Friday, April 17, 2015

Mass Effect 2 (2010)

Installed, make backup of keys. Let's see what imports from the first game. Connect to Cerberus Network? What is this, like Rockstar Social Club, some kind of copy protection and/or monetization scheme? Do I really need to do this? I don't think any DLC came with the Steam purchase. I have an EA Online account, but I don't feel like filling that out now if I don't have to. Thankfully I don't, but what a crappy way to start the experience.

New Game. Import ME1 Character. Can't find, I need to run a configuration utility. I don't see this in any menu option. Oh, use the Launcher. Why do I have two different 'careers', when I only have one character? Is it because I replayed the ending? Stupid, why would the game create a new career. Backup, delete recent. I think I messed something up, the saves are gone. Back to Mass Effect 2. Select Save 0, instead of Save 1. An overview of what's being imported, that's nice, and its just 7 variables.

Watch cut scenes, start making dialog choices almost immediately, that's good, at least its not totally passive entertainment. I see now why you can recast yourself as almost anything you want, as you are being rebuilt like the bionic man or maybe more like Robocop. I choose to be the same me as I imported, as that was the whole point of this continuity exercise.

My first impressions, five minutes into the game, are mixed. The physics engine feels all different and slippery, and its too easy to get disoriented. The physics of Mass Effect were a little chunky, but something you could get used to and live with, I might end up liking this more in time. They didn't have to rearrange the keyboard though, that's just insulting.

At least Shepard's mostly death and rebirth explains why he is back to level 1 (or 3). It doesn't really explain why I get a small random mix of loot. Trying hard to withhold early judgement.


I never really mentioned how good Mass Effect was for something that was so console friendly. Mass Effect 2 seems to be much more watered down not just for console, but it feels a lot dumber. The new way that character points work doesn't feel right, but again, wait and see.

Mass Effect Genesis, according to the crawl, seems to be a 15 minute recap of the first game where you make the big choices that influence you current character. Why not just build that into the game, it could serve as a refresher and intro. No need to import anything, as you wake up with nothing anyway. I don't know if this is DLC or what, but I'd like to see it.

I usually hate infinite ammo, as it indicates laziness and stupidity by the game developers, but in Mass Effect it was nicely done, and they still had ammo types. In Mass Effect 2 we've gone back to an ammo system, even though its further into the future. This makes no sense, and is not explained. Withholding judgement, but this is a bad sign. Its like some dummy manager mandated that you have to have an ammo system, because every hot property has an ammo system.

Another bad sign is the Codex has not been rewritten or added to much. A lot has happened in two years, but the writing is still mostly from the point of view of the beginning of Mass Effect.

Where's my inventory system? Did they simplify that away too? It was dumb in the first game how I could carry 150 items, but at least there was some presumption that it was on my ship. Now I have 5,000 units of all sorts of valuable elements but no ship - are these in my pockets?

I need to start using these Squad Points. I'll purchase towards Commando skill. Here's another thing they changed that doesn't make sense. Paragon and Renegade weren't skills, they were like your alignment, earned by your actions. What does this even mean now? I think they wrapped the conversation skills into it somehow. We'll see.
Also, why are my scars glowing.

Reading the Codex, there's so much cut and paste from last game, but here, I find they added a chapter on why we're back to the ammo system. Because the geth figured out a way to dump heat. At least an attempt was made, though it doesn't come close to explaining how the entire galaxy implemented this change in two years. Also: clips, clips, and clips - who did they let write this, the summer intern?

Not sure about these end of mission briefings. Its nice to have a summary, but it doesn't feel very organic, or subtle.
The Illusive Man looks like a tripod. Why does he have cyber eyes, and only communicate through projection? Is he an AI?


The game hasn't really bit me yet, its still easy to walk away for days at a time and not think about it. I think this is because it doesn't feel like Mass Effect 1, only the appearance is close.

