out.

Quest Return To Sender, time to change the flow of intel. Visit each ranger station, update encryption codes. Echo, Delta, Bravo, Alpha, Foxtrot. Return to Reyes at Forlorn Hope. I tell her I got the codes to every base except Charlie, which was wiped out. Next mission, check out some weird stories that are coming in. What's with all the odd reports? Isn't the chief ranger, Hanlon, coordinating all this at Camp Golf? The comm situation sounds out of control.

Bravo asked me to ask Reyes to stop sending so much ammo, and send more water. The option didn't come up in conversation. I check in with Delta, the Super Mutant report was just a mishap with a grenade. Alpha's battle losses are not accurate at all, no casualties actually occurred. Fox station didn't actually report any Deathclaw activity at all. Back to Reyes.

It seems that all the misinfo was signed off by Chief Hanlon. He seems like such a good dude, this is very disturbing, and I like this kind of sudden bizarre twist to the story. I confront the Chief, he wants to speak in private. Now this is really getting interesting. On the walk back to his office, this is where, if I could, I would switch my Pip-Boy to record mode.

He admits to doctoring the data, because he doesn't think NCR is in a viable position here and he's tired of watching people die. I don't quite understand his plan, to sacrifice the rangers, so the rest of the troops can pull out? When I decide to turn him in, it ends... poorly. Did I miss something? Try again.

On second read, it seems more like Oliver (the general) purposefully put the rangers in a tactically poor position, so that when the Legion attacks, they will be overrun, while NCR's main army falls back to a better position. Hanlon was trying to change the situation, but I'm not sure how he thought it would help anything. It seems like he was a good person in a difficult situation, and instead of getting out, tried to manipulate the situation for the better but failed spectacularly. He admits he got some people killed. As a Lawful Good (usually) character, I have no choice but to turn him in.

As I wait outside, Hanlon delivers his speech, with long intervals of silence between paragraphs. Some of it makes sense, some of it doesn't. He apologizes for overreaching his grasp, and not being able to find a way out of this mess. A dark road, indeed.

There on the ground is the chief's dropped Ranger Sequioa, which I keep hearing in forums is a great gun - I was wondering how people got hold of it so early, and here's the sad truth of it. Its just lying on the floor.

Sadly, there seems to be nothing more to the story, or at least this quest. Another crash, this game is crashing a lot today. Back to Reyes, While reloading, I notice that whoever that is in ranger gear in the main title (me?) seems to be holding the Ranger Sequoia.

Even though the quest is over, I'm glad that there is still a new conversation option for it. Then not so glad when I have to tell her what Hanlon did. She's right. This doesn't make sense, and it is awful. I hope I made the right choice, for the war effort. But I primarily made the right choice for me, in the moment. If that somehow hurts the war effort, I did the best I could with what I knew at the time.

Next quest, Restoring Hope, I report in to Major Polatli. Oh yeah, that's to retake Nelson. I'll do that myself. First to the Khans, to halt Legion from recruiting them. Even with the evidence I brought from Caesar's camp, they still hesitate. I could speech them through it, but I want to see this evidence at the Follower's camp. I get a book to show the Khans, they break the alliance with Caesar. I'm still Neutral with Legion.

Not for long, but not tonight.


At Cottonwood Cove, its time to test out the Anti-Material Rifle. My first shot takes down the base commander in one shot. It goes easily from there. When I have to get close, I switch to Sniper Rifle. I free the Weathers from their slave pen. I visit Frank Weathers in Aerotech, to see if I can give an update on his family. No new conversation. Report to Astor. Tell him I killed everyone in the camp. Done. Still neutral with Caesar's Legion. Apparently I need to work harder to piss the Legion off.

Next quest, Boot Camp.


While taking back the village of Nelson, I wonder if it makes any sense to try and take out Caesar. With a good holdout weapon, it might be a successful suicide mission, but it would most certainly end in my death. In a roleplaying sense, my character doesn't seem to be interested in that at all, so I'm not.

Sniping outdoors is very successful as it doesn't raise an alarm or decrease my reputation with Legion. But now I have to take the fight indoors. This is a turning point in the story, not as big as ones to come, but it is the first. The game keeps letting me get away with it. I release the crucified troopers and follow them. They each stop to talk to Ranger Milo, then stay nearby.

I can tell Milo that I got a few of the hostages back alive, he promises to spread the word. Now I have Infamy with Legion. Thanks Milo.

Back to Camp Forlorn Hope, to Major Polatli. That ends quest Restoring Hope. I ask him about sending some troops to Captain Gilles at Bitter Springs, he can spare a few. I got Camp McCarran and speak to Col. Hsu, he can also spare a few. On to Camp Golf, to Sgt. McCredie, he can spare a few too. Now to Bitter Springs and Captain Gilles to end the quest. My Karma is increasing fast.

I'm walking through the desert when I notice an open triangle on the radar - a location I've never visited! How did this get missed. I find Emergency Service Railyard. There's nothing to it, but I wonder what else I've missed.

Wandering some more, another unfound location! I find Wrecked Highwayman.

I'm just putting it off. Its time to decide how to end this. Do I side with Yes Man (myself) and kill Mr. House, or side with Mr. House and kill the Brotherhood. I don't know what to do about Helios One, because I don't know how it factors into the war to come.

This ends with the Legion defeated or broken no matter what, as far as I can help it. But what to do about Mr. House? If he didn't want the Brotherhood dead, I'd be happy to keep being his man in the field. But there's no way to move the game ahead until I choose. The Brotherhood had a few jerks in it, but me and Veronica took care of them. There's no way I'm taking out the rest of the residents of the bunker, unless there's some very compelling reason.

Maybe I can pretend to do it? I'll go through the motions. I report to Mr. House, tell him the Boomers will help us. The Omertas are already done. Now to destroy the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood. If they are such a small remnant, why bother taking them out? I like that there at least is an option to ask for a diplomatic solution, though Mr. House is not interested.

After the conversation a long list of quests and failure messages go by. Both Legion and NCR no longer like me. I guess I can't find a solution that includes both Mr. House and NCR in it.

I have 3 endings to choose from: Mr. House, NCR, or Yes Man. Continuing to see where the Mr. House story goes.

In Hidden Valley I can't talk to anyone about their imminent demise. I set off the self destruct, and unfortunately it is not a silent self destruct. I have to fight my way out, which makes it even more awful, but a little less like murder.

Back to Mr. House. When NCR President Kimball makes a speech at Hoover Dam, he wants to make sure he isn't assassinated. His reasoning is well thought out, that NCR might be willing to withdraw from the Mojave if a more peaceful solution can be found, but not if their leader is martyred.

I am to report to Ranger Grant to help with security. This is kind of different for a Fallout mission, I'm doing anti-assassination security. Its different, I like it. I can investigate the area for clues - this is kind of a big place for that, but I wander the area. The only weird thing is the ranger with the dog, and that if I go on the stage everyone starts shooting at me, even though I have all access. Talk to Ranger Grant, tell him all clear.

Stop two assassination attempts. Back to Mr. House. One last thing, restart the dormant reactor. I find El Dorado Substation. Lucky for me, most everyone is asleep. I am told to stay out, but I already installed the override module. Report back, and its time for the last move, to plant another override module in Hoover Dam during the big battle.

I wasn't planning on taking this all the way to the ending, but I can see now that I would like to see all four endings for myself. I've certainly put the time in, and I deserve to see if for myself. I'll finish the Mr. House ending before moving on to the other three. From this perspective, I think the Mr. House ending is the one that the game wants you to do, or at least expects you to do. It is possible that all 4 endings are this well developed, but I will see.

