scratch: Fallout (3, New Vegas)

what's here: some misc UI notes, some character build notes, to-do list

UI, misc
        Screen Saver
How to manually enter screensaver mode instead of waiting?
When in screensaver mode, hitting weapon quick numbers doesn't break the mode. This also works with crouch.
To turn off UI console: tm
When sorting from container to container (you're one too), click on the header (ITEMS or container name) to sort by that item. Saves scrolling through the whole list.
Always quicksave before opening a container, in case you accidentally hit E and commingle your inventory with you loot, and it would take a while to sort it back around again.
character build: tough agile scout Cowboy, difficulty hard, mode hardcore
SPECIAL start / end
S 5 / 8 (+1 implant, +2 spine OWB)
P 6 / 8 (+1 implant, +1 hat)
E 9 / 10 (+1 implant)
C 1 / 2 (+1 implant)
I 4 / 5 (+1 implant)
A 9 / 10 (+1 implant)
L 6 / 8 (+1 implant, +1 TLR)
SKILLS: tag: Speech, Guns, Survival, then work on Melee, Sneak, Lockpick, Repair, Barter, Medicine. No Energy Weapons, and I don't care about Explosives or Unarmed.
Guns .
. .
TRAITS: Fast Shot (increased rate of fire), Skilled (start with more soft skills, slightly slower leveling)
Focusing on role-playing the cowboy and survival aspects
Rapid Reload
Hand Loader
Quick Draw
Action Boy/Girl
Better Criticals
Concentrated Fire
Nerves of Steel
Ain't Like That Now
Survival / Hardcore
Them's Good Eatin'
Pack Rat
Strong Back
Home on the Range
Adamantium Skeleton
Jury Rigging
Roughin' It
Light Touch
Travel Light
The Professional
Silent Running
Tunnel Runner

@ / REQ
2 / 2 Black Widow (+10% dam against males)
{bonus damage against most common enemy}
4 / 4 Comprehension (+1 from books, double mags)
{increase yield from books, makes mags even more useful}
? / 2 Rapid Reload [Guns 30] (+25% speed)
? / 2 Light Touch [Rep 45] (+5% crit chanc, -25% enemy crit chanc)
{while light armor, better chance to crit}
? / 4 Travel Light [Surv 45] (run +10%)
? / 6 Bloody Mess (+5% damage) maybe
? / 6 Gunslinger (+25% one hand vats)
? / 6 Hand Loader [Rep 70] (for handload ammo)
? / 6 The Professional [Sneak 70] (+20% dam on sneak)
? / 6 Toughness I (DT+3)
? / 6 Toughness II (DT+3)
? / 8 Cowboy [Gun 45 Mel 45] (+25% dam using dynamite, knife, rev, lever)
? / 8 Pack Rat [Barter 70] (less than 2# weigh half) {maybe}
? / 8 Quick Draw (50% faster)
? / 8 Stonewall [S 6, E 6] (+5 DT against melee unarmed, no knockdown)
? / 8 Strong Back (+5 carry) {maybe}
? / 8 Home on the Range [Surv 70] (sleep at campfire)
? / 10 Finesse (+5% crit chance)
? / 12 Silent Running [Sneak 50] (fast sneak) {maybe}
? / 12 Sniper (+25% to hit head in vats) {maybe}
? / 14 Adamantium Skeleton (limb dam -50%) {maybe}
? / 14 Jury Rigging [rep 90] (easy repair)
? / 16 Action Girl I (+15 AP)
? / 16 Action Girl II (+15 AP)
? / 16 Better Criticals (+50% dam)
? / 18 Concentrated Fire [Gun 60] (cumulative accuracy in VATS)
! ? / 20 Them's Good Eatin' [Surv 55] (get paste + sausage)
? / 26 Nerves of Steel (+20% AP regen)
? / 26 Tunnel Runner [A 8] (+25% sneak if light armor)
? / 28 Roughin' It [Surv 100] (sleep outside gives Well Rested) {maybe}
50 / 50 Ain't Like That Now
implants: all special + Sub-Dermal Armor Implant
ROLEPLAYING restrictions:
* must always wear a cowboy hat
* clothes/armor must always be light, perks take advantage of light armor usage, western themed as possible
* must always use weapons of cowboy perk:
dynamite (probably not)
knife (combat knife, then get Chance's or Blood Nap)
revolver (.357 or .44, then Lucky or Ranger Sequoia)
rifle (cowboy repeater or brush gun or trail carbine, then Medicine Stick or La Longue Carabine)
You know, they mention Arizona in this game, and even Utah, but I don't think they mentioned Texas even once. Character name Dallas. Backstory: parents from Texas, and that's about it.

