Saturday, March 24, 2012

check compass, update map

I recently went to a retro arcade (YesterCades) and it reminded me of a whole bunch of arcade titles to add to the Game List. I verify the dates on Wikipedia and MobyGames, and I can't help but load some up on YouTube, which only prompts the finding of even more games.

I found some recommendations for The Witcher, an RPG, I think, from 2007. I check Steam to see if its available - nice, not only is it available, but they fixed a silly censorship problem. It almost always pays to only play old games. Speaking of old games, Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics are available for six dollars, so I might as well have them in Steam. I was thinking about playing them once more but decided not to, because there's so much new stuff to cover.

Another sale item is the Jedi Knight Collection for $12. I don't think I've played any Star Wars game other than the arcade ones, mostly because movie tie-in games usually rely on their name instead of their quality for sales. I remember seeing the Dark Forces box when it came out and thinking that it was nothing more than a Star Wars mod for Doom. I ignored it, which is probably a shame, because I may have missed out on some interesting characters (Kyle Katarn, Mara Jade). I'll add the series to the game list, and maybe even read about them and watch playthroughs, but I don't think I'll be playing this series. I still plan on playing the Knights of the Old Republic series, though, because I've heard good things.

Deus Ex 1 and 2 are available for $5. I'll take them both even though Deus Ex 2 was an abomination. Then I see Thief 3: Deadly Shadows for $10; I don't even know if I have it already in the attic. I think I have at least one or two Thief titles, and I know I'm going to play them soon. Time to draw down the ladder...

status 2025

2025.01.01 Steam $3.99 Stellaris (2016) $4.99 Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (2016) $4.99 Okami HD (2017) $4.99 Resident Evil ...