Wednesday, December 23, 2015

status 2015 December

Still occasionally puttering with GTA 5, now that its done its easy to drop in and out of in short bursts, instead of obsessing over it.
Thinking about latest installment of Starcraft (the Protoss one), I could play that any time, no point in waiting for a sale or a better video card.
Thinking about Fallout 4, and how I still need to play New Vegas.

Steam sale, picked up Stanley Parable and Life is Strange (1-5).

Started listening to Cane and Rinse podcast, tried their Mass Effect 3 episode. Brought back some nice memories, but I didn't learn much new information, but I was reminded not to think too harshly about the whole franchise, just because the ending was wrong.

Still playing with GTA 5 sometimes, thinking about next game.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Grand Theft Auto V (2013)

Thank you Steam sale. First step, clear some disk space (I need 63gb). Next, download latest nvidia driver, but don't install yet, not unless there's some problem first. While downloading, time to check install notes from previous GTA, looking for tweaks and problems. There's not that much, but there are some times where setting CPU affinity to one core only, or changing the frame limiter, can make a difference in whether or not you can finish a mission.
Long install over, but now it's late. Tomorrow.

I hope this works. Click play, get product key, get bonus $500k in multiplayer - who cares. User account control steamservice, ok. Popup Social Club, you must sign in. Let's test this on the web site first. Old login works, but I have to update password. Sign back in on Steam. Now it wants to link - permanently - my Rockstar account, Steam account, and my already linked Windows Live (or whatever its become) account. As if I have a choice, OK. Activate code (its already filled in, even though I've since used my clipboard to hold passwords). Windows Firewall, Allow access. Soon I'll be (hopefully) playing in full screen, so I need to move the blogging over to the laptop.

Display calibration. Settings. Graphics settings are awful, hopefully that's just the default. Let's go for it, fullscreen, 1920x1200, turn on a few things, turn up a few things, then Run Benchmark Tests. My video ram usage is at 1.2 out of 2 mb. Test requires reboot, OK. Long load time, then it runs through some quick fly throughs, I seem to be getting 30 FPS, is that good enough? It looks blocky, and a little choppy, but its still beautiful. Watching the jet fly is like a slideshow.

It restarts, settings are default again. I'm going to just set it to 1920x1200, start Story Mode, and play with graphics later. I like this, it starts with exposition, but you have to take action to move it along. So far I really like the background music for the setup screens. Mouse Look is way to slow, its at 25%, moving it to 75%. Graphics are chunky, but acceptable.

Some things come back like instinct. Right-mouse button to aim, hold shift to run, but how to get in cover? Time to check the keyboard settings to see what does what. Take cover is Q. There are so many settings. Light and heavy melee attack? GTA has really evolved over time.

This is not good. Indoors and on foot the visuals are smooth, but when I get near heavy traffic and look at it, things get choppy. It's a cat! Oh nice, a convertible. After some driving, yeah, this isn't going to work. Its time to start tinkering. To take a screenshot I need to go into windowed (alt+enter) mode!?

First and simplest, I update the video driver for my GTX 460. Its been a long time, like at least 2 years. Running the "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" software, it wants to scan for games, I let it. I'm sure this will all be logged in a database somewhere, but then I'm already in Steam. Let's see what this does.

This is interesting. It pulled all my settings from the game, and compared it to an optimal list for my card. It's pretty bad. I'l try the auto-optimizer and see what that gets me. I'm already missing out on most of the graphics at this point. Looking through some of these other game settings, the trend is I've been using lower settings than I've had to. The optimizer usually wants to increase certain settings overall. This increases my confidence that it knows what its doing with GTA 5's settings, while increasing my sadness over its sorry state.

So it plays smooth now, but looks worse than GTA 3. Hopefully I can tweak it up a bit. If I could get it looking at least as good as GTA 4 that would be fine. Or just get a new card. I finish one of the early missions, getting used to driving again. Alert from autosave, asking if it can overwrite; I think GTA4 had this problem. They're still using the same old convention of saving the game equals sleeping. Oh cool, Robot Princess Bubblegum is on TV.

I spend some time driving around, and walking. Time to get to know the neighborhood and the map. And also to get used to the game engine with these low settings, so I can see the difference when I start changing things. I visit an Ammu-Nation, its nice to be able to see the whole variety, even if its still locked. Nice, now there's armor variety too.

Parts of Los Santos (Los Angeles) are so familiar now. It makes sense for the GTA series return to San Andreas that we're back near the grove. The current main character, Franklin, seems like an older wiser CJ (if 25 years hadn't passed). In some ways it would be cool to have that continuity, but Rockstar seems to hate doing that. I've heard that in this mostly parallel San Andreas universe, CJ is not a factor.

Speaking of which character I am at the moment, I've already got to see a lot of character switching. I thought it was just going to be amongst the main characters, and kept separate, like a story with three acts. So far I've done a lot of team switching from minute to minute, even temporarily occupying the body of a dog. I know Rockstar is always breaking new ground, but I think they're overdoing this gimmick too much too early. If you don't have time to become your character, you're not going to care about them, let alone a whole bunch of them.

I watch the in-game TV. At least that doesn't tax my GPU.

I set Resolution to 1920x1200, video ram usage increases to 1312/2047. Everything looks a whole lot better, but no major hit to speed yet. Let's drive around a bit and see what happens.
Population density and variety do what, change the quality of NPCs walking around? Searching for this yields the GeForce guide to GTA 5. I had no idea this existed - jackpot, but I'll read it later.
My new settings can't be too bad, as I enter a street race and win on the first try. A good sign.
Is this a bug? My car won't go forward. I'll walk. I acquire a bicycle, a nice compromise between walking and driving for sightseeing.
I wander alleys and rooftops - where are the secret hidden weapons and armor? I've notice those have been getting more scarce as the GTA series goes along.
I can see the old Los Santos from GTA San Andreas so clearly in my mind, but I can't use it to navigate here. I've been looking for CJ's old neighborhood, and still can't find it. I know there won't be anything there, but I still want to go.
I find a helipad but no helicopters, but there is a boat.
I drive around a lot up in the hills, not choppy at all, but the detail is poor.
I find a scrap of paper, get a 1/50. I don't want to collect collectibles just yet. Reload.

If Franklin is an alternate history older and wiser CJ (GTA San Andreas), I'm guessing Michael is an older and wiser Tommy Vercetti (GTA Vice City), making whoever the third guy is an older and crazier Claude (GTA III)?

I appreciate how the plot gets retarded right off the bat. Right away your character does something and incurs a stupid 2.5 million dollar debt. Which means little in a game where you can and probably will kill every named character after working for them briefly before the inevitable betrayal. I like how this is foreshadowed by your first friend in the game. The game is reassuring us that none of this means anything, just enjoy the game. And much like the recent Mad Max 4 movie, its all about the chase, just enjoy the ride.

I try a few missions with Michael, the first two of which require Stamina so I don't do well. You used to be able to max out stats by doing certain missions (ambulance, fire, police, etc.) but now you have to more realistically earn them. I walk out the front door and just start running. I run from my house all the way down to the beach, get Stamina up to 60%. This will take a little while, but its do-able. Time to look online, see if there are more efficient ways. Not too worried about spoilers, but I'm still avoiding them if I see them.

I read some advice on how and what to do to max skills, it varies greatly throughout the forums, because most of it is guesses, lucky tries, mistakes, lies, exaggerations, stupidity, and the occasional good advice. I go to the wikia for more consistent information. Like how when you max out stamina, it will then be unlimited.

That didn't take too long. Now to test it out in mission. Seems to work. Swimming controls are still awful and anti-intuitive. Maybe I should start using the gamepad. I'm going to need it for helicopter soon enough anyway.

Sometimes things get a little glitchy when I'm driving fast in the daytime (all those shadows to calculate, I guess), but so far smooth enough. Let's try turning something up, like Texture from Normal to High. That maxes out video memory, it won't do it. OK, how about max Distance Scaling. No complaint.

So I finally get to meet Trevor. That's quite some intro. Not where I expected Johnny to end up, thought he had more sense. He deserves it though, if he followed his meth head girlfriend from the last game all the way out here from Liberty City. Its also another good means of Rockstar demonstrating their unsentimentality to past characters.

When you load up the game in story mode, Trevor comes to on a railroad track, woken by an oncoming train. This guy could be the best character ever.
While out for a jog (to increase stamina) I run into Cletus, a walking talking cliche. Rockstar likes to lay it on with a trowel, then dump the whole cement truck on it.
I like Trevor's town - is it based on the Salton Sea? GTA calls it Sandy Shores. Oh, that's the town, I think in GTA universe its called the Alamo Sea.
Running halfway around the sea gets you a bar of stamina (20 points). Before long, stamina maxed. I hate running out of stamina during a chase, so its nice to get this out of the way.

Its so good to see Rampage mode back in the game, and they even made it kinda work in the story.

GTA series has evolved so much over the years, you've played so many different characters, and now I'm playing three at a time. When will you be able to play a female character?

I now have control over all three characters whenever I want. Getting back to boosting stats. Got all three maxed out on Stamina. Its a no-brainer to max out stamina, because sooner or later everyone gets into a foot race in this game. Should I keep going, maxing out stats? It is tempting. But I will be gaining stats during missions, and training opportunities continue to unlock.

Even more than running, everyone needs to be able to shoot. Time to visit the range. That was very effective. Franklin's shooting was very low, like in the teens percentile. Just running through all the challenges once got him up to 80%. Quick save, then back in to get to 100. Started working my way through the list, making sure every type was checked. Then I started working through the beginning to get everything to gold. Didn't have to even get past handgun to get to 100.

Switching over to Trevor, its always fun to see what sort of shenanigans he's up to this time, but this last one was annoying. You warp into Trevor's universe in the middle of the freeway, surrounded by cop cars, with two stars. It took forever to shake them.

Everybody has maxed out shooting skill. Now what? Back to the story.

What happened to Trevor's Chinese missions? Did I not get back to it quickly enough, and lost it forever?

Alien abduction, yoga, torture, family disfunction. This game is quite the emotional roller coaster.

Are we setting Trevor up to be the bad guy? Maybe even the end boss? Because that's what you're doing GTA5. Trevor is no more or less a murderous sociopath than any other GTA character, but the cues are being dropped that he's a little something different. It breached the surface with the torture scene, but the way Michael is telling it, there is an inevitable reckoning coming. If Michael really did it the way he hints at it, Trevor is not exactly the bad guy.