Start, Goodsprings.
talk to Victor
sell all starter equip except #
- Ain't That a Kick in the Head
- Quest 2
- Quest 3
learn Caravan from Ringo,
Mojave Outpost
Vegas, Naughty, gamble, implants
meet Mr. House, hand in 3 globes
Strip, Vulpe, visit Caesar early

Camp McCarran, Hildern before Vault 22
deliver Khan package to Motor runner before 3 heads quest?
free Anders before 3 heads quest?
Aeorotech then Cottonwood

build: stealthy shotgun/sniper, very hard/hardcore

SPECIAL start / end
S 5 / 8 (+1 implant, +2 spine OWB)
P 6 / 8 (+1 implant, +1 hat)
E 9 / 10 (+1 implant)
C 1 / 2 (+1 implant)
I 4 / 5 (+1 implant)
A 8 / 10 (+1 small frame, +1 implant)
L 7 / 10 (+1 implant, +1 TLR, +1 lucky shades)
SKILLS: tag: Survival, Guns, Speech,
then work on Sneak, Lockpick, Repair,
then if anything left Barter, Medicine, Science.
SKILLS start / +traits / end
08 13 Barter
18 23 Energy Weapons
18 23 Explosives
37 44 Guns
18 23 Lockpick
14 19 Medicine
16 21 Melee
14 19 Repair
14 19 Science
22 29 Sneak
23 28 Speech
39 44 Survival
24 29 Unarmed
Small Frame (+1 Agility)
Skilled (start with more soft skills, slightly slower leveling).
MODE Hardcore ON, Difficulty Very Hard
2 [2] Rapid Reload [Guns 30] (+25% speed)
4 [4] Comprehension [I 4] (+1 from books, double mags)
6 [6] Shotgun Surgeon [Guns 45] (enemy DT -10)
8 [2] Light Touch [A 6, Rep 45] (light armor: +5% crit chanc, -25% enemy crit chanc)
10 [10] Finesse (+5% crit chance)
12 [6] Toughness I (DT+3)
14 [6] Toughness II (DT+3)
16 [16] Better Criticals (+50% dam)
18 [12] Silent Running [Sneak 50] (fast sneak)
20 [8] Living Anatomy [Med 70] (see HP and DT)
22 [10] And Stay Back [Guns 70] (shotgun knockback)
24 [20] Them's Good Eatin' [Surv 55] (get paste + sausage)
26 [26] Tunnel Runner [A 8] (+25% sneak if light armor)
28 [14] Jury Rigging [rep 90] (easy repair)
! decided not doing DLC OWB or TLR, so not going to 50 from here, not using VATS perks
30 Weapon Handling
32 [26] Nerves of Steel (+20% AP regen)
34 [6] Hand Loader [Rep 70] (for handload ammo)
36 Implant GRX I

