Wednesday, December 23, 2015

status 2015 December

Still occasionally puttering with GTA 5, now that its done its easy to drop in and out of in short bursts, instead of obsessing over it.
Thinking about latest installment of Starcraft (the Protoss one), I could play that any time, no point in waiting for a sale or a better video card.
Thinking about Fallout 4, and how I still need to play New Vegas.

Steam sale, picked up Stanley Parable and Life is Strange (1-5).

Started listening to Cane and Rinse podcast, tried their Mass Effect 3 episode. Brought back some nice memories, but I didn't learn much new information, but I was reminded not to think too harshly about the whole franchise, just because the ending was wrong.

Still playing with GTA 5 sometimes, thinking about next game.

Age of Empires II (2013)

2024.01.15 Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition came out in 2019. Age of Empires II: HD Edition came out in 2013. I'm playing the older...