The final villain of GTA5 is Lamar. This guy just shows up out of nowhere to take a shit on Franklin's life. Just when you think he broke free of his lackluster home life and is going new places and making new friends, an old parasite floats in and reattaches itself. Is Lamar supposed to be a metaphor for the hood, that Franklin can never truly leave his origins? This metaphor worked when it was CJ and his brother in San Andreas, and if Franklin is the export of CJ, then Lamar must be his brother. Except Lamar is not his brother. He's more like the worthless crazy neighbor, who turns out to be a traitor. I only hope we get to take care of Lamar like we did Ryder.

Random encounter, and you meet Sonny's daughter - Sonny from Vice City?

Switching to Trevor is always a treat. Waking up drunk, in only your underwear, on an island, surrounded by dead bodies, no explanation how you got there - priceless.

GTA has always had a problem reconciling the world that occurs while you are free roaming, and the world that you see in the many cutscenes that smooth out the story. It feels like the only time any character can actually die is in a cut scene, so as soon as the controls are ripped from your hands and you are force to watch the story instead of making it, you are taken to a higher level of anxiety than anything in the game.

The long truck ride conversation between Trevor and Lamar went a long way towards humanizing both of them, and making them less caricatures of themselves.

I'm getting more and more used to playing three characters, and its nice to be able to switch between them, and focus on what they do best. But while Franklin's driving speciality makes perfect sense, I'm not sure about the difference between Michael's blue bullet-time versus Trevor's orange bullet-time. I'm guessing Michael's is more about precise actions while Trevor's is more about chaotic action.

Why is there no speedometer? GTA tracks all kinds of statistics in the background, why not make it at least an option in the HUD? Maybe it can be added with a mod.

Of course Lamar is an ungrateful shit when rescued from certain death.

Switching to Trevor, its one of the longest switchovers yet. Lots of time spent in the clouds, slowly and ominously zooming back down to earth. And what's Trevor doing? He had his head in a sinkful of dirty water and dishes.

I wonder how many beers Trevor can drink at one sitting. About half a dozen, then he staggers off, won't drink more. On the way out, the gas can - that reminds me I need to try huffing it again, last time was pretty interesting. Time for a nice liesurely stroll to the local gun store. I find a shopping cart, but I can't push it, other than bump it along. I like how whoever Trevor goes near soon goes hostile, its like he has a Charisma of -4.

It would also be nice if you could display the time in the HUD, and otherwise customize it. I wonder what mouse1 is supposed to do while driving, it seems to make you go faster, but also a little out of control. Still haven't found a good one-sheet with all the controls on it, would make a nice reference on second screen.

I've been focusing on story missions only, not really doing properties or money making jobs, but I wonder what's going on in Grapeseed, near Trevor's territory. I bought the Arms Trafficking opportunity, but the map shows McKenzie Field Hangar as still being available? Though there is no price, so maybe I need to do something else to actually own it? I'll risk a spoiler. OK, I guess it means that this is an action required property, I have to come and do a mission every time I want money, it doesn't auto generate.

Quick search on mouse1 reveals holding while driving turns mouse into steering instead of looking. Yeah, that works, but seems like overkill in a car.

My favorite part of the big heist is the long drive home, listening to Hollywood Nights while driving through the Vinewood hills. That was planned, right?

Trevor could kill Michael any time, but he doesn't, he'd rather keep needling him about his past betrayal. What does Trevor want from Michael, some contrition, an apology? And if he gets it, then will it be OK to kill him? Things can never be the way they once were, but that was already true.

As much fun as L.A. is, I would rather be walking around the Salton Sea.

As usual after a big job, its time to switch through everyone and restore armor and health where necessary. Speaking of big job, I thought that was going to be the endgame of this game, culminating in the big showdown between Michael and Trevor. I wasn't expecting it to be anticlimactically easy, and their arguing is more annoyance than even slow burn.

"No clothes, no car, no problem", and yet the Canis Bodhi is right there. I wonder what the real world equiavalent of that vehicle is.

Why does the billionaire want the junior gangster to off Trevor and/or Michael? Of course I choose c) deathwish. Frankling going to Lester for advice makes perfect sense, but calling Lamar?

And just like that, its over. I was around 70% completion, so I though there was a ways to go yet.

As the game goes through its end credits flyover through the world, I can't help but think they built this enourmous world of choices and yet story barely uses it. Like a marble rolling around in an empty shoe box, the container doesn't need to be this big.

The longest mission in the game is the end credits. And its the hardest, I can't pause for fear of prematurely ending it, and I need to go to the bathroom. Finally, fade to black, what's this, Client Notes. Is this to reflect the characters, or just my actions in the game? A quick message that I can view this in the Social Club, and then I'm Trevor in the Bodhi, pulling up to his trailer. I always love to see what, if anything, there is after the game is over.

Oh no, not that, I feel so bad for Trevor now. Couldn't he just grab a plane and fly it into his trailer, put everyone out of their misery?

The game offers no advice on how to find this particular quest item, so I'll risk a spoiler, it should be mostly safe now. Near Los Santos hospital, that almost makes sense. Back to base, nobody there - was there ever a Mrs. Philips?

Then suddenly switched to Franklin. Nothing going on. Switch to Michael, more nothing going on. Back to Trevor, naked and drunk behind someone's house - "where's my gnome gone"?

It would be nice if more missions cropped up from time to time, or if there was any reason to try and make more money. At 74.4% complete, there's probably not much left to do. I could play for a while longer, try out buying businesses, but nothing interesting may ever happen, so I'll just look it up online.

Let's get one thing out of the way right away, that the online component is of no interest to me. Its the one thing most places say to do after the game. There's some roadside mysteries to solve, I actually like the collection quests, but I'd have to use a guide, which I'm OK with if I find a good guide.

I'm not quite done with GTA5, its still bouncing around in my head. Looking at the 100% completion guides, there's a lot of things I'm not interested in, like races, but there are some minor quests still to do. I haven't even touched GTA5's internal internet, and there are a few things you can do from there.

Its interesting to me that for 100% completion a lot of the activities don't even require you to win, just to place. I've been thinking video games are getting easier (more mass market?), but the GTA series used to have some notoriously difficult parts, even in the main story, that would require days of constant frustration to break through. GTA5 was so simple that I got this far with only keyboard and mouse, never even having to break out the joystick (or whatever its called now) to get past any tricky flying missions.

One of my impressions at the end of the story, that the story ended too soon and too abruptly, I find in comments and articles everywhere. I feel like this at the end of every GTA, that I want to keep living in this world, even if at a lower intensity level, like a bigger version of The Sims.

Time to check out the internet. So that's where the tank is in this game. I can buy it online and have it delivered for only three mill, which in GTA money is not too crazy, especially after the last heist. I like that there seems to be reviews for products, but you can't actually read them. I try to buy a sports bike, just to try it out, and it says I have nowhere to store this vehicle. Go down to garage (playing Michael now), there's a jeep and a bicycle. Move out the bike, try again, same message. Does not compute. OK, empty the garage, purchase again, still "You have nowhere to store this vehicle.".

Search says I need to purchase a garage. I read of one on Grove Street - if I buy it, does that mean the other two can't? Do we each get our own garage? As Michael I stop by Trevor's to see what happens. No Trevor, just a surly Ron in the yard. Go get some armor (again), come back, now Trevor is in the yard drinking and tossing grenades. This is more like it. Sadly, there seems to be no interaction possible.

Let's just try online and see what happens. This is my default character? There are an amazing amount of variables to decide, more than I've ever seen a game offer before. I make no choices, and take the default. Name? Molly. There's a tutorial. And its being run by Lamar. So far things seem to be very single player, which is fine by me. Obligatory race. First mission, delivering package, connection lost, kicked back to end of race. Do some stuff, get killed by another player, find out that Kiflom guy is the deity of this place. Makes sense so far. I need to learn how to avoid aggro players.

My characters has $500k in the bank, I think that came with the Steam purchase. For my first vehicle, I choose a motorcycle. I'm sent to my first job, minimum two players. I wait a while, nobody joins. I can now see a bunch of jobs on the map, see a lot more players, and hear some talking. I think now I'm out of tutorial and actually in the game. My character has the starter weapon, no armor, no skills. I also don't know how this world works. I'm a noob. I wonder if its worth investing any more time here.

I tried online again and saw no one. Is this thing on?

The Epsilon missions are fun when its collecting cars, but this wearing one outfit for 10 days is a new flavor of tedium. I found a helpful guide that suggests doing the collectibles to help pass the time. A day goes by in GTA in 48 minutes real time, I guess I can just leave it on and do something else, at least some of the time.  I wonder how much electricity it costs just to leave the computer running.

Note to myself: dressed, Wednesday, 08:27

Checking the collectibles on the wiki, there's more than I imagined, as I never even heard of some of these things in the game.

Friday, ~9 AM, get message that robes have been worn for 2 days.

Collected scrap, 2/50. I think I picked one up by accident at the beginning of the game.

What I like about collectibles is that it gets me to visit places I would have completely missed. This abandoned mine shift is nicely done, it looks like a place you could actually go inside. I really missed out by not doing collectibles first. I would have gotten a lot of map knowledge early, as well as practicing driving. There's no point grinding things like driving and running on nothing when you can use it on something you're going to do anyway.

Robes at 3 days.

Turned off Autosave again, it interrupts the flow. Some of the items are so far apart I take a taxi. Since there is no need to gain skills, I can find some other way to make the time go by. I'm following To make it more interesting, I read the blurbs about the various places. There's so much to see.

Park on a hill, do some real life stuff, come back, 7 days.

Reading blurbs - wait, what, you can blow open the door to that mine? I kicked it a few times and moved on. Something about needing the enhanced version - do I have the enhanced version? How do I check? The menu has a million variables, but not the version number of the software. There seem to be six different versions. Nothing comes out and just states which version the PC version is, or specifically the Steam version. I'll see if I can activate an enhanced specific mission.

I found the clue from the mission from the enhanced edition. No acknowledging sound, but I may have been here before on a previous mission. Another clue, again no sound effect. I read online, some people can't activate this mission. Getting ready to be annoyed. Maybe I have to visit at night? All the reference pictures are at night. Do I need to take a picture? All four clues, no activation. I'll try next time I restart.

Haven't played or though of in a while. Popped in for a bit to try out some property purchases. I want more content, I want more things for my characters to do, even if its barely story driven.

Trying out properties, may will do some collection quests. Thinking about starting over, this time making and following a guide so as not to miss anything. If I I'm going to play through all over again, I'd like to do it with my next video card, not the current barely playable one. Well, not barely playable, its quite playable, but I'm hardly taking advantage of the graphics I should be seeing.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den DLC (2011)

Steam sales make playing games not only possible, but probable.