? [4] Travel Light [Surv 45] (light armor: run +10%)
[8] Pack Rat [Barter 70] (less than 2# weigh half) {maybe}
? [8] Commando [Gun 45 Mel 45] (two handed: +25% accuracy in VATS)
? [8] Strong Back (+5 carry) {no, prob Pack Rat}
? [8] Home on the Range [Surv 70] {prob not}
? [10] Math Wrath (AP costs -10%)
! [12] Sniper (+25% to hit head in vats)
? [14] Adamantium Skeleton (limb dam -50%) {maybe}
? [16] Action Girl I (+15 AP in vats)
? [16] Action Girl II (+15 AP in vast)
? [18] Concentrated Fire [Gun 60] (cumulative accuracy in VATS)
? [20] Grim Reaper's Sprint (vats kills restore 20 AP)
[28] Roughin' It [Surv 100] (sleep outside gives Well Rested)  {maybe}
50 [50] Ain't Like That Now
melee: Chance's Knife
pistol: Sawed-off (Big Boomer) (use slugs here?)
mid range: Caravan shotgun, then Hunting Shotgun (Dinner Bell), then Riot Shotgun (4/0 magnum)
long range: Varmint Rifle, then Ratslayer, then Gobi Scout (when Lockpick 80?) [S 6], then Anti-Material Rifle (.50 MG match).
whatever's light.
not much
fast implants and forget: sneak to Vegas, gamble, buy all, back to the beginning
1. * Intelligence
2. * Luck
3. * Strength
4. * Perception
5. * Endurance
6. * Charisma
7. * Agility
8. * DT
9. * Monocyte Breeder (regen)

"5 NCR dogtags → 1 random food item, +12 to Legion Fame"
turn in 5 sets of 5 should get Liked
when first meet Vulpe complement, search NCR bodies
watch for NCR battles near Broc Flower Cave and Powder Ganger prison camp to get easy tags
get schematic from powder gang prison, teach Severus powder charges,
have Explosive 50 (or 30 + mag) teach Severus disarm,
keep boosting Stealth until can steal enough NCR dogtags
in Mojave Outpost stealth boy in NCR crowded area to steal tags + book from counter
remember: turn in 5 at a time for best result
note: will need to meet Caesar then Lucius to get key
what books can i grab early and easy?

List of all skill books and locations:
(using underscores for 'blank', delete as you go or replace with stars, etc.)
(changed order within each type to roughly how you would encounter them in a standard playthrough)

*Nipton mayor's desk
*Camp Forlorn Hope, Command Center, on table far corner
*Repconn HQ gift shop closet, shelf
*Brewer's beer bootlegging
*Helios 1 (quest reward)
*Executive Suites (DM), Vera's room, bookshelf
_Y-0 Research Center (OWB), south of
_Ashton Silo Control Center (LR)

*Goodsprings, house east of schoolhouse
*Camp Searchlight, east church basement
*Sharecropper Farms, northeast barracks, floor near desk
*Vault 3, downstairs, straight ahead to lock50 door, shelf on right
*Puesta del Sol switching station (DM), jump to catwalk, go around machine
_X-13 Research Facility (OWB), floor
_X-13 Research Facility (OWB), quest reward
_Sunstone Tower (LR), bookshelf

*Novac, Ranger Andy’s room
*Helios One, main building, upstairs, on bed
*Mesquite Mountains Crater, Hell's Hotel, on table next to globe
*Follower's Safehouse
*Villa Clinic (DM), basement
_after Cave of Abaddon (LR), under nightstand

*Sloan, Worker Barracks, top of shelf near door
*Southern Nevada Wind Farm, shack
*Nellis, Loyal's house, on counter
*Abandoned BoS bunker, office
*Puesta del Sol switching station (DM), next to terminal
_Hopeville missile silo bunker (LR)

*Sloan, Worker Barracks, shelf
*Mojave Outpost, Barracks, under counter
*Nellis, Pearl's barracks, shelf
*Ranger Station Foxtrot, comm tent
XResidential District (DM), Dean's room, under bed (need to blow it out)
_Collapsed overpass tunnel (LR), behind sandbags, crate

Melee Weapons:
*Hidden Supply Cave, lockpick 50 to enter, on a crate
*Cottonwood Cove, Phoenix's office, in nightstand
*Cannibal Johnson’s cave, on bed
*Jacobstown, first bungalow, floor next to stove
*Villa Police Station (DM), basement, floor
_Hopeville Women's Barracks (LR), on table

