Wednesday, October 24, 2012

what's next

After such a heavy game as System Shock 2, I don't feel like going right into another classic, like Planescape or Thief. I'm still editing my review of SS2, and reading back through the old archives. I guess I'm still digesting it, even if I'm not actively playing it or thinking about it. I guess I want a digestif of sorts, something mindless I can play for a little while, before the next heavy course.

I play some TF2, my perennial fallback game since the 90s, always a good way to kill some time. Maybe I should give Grand Theft Auto 4 another try? I'm trying to remember why I didn't finish it the last time. I think the controls were poor, and overall it felt like a bad console port.

In other projects, I had another gaming blog once, in the early 2000s; I'd still like to bring that forward. I also need to do a more complete audit of all the gaming boxes in the attic. I noticed in my most recent round up, I didn't include Homeworld, and I know I have that upstairs somewhere.

Speaking of boxes, I was all set to throw out my System Shock 2 box, then I checked Ebay and found similar boxes selling for $30 plus. If its the same version as I have, it might just be worth selling. Better someone else have and enjoy it; I'm never going to play it again.

Age of Empires II (2013)

2024.01.15 Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition came out in 2019. Age of Empires II: HD Edition came out in 2013. I'm playing the older...