Saturday, January 25, 2025

big list update

Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old games new to me). I used to blame my old hardware, but there are many games on my bucket list that would run just fine on what I have. Now I can get new hardware, but that will still take some time to research, buy, build, and set up.
What is my bucket list; maybe I should start there. Some things are obvious, like RDR2, but there are long forgotten games like KOTOR that I could probably play now. Games like Arcanum and Vampire:TM I could have played years ago, even on my previous computer.
I'm also stuck on this notion of playing them all in chronological order. I thought maybe it could be something as simple as not wanting to go from modern graphics back to older graphics, but its not that; some of my favorite games are not even in 3D, or even just text. I think its more a sense of completionism, perfectionism, FOMO, and other negative traits.
I still want some kind of list. I have so many games on Steam and GoG, archived on disk, and on old media in the attic. It would be nice to know where which games are, what order they were release in, the ability to sort them by various criteria... of course, this all leads to a spreadsheet.
Exporting from Steam... not so easy. Same with GoG. There are scripts, but I don't want to run them (this old machine, with outdated OS and browsers, paranoia, etc.) I guess I could try building it from my blog updates from right here. After all, this is the other main video game I play: buying games on sale and listing them.

This a good time to reflect: I don't own any of these products. These are not things I possess, so much as have access to. Some things are more accessible than others. If I lose my Steam account, that leaves a huge hole. I stopped buying physical media years ago. This is why I have a GoG account, to download offline copies of things. But hardware fades, operating systems fade.
Best to play and enjoy these things while I can.

Gathering up annual status blog posts, going back in time those get less useful.
Of course there's the Big List page - that's going to be completely replaced by the spreadsheet. It was getting unwieldy years ago.

! note to myself while making list
working text: Z:\Z\personal\text\game\inventory\spreadsheet\
to do:
copy blog text into ss (done)
check ss against steam:
    have (w) [$NAME/games?tab=all&sort=name]
    wishlist (!)
    release date (!)
    pub, dev (!)
check ss against gog (as above)
check ss against physical
add franchise field (so can sort by that)
so far te only system fields that matter currently are Steam, GoG, and physical. maybe add other field, to list games that started on older systems, and to differentiate original vs emulate, list different dates, etc. or maybe 'most significant' field. For example, June's Journey runs on a windows system, but the most significant field would be iPadOS. but something like Asteroids or Space Invaders are significant as arcade and Atari 2600 (at least to me). maybe they should have separate listings, especially made more relevant if they came out in different years.
list sets (so it searchable) add note about what games it contains

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

status 2025

2025.01.01 Steam
$3.99 Stellaris (2016)
$4.99 Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (2016)
$4.99 Okami HD (2017)
$4.99 Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER (2015)
$4.49 Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration (2016)
$4.49 UnderRail (2015)
$3.99 Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition (2015)
$2.99 Back 4 Blood (2021)
$2.49 Grim Dawn (2016)
$17.99 Stray (2022)
$4.79 Strange Horticulture (2022)
$3.56 Vangers (1998)
$17.49 Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition (2023)
$1.99 Prince of Persia (2008)
$1.99 Batman Arkham Origins (2013)
$2.99 Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition (2016)

2025.01.02 GoG
$2.09 Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (1999)
$7.49 Star Trek: Elite Force II (2003)
$2.49 TRON 2.0 (2003)
$6.82 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Digital Deluxe Edition (2018)
$2.09 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
$3.99 Mad Max (2015)
$3.49 STAR WARS™: X-Wing Special Edition (1994)
$3.49 The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (2009)
$3.74 Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut (2014)
$4.19 Krush Kill 'N Destroy Xtreme (1997)

2025.01.17 GoG
$2.39 Riven (1997)
$2.49 Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (2006)
$2.49 Severed Steel (2021)
$4.99 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)

2025.01.19 Steam
$2.99 Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (2017)
$3.99 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (2016)
$4.99 What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)

2025.01.21 GoG
$3.74 Anno 1404: Gold Edition (2010)


2025.02.04 GoG
$4.99 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

remove all The Sims 3 dlc from mywishlist. It never goes below 9.99.

I've been waiting for Red Dead Redemption on PC forever, but the price is insultingly high for a mere port. And yet its the first thing I'm going to play when I get a new computer (so I can then play RDR2).
$39.99 Red Dead Redemption (2024 release of a 2010 game)
also, below the usual $4 threshold:
$3.99 Dead Space 2 (2011)

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...