Monday, October 8, 2012

System Shock 2: err, what?

I've been avoiding it. Real life has called me away a lot lately, but I have to face up to this game not really drawing me in. I feel guilty, like when I'm bored reading a great classic novel. Let's extend every effort.

I hope I can pick up where I left off. Restoring last save, titled "upgraded Standard, Repair". I recall that you can't use quick load until you're in a game. Oh that's weird, my quick save and quick load keys are set to empty - I know I was using them. I'll reset them to F5 to save, F9 to load... it won't accept those. How about comma and period... OK. Now I'm having trouble taking items - I remember having this problem before, and solving it. Why is it back?

Oh, its because I customized keys. Looking back through my notes... OK, run the mod manager, Tools -> Fix Use-Mode. No problem, I get back into it fairly quickly, but I will admit to a lot of quick saving and reloading.

Wow, that's some cut scene, reminds me of Lovecraft. Despite the ancient graphics, the voicework really sells it. I eagerly await more. I'll probably have to smack a lot more mutants with my wrench before that happens.

Some basic questions - can you unload a found weapon, then toss it? Research... yep, its there. Open inventory, right-click item, click Unload, toss.

What do I do about my weapon repair continually dropping? Maintenance? Repair? Toss and find new one? A little research reveals repair as the best way. Nobody seems to mention low repair being a negative on weapon performance.

Age of Empires II (2013)

2024.01.15 Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition came out in 2019. Age of Empires II: HD Edition came out in 2013. I'm playing the older...