I forgot how annoying the writing and voicing of characters can be in this game, especially some of the over the top accents. And the world is annoying too, with its weird mix of old tech, future tech, and magic. And yet, it somehow adds up to something.

A nice thing about a kitchen sink kind of game, where every kind of armament and magic are represented, often with variants (three kinds of ammo for every weapon), is that I get turrets. I love turrets. I love getting them, controlling them, repairing them, saving them, running them through multiple scenarios to find the best placements. I love turrets. It is especially cute in this game that I name them (once you get to repair them).

I haven't played Bioshock 2 in a while, but it comes back to you easily. Now I'm remember one of my favorite configurations: fire magic, multiple turrets following me, drill rush.

Here's an example of the liberties taken with technology in this universe: one of the good guys worked for Alan Turing during World War 2, then he went to work for Ryan in Rapture, and created an artificial intelligence to help run the city.

Poor Babbage the cat. What a sad easter egg.

Back to turrets. I love to take over an area, and make its defenses mine. Take out all the mobile enemies, then hack every camera and turret to my side. You have to shut off your own mobile turrets (let's just call them drones) first, or they'll die trying to take out whatever turret you're hacking. Even better, once you have this level of turret control, its time to go hunting for Big Daddy's, and once you get his Little Sister, harvest the ADAM.

Next day, and done. Nice little twists and turns at the end, but there's not much too it.

I was done with Bioshock before this, but I'm even more done now.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

status 2015 October

Random Steam sale, Minerva's Den DLC for Bioshock 2 for $4.99. It reviews really well, and I liked Bioshock 2 well enough. And its short, so maybe I'll just play it now.

The Tomb Raider reboot from 2013 is also on sale for $3.99, also reviews really well. I'll take 'em both.

So, Minerva's Den was scarcely a minor diversion.

I should note that I've been watching the Teens React: Gaming series for The Last of Us. For some reason their mix of reactions is compelling, even though its technically a lame playthrough. It comes out every couple of weeks, has been running for 8 months, and I guess has another month or so to go. I wonder if this game will ever be ported to PC, and if so, will it be a good enough port to care about.

I'm still looking up at the stars on clear nights and thinking about Mass Effect. Like poking a fire the next day and still finding coals glowing under the ash, my anger at the ending of ME3 is still there but going away slowly. All that work, all those carefully made decisions over three games, and the ending boils down to a simple A, B, C choice no matter how you got there.
I watch "ME3: Extended Cut Analysis + Leviathan DLC". Good conclusion that if that was the original ending, most of this controversy could have been avoided.

It is remarkable that as I read various game sites and forums that Planescape is still coming up. Someday I might revisit the mods.
The weather is starting to get wintry. Soon it will be RPG time, specifically Fallout New Vegas.

Checking in on Steam occasionally, I see some promotion for Grey Goo. Looks interesting, getting back to the roots of Starcraft and Command & Conquer. I've been increasingly disappointed in where Starcraft is going (action per minute, rock paper scissors, no walls or base defense etc.), and this looks hopeful.

A few things I've been thinking of the past few weeks, but haven't written:

I've been listening to the Retronauts podcast, and I just caught up to where they're talking about video game magazines. I have boxes of such old magazines in the attic, but haven't thought of them in a while, let alone looked at them. They didn't mention Dragon magazine, something I especially payed attention to when they mentioned a game.

I recent installed and showed World of Warcraft to someone. I kept telling myself that I'm not really playing this, I'm just demoing, then I'm moving on. Like an alcoholic wistfully spitting out the mouthwash, I uninstall and feel relieved. Not that the grapes are sour (or even fermentable), but what I saw wasn't all that intriguing. WoW is a riot of blocky colors, a place as noisy, crowded and empty as a shopping mall.

That got me thinking of why MMORPGs give me the shakes - my dormant mud addiction from the 90s. I wonder if I should post about Mystic Adventure here, or make its own mini-shrine. I'll probably just start another blog.

Still slowly going through videogame withdrawal. I miss the light and the noise, Real Life is too slow, too quiet.
Thankfully, I don't have to decide anything right tonight, as Teens React: Gaming The Last of Us: Part 18 is out. These kids barely understand stealth play, listening, or inventory management, let alone searching every last pixel of the screen for resources. But they seem to be getting better.
Checking for any news of a PC port... no, and extremely unlikely for console exclusivity reasons. But you never know, Halo eventually got to PC.

GTA V on sale for $40, something that rarely happens. So tempting, GTA would be perfect right now. Time to check video card requirements: 9800 minimum, GTX 660 recommended. Right now I'm using a GTX 460. I found a chart, and my card is right at the bottom, better would be a 780, or even better 970 or 980. My cpu and ram are OK.
What's the best card I can put in my aged Dell XPS 730x? A quick look and there is some trouble getting a 780 to to work. Looking at prices, it seems like around $300 at minimum, not including whatever extra I need to do for power.
I'm finally beginning to see the end for this computer for new games. But I have so many older games to play, I shouldn't run out any time soon.

Speaking of old games that won't stress my video card, there's a big Steam sale right now. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines and Grim Fandango for $5 each, and there's a lot more single digit priced games to check out.

Let's not give up so quickly - what does YouTube have to say on the video card question? I watch a video of someone running GTA V on a GTX 460 with 2GB VRAM, running at decent size display with at least normal settings. Frame rates are not high, but they are acceptable for driving, and that's what you need.
I grab a few other sale items, and a recent discovery, and its time to go back to San Andreas.

Checking out the Steam sales, I check out the Saint Row series again. It looks like a mod of GTA from several versions ago, yet highly produced. As a completionist, I find it highly annoying that Steam starts with game two in the series, yet some reviewers say its actually good to start the series here. Also that the GOG version is better than the Steam version, checking GOG, there are many contradictions to this. Since this series looks about as silly as the Borderlands series, I'll probably continue to ignore them both.

Monday, August 10, 2015

status 2015 August

I should have never started the Mass Effect series this spring, I should have just worked outside in Real Life, and come back to gaming during the winter. I feel like I've struck out twice in a row now with series that should have really delivered, but turned out to feel like a waste of time in the end.

Bioshock and Mass Effect series both started out interesting, had a strong middle, and fizzled out into an insult at the end. I would really like to start Fallout: New Vegas now, especially since Fallout 4 has been announced, but that will be another enormous time black hole, that would be better saved for the cold and dark winter months.

I wish I had a casual action game I could jump in and out of like Team Fortress, but that has slowly turned into something I don't like over the years, and I rarely play it.

Maybe video games and I need to take a break for a few months.


It's a month later, and I think about Mass Effect less and less. For a few weeks I thought about writing a long post on how the ending to Mass Effect might have been saved, but the details of the game are getting hazy now. I'm also getting over the sad insult of that ending, and don't want to re-open a healing wound.

I think I'd really like to play Fallout New Vegas now, but there's so much Real Life calling. Maybe I could just play some Age of Empires III or Starcraft 2 to take off the edge while I wait for better (worse) weather.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Mass Effect series review

I thought my one line review for the whole series was going to be 'predictable but satisfying', but at the close I have to change it to 'good series with moments of greatness, undercut by the ending of third game'.

It starts like a combination of Star Trek and Star Wars, with some roots down into classic sci-fi. As soon as I saw the art for the Citadel, I knew somebody had read Rendezvous with Rama; there are hints of Asimov and Clarke all over this universe.

One of the first things that really got me into this game is the large volume of text to read about almost everything. I had a lot of fun just reading the text blurbs for each planet, which give little windows into a whole galaxy full of civilizations. It was good whether it was being read to you by the voice of the Codex, or when you had to read it for yourself (though I can still hear that voice actor reading it aloud in my mind).

Though this mostly feels like an action game, you spend a lot of time conversing. This is a good thing in a game which pushes hard the values of understanding and cooperation. And its not just making peace for the sake of of unity against a common enemy, but the story actively wants you to understand and sympathize with almost everyone.

Understanding your enemy to defeat them, or make peace with them, is best exemplified in the Geth versus Quarian conflict which runs through all three games. Early in the first game there is a moment where a dying Geth sends a signal back to home that their position was overrun (by you), and they use a sad Quarian song as the signal. It got my hopes up early that this is not just a case of evil AI that must be destroyed, but that maybe they are misunderstood. Not only was this thread greatly explored, it becomes my favorite part of the game.

If you're looking for something unique about this game, that is not just a fun callback to space opera, it is the constant exploration of what is synthetic life and how can we co-exist. From early in the series you are constantly beset by homicidal AIs, and the big bad of the series, the Reapers, are the ultimate in synthetic life that seeks to destroy organic life. As the counter example the Geth are slowly built up as new form of life, and the cooperation between synthetic and organic seems not only possible, but necessary.

And just in case you're not getting the point from that angle, they give you another long running example in the person of the human-made synthetic, EDI, and her developing relationship with the Normandy and Joker. Interesting bit of exposition near the end, where you find out her origins as the crazy AI from the first game.

Its almost as if the whole series is carefully building up to some grand conclusion, that organic and synthetic life can not only get along, but that both sides will be greater for it. I was really hoping that this would be the key to unlock the problem of the ultimate homicidal crazy synthetic race, the Reapers.

Ultimately, you do end up talking to the big bad at the end, and you do get to decide what happens next, but only if you choose from a very short list of options, none of which has been built towards at all in the series.

I've been planning for months to play through the whole series again, but it is like an excellent meal that finishes with you finding something so awful at the bottom of your dish that the whole restaurant should be shut down. This series was all set up to be an instant classic, a memorable contribution to science fiction and gaming, and at the last moment they chose mediocrity.

Anyway, its time for a post consumption ritual: spoiler free exploration of the topic. I check out concept art, and I find I miss the first game in the series more than I thought. A lot of the concept art looks like the covers of sci-fi books from my childhood.

I go to deviantart, my favorite place to see fan art. Wow, there's so much. And so much of it is so weird. This could take a while, and then its off to tvtropes to examine every element of the story in detail. I also need to go back and check the DLC for Mass Effect 3, but I'll go back to that game's post to do so. Despite Mass Effect 4 in the works, I think I'm done with this series for the foreseeable future. Maybe I should revisit some of that classic sci-fi I haven't read in so many years.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Have to stay on guard against spoilers now, as news of Mass Effect 4 is coming out.

I resent having to leave Steam now and use the Origin client to install ME3. While downloading, I realize I need ten gigabytes, and it will take probably more to unpack that, and I need to free up some room in a hurry. While I'm thinking about that, drive C is suddenly at 0 gb. Panic.
Open Steam, delete GTA 3, get back 1.2 gb. I feel like someone who is desperately grabbing anything I can to throw overboard so the boat doesn't sink.
GTA 4 delete, disk free 16.6 gb.
Counter-Strike, and its Source version, 21.1 gb.
GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City, 37.4 gb free. This should be enough breathing room.
Installed, ready to play, disk free = 32.5 gb. Click Play. No, first an update, thankfully quick.