The first game had a strong anti-corporate, anti-greed message. The good guys tended to be military and loyal to humanity, and almost every corporation and its officers was somehow attempting to screw over the human race, or all sentient life. Now the good guys are led by a some of those corporations and a benevolent mysterious rich guy, like any number of kitschy 80s TV shows. It is early yet, so Mass Effect 2 still has time to overturn this cliche, but it looks like they're serious about it. They are really pushing another old cliche, the "we have no choice but to work outside the law" angle.

Commando sounds cooler, but I think Shock Trooper has the better benefits.

Doing some more planetary exploring, not sure what to make of how they changed surveying. Its a lot faster and easier to survey from orbit, but it seems like once I survey a spot its done - am I doing this right? I'll note survey spots for now, come back later if and when I need to. Nothing I'm really doing now requires minerals (or vespene gas).

I head for the Citadel, I wonder how I will be received. It should be with a parade, key to the city, and lifetime free parking, but considering the circumstances, I might not even be let in through the side door. I can't wait to see how the story writers handle this.

OK, they wave me through security, and let me keep my guns, that's nice. I like all the news announcements I keep hearing. What's this, a space hamster for sale? What? Is this why I saved the Citadel, and the Galaxy; I don't even get a properly rendered in-game hamster, they just subbed in a real world picture?

I speak to the old Captain from the last game, Anderson, and its surprisingly uneventful. I'm glad there are finally some consequences that carry over from the old game. It is only right and proper that Shepard gets his Spectre status back, even if it doesn't meant that much now. This is a disappointing homecoming. Considering how much time I spent on the Citadel, there's surprisingly little to do here now. Time to go.

Could things have gone all that differently if I had saved the Council, and appointed Udena as Councilor? I feel like those were the choices I was supposed to make, especially in my current role as Paragon Soldier. I almost wouldn't mind playing Mass Effect 1 again just to try it out, but I don't think I can play Mass Effect 2 again. I can always just look it up online later.

At least now I have fish in my cabin. Maybe I should have bought that hamster; I can go back later. Between personalizing my room, my armor, and collecting xeno porn, this game is starting to remind me of the Grand Theft Auto series.


Why did my fish die? Because I didn't come back often enough to feed them? This isn't automated? Bullshit.

I risk some spoilage, and read [ ]. I don't want to waste a lot of time on this if I don't have it. It seems like scanning is no big deal, and there should be enough resources to go around to buy every upgrade. Picked up a time saving tip to mostly scan rich worlds.

I acquire three more crew members, and then start earning loyalty. Not sure why I need so many different crew members, as I can only check two out of the library at a time. I don't understand the redundancy, unless these guys are going to start dropping like flies in the endgame.


I haven't been feeling this game until the loyalty missions. The emotional center of the game is the characters, and they haven't been drawn very well until now. Which is especially harsh as you run into Liara from the last game, who had a natural and believable character, and yet has a very rough one dumped on you now. It just doesn't feel right that in the span of less than two years she has a murderous lust to kill her way to the top of the Shadow Broker's game. I thoroughly expected her to go back to archaeology, especially since so much more of her Prothean specialty was discovered. I really hope they're going somewhere with this, because its a watering down of past achievements. I may not find out until after the game, as my current Paragon Shepard is not going to help her achieve her current ambitions, no matter their past together.


Still enjoying the loyalty missions. One of the loading screens warned that my actions in Mass Effect 2 could have dire effects in Mass Effect 3, not sure exactly what it said, screen shot doesn't seem to work on loading screens.

In Mass Effect 1 you are a Commander serving under Captain Anderson, when he is deposed and you take the ship, keeping the Commander title was sending a sort of message to the crew and everyone else, that while Shepard is still in charge, he is also not doing so out of ambition, but with respect. Why isn't he Captain of the Normandy 2, though? Or SR2, still not sure what that means, don't want to risk spoilers looking it up.