The battle at the dam is a little more boring than I had hoped. Its good to see high level Legion troops active for once, but where are all the high level NCR troops. Compared to the ending of Fallout 3, this is a poorly attended party, though it is difficult to compete with Liberty Prime. At least there's a glorious moment when the Boomer's newly restored bomber swoops down, but I'm not even sure what it bombed, or why.

I'm liking Mr. House less and less. I can understand that I have to bypass a few NCR to get the job done, so that he can power up his Securitron army behind Legion's front lines. Most sacrifices are worth getting that done. But why does he want NCR to surrender unconditionally? Aren't they supposed to be his future customers, for all the industrial wealth he is planning on producing?

Finally, crossing over to the east side. Enter the Legate's camp. I wonder why the Securitrons aren't coming with me. Legate Lanius is waiting for me. Doesn't seem to be much soldiers left, not here. There's a bunch of speech and barter options to try and make him back down from trying to take the dam. This seems like a lot of fighting just to pursue a peaceful option now, but it wouldn't be an RPG if there weren't multiple ways to solve every problem. Interesting that there are three different Speech 90 options, all bluffs. All this talk seems pointless, he's got to go. HP 920, DT 19, I've met tougher, but not in human form. A couple of hits from the Sonic Emitter, and he explodes.

On the way out I meet General Oliver coming in. Might as well let him know what's what. Another Speech 100 option. The general has little option but to walk away from the dam, and the Mojave. One last talk with Mr. House before the end credits roll. Long slideshow ensues, but not at long as I thought it would be. Most everything is as expected, Mr. House continues to be a little harsher than need be. I would like to have seen more detail about how things go, but I always want that, and it has to end somewhere. In some ways it is good that the game is over, because otherwise I would probably revisit everyone in the wasteland, to see what's new after the war, and that would be no doubt be disappointing. Better to just draw a line in the sand.

Game credits roll over ambiguous orchestral music. I have three more endings to see, but this one seems right enough. I never thought to try the Legion ending, but I might as well. Then NCR, then Yes Man.

Letting the end credits roll to completion. Sometimes I feel like complaining that it feels like there are only 6 voices in this whole game, but I see now there are many many voice actors. Some of them are recognizable celebrity names.

My last save is #0847 Legate's Camp, Play Time: 278.56.16. That can't possibly be all play time, sometimes I walk away from the computer and don't exit or even pause.

To roll back for the Legion mission, I'd probably have to go to the part where Caesar first sends me under the fort, and this time not activate the Securitrons. But that was way too long ago, so we'll have to settle for something much more recent. I'll start with rescuing their spy in Vault 21 for Vulpes, then killing Mr. House.

Vulpes tells me to go speak to the Captain at McCarran, I may have already gotten him locked up. I speak to Caesar, he next wants the Boomers allegiance, which I have already done. Next he wants the White Glove Society's allegiance, but mid-sentence he has a sudden onset headache. That seemed to come out of nowhere and was kind of scary, nicely done. Caesar needs to go lie down for a day. I speak to Lucius, who wants the artillery piece repaired. I can get the part needed at the Boomer's.

I get, it bring it back, wait until next morning. Tell Caesar the bad news, that I already stopped the White Glove from going cannibal. Next mission is to destroy the Brotherhood, and he has another weird seizure. Strange that he wants me to destroy the Brotherhood, as they would attack NCR during the war anyway. It sucks to have to do this again, but at least this time I'm playing evil.

The next task is to talk to Caesar privately, as he wants medical advice on his problem. Medicine of 50 diagnoses a brain lesion, likely a tumor. Medicine of 75 and I offer to do the surgery, but first I need to fix his Auto-Doc. Once more to Vault 34. Then to Dr. Usanagi, who now has in her inventory Surgical Tools for $999.

You have the option to heal Caesar, or try to make it look like death during surgery. So many forks. I'll try heal option first. Walking into the tent, Caesar is unconscious, Lucius is temporarily in charge. I can ask what happens if Caesar dies; Legate Lanius will take over. I heal Caesar. Next step is to assassinate President Kimball when he visits the dam. Interesting to be on the other side of this.

I'll try and do what the sniper did when I was on the other side. I climb the tower and take the place of the guard there. I'll use the Anti-Material Rifle, I only get one shot probably. Might as well use explosive ammo. Aww, cool, you can blow up the vertibird. I like when they allow for creativity. Report to Caesar, he tells you to go to Lanius. Lanius wants you to take out General Oliver.

This time, I get to see the bomber in action. The fighting is much more interesting going in this direction. Finally we get to use the vast open spaces inside the dam. I meet Oliver, he makes his last stand, report to Lanius, slideshow. Its about what you would expect from the Legion ending.

I think for my third run, for NCR, I should look up Arcade Gannon, and see about that remnants quest. Skimming the requirements, it sounds like a right pain in the ass. Who's going to go to this much trouble this late in the game for yet another companion?

Reload #837, before I talk to Mr. House (The House Always Wins III), I'll see if I can recruit Gannon first. In the Followers camp, the Weathers family, glad they made it to safety. Back to Gannon. Reading the wiki page on quest Auld Lang Syne, there's some triggered conversations that need to happen, much like when recruiting ED-E.

Reload times are getting increasingly worse, good thing I'm done soon. This reminds of the long reload times in Fallout 2. Sometimes reloading takes so long I think I might need to end the process, if not for the roulette wheel spinning. I spoke too soon, the wheel has been spinning for several minutes now.

Give Julie some more medical supplies. Then visit Crashed Vertibird, get comment. Visit Silver Rush, walk in, get Arcade's comment immediately, leave without having to fight the Van Graffs. Visit REPCONN building, I can ask him what was Project SEMELE? INT 6 check, can ask how he knows so much about his.

Let's try visiting The Fort. He asks immediately, choose Let's just listen. Speedwalk out. That should be 5 points, where's my quest trigger? Let's try another one, Hildern at McCarran. Choose "Good thing...". That should be enough points. Guess I need to advance the story.

Go to NCR Embassy, speak to Crocker, tell him that the Boomers are on our side. He says people are being rude to NCR citizens in Freeside. I need to kill Pacer or get his boss to order him to stop. Done, report back to Crocker. For the next quest, For the Republic, Part 2, I need to see Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam. I go speak to Colonel Cassandra Moore.

She's got a problem with The Great Khans. I've already made peace with them, but she wants them dead. I can say they won't be a threat any more, and move on. Next up is the Omertas, who I can also say I already stopped. Next up is taking out Mr. House. Might as well do that request for Emily Ortal of the Followers.

I decant Mr. House. Its interesting that you can choose to put him back in, with the console options of Sterilize LS Chamber or Disable Cerebral Interface. Dead is dead. Report back to Cassandra, get job to take out Brotherhood. Poor Brotherhood, in every path so far, their death is required.

Finally, Gannon pipes up. It took a little doing, but once I heard this about this quest, I've really wanted to do it. Fallout 2 had its silly elements, but there were parts of the story, like the Enclave, that still resonate with me. I like the idea of the last of them having a little reunion, and making one last mark on history.

Starting quest For Auld Lang Syne. First stop, Novac, and Daisy Whitman, the pilot of the vertibird that crashed in Klamath in Fallout 2. She says she's willing to fly one last time, but where are we going to get a vertibird? This is never mentioned.