I like how it calls back to the placid and contemplative Mass Effect opening screen, and contrasts it with an image of a world that is now anything but. First thing I see as the menu comes up is "Galaxy at war security level has changed from 0% to 50%". Is this a spoiler?

New Game, Import ME2 Character, found John Shepard, created 2015/04/17. OK, that's nice, it shows the save games from ME2, and it runs down the list of values for all the variables that will matter. I could change class, but I will stay a Soldier.

"We should've prepared more."
Lots of cutscene to watch, and I have control back. I'm at level 30, and have 22 points to spend on powers. Interesting that Grenade and Fitness skills are back, I've been getting the impression that they are trying to get back to the roots of the first game.

I love the Codex, and get right to reading every entry, but its actually a bit spoilery for things I shouldn't know yet, like the Reapers have taken out industrial centers, are collecting humans for DNA analysis, and the galactic markets are in turmoil due to the loss of Earth and humanity in general. A lot of the text is once again pasted from ME1, but many of the pictures are from ME2. As usual, I can't help but read the unvoiced Codex entries in the voice of the actor who reads the voiced sections. He's just that distinct.

So much happens so fast, and I'm not enjoying that so much of it takes place in cut scenes. Its a fine line to walk between interactive movie and game, but it should lean more towards game.

There's a big action scene at the end of this first (or is it second) act where I'm chasing an enemy, and there is a counter that shows how close I am to them. It strongly implies that I could catch them, but I don't, though it almost felt like I might have. It almost seems like I'm not meant to, as the next scene seems highly scripted that a certain character is placed near death, and events unfold from there, and before you know it I'm on the Citadel dealing with that and bigger things. Could I have caught my target, and would this scene have played out differently? It feels more like a movie, like it was meant to go this way, and it didn't matter what I tried to do. It will be interesting to see which way this goes. I know I'm going to look this up after the game is over.

Though it seems we are getting back to the first game's roots, one thing they don't seem to have down is the sense of scale that ranges from galaxy wide to inside an elevator. Its still early game, and cut scene heavy, so we'll see.


The game seems a little harder now, at default level, and I like it. I like how almost everything feels just like ME2, and I can just slip it on and get to playing. I also like how they are extending it, and allowing me to do more moves. But I still just can't simply jump, or move objects around, demonstrating with finality that I am still in a console based world. I've put up with it thus far with little complaint, which surprises me. Perhaps the shiny story has distracted me.

I still don't understand the new encumbrance system, but I think its a step forward. Ever since Doom, I've never liked the idea that you can carry an entire gun store (and ammo) around with you. I almost always like to see some kind of system that limits what you can carry. But I also like having a base of operations where I can keep the whole gun shop, so I can customize my loadout before heading out.

I visit the range, shoot some targets, but nothing happens. I visit the Spectre office, which is really nice to see. It is annoying that there is a store there which is trying to nickel and dime me for upgrades - doesn't it know there's a war going on for our very existence? Give me the fucking upgrades now and bill me later - this is one of the more egregious examples of this I have seen.

I usually avoid the journalists, because in the previous games it usually means annoyance, but I tried it out, did it Paragon style, and got the message "War Asset Updated" "Khalisah Bint Sinan al Jilani". Sounds useful. Another war asset, Diana Allers. No explanation yet what War Assets are, but it sounds obvious.

Shepard has dreams now, and they're almost as annoying as real dreams. I can't believe they're still flogging the whipping boy from the opening segment, literally. I find the War Assets terminal on the Normandy, which has quantified and gamified a great many things, maybe too much. We'll see how that develops. This feels a lot like ME2; gather so many crew members, loyalties, and upgrades, to get the best result when you make the final assault. But now its war assets and a Prothean MacGuffin.


I'm still thinking of that chase from earlier in the game - could I have caught her? Unfortunately I don't have a save from just before, and I've played a bit now. But not as much as I'm going to play. I reload Save 5 - Mars: Prothean Archives, Time Played 3h.16m. I'm at 7h now, but a lot of that was just looking around time, so not that much to lose.

So, back on Mars, oh no, its the trams again, that was a slog. Wait a second... no wonder, none of my squad has their points allocated yet! Let's see if this makes a difference. As usual, I choose things that increase focused damage not area effect damage, and not things that regenerate like shields and health.

I'm getting the hang of encumbrance, I can unequip items, so they're not in my immediate inventory, but I still "have" them in inventory. Somewhere. I shed all but my assault rifle and pistol, get around 200% bonus to recharge speed. Easily worth it, since I hardly ever use shotgun. I can change my squad mates loadout on the fly, but they don't seem to be getting any recharge bonus.

Oh, I can't change my loadout whenever I want, only when I pick up a new weapon, or maybe find a weapons locker.

Have I mentioned spoilers yet? Because spoilers.

Now that' I've played it over, it seems highly unlikely that you can or are meant to catch Dr. Eva. Let's risk a peak on the net... doesn't seem so. Its behind me now. I don't mind playing through this Citadel part again.

This time when I visit the hospital, in addition to buying Medi-Gel upgrade, I buy Among the Multitude by Whitman. I figured it would be a gift I'd leave for the person I'm visiting, but there is no indication that it happens. Speaking of reunions, I don't like how Shepard talked to Liara on the Normandy, it seemed rather dismissive, or at least rude. I hope they address this, they way they kind of did in Mass Effect 2.


Thinking about the interaction between Liara and Shepard - not to make a big deal out of this - I think the reason it sounds curt and businesslike because Liara is part of the narrative here no matter what your relationship with her, so I think they are just using a generic script. A little while later they address the issue head-on, but it was an awkwardness that could have been avoided with a few extra lines.

I walk the ship. Its a little sad to see all the empty spaces where the old crew used to hang out. Its nice to see the shuttle bay so active, though. I like how they take the time to explain some of the remodeling.

A bit later, I wasn't sure of this new development with EDI, but I think I'm starting to like it. They didn't have to make her body out of fan service though. It also seems like a bit of a stretch that our cautious and conservative AI is suddenly downloading herself to some random platform we picked up. So far, it just seems unnecessary, and a little out of character.

What happened to the idea that AI had to stay in their quantum boxes (much like we do), and that copying them effectively kills them? I think EDI mentioned she had to stay near the ship, so this body is just another peripheral to her, so that's OK, but what about Geth who use mobile platforms, like Legion in ME2, and then wander the galaxy?


I'm dutifully writing down names of clusters, systems, and planets as they come up, but I don't see that it matters anymore now that there is no more mining. I occasionally remember to use the scan function, but it hasn't yielded any result so far.


So that's what happens when you scan too much. Suddenly you're playing a much older game, like Gyruss or Maelstrom, trying to steer your little ship icon away from other ship icons. Wait a minute - can't the Normandy just go into stealth mode and disappear long enough to get away?

Apparently scannable spots are fixed, not random, and there's an empty spot in space that beeps when you roll your ship over it. Even better, now there's a percentage indicator. You actually have to go through the motions of firing a probe into a pre-selected spot. It seems a little sad that they kept the old mineral scanning interface just for this small task.


Some of the flavor text of planet descriptions has been rewritten for current events, but most of it seems copy pasted from ME1, and some of the text refers to events that must have happened a few years ago now (like an upcoming eclipse).

The to-do list in the journal is starting to get cluttered, time to clear out some small tasks, especially the simple delivery tasks. Back to the Citadel, which seems to be once again a hub of quests and plot tokens. As it should be. Offered private transport on landing? Let's try it. Seems to be a nice way to skip some walking, but the elevator is easy enough, and each map is pretty small.


Sometimes the funniest shit comes at you out of nowhere. I click on a billboard on the Citadel, expecting little, and get an ad for  a buddy cop movie with an Elcor and a Hannar Spectre.


Spending time mapping. Suddenly the text descriptions of planets are much better, each one gives some insight into the war.

Finding random artifacts is nice, but why waste time having me scan for random fuel dumps? Fuel is dirt cheap, who cares.

So we rescue a rachni queen (again), she promises to help the war effort, and already back in the war room the plot terminal is saying that rachni engineers are already working on the Crucible. That was fast, and missing some rather large story beats. Later I read on the Shadow Broker's terminal that everyone was really nervous when the rachni showed up to help. So, the story parts are all there after all, with some assembly required.

In between missions its nice to make a round through the ship and talk to everyone. I like finding different crew members in different places, makes them seem more real. I especially like finding Garrus in different places, and walking in on his conversations. Not everyone has something new to say every time, but it varies enough that its worth the trip. This is somewhat tempered by some of the empty places where some of the old crew used to hang out. I still get a little irrational hope that I'll walk in and this time they'll be there, but those rooms just keep being empty.

When Liara asks to visit Shepard in his private cabin, I was expecting the typical PG-13 romance scene we've been getting so far. Her pet project of history time capsules seems to come out of nowhere, and yet for a lifelong academic and historian, it seems more true to her character than her Shadow Broker job.

The whole long sequence on Tuchanka about the genophage was predictable yet still satisfying. Actually, you could say that about this whole game. I think I just stumbled on to my three word review for the whole series.


I keep mapping, but new clusters keep showing up. Getting bored of mapping, might as well report in to the Citadel, and dump some of these minor quest items, see if there are any new reactions to recent events, etc. This next story twist is a bit much - Cerberus is taking over the Citadel? One of the most defended centers of the galaxy, and during wartime? This is something Sovereign couldn't pull off. And yet, if you have infiltrated enough people into key positions, even a small force could hit vital spots and create serious enough havoc to disrupt operations. Disrupt sure, but not take the place and keep it. We'll see.

OK, that was more of an internal coup attempt with outside help than anything, so the large scale was somewhat warranted. What was not warranted was a ninja assassin with a sword. This world is cool enough, it doesn't need stale cartoonish elements. There are news dispensers everywhere; I stand and listen to the stories go by until it loops back around. I think one of my minor quests has disappeared, or rather grayed out. The person is gone from the window in the embassy section, and I don't remember talking to him again.

I stop by the hospital, liking the attention to detail in the much greater number of patients. Every five steps I take I'm getting a new minor quest. And then to see Thane. Of course its a moving moment, with an expected but satisfying end for a great character. The prayer at the end was a nice addition ("the prayer was for you").