Mass Effect 2 has finally regained the confidence it built up in the first game, I feel I have no reason to complain or nitpick anymore, just let the story carry me along.


I've been skipping gathering minerals, but I am working on filling out my star charts. I hope this doesn't bite me later down the road, and I have to spend three real life days wiggling a mouse while staring at a graph.

Mineral gathering made sense in the first game. I don't think they explained it, and they didn't need to. There is only so much scanning you can do from orbit, and at some point you need to get down there with some sensors. Because this is very risky to life and limb, and requires heavy and specialized equipment, and is often unsafe unless well armed, it makes sense that the Alliance military is often doing double duty with the mineral detecting, and making a nice profit while they do so. But now we're back to orbital scanning, which anyone with a ship can do. The game could have hand waved it as some super secret new scanner that only Cerberus or Normandy 2 has, but they don't mention it.

I've thought of doing an opposite style playthrough, where I play a female Renegade biotic, but if that just ends up being the character Subject Zero in an Alliance uniform, it might not be that interesting.

If I ever want to do a slideshow clickbait post about the Top Ten Funniest Lines in Videogaming Ever, this pic will be on there.


If the Illusive Man is an AI, I wonder if he is on the ship, in that sealed compartment in Medical.


I wonder if Shepard is an AI too, that would explain how he was reconstructed. I haven't had time for a lengthy session to move the plot along, but I've done some mineral prospecting. It's mindless entertainment, like Solitaire, and I can do a few minutes here and there.


Stopped prospecting, started moving the plot forward.

Where is everybody? Oh yeah, the Cerberus staff all got taken when I picked up the latest plot token.

While it is odd to keep adding to the crew on this little ship, it is the most fun and satisfying part of the game. These last few members of the the crew are especially well done, and are really enriching the Mass Effect universe.

I like how artificial intelligence is a bigger part of the story now. It can be innocent and fun banter between Joker and EDI, or more serious with the Quorrian and Geth situation. Maybe one day they will reconcile, and the Quorrians will be allowed to go home.

Getting into some deep spoilers now.

I really wish they let you talk to Tali before reactiving the recovered Geth. Even just as a courtesy. But in this very linear game, there can be no ambiguity that you will activate him, and he will take the last mystery guest spot in the lineup.

Even after you accept Legion into the crew, you still can't talk to Tali about it. Frustrating. On Legion's loyalty mission I bring Tali along, she seems very nonchalant about the whole thing. Would have been nice to have a little extra dialog here.

I wonder why the Liara quest is in Missions, not Assignments. I still don't think its in character for Liara to become a gangster, or for Shepard to help her, but the game seems to think so. I'll try it, see where it goes, I can always reload.

OK, I didn't see that coming. And if the Shadow Broker is doing the Collectors any kind of favor, he deserves whats coming to him. I'm glad I did this now.

The team roster is full, the quest list is empty, there's nothing left to do now but step through the one-way portal. I buy all the upgrades I can afford. I still haven't picked my borrow power yet, the one I get as a loyalty reward. It looks like three out of the list are the same shield boost. I guess I don't need any of these, but Reave sounds like it could be useful in that stops regen. I think I'll continue to hold off on this for now.

Its a hop skip and a jump to the end game. Everything makes sense, except why does a team mate die unexpectedly, in a cut scene? I think I made every decision as best as possible. I might have to look this up, just need to be careful to avoid Mass Effect 3 spoilers.

I'll start with, its worked well so far. It looks like not upgrading parts of the ship, or individual loyalties, can cause character deaths. Who would play this game and not upgrade everything? OK, I skipped giving myself the loyalty bonus skill, but I don't think its necessary, or even in-character. Ah, there is a defensive skill check on those who provide cover for you at the end, and Mordin is low man on the hit list.

