Sunday, November 20, 2011

GTA3 San Andreas : shelved

I tried a few races, got frustrated, stopped. There's nothing left to do but well-designed but horribly repetitive twitch tasks, so I don't see much yield in continuing.

I was thinking of making a page here of my gaming notes, but they're not that interesting. For my own reference, they are in my Google docs as: "2011.10-11 game Grand Theft Auto GTA San Andreas 100%".

I'll just note some of the more useful things here (there will be minor spoilers):

invert mouse vertically, on -> off
also switch Jump (lshift) and Sprint (space)
turn off mouse steering to enable mouse camera movement while driving.

don't drive around the city working up cycling skill too much, start practicing the courier missions and BMX challenge sooner - they will up your skill.

use a Packer if you can't get that tricky half-pipe.

guide =

use marker as a guide to your next objective - this helps with just about anything as you can quickly glance at it and stay focused on the action.

weapon skill:
max out by shooting any cars in your garage; keep letting the door close and open to repair vehicles.

taxi mission:
across from the pizza place is a good place to make pre-emptive repairs.

firefighter mission:
use extra time to not get stars, keep referring to the map to plot your route.
becoming fireproof makes Molotovs a great weapon in territory wars, and makes some missions very easy.

paramedic missions:
make sure to stock up on body fat, because you will literally be starving near the end.

burglary missions:
can be done early to get infinite sprint, you don't have to grind stamina.
keep track of burglary money, its easy to lose count.
use the back and forth technique between neighbors for maximum yield.

vigilante missions:
before mission harvest lots (1000+) of assault and shotgun ammo. switch your AK to an M4. watch out for and grab a dropped shotgun so you can practice that up afterwards.
note and use bribe locations when you have time to spare to keep wanted level down.

they're too useful to put off - buy them as cash comes in, don't wait until later.
reliable place to remove wanted level.
frequent and easy saving prevents losses due to getting wasted, or game crashes.

use a sparrow (helicopter that can park on water) for fastest collection. there's one at the dam.
lung capacity is easy to max while getting oysters, spend extra time underwater, then recover in your helicopter while flying to next location.
stock up on fat, you will burn a lot of calories.
for the difficult oysters at the naval base - use a boat, grab oyster, drive across the bay to your Tierra Robada save point to lose the stars (speed up and drive your boat over land as far as it will go).

don't bother conquering much in the early game, it just doesn't generate that much income for the effort.
if going for max territories, start in the small territories, such as the one that's little more than the hotel courtyard, to more easily spawn enemies.

there are several missions that permanently remove weapons, don't spend too much time harvesting weapons and ammo unless you know you'll need it for the next mission.

guide =

listen to WCTR sometimes, especially after missions. it will have in-game reports on some of your activity.

driving skill:
don't bother grind it up too much, the driving school will give you big learning bonuses.

repair cars for max money, but if you want to save time drive carefully up the ramp, don't use crane.

always use the mp5 when possible, the tec/uzi are useless even at max skill.

frame limiter:
totally changes the physics of the game, trying flipping it on/off to see.
to finish mission Misappropriation had to set it to off.
i usually leave it on because with it off you can't strafe (wtf?), and even though it looks better graphically it doesn't feel right.

map =
i use this as background on my second monitor so i can always have it available as reference.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...