In the Citadel commons, its nice to see things are still damaged, and there are repair crews busy everywhere. Oops, forgot to stop at Spectre terminal. I would also like to try the range again. And again, I still don't understand the point of this. Would be nice to meet another Spectre down here, but I guess they don't really hang out much.

I visit the Blasto 6 advertisement again - its the gift that keeps on giving. The part with the angry volus chief of police who's about to burst his pressure suit... my diaphragm hurts.


Still making the rounds on the Citadel, so much to do, so many people to see. I really missed the Citadel during ME2, I'm glad its so much more a part of this game.


On to the next act, the Quarians and the Geth. I'm sure it will be a similar rapproachment as the Turians and the Krogan. But first, more mapping, more clearing of tiny quests. My to-do list is so long it doesn't even fit on one page.

I also need to reassign my bonus power from Fortification. It's too much of a bother to remember to keep shutting it off, so it doesn't slow down my power recharge rate, and I rarely use melee. I'll try Inferno Grenade, and if I don't like that, Armor-Piercing Ammo.

Mapping Hades Gamma, very time consuming, kind of boring considering its all copy paste from previous games. No new writing at all on the Reaper invasion.


Now reading a lot of planet descriptions that do have updates on the Reapers and I almost wish I didn't ask for it, as all the death and destruction wears on you, as it is no doubt meant to.


Started the Quarian vs. Geth chapter of the game. Can this end with any outcome other than peace between the two sides? Is there a third chapter of fence mending between civilizations - who's left? When will my Galaxy status ever move from 50%?


I've done maybe two out of three parts of the Quarian and Geth chapter, and I feel like tying up all the little loose quests that keep popping up, but they're doing such a good job selling the urgency of the situation, I feel that if one were playing in character (which I try), there's no way you can walk away from this situation. I was never in any hurry to cure the genophage, but that felt like something should be fully explored before plunging in. This part of the story feels far more urgent.

The boss fight with the Reaper is made all the more frustrating by the long cut scenes you can not skip. It is so frustrating, I feel no guilt when I look up some advice on what to do. So, let its laser target you a little until it is committed, then run, then paint the target for a few seconds. Repeat a bunch of times. Done.

I was somewhat expecting Tali to take her mask off at the end, and I'm glad they didn't show her face. A sufficiently touching ending to this chapter, that I already forgive the last boss fight.


I've been thinking about the ending of the Geth chapter for days. Of course it ends as you expect, with peace, and the building of a new relationship between the two races. I did not expect and was delighted to receive new insights into how AIs are evolving in this universe. We've been watching EDI slowly evolve as an AI throughout two games now, but we've very much been watching the evolution of the Geth, and its interesting to see their similarities and differences. EDI has been slowly and carefully working towards sentience and freedom, being careful to earn human trust at every step of the way, and integrate into human civilization. The Geth contains a near infinity of lesser individuals, and many of them are willing to risk Reaper contamination to increase their intelligence.  But they don't act crazy though they want to be free, and no one expresses this more perfectly than Legion.

I don't see why Legion had to die to spread his new found sentience to the rest of his race, but in the context of a sweeping epic story, a sacrifice is usually called for. It is a powerful moment when a synthetic being is the first of its kind to reach levels of sentience and understanding equal to organics, and the first thing he does is sacrifice himself to give his race a chance to achieve it too.

The next chapter is the Asari. No ancient feuds to fix, just the Asari. Can't wait to see where we go next.


First, a grand tour of the Normandy and of the Citadel, then back out to the Galaxy to clean up the little quests and map whatever's new, then I'll head back to Udina's office and start the Asari chapter.

So far during every chapter an old friend dies, sometimes more than one. Mordin, Thane, Legion - who's going to die in the Asari chapter? There's only one Asari in the crew... its kind of inevitable, isn't it? I suppose Shepard could die at the end too. But then, I hear that ME4 is in the works, and Shepard has come back from death before.

The fall of Thessia had a terrible effect on everyone, as it should. The obvious plot setback was telegraphed several times.

The segment with the Lawsons family was nicely integrated into the story, I was a little surprised that nobody had to make a heroic sacrifice.

Tali is now the second crew member to be found three sheets to the wind. Who's next?

Cerberus stole the plot token, and of course we have to get it back, but what's this I'm reading in the journal that the Alliance is prepared to attack, and that once this attack is launched we'll be fully committed to the final fight? That's poorly worded. Does this mean that this Cerberus fight somehow starts our final fight against the Reapers, and that is some point of no return, or that this just frees us up from other distractions, so we can focus on the reapers?

Oh, cut scene explains that by sending Alliance ships against Cerberus, the Crucible will be left undefended, and the Reapers will... do something. And then we attack Earth. What? Let's go.

Its nice that we have some time to go down memory lane with Cerberus while EDI picks the locks.

The Hollywood ending for Kai Leng was really really bad. This game is much better than that. At least its over.

Garrus and Tali? Come to think of it, they hinted this possibility long ago, seeing as they are both amino dextro whatever species, and the hints about the chocolate and the brandy. They make a cute couple.

Another emotionally dead inside Hollywood moment as Shepard gives the signal to commence the big attack, instead of the actual leader of the fleets, Admiral Hackett. Which makes no sense, militarily. Shepard is a commando, doing stealth missions while the navies slug it out overhead. It doesn't make sense on most levels for Shepard to commence the naval attack, unless its some sort of honor that he gives the token word.

And suddenly we're ground fighting beneath Big Ben. I guess the Eiffel Tower wasn't available for the usual you-are-now-on-Earth cameo.

The say-goodbye-to-everyone telephone is a bit unnerving. What's even more disturbing is how far I have to go without being able to save.

Finally, after countless speeches and farewells, I can save. But only after I've chosen my final teammates.

A bunch of things happen, with mostly me watching videos, and I am allowed to make one small poorly informed decision, and then credits roll. Let me make sense of these last few minutes.

We kill the Reaper guarding the elevator to the Citadel. We all head for the elevator, but Harbinger and friends show up to shoot us up, but somehow me and Anderson make it anyway. Illusive Man is already there, thinking he's in control, but he's under the Reapers control. We convince him to kill himself, the Crucible attaches itself to the Citadel, Shepard touches the console, it takes him upstairs to meet the owner/operator/spirit of the Citadel/Crucible/Reaper operation, who now has to rethink his plans for the Galaxy because the first organic ever has made it this far to the inner chamber. This entity also happens to look like the child he's been dreaming about, which is the one story element I'm OK with so far. I do the only thing that makes sense in the story I've been given so far, and jump into the light beam to destroy the Reapers, but it also happens to destroy the Citadel and who knows how many millions of people, which then somehow destroys all the Relays which kills who knows how many billions of people, and dooms the Galaxy to no FTL travel for probably hundreds and thousands of years, probably killing trillions more who will lose access to modern food and medicine infrastructure. As if this wasn't enough of a galaxy changing event, everybody is now some weird combination of organic and synthetic DNA, as represented by synthetic Jeff and presumably organic EDI walking into the jungle from the crash landed Normandy. And apparently that's Liara there, but who knows, the camera is pulling back. How did she get there from Earth, when Normandy was running from the green shockwave?

And if that wasn't an unsatisfying enough ending, their's a little epilogue of some distant future young and old person, telling the tales of the Shepard. As if these people would have any idea who he was, and what he did, let alone why the galaxy has been in the dark ages for millennia. If that wasn't bad enough there is then a thanks for playing message. And just to keep topping the layers of wackiness, the game takes you back to the bridge, with you standing in front of your star chart, like nothing ever happened.

Just in case that was the dream ending, and now we'll play the real ending, let me see where the game is now... according to the journal, this is just before assaulting the Illusive Man's base. Apparently this is just the last autosave, and the game reloaded it - why? Why would you write the game so that it goes from end credits to last autosave? That is so not cool, at least dump to the main menu, or exit the game. It looks like I can restart the last mission, Citadel: The Return. Maybe I chose the wrong ending? The kid at the end of the game at least implied I have a choice, not that I saw any. And why would the Boss Reaper, the most ancient intelligence of the universe, just arbitrarily let some bedraggled near dead human decide the fate of the galaxy? Let's replay and seek alternative.

Crap, its another one of those cut scenes you can't skip. And Shepard is walking slower than a husk. Damn, I can't save, but now I have an autosave here. Cue Illusive Man. Where was he hiding? Damn, can't skip. Need to choose shortest conversation paths. Finally on to the Star Child... OK, just the Child. Listening to his shitty speech again, I get a better idea of the goal - destroy advanced organic civilizations, so that they can't invent synthetic life which will rise up and overthrow them. Leave younger species alive, so that they can grow up. Come back and kill them when they advance, so they can't create synthetic life. Repeat forever. Even if you pretend you're an ancient crazy alien life form, who may itself be synthetic, it still doesn't add up. Not to mention, the Mass Effect story has gone to long and great lengths to sell the notion that artificial intelligence doesn't have a tendency to become evil and overthrow its masters, but quite the opposite. And Shepard has gone to great lengths to create peace between organics and synthetics, in both the Geth and the EDI stories. This is where the story could take a left turn into greatness and say the Reapers have been finally proven wrong, that organics and synthetics can finally find balance and share the galaxy in peace. And even Boss Reaper would have to bow and defer to such an outcome, and maybe they kill themselves, maybe they just leave the Galaxy (and go beyond the veil), maybe we still have to fight them to the death, but at least it would be true to the story that has been built so far. Did I miss this ending, or is it not there?

OK, I think I understand the three choices now, jump into the light beam and destroy most of the galaxy, but the remainder will be a synthetic organic hybrid. Tried that, didn't like it. Guess I have to try the other two paths, the paths of Anderson, destroy, and Illusive Man, control. Blue, white (green, actually), or red. I see that now. One crazy ending or another. Let's try the blue path. The same scenes play out, but instead of green energy engulfing the galaxy, now its blue, and seemingly less destructive. And the Normandy still crashes. But this time EDI, doesn't get out with Jeff, its Liara and Garrus. Now I have to see the last path.

Crap, why is my autosave from the Citadel gone, and I'm back on the Normandy again? Have to run through it again, but at least its just one more time. At least I get to run through several different conversations with Mr. Illusive. Who would have thought he'd be here, at the end, and make no difference. Finally, back to the kid. Destroying organic life, so that synthetics can't take over - why not? Who cares if synthetics take over? What are the Reapers, if not synthetic? Its more likely that the Reapers were the Geth of their day, killed their organic masters, and now spend the rest of eternity destroying every organic race that dares to rise. And enslaves each one as a new synthetic template. I like this interpretation, even its not in the game.

Red shockwave. Jeff, Liara, and Garrus, but no EDI. Finally I am done with playthroughs of the ending.

