Saturday, December 31, 2011

Left 4 Dead : getting to know you

OK, so its a littler deeper than nothing, and I'm starting to appreciate its sense of style. I'm really impressed at how they dressed up a bunch of bots in the single player game. I remember the bots in Quake and they were disturbing; they kept repeating the same phrases and they ran and gunned like T1000s on crack.

The graffiti on the walls, like Portal from the previous year, lets the story drip out in a more organic way. I like the little comments the four characters let drop sometimes; I wish they used it more often. I also like how its told from the perspective of common people, who have no idea what's going on with the military, or other cities, let alone the world. Its the right amount of story to hold things together and not interfere with the non-stop action.

I like the zombies a lot. They are just human enough to creep you out, and inhuman enough that you don't feel bad wiping them out. Its unfortunate they are all the same gray color, but at least they have varied forms of dress and voice. Unlike old fashioned shuffling zombies, these engage in humanistic behaviors, which makes it so much more disturbing when you open fire on them.

I also like how they use the modern secular interpretation of zombies, in that they are infected, not undead. Things are a bit more ambiguous with the witch, but I'm guessing the supernatural music is mostly to cue the player, not an explanation of origin. The specialist undead are mostly silly, but without them it wouldn't be much of a game.

Some things that take you out of the game are the waves of grunts who appear like clockwork every couple of minutes. I like the idea that certain sounds attract them, like car alarms and the beeper on pipe bombs, but your constant gunshots don't.

As much as I would like to meet a few more civilians, I guess it would detract from the 'us four against the world' vibe.

After I finish single player on normal, maybe I'll try a higher difficulty, now or later. I think this game may be in my rotation for a while as something easy to pick up and put down on when I want this kind of play.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Left 4 Dead : initial impression

This game takes me out of my comfort zone, and I suppose that's a good thing. I like a game with a deep story; it's too early to say since I just started playing, but apparently L4D is just a string of cliches. I'm OK with that, for a straight action game. Smash TV didn't have any story deeper than The Running Man, and that was good. The zombie genre still hasn't gotten old.

I like to be able to save my game whenever, so I can never lose. I might have to go back, I might have to even go back so I can choose another fork of the road, but at least I don't have to start over from scratch. In Left 4 Dead, there doesn't seem to be any continuity between sessions, only how many safe rooms you can get to in any one instance of the game. Because there is no save, there is no sense of me in the game.

The game actively punishes too much thinking or planning. You've got to keep moving, or you'll run out of resources and die. You can't stalk the enemy and pick them off from afar (much), stealth is of little use, most traps and problems can't be avoided; full steam ahead.

When I got to the weapons stash, I instinctively reached for the sniper rifle, but before I picked it up I knew it would be mostly useless here. I took the AR-15. Normally I would prefer to pick off enemies at range, to soften up a position before assault, but this game, in Grand Theft Auto style, every time you look away from a spot new zombies spawn. Again, staying in place is discouraged.

I appreciate being out of my usual zone, because it shows me exactly where my zone is. I like long slow thinking planning story games; this is what the opposite feels like. And I'm glad I only had to pay $5 to find out.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

game list

Where to now? What am I doing? I found value in writing a to-do list recently, so I'll make a master to-do list, and make it a fixed page here. I don't really want to have to go through a list like its some sort of chore to play all these games, but it can help guide me, and make sure I'm not missing anything.

While assembling the list, I went to MobyGames and listed Windows games by MobyRank, only to find Cave Story beating out all the Half-Life games, all the Grand Theft Auto games, everything. I read about the game, supposedly an indy side-scroller that's special, so I tried it. Maybe its special, but nothing about its physics or culture seems like something I can relate to. In any case, its a twitch game, and not something I can really play. I read the wiki page, and its surprisingly complex.

I also read this game inspired Braid, which I tried briefly, and found visually and musically impressive. Unfortunately I saw some spoilers, but that story seems really compelling. If I have to try and play a twitch game, I'd rather try that.

I want something to play now. Something with loud action, easy to get into, and known good. Left 4 Dead is on sale for $4.99, that should work. Having some trouble setting up graphics, kind of spoiled by auto-config. Everything feels slow and chunky, hopefully I get used to it. Finally figured out how to get 1920x1200, screen is blank.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

System Shock : finish playthrough


Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 47 - Breaking through I.C.E. Defenses
Watched it again, kind of forgot what's going on. The player jettisoned the groves that were incubating a virus to zombify mankind. Then he took out some transmission nodes to prevent Shodan from uploading itself to Earth.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 48 - One Man Rescue Team
720p is working again.
These repulsorlift puzzles feel a lot like Portal.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 49 - Secret Areas
Oh yeah, destroying the reactor, that's what we're doing.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 50 - Citadel Station Reactor Overload

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 51 - The last Escape

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 52 - Think Different

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 53 - Security?