*Nevada Highway Patrol station, desk
*Raul's Shack, in crate
*Vault 34, armory lounge, on small table
*Gomorrah, Big Sal's office
*Sierra Madre Casino (DM), cashier's caged area
_Hopeville armory (LR), under desk

*NCRCF, admin building, second floor, on desk
*Lucky Jim Mine, in house, bottom shelf
*Cerulean Robotics, on floor near desks
*Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch, upstairs, on shelf
*The Tampico (DM), near projector, on shelf
_Third Street Municipal Building (LR), under physician's desk

Energy Weapons:
*REPCONN Headquarters, 1st floor, on safe
*REPCONN Headquarters, 2nd floor, on desk
*Hidden Valley, Brotherhood of Steel bunker, Schuler's office, bin by desk
_Old nuclear test site, shack, table
*Sierra Madre vault (DM), room before vault, on pipes, in duffel
_Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters (LR), first room, on shelf

*Nipton road rest stop, in store, on shelf
*Vault 11, Living Quarters, Female Dorm, second right, behind overturned dresser
*Fisherman's Pride Shack, nighstand
*The Tops, Presidential suite, near pool tables, on small table
*Villa (DM), behind Vera's fountain, on hotel side
_Wastewater treatment plant (LR), behind tipped-over lockers

*Primm, Bison Steve, gift shop, behind counter
*Allied Technologies, break room, by vending, floor
*Cap Counterfeiting Shack, Cellar Door, on suitcase
*Vault 22, Pest Control, left, stairs, on table next to chemistry set
*Salida del Sol South (DM), south of entrance to North, 2nd floor, over plank, bookshelf
_Marked Men Guard Outpost (LR), cellar, on table

*Prospector's Den, caves, largest barracks room
*Wolfhorn Ranch, in house, next to fridge
*Bitter Springs Recreational Area, Office shack, on desk
*Silver Peak Mine, in shack, in open locker
*Sierra Madre Casino (DM), 3rd floor, on top of tool cabinet
_Hopeville Missile Base (LR), men's barracks, under box
_patch removed_The Crow's Next (LR), in box between duffel and metal box

*Lone Wolf Radio, in trailer
*Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm, northern bar, top balcony
*Mesquite Mountains camp site, western tent, behind bedding
*Scavenger platform, northern platform, under fallen shelf
_Waste disposal station (LR), near barrels

Random Skill Books (non combat, set before entering cave, reload before enter to try again):
0Angel Cave (HH), crate to the right of Graham
0Fallen Rock Cave (HH), crate in same room as Compliance Regulator
4 retries, 1 Science - Cueva Guarache (HH), crate in survivalist's room
3 retries, 2 Lockpick - Stone Bones Cave (HH), crate in same room as Desert Ranger armor

Snow Globe Locations:
*Goodsprings, cemetery
*Nellis AFB: Boomer Museum
*Hoover Dam: Hoover Dam Reception Desk
*Mt. Charleston: Jacobstown lodge, The reception desk.
*Mormon Fort, on entering tower on right, upstairs, shelf
*The Strip, Vault 21, downstairs, Sarah's room (locked door), night table
*Test Site: Lucky 38, cocktail lounge, behind register
_Sierra Madre: Upper levels of Salida del Sol north (DM)
_Zion: General store, behind the desk (HH)
_Big MT: X-17 Meteorological Station (OWB)
_The Divide: Junction 7 Rest Stop (LR)


must try:
Allows talking Mr. House out of killing Brotherhood

Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition - FNV Community Patch

probably try:
New Vegas Bounties I

New Vegas Bounties II

maybe try:
Project Nevada

add build: Big Guns
major in the heaviest kinetic weapons and ammo possible, minor in explosives

add build: straight run
No skipping ahead of the story, no early gambling money, no early implants. Early money is all from loot and caravan. Can't go anywhere unless you learn about it in story.
Is this a build, or more of a strategy.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...