I discover Cannibal Johnson's Cave. More name dropping from the Enclave, some of these names seem ever so vaguely familiar.

I forgot to do Helios One in the last two runs.

On the way to the next person, I discover East Pump Station. Haven't I been here before? Empty office, a terminal with a warning about radiation in the water. Some Sierra Madre posters on the corkboard, nice little touch of detail from a DLC that probably wasn't out when the main game was released.

We enter the house of Orion Moreno. He enjoyed being a heavy weapons guy, and hates NCR. He'll come to the party, but he might not stay.

Judah Kreger was the leader. He's got no problem taking one last ride on a vertibird with guns blazing. How cool would that be if I could go with them. It sounds like two members of the Remnants don't see eye to eye and you'll only get one of them, so there'll be an empty seat.

Next stop Jacobstown, and visit Doctor Henry, who I already met. I get the location of the Remnants Bunker, and I have the whole passphrase. So how do we coordinate this reunion, and their part in the war. Let's go see the bunker.

I find the Hatch to Remnants' Bunker. Locked door, terminal, passphrase. Wow, this little bunker is cool. I like how the armor is kept in stasis, you know, for freshness. I was wondering how they would still have functioning equipment, but its almost a silly question in a game where a box of Pre-War food can sit outside for centuries and still be edible.

Just like that, the gang's already here. I ask them to help the NCR. I have to convince Moreno to stay. With a Speech check of 80, no problem. Not sure whether to try and convince Arcade to join the fight or stay in Freeside to tend to the wounded. I try the option to tell him to figure it out, says he needs to do something, disappears. Whatever, I was going to just send him packing soon anyway, now that this quest seems over.

Another cool thing, since Whitman will be flying the Vertibird, I can have her old suit of power armor. This I have to try. Oh, only STR +1, but at least there's no minus to Agility.

On the way out a little surprise - its not every day someone in Enclave armor walks up to you in the middle of nowhere. Its Arcade, wearing his father's old power armor. If the others accept him on the mission, that's their deal.

I wonder what the Brotherhood will think of my Enclave armor. Nothing of course, because no one thought to script it. One little throwaway line would have done so much good. I speak to the Elder, who doesn't notice of my armor, but at least there is an option to say the NCR is looking to destroy you. Was that option even there in previous runs? I think for House it wasn't, don't remember Legion.

This is great. Finally a diplomatic solution. The Elder can be easily convinced to not only make a truce with NCR, but to even lend troops to help support the battle at the dam. This is exactly the outcome I always wanted for the Brotherhood. Forget about Mr. House, this is the true ending, as far as I'm concerned.

That's odd. Returning to the dam, the Brotherhood is already here. Colonel Moore is here with Paladin Todd. No time to talk, its time to protect the President. Quest not starting, reload. Crash. Restart.

Todd has nothing to say. Cassandra is willing to answer some questions. She used to be a ranger before an injury. She has some interesting observations on the Legion military. This time Ranger Grant responds normally, and the quest can begin.

I meet someone on level two of the visitor's center, Allison Valentine. She and another engineer, Ben, were going to watch the show but he's missing. I remember there was a blood stain in the closet, very strange for a place this well occupied. Its still there, and now I can examine it. So where's the body? Couldn't find it. Suspicious engineer is on the roof, no dialogue options. Foil the sniper on the tower. The engineer joins the audience, then rushes the stage with a knife. Wouldn't he have been better off using his engineer disguise to sabotage the vertibird? On his body is a Redundant Failsafe Detonator. So why the knife attack?

Back to Moore. Next up is Oliver and endgame. Something about the assassination attempts still bothers me - is there a way to quietly foil all attempts, and let the speech complete? There are many resolutions to this quest, but I'm having trouble finding one that describes the best outcome. If it wasn't for these painfully long load times, I might want to try some combinations.

I'll give it one try. Reload save #0866. Speak to Valentine, examine blood spot, hack terminal in lobby. Report to Ranger Grant, disarm bomb, kill Legion sniper, pickpocket engineer and take detonator. Now can the president complete his speech, or will the engineer in the audience attack? Speech finishes, Kimball starts walking off, engineer stays put - when to report to Grant? I wait until the president is on his vertibird, then tell Grant, he sends rangers to take care of the engineer. I guess that's the right outcome.

What if I wait for the president to leave, get the quest complete sign, then try to report it to Grant? Then you can't do anything about the legion assassin, who's still standing there, still seemingly NCR. Better to report him as the president is in the air.

Sadly, we can't tell Valentine anything, she's still waiting. Report to Moore, but not yet to Oliver. Finish Helios One, send the power to Full Region. Activate console outside. Go blind, for a few seconds. Talk to Ignacio. Get a science book. This would have been great 30 levels ago.

Time for the (third) final battle. This one is probably going to be the most interesting, as we've got the Boomers lobbing artillery and making a bombing run, the Brotherhood are joining in, and an Enclave Vertibird will show up at some point.

Speak to Moore, taken directly to Oliver. This people are pretty fucking rude considering I'm not even in their command structure. I'm a civilian contractor.

Oliver is planning a surprise attack on The Fort, but before we can even discuss it Legion are busting into the dam through the 'clogged' intake valves. My mission is to take out Legate Lanius. Before I can get to that, Mike Lawson wants help repelling the Legionnaires that are still pouring into the dam. He has an idea to reverse the intake flow.

Already this is a more interesting endgame. I just hope I don't miss the show up on top of the dam when it happens. I like having a gaggle of troopers and Brotherhood following me around. The Sonic Emitter is not useful in close quarters, it sets everything on fire, including allies. Better to use the LAER, which can fire almost as fast as I can pull the trigger, and I can take out most of a Legion squad by myself without reloading.

Flow reversed. On the way up and out is Colonel Moore, standing by a burning door. Strangely she has conversation options as if the battle was over already. In the lobby is Arcade Gannon in his Enclave armor, and several NCR Heavy Troopers. Arcade can't be talked to.

On the dam, there's the bomber, right on queue. In the checkpoint, a terminal you can use to disable the generators. On the way out of the check point I am met by NCR Ranger Veteran Commander, Alpha Squad, who are to help me in any way needed. I can have them push, snipe, follow, or leave. I'll take snipe, why not.

One by one my companions fall behind. I don't think they're dead or hurt, they just stop following. The rangers offering sniper covering fire do not advance further than the next tower. Soon I face Lanius alone, like all the other endgames, like this is the only way its supposed to happen. Well, not entirely, two rangers jump down from the rocks (!) and attack Lanius with knives!? He quickly chops them down with his Blade of the West. Cannibal followed me here, and thankfully survives. On the way out, as usual, General Oliver. Play slideshow. That was probably the right ending. The Mr. House ending is a little more interesting, but not as fun.

One ending left to try, the Yes Man ending. Reload save #0821, soon after I got back from the last DLC. Let's go uncork Mr. House. Let's assume in this one, my motivation is hatred for Mr. House, maybe for getting me killed in the first place. I'll disconnect his brain interface, but not kill him. How do I put him back in? It doesn't seem to allow for it. Let's go get Yes Man and put him in his new home.

I have to decide what to do about 5 tribes, much of it done already. I decide to leave the Brotherhood alone, even though Yes Man predicts they'll be our biggest enemy. Next job is to protect Kimball's visit. Then its endgame time, but first I want to get Helios online, and send power to the Strip (and McCarran).