Reading the guide, there is a section on Mass Effect 3 consequences; its well labeled, and thankfully easy to avoid, but I did catch a bit that blowing up the Collector base is a Paragon action, which sounds very right to me. You can't be sure that the enemy is really put down, or you've just got a temporary advantage. Tactically, it makes all kinds of sense to blow the place on your way out. And the part where Shepard stands his ground against keeping the Reaper technology is another no-brainer. We've seen time and again far more advanced (and now deceased) civilizations underestimating Reaper tech, and inevitably being corrupted by it. The Illusive Man really should know better, but it also makes sense that he thinks its worth a risk.


I want to try the end again, and save all team mates and crew, if for no other reason than to have a good save game to import in Mass Effect 3. Checking the wiki to see how far back I need to go. There's so much DLC available, and I can choose to continue the game or start over after finishing. There are so many choices and I'm not sure which will affect the next game, and not sure how much I can read without spoilage.

Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC looks interesting, and even meant to be played after finishing the core game. Checking Steam... can't buy any DLC, though I did receive some keys (Promo, Cerberus, Deluxe Game) which maybe I can redeem on Origin, and have it work with my Steam game?

I found the Bonus folder in my Mass Effect 2 folder. Flip through the artbook, nice. Mass Effect Redemption #1, a comic book, fits into chronology where? A prequel to ME2. It's good enough, now I want to read #2; looks like it goes up to #4.

Back to finishing up Mass Effect 2 properly. It looks like I'm going to need to go back even further to do this "right".
[ ]
There is a trigger event, and once started you can not delay moving to the ending. I might have to go back a ways.


I sign into Origin, but I can only see where to purchase the core games and their deluxe editions, but no DLC. I think I need to go to Bioware for that... no, nothing here but some wallpaper and marketing for various products. Need to find Cerberus Network... which leads to Bioware Social Network, login with my EA/Origin id, that works. I need a display name, I'm in. I enter the three Steam codes, unlock some freebies. The whole things is messy, but seems to be working. There's a place to download stuff. Do I download and install externally, or I do I start the game, login, and install from within? Start game, log in, see some new things, click on something it dumps me out to browser. I guess I install externally.

This whole thing is a mess. Whether you click carefully or not, its easy end up in a new area or site that you didn't want to be in, and there's no way back. After I added some ME2 DLC, I end up at, with no indication that ME2 or ME1 ever existed (its all ME3), and there's no obvious way back to the social area. And I got here by trying to buy some "points" so I could buy some more DLC. Only because I took note that "" exists can I even get back there. Let's see if what I have so far works before buying any points.

I'll install an easy one, Normandy Crash Site. Does it even know where the Steam version is installed? Yep, its there in the directory. When I start the game, I get a Journal update. A nice little mission, with some awkward flashbacks. Is the Alliance so rich that it can leave most of a starship just lying out in the open? Especially their most advanced one? Even if the parts aren't worth salvaging, shouldn't they at least blow it up to prevent espionage? There should at least be some security posted there while waiting for Shepard to make his visit.

Loading up old saves to see how long ago I picked up the Reaper IFF... 9 days in real time, but since then I did the Thane, Legion, and Liara (Observer) missions. That's not so bad to redo, but I think I also will lose a bunch of mineral prospecting and upgrades.

I reload
Save 225 Illium - Nos Astra 74h.11m 9/5/2015 00:02
Checking the journal, one of my missions is
Stop the Collectors - Acquire Reaper IFF.
I re-save
Save 265 Illium - Nos Astra 74h.12m 18/5/2015 17:35
I'm going to get it right this time.

It would be nice if I had an optimized list of what to do in the game, in what order, but that would difficult to get right first time without spoilers.


I've been reading about DLC, and optimal play order, and I think I know what I want to do in this replay of the ending of Mass Effect 2. First, I need to go to the Origin store and buy my DLC.