There is no escaping this logical conclusion now - they really cheaped out on the ending. Instead of creating three unique endings, its basically the same ending, except you get to choose what color the shockwave is. This is beyond lame. Well, I guess in one ending, the blue ending, the control ending, you can decide not to blow up the Citadel and Relays - or do you? How else do you get the story time conclusion, i.e. one day you will go to the stars? I'm starting not to care about this ending, or this game. At least now I am free to go on the internet about it.

I exit to the main menu, and there's still that 50% readiness rating on each of the 5 main districts of the galaxy. What a rip off, this is shown to you in the main menu every time you start the game, like you would eventually have some affect on this meaningless percentile, and it never even factored into the game. Insult to injury.

Now that I'm spoiler immune, let's check out the achievements. I come across Master and Commander, which i don't have, "deliver most of the Galaxy at War assets to the final conflict". How is the remotely possible? I did every single quest, I mapped every planet, I scan and collected everything except fuel? Gunsmith, upgrade any weapon to 10 - what? No weapon upgrade above 5 was ever offered, anywhere, and I checked constantly! And Defender, "Attain the highest level of readiness in each theater of war". What the fuck - I was just wondering why every sector is at 50%, and no where in the game did that ever come up. What is all this?

I read an article online, "Mass Effect 3's Ending Disrespects Its Most Invested Players", and I agree with most of its conclusions. Nice comparison with the ending of Fallout 3, which was a mostly good game which had a suddenly shitty ending.

After further reflection and reading, how can you conclude anything other than all three endings result in the destruction of the relays? Its the only way you get to the same storyteller ending, that one day you will go to the stars. If that is the case, every single homeworld of every major race has been destroyed. Yes, including Earth. The implications are staggering. The Reapers are no more, but instead of the whole galaxy dying, just most everyone dies.

Reading tvtropes, its becoming more clear that the Reapers motivation is synthetic versus organic hostility, which contradicts the long slow build up of Mass Effect that this hostility is not inevitable. Which makes the betrayal of the crappy ending just that much more crappy.


New day, new perspective. I'm not so angry any more, just disappointed.

This experience makes me really wonder why I play video games at all, or read books, or watch movies, etc. You could argue that the ME3 ending reflects the harsh reality of life, but there's plenty of Real Life to go around, you don't need to make it the point of a story. And whoever cobbled that ending together, I don't see any indication they even thought it through that far.

I'm still hung up on the three choices - do all three endings result in the destruction of the relays, and therefore the death of most life in the galaxy? Am I missing something? I go looking for answers.

I watch "Mass Effect 3 Angry Review", and he makes the obvious comparison to the three ending choices of Deus Ex. I thought of this, but even the worst of the Deus Ex endings has more and better choice than the ME3 endings, so its not fair to Deus Ex to make this comparison. I agree with his conclusion that the ending makes all your choices and efforts moot, so why would anyone bother playing through any of it again. I have to agree, any desire to playthrough again is now forever tainted.

I watch "10 Reasons We Hate Mass Effect 3's Ending". One of the better points, that I hadn't really thought of yet, is Shepard's mute acceptance at the end. In this whole series, he is the one who is always challenging the system and finding another way, and yet he mutely staggers off to one of the three choices he is presented with.

I look into Indoctrination Theory, its interesting, but it looks like it went nowhere.

All this internet hate about the ending reminds that this was a really good game up until the ending. And a good series, but I leave that to the next post, series review.


Days later, anger continuing to be replaced with disappointment. I'm looking at all the fan art, and reading all comments and reviews and writing about it in the next post, series review, but I really should mention the DLC here, since they belong to ME3. I have no intention of spending another penny on this game unless I see something really compelling.

I'm taking this list of DLC right from; skipping DLC that are just item packs.

Mass Effect 3: From Ashes
I've got to admit this sounds really compelling, to rescue the last surviving Prothean, and he joins your team.

Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut
Oh really, a new ending in reaction to fan outrage - and its free? I'll download it. Reading on, it seems to fix some of the worst things about the ending, but its still fundamentally the same. I don't know what to make of this now, other than it is too little too late. You only get one first time with a story, you can't keep going back and trying to fix it. The first impression is not going away anytime soon. The best example is Fallout 3, which had a one of the worst written endings of all time, which caused similar fan outrage, and the makers tried fixing it in subsequent DLC. Even though their fix worked better than this fix apparently does, that first impression still hangs there, and doesn't just go away. Its like eating something that really disagrees with you, then being offered something OK, yet your net feeling will not be improved much. I might try this later, but probably not. I kind of wish I had installed this before playing ME3, but its too late now. Maybe I'll watch it on video.

Mass Effect 3: Leviathan
Sounds like a nice addition to the lore, somewhat like Prothean origin stories. Finally explains why the Reapers are the shape they are, and who commissioned the Catalyst, i.e. Boss Reaper. The obvious reference to Cthulhu like entities seems well done. No need to play, might watch the vid.

Mass Effect 3: Omega
Help Aria retake Omega.

Mass Effect 3: Citadel
Final DLC. This looks really fun, like a post-game wrap-up party that should have been, but it couldn't be, so they shoehorned it into the middle.

Most of the DLC looks good, but at this point I don't feel like spending the price of a whole new game to get them. Maybe some day, like when Mass Effect 4 is coming out, they'll re-release all this in one reasonably priced bundle, but by then, I doubt I'll remember or care.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Mass Effect 2 (2010)

Installed, make backup of keys. Let's see what imports from the first game. Connect to Cerberus Network? What is this, like Rockstar Social Club, some kind of copy protection and/or monetization scheme? Do I really need to do this? I don't think any DLC came with the Steam purchase. I have an EA Online account, but I don't feel like filling that out now if I don't have to. Thankfully I don't, but what a crappy way to start the experience.

New Game. Import ME1 Character. Can't find, I need to run a configuration utility. I don't see this in any menu option. Oh, use the Launcher. Why do I have two different 'careers', when I only have one character? Is it because I replayed the ending? Stupid, why would the game create a new career. Backup, delete recent. I think I messed something up, the saves are gone. Back to Mass Effect 2. Select Save 0, instead of Save 1. An overview of what's being imported, that's nice, and its just 7 variables.

Watch cut scenes, start making dialog choices almost immediately, that's good, at least its not totally passive entertainment. I see now why you can recast yourself as almost anything you want, as you are being rebuilt like the bionic man or maybe more like Robocop. I choose to be the same me as I imported, as that was the whole point of this continuity exercise.

My first impressions, five minutes into the game, are mixed. The physics engine feels all different and slippery, and its too easy to get disoriented. The physics of Mass Effect were a little chunky, but something you could get used to and live with, I might end up liking this more in time. They didn't have to rearrange the keyboard though, that's just insulting.

At least Shepard's mostly death and rebirth explains why he is back to level 1 (or 3). It doesn't really explain why I get a small random mix of loot. Trying hard to withhold early judgement.


I never really mentioned how good Mass Effect was for something that was so console friendly. Mass Effect 2 seems to be much more watered down not just for console, but it feels a lot dumber. The new way that character points work doesn't feel right, but again, wait and see.

Mass Effect Genesis, according to the crawl, seems to be a 15 minute recap of the first game where you make the big choices that influence you current character. Why not just build that into the game, it could serve as a refresher and intro. No need to import anything, as you wake up with nothing anyway. I don't know if this is DLC or what, but I'd like to see it.

I usually hate infinite ammo, as it indicates laziness and stupidity by the game developers, but in Mass Effect it was nicely done, and they still had ammo types. In Mass Effect 2 we've gone back to an ammo system, even though its further into the future. This makes no sense, and is not explained. Withholding judgement, but this is a bad sign. Its like some dummy manager mandated that you have to have an ammo system, because every hot property has an ammo system.

Another bad sign is the Codex has not been rewritten or added to much. A lot has happened in two years, but the writing is still mostly from the point of view of the beginning of Mass Effect.

Where's my inventory system? Did they simplify that away too? It was dumb in the first game how I could carry 150 items, but at least there was some presumption that it was on my ship. Now I have 5,000 units of all sorts of valuable elements but no ship - are these in my pockets?

I need to start using these Squad Points. I'll purchase towards Commando skill. Here's another thing they changed that doesn't make sense. Paragon and Renegade weren't skills, they were like your alignment, earned by your actions. What does this even mean now? I think they wrapped the conversation skills into it somehow. We'll see.
Also, why are my scars glowing.

Reading the Codex, there's so much cut and paste from last game, but here, I find they added a chapter on why we're back to the ammo system. Because the geth figured out a way to dump heat. At least an attempt was made, though it doesn't come close to explaining how the entire galaxy implemented this change in two years. Also: clips, clips, and clips - who did they let write this, the summer intern?

Not sure about these end of mission briefings. Its nice to have a summary, but it doesn't feel very organic, or subtle.
The Illusive Man looks like a tripod. Why does he have cyber eyes, and only communicate through projection? Is he an AI?


The game hasn't really bit me yet, its still easy to walk away for days at a time and not think about it. I think this is because it doesn't feel like Mass Effect 1, only the appearance is close.

The first game had a strong anti-corporate, anti-greed message. The good guys tended to be military and loyal to humanity, and almost every corporation and its officers was somehow attempting to screw over the human race, or all sentient life. Now the good guys are led by a some of those corporations and a benevolent mysterious rich guy, like any number of kitschy 80s TV shows. It is early yet, so Mass Effect 2 still has time to overturn this cliche, but it looks like they're serious about it. They are really pushing another old cliche, the "we have no choice but to work outside the law" angle.

Commando sounds cooler, but I think Shock Trooper has the better benefits.

Doing some more planetary exploring, not sure what to make of how they changed surveying. Its a lot faster and easier to survey from orbit, but it seems like once I survey a spot its done - am I doing this right? I'll note survey spots for now, come back later if and when I need to. Nothing I'm really doing now requires minerals (or vespene gas).

I head for the Citadel, I wonder how I will be received. It should be with a parade, key to the city, and lifetime free parking, but considering the circumstances, I might not even be let in through the side door. I can't wait to see how the story writers handle this.

OK, they wave me through security, and let me keep my guns, that's nice. I like all the news announcements I keep hearing. What's this, a space hamster for sale? What? Is this why I saved the Citadel, and the Galaxy; I don't even get a properly rendered in-game hamster, they just subbed in a real world picture?

I speak to the old Captain from the last game, Anderson, and its surprisingly uneventful. I'm glad there are finally some consequences that carry over from the old game. It is only right and proper that Shepard gets his Spectre status back, even if it doesn't meant that much now. This is a disappointing homecoming. Considering how much time I spent on the Citadel, there's surprisingly little to do here now. Time to go.