Anything else? I search online for easily missed quests. One that sticks out is There Stands the Grass, for Hildern. In my list is grayed out with an empty box, I guess I misfired this quest long ago.

The Van Graffs are hostile to me, guess I'll go pay them a visit with Cass. I wonder what equipment I can give her. Before I find out, I start reading spoilers for the Yes Man ending. No way. Finish that ending, then I can be truly spoiler free. Kill Lanius, again. Talk to Oliver, again.

Of all the speeches with Oliver, this one is the most fun. Lots of surprises, lots of threats, veiled and otherwise. I love that I can even threaten NCR with Boomer bombardment. Interesting criticism from the general, questioning my ability to govern the Mojave, and even more interesting that the courier can respond with his own criticism of how NCR's been handling it.

Yes Man is going offline to install new assertiveness software? Without even asking me? Sounds ominous. Play slideshow. Its pretty much what you would expect for this ending. Yes Man's new software is not mentioned.

In every ending, why is the courier wearing a Vault 21 outfit?


I start reading the wiki page on unmarked quests, to see what I've missed.

I always wondered what happened to the stolen gun from Vikki & Vance. I'll reload any old save, it doesn't matter much anymore, and check it out. How about save #0877, from the NCR run, right before the big battle. Resave as #0895 and proceed.

Head north, looking for Wins shack. I doubt I missed any structures, but I did, here's Wins Hideout. I speak to Sammy and Pauline Wins. They think Vance's gun is the magic they need to rob casinos. I like that there's an option to encourage their crazy plan. Which is actually how you end their plan.

Heading for the cemetery, two open map markers! I discover Goodsprings Cave, how did I ever miss this. It is, appropriately for the proximity to where the game starts, low level. The other marker is Devil's Gullet, also low level.

I need a shovel. Going to vendors that should have them, no luck. While traveling I notice the courier dropboxes. I haven't thought of those since the very early part of the game. Once I started using the Novac motel room (and speedwalk with an occasional strength boost to carry extra loot), I never needed it again.

It didn't occur to me to ever open a grave, because in Fallout past you would be labelled a grave digger, which my usually Lawful characters would never do. Digging graves is fairly painless, having the shovel makes them just another container.

I give some radscorpion tails to Ruby, get some casseroles. Good healing item. Wasn't she the one that made Deathclaw Omelets? No, that was Jas Wilkins, in Sloan. I find an easily repaired generator, I missed that.

I think of the railway that runs all around this map, and it seems like a really good opportunity lost. The railroad helped eliminate the wild west, and for a while seemed like a constant reminder of the pressure of progress. At the very least it should have been featured in the end slideshow.

Reading the long list of unmarked quests, I am happy to see I encountered most of them on my own. Most of the ones I missed aren't that interesting, especially since all they offer is a little local fame boost. Some things I don't need to see for myself, I just watch it on YouTube.

Speaking of YouTube, I find some videos that let me check out a lot of stuff that I would otherwise never see:
Fallout New Vegas: All Terrifying Presence Dialogue/Encounters
Fallout New Vegas: All Low Intelligence Speech Checks/Funny Dialogue
Dead Money Secret Ending Tutorial
Easter Eggs - Fallout New Vegas (Wild Wastelands)
Easter Eggs - Fallout New Vegas (Normal)
Easter Eggs - Fallout New Vegas (DLCs)
Unobtainable Weapons - Fallout New Vegas (Includes DLCs)


I'm tapering off this game quickly now. While I was in it, I was deeply in it, but now that I have taken the story to the end (all 4 ways), I feel myself quickly detached. Maybe that's a good thing? I still have some questions about this world, but between the wiki and YouTube videos, most of my lingering questions are being answered.

My biggest questions are about the paths I didn't take, like specializing in certain skills or stats, or taking certain perks. For example, I rejected Wild Wasteland as a goofy perk for a first run of the game, but now that I'm done I really want to know what it would have changed. I am happy to find this out through text and video, instead of having to play a whole another 100+ hour run through to find out for myself that its not worth the time. I know not everything can be experienced vicariously, but for something like that it saves so much frustration.

What can't be experienced through proxy, what do I need to see for myself? The biggest question remaining is hardcore mode. Does it add sufficient realism that it will provide a whole new level of immersion? That's what it promises, and some people say it helps. I may have to see this one for myself. I don't want to run through the whole game again, but it might be worth putting in a few hours. I also want to see the beginning of the game again through new eyes. I haven't decided yet if I need to do this, so I will keep reading.

I also need to look into mods and see what they can contribute. And roleplaying. For my first run I chose all the overpowered options I could, which got me through the game easily but didn't make my character feel very cohesive. The early atmosphere of the game seems to be suggesting you take a cowboy route, but I went sniper diplomat soon and often. Trying a run in hardcore mode with cowboy leanings is very appealing for early game, but I don't think its sustainable.

So much of the early game has lovingly detailed old fashioned low tech weapons, but I skipped over these as fast as possible to get the highest power weapons. I think I missed out on something by doing so. I also missed out on using explosives and shotguns, which are not compatible with sniping, but are more appropriate for the early game. Part of the problem is that the early game ends fairly quickly. Before you know it you get to Vegas, advance the plot fast, and start making serious money and getting serious weapon options. It might have been interesting to be more limited in the early and mid game, and only get high tech weapons near the end.


I read the wikipedia page. The writers and directors, Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone, are names I keep running into. They use to work for Interplay and Black Isle, before Obsidian, who made Fallout New Vegas for Bethesda Softworks. Sawyer was making the original Fallout 3 before it was cancelled. Some of these things I've forgotten, mostly I ignore the business side to Fallout.

So, Michael Hogan isn't the voice of Mr. New Vegas, its Wayne Newton. The game was very buggy in early days. It reminds me why I don't like to do free beta testing, and wait for software to mature before I use it. The game maker acknowledges that the more you play, the bigger the save files get. Little wonder that the game seemed to be more unstable as time went on.

J.E. Sawyer released a mod that sounds like it makes the game a lot harder.

I visit No Mutants Allowed, and of course the front page has only Fallout 4 news.


I think about New Vegas less and less every day, at a surprising drop-off rate for something that obsessed me for almost two whole months.

Back to the NMA site. Wow, someone made a mod that combines Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. There's a lot to read in the forums, and there is a little bit of interesting or informative content in there, but the amount of noise to signal is surprisingly high. Because Fallout 4 and DLC recently came out, there's a lot of discussion around it, mostly dislike. I keep hearing the same message in multiple places online that Fallout 4 does not appeal to fans of the original spirit of Fallout. I will wait for all the DLC to come out, and all the patches, and then I will listen again to see if Fallout 4 is worth playing. By then, I might even have a graphics card worthy of playing it.

For now, I need to decide if I want to try any mods, or hardcore mode. I keep reading the forums, but I am constantly reminded why I stopped reading forums (other than searching for something specific) years ago - its mostly people who have no or low quality information who speak the most, not to mention all the useless opinions. Sifting through all the silt for the occasional shiny nugget is just tiresome. And then sometimes you stumble upon a great treasure that justifies your time, like this Google map of real world Fallout locations across all the games:


Out of boredom (more than spite) I load the most recent save and get a few of the Steam achievements I missed. It feels empty, but I'm trying to decide what to do next.

Another map marker! Nopah Cave. And another, I find Chance's Map. Nearby is a hollowed out rock. Doesn't seem to be anything much here.

I use a console command so I can recruit Boone, and do his personal quest. Done.