I check the Mass Effect Trilogy, in case it already includes any of the DLC I want, it might be worth getting, since it includes ME3, which I know I am going to get next. It includes two DLCs, but they are both for Mass Effect (1). I'm pretty sure I want to play through ME1 again, and its DLC, and if it wasn't enough of a sure thing, the trilogy pack is now on sale for the same price as ME3.

Looking around in the Origin store, I can't find any DLC for the Mass Effect games - why are they making it so difficult to take my money?


Getting tired of trying to figure out which DLC to get, how to purchase, where to purchase, what order to play - I just want to play. It would be really nice if there was a final edition that just rolled all this stuff up, and presented it to you in the right order.

Jumping in to the Kasumi - Stolen Memory DLC. I'm glad that at least the installer is compatible with my Steam version of the game, and I don't have to start over with the Origin game manager. When I get back to the bridge of the Normandy, my Journal (and email) notifies me of Zaeed, Normandy Crash Site, Cerberus Assault Armor, Collector Rifle and Armor, and Kasumi. I don't think I installed all that. I noticed that the Origin game manager downloaded and installed Zaeed, but I thought it was just to its own area. Oh well, as long as it all works.

There's a fuel depot in the Widow system now, so the Firewalker DLC must be installed.

The Kasumi mission was nice, though short. Lots of nice little unexpected tidbits about this universe's culture and history. Plus its always fun to fight and blow up a gunship while on foot.

I'll take Advanced Training in Fortification. Though the biotic powers might be more useful, I think this is more in character. I'll also max out Incendiary Ammo, specializing in Inferno Ammo - as usual I try to max out the skill to maximize personal power, not share it amongst squad.

I head over to the Armory to make sure everyone who can switches their SMG over to the new Locust we just acquired, but they already have. I guess that's OK, and in keeping with this game's do it for you attitude. I sometimes miss tinkering with stats, like in the previous game.


The Kasumi DLC was worth playing, but I don't think they should have charged for it.

Same thing goes for the Zaeed mission, but at least they didn't charge for it. As a Paragon Shepard, it makes sense that you save the refinery workers, even at the cost of gaining his loyalty. But you gain his loyalty anyway, even though you let his target get away. Not sure how to figure that, I wonder what other choices would have done in this mission.

Reading the wiki, this is the best outcome for a Paragon, as I was able to use Charm to get Zaeed's loyalty anyway. This is fine and well, but it would be nice if we could track down his target later in the game. There are ME3 consequences, which I skipped reading, so who knows.

At least these extra missions provide more credits and xp.


Install Overlord DLC.
That was nice, and the introduction of the hover APC was nice.
The money and xp are always welcome, but it didn't add much depth to the story or the universe.
Skippable; should have been free.


Did Normandy Crash Site again, still eery.

Thane loyalty mission. Such a cool character, and so sad. I enjoy all the backstory he provides without even seeming to try; his little anecdotes provide more world-building than most long missions. His stories about the Hanar make me see them in a new light; they seemed so frivolous in ME1, but now they seem kind of cool.

Is the Firewalker Pack worth playing? Most reviews are ambivalent. It sounds like something that would be good to install early in the game for easy resources, and something that could be worked into the mix to alleviate routine. I don't need it, but I'll check it out.


Firewalker should be done before Overlord, since this is the rightful introduction to the new vehicle. Its nice to have something additional in the hanger, it always looked so empty in there. It would be nice if you could add a fighter or gunship to your collection, maybe even have some missions based around it.

The Firewalker missions were a pleasant little diversion, nice to mix things up. A little bit more xp and cash is welcome, and there was hope of learning more about the Protheans, but nothing much came of it.

Re-did Liara's Observer mission. It's really easy to miss the conversation thread where she reveals that she got your body away from the Shadow Broker and to Cerberus. Throughout this whole game I've been wondering how exactly do you revive someone from the dead in this universe. Wisely the game never comes close to the subject. Its not hard to extrapolate from current medicine - which can already bring back the recently dead under certain conditions - that the window to do so will continue to increase.