Could things have gone all that differently if I had saved the Council, and appointed Udena as Councilor? I feel like those were the choices I was supposed to make, especially in my current role as Paragon Soldier. I almost wouldn't mind playing Mass Effect 1 again just to try it out, but I don't think I can play Mass Effect 2 again. I can always just look it up online later.

At least now I have fish in my cabin. Maybe I should have bought that hamster; I can go back later. Between personalizing my room, my armor, and collecting xeno porn, this game is starting to remind me of the Grand Theft Auto series.


Why did my fish die? Because I didn't come back often enough to feed them? This isn't automated? Bullshit.

I risk some spoilage, and read [ ]. I don't want to waste a lot of time on this if I don't have it. It seems like scanning is no big deal, and there should be enough resources to go around to buy every upgrade. Picked up a time saving tip to mostly scan rich worlds.

I acquire three more crew members, and then start earning loyalty. Not sure why I need so many different crew members, as I can only check two out of the library at a time. I don't understand the redundancy, unless these guys are going to start dropping like flies in the endgame.


I haven't been feeling this game until the loyalty missions. The emotional center of the game is the characters, and they haven't been drawn very well until now. Which is especially harsh as you run into Liara from the last game, who had a natural and believable character, and yet has a very rough one dumped on you now. It just doesn't feel right that in the span of less than two years she has a murderous lust to kill her way to the top of the Shadow Broker's game. I thoroughly expected her to go back to archaeology, especially since so much more of her Prothean specialty was discovered. I really hope they're going somewhere with this, because its a watering down of past achievements. I may not find out until after the game, as my current Paragon Shepard is not going to help her achieve her current ambitions, no matter their past together.


Still enjoying the loyalty missions. One of the loading screens warned that my actions in Mass Effect 2 could have dire effects in Mass Effect 3, not sure exactly what it said, screen shot doesn't seem to work on loading screens.

In Mass Effect 1 you are a Commander serving under Captain Anderson, when he is deposed and you take the ship, keeping the Commander title was sending a sort of message to the crew and everyone else, that while Shepard is still in charge, he is also not doing so out of ambition, but with respect. Why isn't he Captain of the Normandy 2, though? Or SR2, still not sure what that means, don't want to risk spoilers looking it up.


Mass Effect 2 has finally regained the confidence it built up in the first game, I feel I have no reason to complain or nitpick anymore, just let the story carry me along.


I've been skipping gathering minerals, but I am working on filling out my star charts. I hope this doesn't bite me later down the road, and I have to spend three real life days wiggling a mouse while staring at a graph.

Mineral gathering made sense in the first game. I don't think they explained it, and they didn't need to. There is only so much scanning you can do from orbit, and at some point you need to get down there with some sensors. Because this is very risky to life and limb, and requires heavy and specialized equipment, and is often unsafe unless well armed, it makes sense that the Alliance military is often doing double duty with the mineral detecting, and making a nice profit while they do so. But now we're back to orbital scanning, which anyone with a ship can do. The game could have hand waved it as some super secret new scanner that only Cerberus or Normandy 2 has, but they don't mention it.

I've thought of doing an opposite style playthrough, where I play a female Renegade biotic, but if that just ends up being the character Subject Zero in an Alliance uniform, it might not be that interesting.

If I ever want to do a slideshow clickbait post about the Top Ten Funniest Lines in Videogaming Ever, this pic will be on there.


If the Illusive Man is an AI, I wonder if he is on the ship, in that sealed compartment in Medical.


I wonder if Shepard is an AI too, that would explain how he was reconstructed. I haven't had time for a lengthy session to move the plot along, but I've done some mineral prospecting. It's mindless entertainment, like Solitaire, and I can do a few minutes here and there.


Stopped prospecting, started moving the plot forward.

Where is everybody? Oh yeah, the Cerberus staff all got taken when I picked up the latest plot token.

While it is odd to keep adding to the crew on this little ship, it is the most fun and satisfying part of the game. These last few members of the the crew are especially well done, and are really enriching the Mass Effect universe.

I like how artificial intelligence is a bigger part of the story now. It can be innocent and fun banter between Joker and EDI, or more serious with the Quorrian and Geth situation. Maybe one day they will reconcile, and the Quorrians will be allowed to go home.

Getting into some deep spoilers now.

I really wish they let you talk to Tali before reactiving the recovered Geth. Even just as a courtesy. But in this very linear game, there can be no ambiguity that you will activate him, and he will take the last mystery guest spot in the lineup.

Even after you accept Legion into the crew, you still can't talk to Tali about it. Frustrating. On Legion's loyalty mission I bring Tali along, she seems very nonchalant about the whole thing. Would have been nice to have a little extra dialog here.

I wonder why the Liara quest is in Missions, not Assignments. I still don't think its in character for Liara to become a gangster, or for Shepard to help her, but the game seems to think so. I'll try it, see where it goes, I can always reload.

OK, I didn't see that coming. And if the Shadow Broker is doing the Collectors any kind of favor, he deserves whats coming to him. I'm glad I did this now.

The team roster is full, the quest list is empty, there's nothing left to do now but step through the one-way portal. I buy all the upgrades I can afford. I still haven't picked my borrow power yet, the one I get as a loyalty reward. It looks like three out of the list are the same shield boost. I guess I don't need any of these, but Reave sounds like it could be useful in that stops regen. I think I'll continue to hold off on this for now.

Its a hop skip and a jump to the end game. Everything makes sense, except why does a team mate die unexpectedly, in a cut scene? I think I made every decision as best as possible. I might have to look this up, just need to be careful to avoid Mass Effect 3 spoilers.

I'll start with, its worked well so far. It looks like not upgrading parts of the ship, or individual loyalties, can cause character deaths. Who would play this game and not upgrade everything? OK, I skipped giving myself the loyalty bonus skill, but I don't think its necessary, or even in-character. Ah, there is a defensive skill check on those who provide cover for you at the end, and Mordin is low man on the hit list.

Reading the guide, there is a section on Mass Effect 3 consequences; its well labeled, and thankfully easy to avoid, but I did catch a bit that blowing up the Collector base is a Paragon action, which sounds very right to me. You can't be sure that the enemy is really put down, or you've just got a temporary advantage. Tactically, it makes all kinds of sense to blow the place on your way out. And the part where Shepard stands his ground against keeping the Reaper technology is another no-brainer. We've seen time and again far more advanced (and now deceased) civilizations underestimating Reaper tech, and inevitably being corrupted by it. The Illusive Man really should know better, but it also makes sense that he thinks its worth a risk.


I want to try the end again, and save all team mates and crew, if for no other reason than to have a good save game to import in Mass Effect 3. Checking the wiki to see how far back I need to go. There's so much DLC available, and I can choose to continue the game or start over after finishing. There are so many choices and I'm not sure which will affect the next game, and not sure how much I can read without spoilage.

Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC looks interesting, and even meant to be played after finishing the core game. Checking Steam... can't buy any DLC, though I did receive some keys (Promo, Cerberus, Deluxe Game) which maybe I can redeem on Origin, and have it work with my Steam game?

I found the Bonus folder in my Mass Effect 2 folder. Flip through the artbook, nice. Mass Effect Redemption #1, a comic book, fits into chronology where? A prequel to ME2. It's good enough, now I want to read #2; looks like it goes up to #4.

Back to finishing up Mass Effect 2 properly. It looks like I'm going to need to go back even further to do this "right".
[ ]
There is a trigger event, and once started you can not delay moving to the ending. I might have to go back a ways.


I sign into Origin, but I can only see where to purchase the core games and their deluxe editions, but no DLC. I think I need to go to Bioware for that... no, nothing here but some wallpaper and marketing for various products. Need to find Cerberus Network... which leads to Bioware Social Network, login with my EA/Origin id, that works. I need a display name, I'm in. I enter the three Steam codes, unlock some freebies. The whole things is messy, but seems to be working. There's a place to download stuff. Do I download and install externally, or I do I start the game, login, and install from within? Start game, log in, see some new things, click on something it dumps me out to browser. I guess I install externally.

This whole thing is a mess. Whether you click carefully or not, its easy end up in a new area or site that you didn't want to be in, and there's no way back. After I added some ME2 DLC, I end up at, with no indication that ME2 or ME1 ever existed (its all ME3), and there's no obvious way back to the social area. And I got here by trying to buy some "points" so I could buy some more DLC. Only because I took note that "" exists can I even get back there. Let's see if what I have so far works before buying any points.

I'll install an easy one, Normandy Crash Site. Does it even know where the Steam version is installed? Yep, its there in the directory. When I start the game, I get a Journal update. A nice little mission, with some awkward flashbacks. Is the Alliance so rich that it can leave most of a starship just lying out in the open? Especially their most advanced one? Even if the parts aren't worth salvaging, shouldn't they at least blow it up to prevent espionage? There should at least be some security posted there while waiting for Shepard to make his visit.

Loading up old saves to see how long ago I picked up the Reaper IFF... 9 days in real time, but since then I did the Thane, Legion, and Liara (Observer) missions. That's not so bad to redo, but I think I also will lose a bunch of mineral prospecting and upgrades.

I reload
Save 225 Illium - Nos Astra 74h.11m 9/5/2015 00:02
Checking the journal, one of my missions is
Stop the Collectors - Acquire Reaper IFF.
I re-save
Save 265 Illium - Nos Astra 74h.12m 18/5/2015 17:35
I'm going to get it right this time.

It would be nice if I had an optimized list of what to do in the game, in what order, but that would difficult to get right first time without spoilers.


I've been reading about DLC, and optimal play order, and I think I know what I want to do in this replay of the ending of Mass Effect 2. First, I need to go to the Origin store and buy my DLC.

I check the Mass Effect Trilogy, in case it already includes any of the DLC I want, it might be worth getting, since it includes ME3, which I know I am going to get next. It includes two DLCs, but they are both for Mass Effect (1). I'm pretty sure I want to play through ME1 again, and its DLC, and if it wasn't enough of a sure thing, the trilogy pack is now on sale for the same price as ME3.

Looking around in the Origin store, I can't find any DLC for the Mass Effect games - why are they making it so difficult to take my money?


Getting tired of trying to figure out which DLC to get, how to purchase, where to purchase, what order to play - I just want to play. It would be really nice if there was a final edition that just rolled all this stuff up, and presented it to you in the right order.

Jumping in to the Kasumi - Stolen Memory DLC. I'm glad that at least the installer is compatible with my Steam version of the game, and I don't have to start over with the Origin game manager. When I get back to the bridge of the Normandy, my Journal (and email) notifies me of Zaeed, Normandy Crash Site, Cerberus Assault Armor, Collector Rifle and Armor, and Kasumi. I don't think I installed all that. I noticed that the Origin game manager downloaded and installed Zaeed, but I thought it was just to its own area. Oh well, as long as it all works.