Recruit Lily. Find Tribal Village. Find Chance's Grave, and his knife. So this is the famed Chance's Knife, that I've been hearing about forever. And this is something an early level player is supposed to be able to get? I had to get through a bunch of Cazador to get here, not an easy task for low levels.

There's a fair bit of map here north of Goodsprings I never discovered. I find Spring Mt. Ranch State Park.


Still thinking about the game every day, but only briefly until I see a documentary, Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa. It brings back some of that sense of wonder at the starkness and desolation of this desert area.


Reading wikia and gamefaqs about things I missed. Watching YouTube videos, particularly Camelworks detailed assessments of item by type.


Still reading, still watching. While once I was annoyed by many of the songs on the radio, now I miss them, especially the the one I once thought most annoying (jingle jangle).

Somehow I missed Silver Peak Mine. I hardly notice the Legendary Cazador until its dead. Find Remnants Power Helmet. Between this and the Remnant Power Armor on Deathclaw Promontory, I wonder what's the story. The small Remnant gang of oldsters I met doesn't seem to be missing anyone. Unless its Arcade's father... no, he still has his armor.

I use the console to give myself the Explorer perk so I can see what else I missed on the world map. While I'm at it, how about maxing out out Explosives and Unarmed.


The mod scene is far more intense than I even imagined. The mods that let you build up a town are especially interesting to me. Unfortunately it seems more like Fallout meets The Sims, rather than Fallout meets Civilization. The mod that lets you drive cars is almost too good, and would be amazing if worked into the story as something to achieve, like in Fallout 2.

There's a railroad mod, of course! It was so cool to see that first bit of railroad track, and the promise and threat it represents. I think the arrival of the railroad to the Mojave would have been a better metaphor than the Hoover Dam, but the dam is a much easier symbol for everyone to fight over.


Working on some achievements. Picking pockets, easy, reload. Working on explosives, unarmed, and using food to heal by just wandering with the appropriate equipment, and doing what comes naturally.


Visiting those few sites I missed: Scavenger Platform (found a survival guide), Lake Mead Cave, El Dorado Substation, Southern Nevada Wind Farm (found a repair book).


Other than this odd feeling that I miss the desert (which I think I had before playing FNV), I haven't been missing Fallout New Vegas at all. I am missing something new to play that grabbed me like this game did for a month or so.

I visit Toxic Dump Site (why is this even a named location), and Techatticup Mine, the last unvisited marker on the world map. On the way I meet Private Renolds, who needs assistance, got ambushed, lost some troops in the mine. Its a strange feeling to get a new quest I've never seen before this late in the game.


Working on achievements, which are getting curiously fun again, or at least compelling. Have I stayed away long enough to make New Vegas compelling again?

Working on the GRA achievements, hopefully I can do all three with my late game save. Something about this process reminds me of GTA scavenger hunts. The first two levels are easy. Deathclaw Pro Hunter is buggy in that by late game I've killed most of the qualifying targets, but the ones in The Thorn count and are easy. Crackerjack timing is made easier with the throw a plasma grenade switch back to dynamite in hand trick.

Now I have to learn something I have been putting off for the whole game - I have to learn Caravan.


I occasionally chip away at Caravan, researching strategies, playing some, getting frustrated, until I hit upon a strategy so good its more of an exploit. The goal is to win two out of three of the columns, but the game doesn't end when you get two columns, it ends when there are three winning columns between the two of you. So the exploit is simply to get two columns winning and then quickly close the game by getting the third column winning - even it it means helping your opponent so he's got a winning hand. If you see the computer building a hand, let him, building your other two hands to winning, then quickly help him close out that third hand, and instant win for you. Sometimes you win so fast its like cheating. Now I'm trying to figure out what cards to acquire and discard so I can build winning hands faster.

Using nothing but Kings, Tens, and and Sixes you can win a round very quickly. Put down all Tens. See what lane he starts building, put Sixes on the other two. Then put Kings on the Tens in those lanes. If he doesn't put up any defense, you've won. If he does it gets into a war of discarding and rebuilding and attacking him with your own cards until you can get things back in order.

Now only one last achievement for 100%: to play the game in hardcore.


Reading more about hardcore mode, doesn't seem too difficult, just something to get through.

I have 12 GB of screenshots. Disk space is cheap, but I'd rather have a score or two of meaningful screen shots than a garbage dump full of them.

It takes a little while to edit (mostly proofread) and insert a few screen shots where appropriate.

Below here is (was) a to-do list from that first run, most of which is uninteresting now and can just be deleted. There are a few notes and questions about the UI that don't really have a home, so I'll make a Fallout scratch page.


Been occasionally reading about the game, especially about doing a hardcore run. One sounds especially hardcore - no eating, drinking or resting at all, just head straight to the endgame. I'll try something a little less extreme first time out.

If I could do it all over again, I would have like to have played the game absolutely cold, with no hints at all, and maybe even without any DLC. Then maybe another run adding in the DLC. Only then would I read anything about the game at all. Also, no constantly saving and trying alternate paths. Just pick a path and live with it.

But I chose not to because of character builds. And they're not called builds casually, you really do build a character over a long period of time, and if you get it wrong your character might be too weak to get things done. So that's why I ended up reading so many little bits of text here and there to build my character, but in doing so I read way too many spoilers. I hope the next big RPG I ever play I just have the fortitude to just do without any advice. At least for a while. You only get one first time.

Now that I'm doing a second run, I can really plan the character build in great detail, and over the entire life of the character (for the duration of the game). I was planning on doing a cowboy build next, focusing on the cowboy related weapons, clothes and armor, perks, traits, etc.

Most character builds also include a self-imposed role-playing style that is not actually in the game. I've been doing this in many games as far back as I can remember. I never really thought about giving this behavior a name, but I was pleasantly surprised to find from many people online that it is not uncommon. Some people take it rather far, greatly limiting their own behavior in game for no other reward than their own inner narrative.

So I was planning a cowboy build, doing the reading and picking the perks, etc. when I realized I just want something simple for my first hardcore run, and decide to go back to the classic stealthy sniper, but this time with shotguns instead of rifles as a support weapon. I feel like I mostly missed out on shotguns, and I'd like to see what they can do.


Need to reset saves. Located:
C:\Users\*\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Saves
882 files, 5.9gb, file sizes ~1.7mb - ~11.1mb

Maybe I could just move the contents to .\Saves run1
In any case, after this run, uninstall and delete all until later.

Start game, still ~18 most recent saves, did i forget to copy? No.
Where they restored from somewhere? Move saves to c:\tmp.
Delete files and start again. Again, the most recent ~20 files are back. Where are these being restored from?
Delete again. Search c:, nothing found. I am not surprised. Delete all manually. Quit, Restart.
That worked.