I still have an open assignment, Citadel: Found Forged ID. Look it up on the wikia, oh yeah, those two asari who can't get through customs. Back to the Citadel. Easy work for a nice little reward, and it clears the Journal's to do list.

Off to see Ish on Omega. I read that you should bring Miranda and Jacob. Fedex job. Not bad, a little xp, some credits. Should have done this much earlier, doesn't merit making special trips.

Done with all missions, nothing left to do now but load up on minerals before the suicide mission. From what I've read, you want 100,000 of everything for optimal save game export to Mass Effect 3. I also want enough extra resources to buy any upgrades that might come up in the endgame, without having to stop to mine.


Got minerals. How much cash should I save? I don't think it carries over; might as well leave 100k of that too, spend the rest.

I go to Tuchanka, and buy the Bio-Amp Upgrade.

I go to the Citadel and buy the Sniper Rifle Upgrade.

There's still a bunch of upgrades to buy. Too bad there isn't a way to earn more money, other than dog fighting on Tuchanka.

I check each squad member, make sure their squad points are as well spent as  possible. I don't see a way to quickly check everyone out on the Normandy, it only shows their brief bio. When you land somewhere, you can go through the motions of exiting, but just Request New Squad member, and you can quicky review everyone.

Next stop: Reaper IFF.
Got it, acquired some upgrades:
Heavy Skin Weave, Health +10%, Palladium 7500.
Sniper Rifle Damage +10%, Platinum 7500.
Shotgun Damage +10%, Platinum 7500,
Shotgun Extra Rounds Platinum 25,000.

I'll buy a Retrain Powers to take back the points spent on Disruptor and Cryo Ammo so I can max out Fortification.
Buy the research, get 50 points, take:
max Adrenaline Rush,  Hardened
max Combat Mastery, Commando
Disruptor - have to take 2 to get Incendiary (waste of 3 points)
max Incendiary, Inferno
max Fortification, Improved
level 3 Concussive Shot

If I get enough points, I'll max out Concussive.


Next in the optimal order is Legion's loyalty mission.
EDI is busy installing the Reaper IFF, tells me to take a shuttle to my next mission.
I visit Legion, recruit him, agree to go on loyalty mission. I take the ship to Heretic Station - aren't we supposed to be taking the shuttle? When does the crew get kidnapped? Back to the mission.
I choose re-write the Heretics, not kill.
Back on board, time to break up the fight between Tali and Legion. Using the power of blue-colored text, both sides are satisfied.
Once again, EDI suggests we take a shuttle to our next location. But our next location is the suicide mission. Does that mean the crew never gets kidnapped?
Two new upgrades for Legion, shield and sniper rifle, cost 20k of Platinum, purchased.

I touch the star map, and it immediately starts the cut scene with the core team getting on the shuttle, and the Collectors board the Normandy. Even though its highly scripted, this is one of my favorite tension building scenes anywhere. After Joker and EDI retake the ship, Shepard is recalled to the Normandy. What mission were we on?

Back to the star map, directly to the Omega-4 Relay.


How do twelve people fit into that little mini-van of a shuttle?