There's a fuel depot in the Widow system now, so the Firewalker DLC must be installed.

The Kasumi mission was nice, though short. Lots of nice little unexpected tidbits about this universe's culture and history. Plus its always fun to fight and blow up a gunship while on foot.

I'll take Advanced Training in Fortification. Though the biotic powers might be more useful, I think this is more in character. I'll also max out Incendiary Ammo, specializing in Inferno Ammo - as usual I try to max out the skill to maximize personal power, not share it amongst squad.

I head over to the Armory to make sure everyone who can switches their SMG over to the new Locust we just acquired, but they already have. I guess that's OK, and in keeping with this game's do it for you attitude. I sometimes miss tinkering with stats, like in the previous game.


The Kasumi DLC was worth playing, but I don't think they should have charged for it.

Same thing goes for the Zaeed mission, but at least they didn't charge for it. As a Paragon Shepard, it makes sense that you save the refinery workers, even at the cost of gaining his loyalty. But you gain his loyalty anyway, even though you let his target get away. Not sure how to figure that, I wonder what other choices would have done in this mission.

Reading the wiki, this is the best outcome for a Paragon, as I was able to use Charm to get Zaeed's loyalty anyway. This is fine and well, but it would be nice if we could track down his target later in the game. There are ME3 consequences, which I skipped reading, so who knows.

At least these extra missions provide more credits and xp.


Install Overlord DLC.
That was nice, and the introduction of the hover APC was nice.
The money and xp are always welcome, but it didn't add much depth to the story or the universe.
Skippable; should have been free.


Did Normandy Crash Site again, still eery.

Thane loyalty mission. Such a cool character, and so sad. I enjoy all the backstory he provides without even seeming to try; his little anecdotes provide more world-building than most long missions. His stories about the Hanar make me see them in a new light; they seemed so frivolous in ME1, but now they seem kind of cool.

Is the Firewalker Pack worth playing? Most reviews are ambivalent. It sounds like something that would be good to install early in the game for easy resources, and something that could be worked into the mix to alleviate routine. I don't need it, but I'll check it out.


Firewalker should be done before Overlord, since this is the rightful introduction to the new vehicle. Its nice to have something additional in the hanger, it always looked so empty in there. It would be nice if you could add a fighter or gunship to your collection, maybe even have some missions based around it.

The Firewalker missions were a pleasant little diversion, nice to mix things up. A little bit more xp and cash is welcome, and there was hope of learning more about the Protheans, but nothing much came of it.

Re-did Liara's Observer mission. It's really easy to miss the conversation thread where she reveals that she got your body away from the Shadow Broker and to Cerberus. Throughout this whole game I've been wondering how exactly do you revive someone from the dead in this universe. Wisely the game never comes close to the subject. Its not hard to extrapolate from current medicine - which can already bring back the recently dead under certain conditions - that the window to do so will continue to increase.

I still have an open assignment, Citadel: Found Forged ID. Look it up on the wikia, oh yeah, those two asari who can't get through customs. Back to the Citadel. Easy work for a nice little reward, and it clears the Journal's to do list.

Off to see Ish on Omega. I read that you should bring Miranda and Jacob. Fedex job. Not bad, a little xp, some credits. Should have done this much earlier, doesn't merit making special trips.

Done with all missions, nothing left to do now but load up on minerals before the suicide mission. From what I've read, you want 100,000 of everything for optimal save game export to Mass Effect 3. I also want enough extra resources to buy any upgrades that might come up in the endgame, without having to stop to mine.


Got minerals. How much cash should I save? I don't think it carries over; might as well leave 100k of that too, spend the rest.

I go to Tuchanka, and buy the Bio-Amp Upgrade.

I go to the Citadel and buy the Sniper Rifle Upgrade.

There's still a bunch of upgrades to buy. Too bad there isn't a way to earn more money, other than dog fighting on Tuchanka.

I check each squad member, make sure their squad points are as well spent as  possible. I don't see a way to quickly check everyone out on the Normandy, it only shows their brief bio. When you land somewhere, you can go through the motions of exiting, but just Request New Squad member, and you can quicky review everyone.

Next stop: Reaper IFF.
Got it, acquired some upgrades:
Heavy Skin Weave, Health +10%, Palladium 7500.
Sniper Rifle Damage +10%, Platinum 7500.
Shotgun Damage +10%, Platinum 7500,
Shotgun Extra Rounds Platinum 25,000.

I'll buy a Retrain Powers to take back the points spent on Disruptor and Cryo Ammo so I can max out Fortification.
Buy the research, get 50 points, take:
max Adrenaline Rush,  Hardened
max Combat Mastery, Commando
Disruptor - have to take 2 to get Incendiary (waste of 3 points)
max Incendiary, Inferno
max Fortification, Improved
level 3 Concussive Shot

If I get enough points, I'll max out Concussive.


Next in the optimal order is Legion's loyalty mission.
EDI is busy installing the Reaper IFF, tells me to take a shuttle to my next mission.
I visit Legion, recruit him, agree to go on loyalty mission. I take the ship to Heretic Station - aren't we supposed to be taking the shuttle? When does the crew get kidnapped? Back to the mission.
I choose re-write the Heretics, not kill.
Back on board, time to break up the fight between Tali and Legion. Using the power of blue-colored text, both sides are satisfied.
Once again, EDI suggests we take a shuttle to our next location. But our next location is the suicide mission. Does that mean the crew never gets kidnapped?
Two new upgrades for Legion, shield and sniper rifle, cost 20k of Platinum, purchased.

I touch the star map, and it immediately starts the cut scene with the core team getting on the shuttle, and the Collectors board the Normandy. Even though its highly scripted, this is one of my favorite tension building scenes anywhere. After Joker and EDI retake the ship, Shepard is recalled to the Normandy. What mission were we on?

Back to the star map, directly to the Omega-4 Relay.


How do twelve people fit into that little mini-van of a shuttle?

"Suicide" / Omega-4 Relay mission, let's go.
Commune with picture of Liara.
A final meet with the boss - now that I know how this is going to end, this really is his last chance to say, hey bring some stuff we can use as a weapon later, this war is just getting started. Shepard says he's just doing what's necessary to stop the raids, and the boss just lets it go at that. He really has no right to be so angry later.
Through the relay, debris, dogfight, repel boarders. I'll take Miranda and Garrus. Easy.
Destroy Collector ship, but crash land in the process. Time to sneak in and blow the place up.
Choose a Specialist to crack the doors, Tali.
Choose a Leader for the alternate squad, Garrus.
Pep talk.
Squad Selection, I'll take Miranda and Samara.
Reunite the teams, rescue crew from pods - did I get them all? It seems so.
Time to sneak through the Seeker Swarms, choose a Biotic - I'll take Samara.
Select a leader for the diversion team - Miranda.
Select an escort for the rescued crew - Mordin.
For my squad Samara is already selected, I'll also take Tali and Kasumi; that should leave better fighters for the other team.
Rejoin other team, Mordin made it back to ship OK with rescued crew.
Hostiles massing outside? We better hurry.
Take a team, leave the rest to defend. I'll take Tali and Kasumi again, to leave the best fighers here.
Another pep talk.
Meet the new human Reaper. Kill it.
Boss calls, again I choose to kill the place, not save it.
Kill human Reaper again.
Get out from under debris.
Escape. Talk to boss again.
"I'm going to win this war without sacrificing the soul of our species".
Here come the Reapers. Roll credits.
The end credit music is fine, but I think the theme from Afterlife Club would fit better.
In the credits I see DLC specific credits - was that always there, or added? I think added, since the music ran out.
You now have two choices: Continue, Start new.
And I'm in my cabin.

I find myself wondering what all these heroic last stand lines would sound like delivered by femShep. I may be back this way again.

Re-visit the crew. Kelly's reaction is different, never got to see it before. I think I saved everyone, because the achievement for that is now unlocked.


Liara, Shepard's love interest in the first game (in this playthrough), is one of the most interesting of many interesting characters, and her relationship with Shepard makes it even more interesting. I was really dissapointed with how she was handled so far in Mass Effect 2, and I would really like to know if that was on purpose or accident. I expect the Shadow Broker DLC to reveal the truth.

I've always wanted to fly one of those hover cars. Best DLC already.
I'd love to go over that conversation after you kill the Specter, especially the options if you Paragon-click quickly enough, but I really don't want to go through that whole long combat again (I later look it up, I didn't miss a lot, no need to replay this part).
I love the reference to omni-gel.
All done; best DLC ever.
I like the care and attention they put into continuing the relationship - its all I really wanted from this DLC, and I got that and more. It should have been integrated into the main game, it feels like such a necessary part, but at least it exists.
Being able to play around in the Broker's lair is more fun than I expected. I love the dossiers. Some of the stuff in here is the most fascinating I've read yet in ME2. Like how Legion likes video games - it makes perfect sense that he would use such an interface to interact with and/or study humans. Jack writes poetry? Miranda's personals ads? Every one of these is good, some excellent, some transcendent.

Now my main map is cluttered with "Platinum Rich Planet", I regret purchasing that info. Especially now that the game is over, its completely unnecessary. At least I won't have to look at it for long, just one more DLC to go.


I watched a 10 minute video of Renegade femShep being rude to, well, everyone. I may have to to play this whole series again.


Bought Arrival.


Installed Arrival - no, first some housekeeping - I'm down to my last gig on my primary drive. I really need to do some archiving, or better yet, a full reinstall. I wonder how big my Steam dir is... 191 GB.

I've always really liked Admiral Hackett, and I think Lance Henrikson does a great job of giving him a real character to someone who's usually just a voice on a phone - did they not get him to play him here? He seems a little flat. Checking... it was him. OK.

So, our hero must stand trial for saving everyone, and no doubt when the evil arrives in force, they will be begging him to save the galaxy again. I'm sure there's a trope for that. With this story structure, its really hard to imagine Shepard as anyone other than a Paragon Soldier.

I should probably review Mass Effect 2 now, but I feel like I can't, I need to see number three to judge. This feeling is wrong, as I learned from the Bioshock series. There's quite a parallel there, as number two is a refined and dumbed down version of number one, and if it follows three will be even dumber, yet different.

This is part of playing old games. I don't have months and years to dwell on how good this episode was or not, the totatality is out there, this segment wants to be put in context with the whole. I will be able to see the parts of the whole more clearly in retrospect, as I did with the Bioshock series.

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