Wednesday, January 1, 2020

status 2020.01 - 2020.09...

Steam Winter Sale 2019 almost over. Sort by price, picking off by cheapest:
$4.99 Gunpoint Special Edition
$3.99 Gone Home + Original Soundtrack
{ Max Payne 1 + 2... still $3.50, already played, these can wait }
$4.48 World of Decadence (Age of Decadence + Dungeon Rats)
{ Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, a reviewer warns to get the 20th Anniversary edition instead... checking on GoG, no they don't have it either, but I see some sales I need to get in on }
$5.99 Transistor + Soundtrack
$7.19 Undertale - Game + Soundtrack Bundle
$8.99 L.A. Noire Complete Edition

I think that's enough for this sale.

On GoG, my wishlist... I have Serious Sam First and Second on Steam, removing those...
$3.79 Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Must play something other than GTA5 Online... how about L4D. Steam says haven't played since 2017.12.06. I believe it. Install...

Hardly recall playing L4D. Guess it didn't do much for me.
How about reinstalling another old classic, Team Fortress 2. Last Played 2015.10.31. Play Time 538 hours.
...five days later... no lasting memories of playing TF2 either.

About that TF2. I do recall playing some more a day or two later, and I figured out how to bring up my old list of favorite servers -- some of which were still online. Playing some large (32) games brought back that old feeling, of playing for your team instead of yourself. It was a good moment.

Steam sales.
$2.99 Dungeon Siege Collection (Includes 4 items: Dungeon Siege, Dungeon Siege II, Dungeon Siege III, Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun) {will i ever play these again? unlikely.}
$1.99 Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 {still haven't played the first one}
$2.99 Thief (2014) {still haven't played the 90s version!}

$8.39 This War of Mine: Complete Edition

Eye of the Beholder trilogy free on GoG. Why not.

Steam sale.
$1.97 A Bird Story + Soundtrack
$3.49 Finding Paradise
$2.99 SOMA
$3.74 The Walking Dead
$3.74 The Wolf Among Us
$1.99 Tooth and Tail
$1.49 Ultimate Doom
$1.49 Doom II
$1.49 Doom 3
$0.89 Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil

$3.89 Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers

Playing too much TF2; I'm at over 600 hours now.
It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't make it easy to mindlessly play all night.
Uninstalling will at least install a speed bump to make me think a second before wasting another entire night on it.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...