"Suicide" / Omega-4 Relay mission, let's go.
Commune with picture of Liara.
A final meet with the boss - now that I know how this is going to end, this really is his last chance to say, hey bring some stuff we can use as a weapon later, this war is just getting started. Shepard says he's just doing what's necessary to stop the raids, and the boss just lets it go at that. He really has no right to be so angry later.
Through the relay, debris, dogfight, repel boarders. I'll take Miranda and Garrus. Easy.
Destroy Collector ship, but crash land in the process. Time to sneak in and blow the place up.
Choose a Specialist to crack the doors, Tali.
Choose a Leader for the alternate squad, Garrus.
Pep talk.
Squad Selection, I'll take Miranda and Samara.
Reunite the teams, rescue crew from pods - did I get them all? It seems so.
Time to sneak through the Seeker Swarms, choose a Biotic - I'll take Samara.
Select a leader for the diversion team - Miranda.
Select an escort for the rescued crew - Mordin.
For my squad Samara is already selected, I'll also take Tali and Kasumi; that should leave better fighters for the other team.
Rejoin other team, Mordin made it back to ship OK with rescued crew.
Hostiles massing outside? We better hurry.
Take a team, leave the rest to defend. I'll take Tali and Kasumi again, to leave the best fighers here.
Another pep talk.
Meet the new human Reaper. Kill it.
Boss calls, again I choose to kill the place, not save it.
Kill human Reaper again.
Get out from under debris.
Escape. Talk to boss again.
"I'm going to win this war without sacrificing the soul of our species".
Here come the Reapers. Roll credits.
The end credit music is fine, but I think the theme from Afterlife Club would fit better.
In the credits I see DLC specific credits - was that always there, or added? I think added, since the music ran out.
You now have two choices: Continue, Start new.
And I'm in my cabin.

I find myself wondering what all these heroic last stand lines would sound like delivered by femShep. I may be back this way again.

Re-visit the crew. Kelly's reaction is different, never got to see it before. I think I saved everyone, because the achievement for that is now unlocked.


Liara, Shepard's love interest in the first game (in this playthrough), is one of the most interesting of many interesting characters, and her relationship with Shepard makes it even more interesting. I was really dissapointed with how she was handled so far in Mass Effect 2, and I would really like to know if that was on purpose or accident. I expect the Shadow Broker DLC to reveal the truth.

I've always wanted to fly one of those hover cars. Best DLC already.
I'd love to go over that conversation after you kill the Specter, especially the options if you Paragon-click quickly enough, but I really don't want to go through that whole long combat again (I later look it up, I didn't miss a lot, no need to replay this part).
I love the reference to omni-gel.
All done; best DLC ever.
I like the care and attention they put into continuing the relationship - its all I really wanted from this DLC, and I got that and more. It should have been integrated into the main game, it feels like such a necessary part, but at least it exists.
Being able to play around in the Broker's lair is more fun than I expected. I love the dossiers. Some of the stuff in here is the most fascinating I've read yet in ME2. Like how Legion likes video games - it makes perfect sense that he would use such an interface to interact with and/or study humans. Jack writes poetry? Miranda's personals ads? Every one of these is good, some excellent, some transcendent.

Now my main map is cluttered with "Platinum Rich Planet", I regret purchasing that info. Especially now that the game is over, its completely unnecessary. At least I won't have to look at it for long, just one more DLC to go.


I watched a 10 minute video of Renegade femShep being rude to, well, everyone. I may have to to play this whole series again.


Bought Arrival.


Installed Arrival - no, first some housekeeping - I'm down to my last gig on my primary drive. I really need to do some archiving, or better yet, a full reinstall. I wonder how big my Steam dir is... 191 GB.

I've always really liked Admiral Hackett, and I think Lance Henrikson does a great job of giving him a real character to someone who's usually just a voice on a phone - did they not get him to play him here? He seems a little flat. Checking... it was him. OK.

So, our hero must stand trial for saving everyone, and no doubt when the evil arrives in force, they will be begging him to save the galaxy again. I'm sure there's a trope for that. With this story structure, its really hard to imagine Shepard as anyone other than a Paragon Soldier.

I should probably review Mass Effect 2 now, but I feel like I can't, I need to see number three to judge. This feeling is wrong, as I learned from the Bioshock series. There's quite a parallel there, as number two is a refined and dumbed down version of number one, and if it follows three will be even dumber, yet different.

This is part of playing old games. I don't have months and years to dwell on how good this episode was or not, the totatality is out there, this segment wants to be put in context with the whole. I will be able to see the parts of the whole more clearly in retrospect, as I did with the Bioshock series.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...