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 54 - Masterminds

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 55 - Charged!

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 56 - The Fall of Edward Diego

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 57 - Force Door One

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 58 - Force Door Two

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 59 - Force Door Three

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Final Part 60 - System Shock
Somewhat anti-climactic, but how else could it end.

System Shock - A last letter from the Hacker
The epilogue is in paper format? Was this included in the box?
Oh, its from the "the official System Shock I.C.E. Breaker Hintbook".

Overall the playthrough was a positive experience. I think I've gotten as much of the System Shock experience as I could without the frustration of having to relearn long discarded technologies and skills. I can see why this game has so much lore around it; it innovated much of what was to follow in FPS storytelling.

I used to wish somehow this game could be ported forward to current graphics and UI, so I could play it, but I see now that wouldn't work. Even if you re-did the voice work and music, the gameplay itself is still obsolete. Despite the many inventions, gaming hasn't been sitting still for 15 years; there have been many advances in storytelling, some of the best of which were clearly inspired from System Shock.

I'm looking forward to System Shock 2. I hope I can play it, instead of having to playthrough again, but I will experience it either way.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

System Shock : more playthrough


Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 16 - Laser Security Offline
So tedious. Why am I doing this again?

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 17 - Stay here you insect

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 18 - Laser Destruction

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 19 - The Maintenance Deck

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 20 - Invisible


Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 21 - Skulls

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 22 - Hacker vs Robot
The kitchen sink effect keeps getting worse; more UI (compass), more enemies (mutant animals). I don't think there was ever a more ambitious game.

(days later)
Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 23 - Anti Gravity
The technologies keep piling up: now anti-gravity, in addition to shields, laser/phaser type hand weapons, orbit-to-surface beam weapons, artifical intelligence, wetware (human-computer interface like Neuromancer), and not to forget full body regeneration, if not outright reincarnation (who drags your carcass to the regen station anyway?). Then there's the tech that the AI develops, like brainwashing and mutating humans, keeping them alive, and enslaving them.
The intro says the year is 2072; the intro also clearly has flying cars on a Bladerunner looking planet. This world has better tech than Star Trek and Babylon 5, just a few decades from now. Even accounting for some acceleration in tech, this is still a fucking mess. I'm only a third of the way through the game, who knows what's around the next corner.
The story could be fixed. They could have written it so that the creation of the AI itself is what causes the rest of the high-tech advances, in some singularity type runaway evolution. This could also be used to explain the craziness of the AI, instead of the thin 'AI's become genocidal when you take the safeties off' story. And at the end, blowing up the station could push the reset button, so that all the super-advanced new tech goes away with Shodan, and the protagonist makes off with a few trinkets, at best, and you can go into your sequel with a mostly clean slate.

Back to video... universal antidote, OK, that fits into all this tech.
But microwave ovens? What, there's no replicator?

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 24 - Try and Error
There seems to be no penalty for dying in this game.
Booster? So you can run faster than normally possible? Now this game has augs, like Deus Ex 3. What, no nano?

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 25 - She doesn't give up

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 26 - Access Denied?
Music sounds a lot like Deus Ex.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 27 - Armed Rioters
Now the music sounds like Hexen.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 28 - I.C.E. Defenses

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 29 - Deck 6 Alpha Groove

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 30 - Deck 6 Delta Groove

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 31 - I quit

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 32 - Shopping Mall

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 33 - Open Office

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 34 - Seven Eleven
These levels and wall skins take me back to Doom 2 days.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 35 - Edward Diego's Secret
Oh now what - teleportation? Instant reincarnation while somehow being able to keep all your inventory wasn't enough magic? They need to work FTL travel (and holodecks) in to the game to achieve maximum kitchen sink mode.
Edward Diego has been cyborged like the rest, OK, but looks curiously like a small cyber-demon from Doom.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 36 - Biohazard Area

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 37 - Process Failed
I'm on a tear now; I just want to get through this.
I was watching in 720 but it loads too slowly, so I'm down to 480. It's acceptable.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 38 - Maintenance Clear Up

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 39 - Jettison her damn virus
Shodan sounds a little like Max Headroom and a lot like what will become the standard crazy AI voice of the 2000s.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 40 - Antenna Mission begins
Finish one Fed-Ex sequence, start another.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 41 - Wire Puzzle

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 42 - Dont step on the mines

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 43 - Antenna the 3rd

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 44 - Schulers Plan

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 45 - Engineering becomes my grave
Rebecca Lansing's voice actor sounds like a mix of California and Mary Poppins.

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 46 - Exploring the Flight Deck

Joey's System Shock Commentary: Part 47 - Breaking through I.C.E. Defenses

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...