Monday, December 17, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 4: into darkness

Things have taken a turn for the darker, story-wise. What used to be a happy-go-lucky tale has now become a temptation story. I guess things had to come to a point eventually. There's the joke offer from Mori, to become his apprentice, that is easily dismissed. The offer from Bulgarin is not so easily shaken off. What I don't understand is why Luis even listens to this creep. He's instantly identifiable as a creep, and a dangerous one. The first time he insist that you kill someone or else, why not just kill him?

I'm carrying 25 sticky bombs at all times. I could just ring his whole house with them, and blow the fucker up. But no. I have to listen to this piece of crap, until the story says I don't. This game was doing so well, until this. I understand the game needs an antagonist. But this is like finger-painting with oven mitts on.

It's about time.

Shoot Em Win indeed.

(lots of shooting, and several reloads later)

This feels right. I finished the mission, and I'm in a long epic float to the endgame.

Wait, that's it? That's all? Rolling credits already?

At least there's the closing credits clips to watch, where various scenes are re-enacted.

And then, just like that, I'm back in the game, but its all different now that there's no more missions.

It feels so empty when a GTA game ends. I can revisit many places, but I can't really hang out with a lot of characters any more. Its just over.

I know. Games end, stories end, movies end, books end, life ends, everything ends.

It's time to end my time with GTA 4. I'll review later, when I've digested it a bit. I already feel like I'm done, and I'm gone. I don't think I'm going back to finish seagulls, or base jumps, or anything. I'm just done.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...