Shotgun Sally.
Female, Cauc, Preset 1, Wendy the Welder.
SPECIAL, traits, as per stealthy shotgun/sniper build in scratch file.
Wear Lightweight Leather Armor, wield Sturdy Caravan Shotgun.
Pickup everything not owned and sell it, along with most starter goods, keep food + meds.
Not enough Lockpick for stealthboy, try sneaking north without.
Avoid gaining XP, so as not to level until increasing Int. Don't discover anything or fight if you don't have to. Go east towards Yangtze, around Sloan. Avoid scorpions.
Found Neil's Shack, head north, staying on high ground, bearing left. Follow mountain around to the right, staying high. I got detected but the Deathclaw couldn't reach me up there, keep going around, see Vegas north in distance.
When near REPCONN, head north. Go to right of building, on your left will be NCR and Fiends fighting. Wait for fight to end, loot. Follow wall around to east. When you hit fence of farms, go around to right. Discover Gun Runners, sell loot. Discover Freeside's East Gate. Discover New Vegas Medical Clinic.
Need $4k for Intelligence Implant, have already accumulated almost $2k.
Visit Mick, buy Naughty Nightwear, increase Luck to 8.
Discover dropbox (why not), head over to Atomic Wrangler. Get chips.
Max winnings here is $5k. Caps = $1785. Blackjack, max bets, double down whenever possible for faster winnings.
Get winnings to 4998. Play roulette, keep betting on one number at 35:1 odds, win an additional $7k past the limit.
Cash out chips for caps, $12,998.
Buy Intelligence, Luck for $4k each, still ~$6k left.

Back to the Strip. Even though I haven't met Victor yet in Goodsprings, Novac, or Boulder, I can meet him now. I wonder what all the previous Victors I was supposed to meet will say now, if anything.


On to Gomorrah, max winnings 9000. Walk away from blackjack with 8940 about 10 minutes later. Play roulette at 35:1 odds until I lose about 1000. Reload. Soon after, win. Total chips won = 15540.

Enter Tops - can I do this without encountering Benny?

Level 2, Guns 45, Barter 15, Lockpick 25, Repair 25, Sneak 30, Speech 30, Survival 45. Rapid Reload.
Another level on the spot.
Level 3, 12 more skill points. Guns 50, Lockpick 30.
What, another level!?
Level 4, 13 skill points. Repair 35. Comprehension.

Tops max winnings is 10,000. Walk away from blackjack with 9935. Roulette, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, finally won on 34, a number that seems to come up more often than 00. Taking winnings of 16935 up to cashier, walk out with a new total of $38,258 caps. Visit my comp suite, nothing much of value to take. With this much money now, scavenging small stuff is of little value.

Ultra-Luxe max winnings is 15,000. Blackjack is much harder here, even 9 Luck doesn't seem to help much. Walk away with 14998 (surrendering a round is an easy way to back off the next significant number by 1). Roulette to 21798. Total caps now $60,056.

Buy Agility, Perception, Strength, Endurance, Charisma, $4k each.
Sub-Dermal Armor, $8k.
Regenerate, $12k.
Still got about $20k left.
SPECIAL is 6 8 10 2 5 10 8

Sell whatever I can. Back to Goodsprings. I'm starting with my shotgun, leather armor, and misc food and aid, but now I have all the implants, and $20k. It would not be a great stretch to roleplay that my character has already been working for some time, and has been putting money into implants. You could argue that the implants helped keep the courier alive, particularly the regen one. As for explaining the $20k... savings? Perhaps held with courier postal system?

I wasn't going to use Melee, but I think it's far more realistic to carry at least a knife, and hope you never have to use it. It's also really easy to get to Chance's Grave, now that I tried it. I should have brought a shovel. Easily fixed.

Visit Ringo, learn Caravan. Explore surroundings.

Level 5, Repair 45, Melee 25.


Level 6, Lockpick 40, Repair 50, Sneak 40, Speech 40. Shotgun Surgeon.


One of the nicest things about starting the game out with a little pocket money is that I don't feel compelled to open every last container to scrounge for anything of value, and haul it off to merchants for a few caps. That was amusing on the first run through, but now it is tedium avoided. It lessens immersion a bit to know where all the goods are now in this game, but it might be worth the trade-off in frustration and time.

I'm paying attention to my list of where all the skill books are. I'm curious to see if I can collect them all before I feel like spending the skill points to max out my specializations.

It's very handy but strange that you can drag an owned item (like a skill book) off to a room where you can't be seen, just so you can actually steal it without getting caught.

I'll take Cass with me, for a bit... can't recruit her yet? Oh yeah, I have to talk to Crimson Caravan first.

This time I help the NCR retake the prison, instead of doing it myself. It was more fun this way. The alarm is now permanently on, but I ain't stickin' around.

Level 7.

Hardcore continues to be mostly painless. Whenever a food, drink, or sleep indicator comes up, I just take care of it. I carry only two weapons, along with their ammo, and the rest is for aid type items. I discard the rest, so I rarely hit my weight limit.

Finally at Nipton, and can start working on getting the Lucky Shades. I tell Vulpes that I admire the purity, gain a little fame. Before I came here, under Reputation there wasn't even an entry for Caesar's Legion. Now it there's and says Neutral.

Level 8, Sneak 50. Light Touch.

While gathering books, in Hidden Supply Cave get rad suit, will be useful for that irradiated town up ahead. Enter some cave, I'm still too weak to fight Nightstalkers. I get my 1st Recon Beret from Boone.

Level 9.

Got the Big Boomer from Old Lady Gibson. It was easy enough to steal her ammo, so she'd unequip the gun, but every steal attempt of the gun failed. I noticed that at least once after a fail she wasn't going aggro on me, so I just walked away with it. This seems acceptable. I'll hang up the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun now, but keep the Lever-Action Shotgun.

This Varmint Rifle is getting old. I go to Broc Flower Cave, and pick up Ratslayer. Still kind of wimpy, but it will be a while before I can get my hands on the Gobi Scout.

I reach Cottonwood Cove, and I can make real progress on the Lucky Shades project. Speak to Phoenix with a barter of 35 to be rewarded with supplies instead of money, get sent to Severus for trade-ins. As per the wikia, I trade in 5 tags at a time for food for max fame points. For roleplaying reasons, I won't give them info on powder charges and mines, not unless I have to.

Level 10, Sneak 60, Guns 60. Finesse.

Lakelurks are good XP and good eatin'. Off to Repconn.

Level 11, Lockpick 50, the rest to Repair.


Slowly working my way towards Vegas, doing quests along the way. Gathering skill books and NCR dog tags.

Trade in second set of tags. Caesar's Legion reputation is now Accepted.

Level 12, Med 35, Melee 50, Sci 34

Trade in third set. I get the NCR Emergency Radio even though I'm only Accepted by the NCR.

Level 13, Lockpick 55, Science 49.

Trade in fourth set. I get Liked by Legion. But is it enough? I guess I'll find out after I take out Benny, and get Caesar's Mark from Vulpes, so I can go get it.

Gun Runners has a Hunting Shotgun in stock, and it is tempting, but I'm trying to stick to my roleplaying rule of only taking weapons from the living, or the recently living.


Level 14, Lock 60, Med 40, Sci 55, Speech 55. Toughness II.

That's all the mostly easy to get skill books, without advancing the plot too far, and avoiding the obvious places I'm not tough enough for yet, or jeopardizing the proper order of quests. I got about 30 skill books in skills I actually want, yielding about 120 skill points. Another way of looking at that is my skills are now about 10 levels ahead of where they would be.

I can get one more book by getting in with the Followers, then I have to decide whether to advance the main plot, and when to do what DLC.


Level 15, Medicine 50, Repair 70.

I enjoy the Freeside quests, including the related Followers and Kings quests. I even enjoy doing guard duty at the Van Graffs. Something about these small town quests just feels right, like they're more human scaled, more believable, and with modest but well earned rewards. Saving the world, or even the Mojave, doesn't seem quite as satisfying or real as helping a small community work better together.

