Monday, February 13, 2012

Left 4 Dead : Zombie Genocidest

Finally finished Zombie Genocidest.

This means I'm done with single-player; there's nothing left I can do on my own. And there's not much else I can do in multi-player, as there are not many people playing online any more.

I'll leave it installed; I might come back, as it is good clean mindless fun, and easy to get back into. But then, there's always TF2 for that, and there's almost always a good online game going on.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Steam: purchased PvZ, X-COM

Plants vs Zombies was available for $1.99 from Steam, why not. Might as well get X-COM: UFO Defense; its on the to-do list, and only $4.99

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fallout 3 New Vegas : coming soon

It's there on the horizon, like a mountain range I know I will some day climb. I spent a few hundred hours on Fallout 3, and I expect to spend the same on Fallout New Vegas.

Much like the "GTA 3" is succeeded by "Vice City" ('GTA 3 Vice City'), I think of Fallout 3's successor to be 'Fallout 3 New Vegas', even though they just call it "Fallout New Vegas". I hate it when a series mixes numbering and naming systems (like Windows).

Anyway, soon. Just a little bit more Real Life crap to flush, then we're going to be at the base of that mountain range, looking up.

big list update

2025.01.25 Another year of no real progress. All I play are the same old games (Starcraft, etc.) to kill time; nothing new (or even just old...