I like the Follower's safehouse, it feels comfortable here. And as nice bonus, there's a nice shotgun upgrade here for me, the Hunting Shotgun. All I really need is a good knife, a good shotgun, and a good sniper rifle. The sawed off shotgun, Big Boomer, doesn't really fit into this, but I keep it for sentimental reasons, and it just looks good as a sidearm.

Level 16, Sneak 75. Better Criticals.

Level 17, Medicine 60.

After the sign maker's quest you're stuck with the undroppable camera. It makes me nervous to go to console to remove it, even though the first 10 search results indicate it won't break your Hardcore mode. I find many people whose Hardcore run ended up broken even though they seemingly did nothing wrong.

I finish the Boomers because it doesn't change much, it's easy, and I get the Rebreather.

I pick up the sniper rifle near the clinic, ditch Ratslayer. Was the lock on the Gobi rifle 75 or 100? It's 100. I only need 13 more in Lockpick, and then I can magazine it to get the last 20 points. Time to hunt some lakelurks.

Level 18, Lockpick 78. Silent Running (because I spend so much time in stealth mode, might as well move fast).

Now that effective Lockpick is 80, with magazine 100, I can have the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle. This will be my rifle until after I finish the last DLC, Old World Blues and get +2 to Strength, and then I will move up to the Anti-Material Rifle. But not for a while.


Recruit Cass, do her quest. Talk to Francine Garret again, I can hand in the collected debts again? Did I do this already and not save, or reload? I start to get the kill previous bounty hunter quest, but I can't accept, so maybe it is just a bug. She says I already own the corner room, which is granted at the end of that quest.


I stand at the crossroads, having made no commitments in the main quest. I even consider just ending the game now, and finishing my 100% goal and be done with it. I go to Zion.

I need to get down to 100 pounds carry for the trip. Time to say goodbye to Big Boomer. I think about ditching my armor and getting something there. Turns out Leather Armor, Reinforced (DT 10) is the best light armor I can get until I can get the Vault 34 security armor (DT 16), and ultimately the Sierra Armor reinforced (DT 18). There is an Honest Hearts variation, Gecko-backed leather armor, reinforced which has a DT of 15, and 15 points resistance each to fire, poison, and radiation. I'm going to need a Survival of 90 to craft it.

I re-familiarize with Zion, and remember how much I like the place. It has a style, like the Mojave, that I wish all the other DLC had.

Level 20, Survival 75.

I didn't think I would listen to all the local stories again, but the languages and history drew me in.

I start reading the story of Randall Clark, and that draws me in even more, all over again. One of the best characters in all of Fallout New Vegas and the DLCs, and he was given neither face nor voice. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Level 20, Medicine 70. Living Anatomy, because I want to see what armor level my opponents are at.


Level 21, Speech 75.

Once again I stand at the last resting place of Randall Dean Clark. Again I feel there's a much better story here in these few notes than in most of Fallout New Vegas.

If I was roleplaying this playthrough, I would say this courier ran from Vegas, decided not to face what happened to them. By following Randall's story, and helping the Sorrows stand up to the invaders, what was lost is regained, and it is time to go back with new perspective and ability. It never quite struck me as right that the courier would crawl out of the grave and just walk right into the city. This detour makes for a better journey.

Level 22, Guns 70, Repair 75. And Stay Back.

Like the man said, be peaceful, unless you are attacked.

Level 23, Repair 80, Sneak 80.

Convince Joshua to stay true to his beliefs.

Level 24, Melee 70, Science 70. Them's Good Eatin'.

Back to the Mojave.

The Joshua Graham armor is a better Light Armor, with more DT, less weight, and nice +3 Crit. However, it is ugly as fuck. Into the dresser it goes.

Gun Runners has not had "Primer Box, Shotshell" for sale until just now. So far the only way I could get it is breaking down shells I don't use anymore, like the 20 gauge.

The Riot Shotgun is in stock! And for only $7500. I would have rather picked it off an enemy, but I can't wait to see how effective it is with both shotgun perks and magnum ammo.


From a roleplaying perspective I really like the idea of The Courier thinking to just leave the Mojave altogether, trying to find peace in Zion, only to find that the war is everywhere. From here it's a natural progression to the endgame, but there is still the matter of the other three DLC, that don't feel like they belong to this story.

I remember having a rough time of it the first time through all three, and I am curious to see if I can get through them as easily as the Honest Hearts. When I last left off, I think was going to try and craft the Gecko backed reinforced leather armor - that can wait, because in Dead Money you start out stripped, and on the way back I'll have the Sierra armor.

The poison gas in Elijah's bunker goes right through the Rebreather. Shouldn't it have bought me at least a few minutes? Maybe it is a skin contact gas.

Level 25, Guns 75, Med 75, Melee 75, Sci 75, Speech 80.

I forgot how much fun some of the Dead Money characters are. Sometimes (every time?) I need to take Mentats to have best conversation outcome with Christine, but it's worth it.

Level 26, Guns 80, Science 80, Survival 80. Tunnel Runner - finally, fast sneak movement.

Into the Sierra Madre hotel.

Level 27, Medicine 80, Melee 80.

Finally got my Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced.

Level 28, Guns 90, Repair 90. Jury Rigging.

Almost done with Dead Money, need to break the bank so I can get a steady supply of vending machine chips back in the Mojave. Not that I really need them, but it's a nice resource to have.


Bank broken. Got weapon repair code. I'm missing some codes, but nothing I need.

Exchange all chips for pre-war cash. Leave behind Elijah's Robes and his Gauss Rifle for Christine (role-playing), even leave behind the Holo Rifle.

That seemed more satisfying this time around, if for no other reason than everyone lived this time (except Elijah, of course). I'm not sure how much I liked this DLC last time, but it feels more right this time around, much more part of the Fallout universe than not.

Now I'm thinking I can skip Old World Blues and Lonesome Road, because they're not really a part of the Fallout and/or New Vegas experience, but now I'm not sure. Maybe they deserve a second chance.


Time to choose between armors: Gecko Backed Leather Armor Reinforced, Assassin Suit, or Sierra Madre Security Armor Reinforced.

Gecko: weight 18, DT 15, +15 DR to fire poison radiation, looks good
Sierra: weight 17, DT 18, kinda ugly
Assassin: weight 20, DT 14, Sneak +10, looks cool

Even though the Sierra has the best numbers, it's the ugliest.

Level 29, Survival 90 (just in time for this crafting).

Too bad it doesn't look any different, but at least it doesn't look worse, as the Leather Armor, Reinforced, looks pretty good as is.

Now what about the last two DLC? I reread some notes from my first run through. I like Honest Hearts and I've made my peace with Dead Money, but Old World Blues runs on magic and bad writing, whereas Lonesome Road runs on boredom and bad writing. I really don't think they deserve enough respect to play again. The only good reasons I can think of to play them are wanting more XP so you can max out your character, and/or because you can't let go of the current run and just end it. I feel the tug of both, but not enough to submit.

My character is built up enough, I think I see now what Hardcore is like, how much fun shotguns are, and how useful Survival is. There's  really nothing more needed now than to finish achievements and put this game back in the toybox for a while.


I'm finishing up quests in about the order you would get them, and finishing companion quests. Not for the XP, as I don't need any more skills, but more to put the story to bed properly. Otherwise what was the point of any of this.


Vault 34 is still one of the scarier places you can go. The riot shotgun does OK here, especially with the knockback perk to help with crowd control.

I'm actually running out of shotgun ammo, and I carry a lot.

Level 30, Sneak 96 (there's one book left). Since I'm not going to Level 50, I have to choose my last perk or two carefully. Many of the remaining perks are VATS enhancers, and I haven't been using VATS hardly at all. All my shotgun and knife work is up close, and I've been using the scope on the sniper rifle, and it has been OK. I'd still like to use the Anti-Material Rifle, and I'm not going to get that 2 points of Strength from the Old World Blues DLC, so I'll just take Weapons Handling to make up the difference.

Nothing says commitment like advancing the main story line. I hand in 7 snow globes, get $14k. Do Houses' first mission. On the way back to Caesar I wonder if I could take out him and his camp.

I'm a little disappointed the whole camp doesn't rush me at once. I can pick off a lot of them from a distance, at my leisure. I'm only level 30 and this is quite do-able. This would be even easier at level 50. It shouldn't be this easy to take out the big bad of the game.


Talking to NCR now, advancing their many quests.

Level 31, Speech 97. I'm just maxing out primary skills, less whatever skill books are still left in the Mojave.

The whole northwest corner of the map is tangled ball of intertwined quest threads. There's a vault that's been taken over by Fiends (Vault 3) that has almost half a dozen quests around it. One group commissions you to kill its leader, another wants you to deliver something to him - guess what order you need to use if you want to finish both quests. Also in that leader's room is a quest item for another group. It would be nice if you got that quest already, so you don't have to visit the bottom of the vault three separate times. There's a few other intersections as well, like a prisoner who needs rescuing, and outside the vault you need to bring around a follower around for a companion quest point.

There's a section in the wikia about how 5 different quests intersect here, and in what order you need to do them to finish them all. It still comes out wrong, or its buggy, as rescued ranger still thinks he's in the vault.

Taking out the three named Fiend leaders is fun. A Western themed game such as this should have more bounties.

Level 32, Melee 98, Speech 100.

Legion assassin squads hit hard, and I appreciate the occasional wake up call.

Got the last Sneak skill book, Sneak skill to 100.

Vault 3 done, with nothing more than Chance's Knife.

I probably shouldn't give Hildern the research, but otherwise, all those people of Vault 22 died in vain.

Level 33. Medicine 90, Melee 100.

Get the Anti-Material Rifle, all 3 mods, and a bunch of ammo. Hang up the Gobi Scout. Almost out of room to get perks, I should get Hand Loader so I can make the top ammo.

Level 34. Survival 100.

I worked so long for those Lucky Shades, and I've forgotten to pick them up for a while now. When you've decided you're not going to try and max out your character, you can save all kinds of time.

Wow, explosive .50 MG can be really useful. Good at disrupting packs of wild Nightstalkers, and wild Legion assassins. One well placed shot at the Legendary Nightstalker and the whole pack is gone. Feels like cheating.

Any time I feel disconnected, like I just don't know where I am anymore, or what the map looks like, I just start walking to my next objective. Sometimes it means a long walk, but usually I reconnect, get bored of staring at the same slow changing terrain, and start speed walk hopping once I feel the next nearest familiar point on the map.

What is the best food to carry? This far into Hardcore, I should know by now. I think its Desert Salad, as it weighs only .2#, has a Food of -240, and a H20 of -120 and gives HP of +21(15s). The Gecko Kebab comes close. Both are non trivial to make, as they contain ingredients such as Jalapeno Pepper and Pinyon Nuts that are not common. It's kind of fun to gather the ingredients, and it's a good excuse to wander the wasteland. It would be nice if more like this was part of the game. Maybe I'm just playing the wrong game.

It'd be easy to miss the best feature of making food: it weighs less than the sum of its parts. Why carry a piece of steak, that's 1#, and a container of water that's 1#, when you can carry 5 units of each for the weight of 1#.

Level 35, Lockpick 100.

I use Ranger Station Charlie as stopping point while speedwalking, to find it being overwhelmed by Legion. I thought that only happened off screen when you talked to the retired ranger in Novac. It is cooler this way, but still sad because I don't think they are savable. Legion seems to be already inside the base when it starts. Yeah, going inside the building, its already been set to its post massacre state. I might as well go see that ranger in Novac now.

Wireless mouse battery dies while in game. Exit, fix, reload.

I seemed like there was no consequence to killing Caesar, the story just kept on rolling the same direction. At least in this playthrough, I can bring Hanlon to his senses, and he doesn't have to die. which is a nice change in outcomes. I just hoped for more.

Level 36, Repair 100. Implant GRX. Why not, might as well try it.

Finish the Joana quest at Gomorrah that I missed first time around. Annoying to do, but somewhat satisfying.

Finally, the last Guns book, getting me to 100.

Mr. House commits the fatal mistake of asking me to destroy the local Brotherhood. It makes me want to install the mod that lets me talk him out of it. I've always thought the Mr. House ending is the right one. But sadly not this run.

Now that I am in the end game, I don't care about tying up every loose quest any more. I just want to see this through. Stocking up on shotgun ammo.

Cassandra Moore is an unpleasant boss, but at least she is willing to work with the Brotherhood. Sorry Mr. House.

Speak to General Lee Oliver, who makes Moore seem likeable.

Level 37, Science 100.

Done. No in game notice of completing hardcore, but it's there in Steam.

Finally, 100%. But not really, not until I try mods. Now, or later? I can't do another playthrough of this again so soon, but I could try and see how modding works.


Not missing New Vegas at all. Not sick of it, but if I pushed it maybe, so better to pack it up and try mods later.

Wondering about what I wrote about Fallout 3 and there's nothing there. Just a few comments and screen shots. I thought for sure I filled a few pages. Maybe I just did it in my head, instead of writing it down, which is why I started this blog in the first place.

Rereading notes. I think I should do a truly straight run, no skipping ahead to the casinos for fast gambling money, no early implants. If I want money, it has to come from looting and caravan winnings.


I add a mod section to the scratch page. Number one on the list is the one that lets you talk Mr. House out of destroying the Brotherhood.

I would be happy to try modding right away, but I need a break from New Vegas or I'll really burn it out. I also don't want to get heavily into it until I've done a reinstall of my computer, cleared some space out, and hopefully gotten a new video card and maybe an SSD by then.

I'm a lot more interested in mods that add new content, than new visuals, but I want to see some visuals too, so waiting until the next video card should work out fine.

I'd also like to do straight run, with no sneaking to Vegas for gambling and SPECIAL implants. It would be nice to find mods that make the game harder but in a balance way, or add to roleplaying and immersion. I suspect that this is very difficult, as most mods seem to be about adding tons of new guns and powers, which is the opposite of what I want.

Nexus Mods charges money for premium use. It's not a lot, and they deserve some support for a service that provides so much value.

More editing. Add in the last of the screenshots.
Wrestle with some stupid changes Google made to Blogger.

Delete desktop shortcut.
Uninstall from Steam.
What's Fallout 3 doing still installed? Uninstall that too.

This is where normally the final review would go, but I feel like I've run out of things to say. The best summation I've heard is if you like the old Wasteland and Fallout games, you'll like this game, even if you didn't much care for Fallout 3. I definitely like this game, as I've spent over half a year playing nothing else. At the moment I'm not missing it too much, but I feel I am not finished here, as I have a lot of mods to check out.

As I played New Vegas I've gathering a bunch of links to articles and videos I want to check out, as well as visiting my usual post-game destinations of TV Tropes and Deviant Art.

Its sad that there is no new Fallout to look forward to, as I hear Fallout 4 violates the spirit of the older games. Which reminds me, I need to check out Wasteland 2.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...